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    • 期中模拟卷(四)-(2022)新北师大版高中英语高一上学期必修第一册
      • 必修1 期中模拟检测卷(四)2021—2022学年高一英语北师大版(2019).docx--点击预览
      • 必修1 期中模拟检测卷(四)参考答案 2021—2022学年高一英语北师大版(2019).docx--点击预览
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2021202120222022 学年高一英语北师大版学年高一英语北师大版(2019)(2019)必修必修 1 1 期中模拟检测卷期中模拟检测卷( (四四) )第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)分) 略略第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)分)第一节第一节 (共(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AChina has 410K 5G base stationsChina built 257,000 new 5G base stations in the first half of the year, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT).Shipments of 5G phones reached 8623 million units in China, with 5G package users hitting 66 million by the end of June, said Wen Ku, head of information and communication at the ministry.To give full play to the commercialization of 5G, more policies should be implemented (执行) to boost the vitality of the market, Wen said, adding that international cooperation in 5G technology, industry and application should be strengthened.AG600 seaplanes test flightKunlong, Chinas homegrown AG600 large amphibious aircraft, conducted its first sea-based test flight on Sunday morning, marking a new milestone in the program.The AG600 is Chinas second amphibious aircraft, after the SH-5, which was developed in the 1970s for military purposes and has been retired for a long time.These specifications (规格) make it the worlds biggest amphibious aircraft, surpassing Japans ShinMaywa US-2 and Russias Beriev Be-200.Once in service, it will put an end to the absence of a large rescue aircraft in China and will be very useful in the national emergency rescue and disaster relief systems.Beidou products land abroad According to Ran Chengqi, director general of China Satellite Navigation Office, Beidou has been constantly deepening its compatibility (兼容性), interoperability and cooperation with the US GPS, Russias GLONASS and the EUs Galileo. It has also entered international organizations of civil aviation, maritime affairs, search and rescue satellites and mobile communication.BDS-based services have been successfully applied in land mapping, precision farming, digital development and smart port construction in member countries of ASEAN, South Asia, Eastern Europe, West Asia and Africa.21. What can we learn from this passage?A. The total number of 5G phones has reached a new level.B. Kunlong, unlike SH-5, is not just for military purposes.C. Technologies mentioned above need more cooperation with others.D. BDS-based services have been provided for users in many countries.22. Which of the following is most probably related to agriculture?A.5G phones B. BDS-based services C. AG600 seaplane D. Beriev Be-20023. If your friend did a course in marketing management, he may choose a job in a _.A.5G technology related market B. large amphibious aircraft C. BDS-based project D. China Satellite Navigation OfficeBRay is a physical education teacher at Central Algoma Secondary School. This year, most of their classes were remote due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One day, Ray was talking to his daughter Sadie, who was set to graduate. The school was planning to have teachers hand-deliver diplomas(毕业证) to each students home, but Sadie asked her dad if she could receive hers on a nearby outdoor stage instead. “I said, Sure, Ill do that. No problem. Is there anybody else who would like to receive their diploma on the stage?”Ray said. “And she said, Yeah, everybody would like to get their diploma on the stage.”Moved, the creative dad got to work to make it happen not just for his daughter, but for all of the graduating seniors! He spent about six hours one weekend building a portable stage that he could pull behind his truck. He then got permission from the school, and they eagerly agreed to help make his mobile graduation mission a success. “Its such an important event for so many people. It was almost like the first win that weve had in a year and a half after being beaten down,” Ray said. “We finally get to do this one thing that well remember for the rest of our lives.”Over the course of two days in late June, Ray traveled over 250 miles to give 72 graduates their big moment!Joel Lamoureux was one student who received his diploma on the portable stage. His mom, Krissie Lamoureux said the experience felt relaxed and easy while still providing an important photo opportunity for this milestone in their lives. “It was extremely personal,” she added. “Its really hard as a parent to watch your child graduate from a distance and not be able to really be a part of anything.”All of the students were grateful to Ray and the school for creating a safe way to celebrate their accomplishments.24. What inspired Ray to create the stage?A. The COVID-19 pandemic.B. His daughters hope.C. The schools permission.D. The graduates request.25. What can we infer from Rays words in Paragraph 5?A. He has won the competition.B. He has experienced many failures.C. His work is highly thought of.D. His work is of great significance.26. Whats Krissie Lamoureuxs feeling about Rays stage?A. Satisfied.B. Jealous.C. Appreciative.D. Comfortable.27. Whats the best title of this text?A. A Teacher Builds a Portable StageB. A Different Celebration Is on ShowC. A Personal Work Gains PopularityD. A Teacher Helps Deliver DiplomasCTake a look inside a high school classroom. You will most likely find a teacher at the front of the class and students sitting at their desks. Yet, look closer, and you might notice a familiar scene: many of these students are not paying attention. Instead, they are dozing off (打盹) or even completely asleep.Today, the majority of high school students are not getting enough sleep. This lack of sleep is a serious problem, especially as students are doing more than ever with their time. They come to school early, spend hours listening to teachers and taking tests, then run off to practices and meetings, and come home to be faced with even more work. And the homework load these days is not light; teachers give hours worth of homework each night.Most kids need at least nine hours of sleep per night in order to function properly. Yet the period of this nine hours shifts as a child gets older. After puberty (青春期), the bodys internal clock changes so that it is difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11 p.m. So even if a student falls asleep at eleven, they would need to sleep until at least 8 a.m. to get a full nights sleep. Considering the time at which most high schools in this country begin, those nine hours are clearly being shortened. Few high schools start after 8 a.m.However, there are schools that have paid attention to this research and pushed backward the start of their school day. In schools where the start time is after 8:30 in the morning, the teachers believe that there has been a real change in their students. They note that the students miss class less, pay more attention in class, perform better in class, and report lower levels of depression (沮丧). The researchers of these studies say that the results are quite important and that more schools should consider pushing backward their start time of their school day.28. Which of the following would the author agree with?A. High school students must go to bed before 10 p.m.B. High schools should begin their school day at a later time.C. Most schools should push forward the start of their school day.D. Kids should shorten their sleep time gradually as they grow older.29. The second paragraph mainly discusses _.A. why high school students should get more sleepB. whats life like for high school students at presentC. why high school students feel sleepy in the classroomD. how to lighten high school students homework load30. The underlined word “shifts” probably means “_”.A. arrives B. reduces C. increases D. changes31. How do the teachers feel about the results from pushing backward their school day?A. Disappointed. B. Satisfied. C. Puzzled. D. Surprised.DMany cars in advertisements and on exhibition in the United States are red, blue or green, but almost 75 percent of new cars sold in the United States are black, white, silver or gray.Les Jackson is a reporter who writes about cars. He says the colors of cars Americans choose do not show dirt. He says that means the owners wash their cars less in order to save money. And he notes some areas that are suffering from water shortages do not permit people to wash their cars often.Dan Benton works for a company called Axalta, which makes supplies for international car makers. He says white cars are often sold more expensive than cars of other colors. And he notes that white cars “absorb(吸收)less energy” than cars of other colors. This means temperatures inside them are lower in warmer areas. Benton also says research at Monash University in Australia suggests that there is a lower risk of crashes during the day for white cars compared with darker ones.Car buyers in other countries also like white. Jane Harrington works for PPG Industries, a company that makes paint for cars. She said in China, buyers say white makes a small car look bigger.About 11 percent of cars sold in North America are red and 8 percent are blue. Green has become less popular. Benton notes that in the mid-1990s green was the most popular color in North America. Today, green is hard to find.Sometime in the future, people may not have to choose the color of their cars technology may let owners change their cars paint color anytime.32. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. Most Americans dont like red cars.B. People in America are not allowed to wash their cars.C. Many people prefer to choose white cars in America.D. Americans may consider the cost of cleaning when choosing cars.33. Why do many people choose white cars?A. They are much cheaper than cars of other colors.B. They are much safer while crashing.C. They are bigger than cars of other colors.D. They are more comfortable inside in warmer areas.34. What do we know from the text?A. Les Jackson is a member of Axalta.B. Most Americans rarely wash their cars.C. Green cars were once popular in North America.D. PPG Industries mainly produces cars in China.35. What does the text mainly tell us?A. Choices of car colorsB. How to buy a good car.C. Differences of car colors.D. Popular car colors in history.第二节第二节(共共 5 小题小题;每小题每小题 2 分分,满分满分 10 分分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。Getting along with people can be tough. The following are some suggestions that can help you in some way. Accept human nature. Humans make mistakes. People arent always nice. They also have all of the problems that you have in your life. 36 This is important to remember when youre trying to get along with people who are very difficult or seem to be ignoring you; everyone is just doing the best that they can. 37 People are all very different: thats what makes life interesting. And just like people are all different, the world is also very complex. Every situation is different, always. Just because someone doesnt make the choice that you would make or just because they take a less efficient or smart path to get where theyre going doesnt make them wrong. Practice forgiveness. Forgive people when they do make mistakes. Sometimes you just have to stop and give people the benefit of the doubt (to believe someone even though you are not sure whether what the person is saying is true). They might really be sorry or they might really not know that what they did was bad. 38 Keep an open mind. Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. 39 For example, when people invite you to parties, really consider going instead of just brushing the invitation aside because you dont think theyre serious. Do something together. 40 You can work together on a project for school or work. You can also try a new activity together. These activities will give you more to talk about and lots of chances to interact and get to know each other.A. Think about what your words really say.B. Respect that there are lots of effective choices.C. Everyone is dealing with their own set of problems.D. Doing things together is a great way to deal with people and make friends.E. You have to forgive them so that you can move on to happier feelings.F. You might think that they hate you but they might be honestly trying to be nice to you.G. Even when someones making you mad, thank them for their effort to help or their suggestions.第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用语言知识运用(共两节,满分共两节,满分 45 分分)第一节第一节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Spelling was sort of my superpower. I wasnt a math or science guy, but I could chew and 41 books.“Your word is onomatopoeia,” said the announcer. On the stage of “School Bee Competition”(拼字大赛),my brain fast-forwarded to the spelling bee competitions ahead: first the county championship, then the state, and finally the national spelling bee. I glanced back at Alexa,who wanted another chance at 42 . If I missed this word, shed be 43 in the game. But that wouldnt happen. Chin up, shoulders back, I 44 my throat,“O-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-a.” I 45 it.The trophy(奖杯)was presented to me. I shouted onstage, “I am the alpha-best.” Surprisingly, my sister, Deandra, 46 her eyes. “Youre a terrible winner.” Deandra made a 47 face. “Alexa tried to shake your hand but you 48 ,” I didnt 49 at all. “Anyway,I won the school bee.”“Dont be 50 . Youll soon be facing the best of the best in the county bee.”“Will they 51 me? I am the alpha-best with no efforts at all.” After six rounds, the number of students 52 from more than 100 to just seven and I was one in the seven. If I had been given words like aerospace or conical, Id make 53 already. Unfortunately, I crashed with the word maestro at last. I stood 54 for the longest moment.The final winner acted the exact 55 of mine. He accepted his 56 with a small bow, and then shook hands with the runner-up (亚军). I got to know Deandras words 57 . I 58 to Alexa, “Im sorry I was so impolite when I won.” “How was the county bee?” Alexa asked. “A disaster.” “If you need a study 59 for next time, Im happy to help.” “Really? Lets 60 on it, partner.” “Better late than never,” Alexa said, shaking my hand.41.A.prefer B.make C.write D.digest42.A.winning B.announcing C.listening D.supporting43.A.in B.out C.away D.back44.A.dried B.cleared C.closed D.choked45.A.hit B.got C.made D.did46.A.opened B.closed C.wiped D.rolled47.A.happy B.sour C.cheerful D.painful48.A.ignored B.missed C.accepted D.doubted49.A.answer B.care C.regret D.decline50.A.proud B. upset C.anxious D.frustrated51.A.admire B.pass C.influence D.match52.A.jumped B.rose C.decreased D.spread53.A.concern B.efforts C.promises D.history54.A.harmed B.devoted C.frozen D.addicted55.A.role B.way C.behavior D.opposite56.A.trophy B.word C.hand D.effort57.A.took place B.made sense C.came out D.caught up58.A.related B.occurred C.contributed D.apologized59.A.partner B.teacher C.classmate D.brother60.A.rely B.rest C. shake D.base 第二节第二节(共共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 15 分分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A material can be really special when it was named after the place wh
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