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M7 U1 词汇讲解+练习Part 1 单词拓展1. barely /beli/ adv. 刚好;仅仅,勉强可能; 几乎不;刚才 拓展:当 never, seldom, few, little, barely, hardly, scarcely, rarely, no, not 等含有否定意义的副词及其构成的短语放在句首,句子要用部分倒装,即把 be 动词/情态动词/助动词提至主语前面。2. appointment /pntmnt/ n. 约定,约会; 任命,委任;职务 拓展:appointment n. 约会;预约;任命,委任appoint vt. 任命;委派;指定;约定appointed adj. 指定3. make ones fortune 发财 拓展:fortune n. 大笔的钱,财富;运气fortunate adj. 幸运的fortunately adv. 幸运地【反】misfortune n. 不幸unfortunate adj. 不幸的;令人遗憾的unfortunately adv. 不幸地;令人遗憾地4. reliable /rlabl/ adj. 可信赖的,可依靠的;拓展: *rely vi. 依靠,依赖,信任,信赖reliable adj. 可依靠的,可信赖的【同】depend vi. 依靠,依赖,信任,信赖 5. worthwhile /wwal/ adj. 值得花时间(或 花钱、努力等),重要的,令人愉快的 (2) 拓展:*worthy adj. 配得上的worth adj. 值worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花费时间/金钱的【反】worthless adj. 没有价值的;没有用的 练习:词条搭配意义和用法worthwhileIts worthwhile doing.Its worthwhile to do.值得做be worth+n.值得,值worthbe worth doing“某事值得被做”,要用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。表示“很值得被做”用副词well修饰be worthy of+n.应得worthybe worthy of being donebe worthy to be done“某事值得被做”,接动名词时of 后要用动名词的被动式; 接不定式时,worthy后要用不定式的被动式。worthy 作定语时,表示“有价值的,值得尊敬的”。【即时训练】. 语境串词(1)This article is well _ reading, but it is not _ of being translated.So I feel that all your efforts arent _.(worth). 语法填空(2)I think your outstanding performance is worthy of _(praise)(3)(2019全国卷满分作文)Staff and students from different clubs will stage singing, dancing and drama performances, which are well worthy _(watch).(4)The question is not worth _ again and again.(5)_ is worthwhile buying/to buy the reference book, because it is a great help for your study【参考答案】 (1)worth worthy worthwhile (2)being praised (3)to be watched (4)discussing (5)It6. outline /atlan/ vt. 概述,略述 n. 概述;轮廓线,略图 (3) 拓展:outline n. 提纲,概要;轮廓线,略图【同】sketch n. 素描;略图;梗概7. criminal /krmnl/ n. 罪犯 adj. 犯法的,犯罪的;刑事的;不道德的 (3) 拓展:crime n. 犯罪 criminal adj. 犯罪的 / n. 犯人8. innocent /nsnt/ adj. 无辜的,清白的,无罪 的;天真无邪的,纯真的 n. 无辜者 拓展:innocent adj. 清白的;无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的innocence n. 清白;无辜【反】guilty adj. 有罪的guilt n. 有罪9. legal /lil/ adj. 合法的;法律的 拓展:illegally adv. 非法地illegal adj. 非法的legal adj. 合法的legally adv. 合法地10. principle /prnspl/ n. 道德原则;法则; 信条 拓展:principle n. 原则,法则;道德原则,行为准则【联】principal n. 校长 adj. 最重要的,主要的11. guilty /lti/ adj. 感到内疚的,感到惭愧的; 拓展:innocent adj. 清白的;无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的innocence n. 清白;无辜【反】guilty adj. 有罪的guilt n. 有罪 练习:find sb. guilty 判决某人有罪be guilty of (doing) sth. 犯(过失等)feel/be guilty about 对感到内疚自测默写guilt n. 罪行,内疚【即时训练】语法填空(1) He was found _(guilt) and sentenced to three years in prison.(2) Sam was proved to be guilty _ murdering an eight-year-old girl.(3) I felt guilty _ visiting my parents so rarely because I was occupied with some extra work on the weekend.(4) Finally, the criminal admitted his _(guilty) after the police educated him.【参考答案】(1)guilty (2)of (3)about (4)guilt12. ashamed /emd/ adj. 惭愧,羞愧,尴尬 (7) 拓展:ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的shameful adj.令人惭愧的,令人羞愧的shame n. 羞愧 【反】proud 13. forgive /fv/ vt. & vi. (forgave, forgiven) 原谅,宽恕;免除(债务) 拓展: *forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕forgiveness n. 原谅,宽恕 forgive (forgave, forgiven) vt.原谅,宽恕forgive sb. sth.原谅某人某事 forgive ones doing sth.原谅某人做了某事 forgive sb. for (doing) sth.原谅某人(做了)某事 forgive and forget 摒弃前嫌 自测默写【即时训练】. 语法填空 We forgave him _ being rude as he was so young. Tom forgave his little sister for _ (destroy) his toy car. Please forgive my _ (interrupt) your conversation. 完成句子(4)After the argument the boys decided to_ (摒弃前嫌). (5) 请原谅我以前你在中国期间我做得不对的地方。Please _ what I did wrong before during your stay in China. 【参考答案】for destroying interrupting forgive and forget forgive me for14. cheat /tit/ vt. 欺骗,蒙骗 vi. 作弊,舞弊 拓展: cheat v. 欺骗;作弊 n. 骗子;欺诈行为【同】fool vt. 欺骗,愚弄 n. 傻瓜foolish adj. 傻的trick n. 骗局;玩笑;恶作剧;戏法;把戏;诀窍 vt. 欺骗;欺诈15. disappointed /dspntd/ adj. 失望的, 沮丧的 拓展:disappointed adj. 失望的disappointing adj. 令人失望的disappoint vt. 使失望disappointment n. 失望16. pretend /prtend/ vi. & vt. 假装;装扮,扮作; 自诩,自认为 pretendError!自测默写【温馨贴士】to do 根据动词不定式的动作发生时间运用不同的形式:to do 表示经常或将来 to be doing 表示正在进行 to have done 表示过去或完成【即时训练】语法填空 (1) She pretended _(do) her homework when her mother came in.(2)(20196 月浙江高考满分作文)When I am faced with difficulties in English learning, I wont pretend_(know) it, but turn to you.(3) We cant go on pretending _ everything is OK.【参考答案】to be doing to have known that17. *anchor /k(r)/ n. 锚;给以安全感的人(或物) vi. & vt. 抛锚;使固定 (11) 拓展:be anchored in 基于 18. mercy /msi/ n. 仁慈,宽恕at the mercy of sb/sth 任处置,对 无能为力 拓展: at the mercy of 任由摆布;受支配show mercy to 对表示怜悯have mercy on 对表示怜悯ask/beg/plead for mercy 请求/乞求/祈求宽恕Its a mercy.幸运的是merciful adj. 怜悯的,宽容的,仁慈的mercifully adv. 怜悯地自测默写【即时训练】完成句子 小船的马达出现故障之后,他们只能任由天气的摆布。After the boats motor failed, they were only _ the weather. (20196 月浙江高考)你心地善良,总是对那些身陷困境中的人心生怜悯。 You are kind and always _ those in trouble.【参考答案】(1)at the mercy of (2) show mercy to 19. guidance /adns/ n. 指导;导航 拓展:guidance n. 指导;引导guide v. 指导;带领; n. 导游;指南20. discouraged /dskrdd/ adj. 灰心的 (12) 拓展:discourage vt. 使灰心;劝阻discouraged adj. 沮丧的,灰心的discouragement n. 气馁,失望【反】encourage vt. 鼓励encouragement n. 鼓励courage n. 勇气Part 2:Reading 词汇练习1. It was _(刚刚好)好) ten oclock at night. 2. In the doorway of a store stood a man, with an unlit _(雪茄烟) in his mouth.3. Its an _(约约定)定) made twenty years ago.The light showed a pale 4. face, with _(敏(敏锐锐的)的) eyes, a square _(下巴)(下巴) and a little white _(伤伤痕)痕) near his right _(眉毛)(眉毛). 5. His _(围围巾巾夹夹) was a large _(钻钻石)石), oddly set. 6. The next morning I was to leave New York and travel to the West to _(发财发财).7. “Well, we kept in touch for a year or two, and then we _(失去(失去联联系)系). I came a thousand miles to stand in this 8. doorway tonight, and its_(值值得的)得的) if my old partner turns up.About twenty minutes later, a tall man 9. in a long overcoat, with _(衣(衣领领) turned up to his ears, hurried toward him.10. “_(祝福)(祝福) my heart!” cried the new arrival. “Well, well, well! Twenty years is a long time! How has the West treated you, old man?” “It has given me everything I asked it for. Youve changed lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were tall by two or three_(英寸)(英寸).” 11. The two men walked up the street, _臂挽着臂). 12. The man from the West was beginning to _(概述) the history of his career. 13. “As I _(疑有,觉得), youre not Jimmy Wells,” he said, impatiently with anger. “Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change the shape of a mans nose.” 14. “Youve been _(被逮捕) for ten minutes, Silky Bob. Chicago police thought you might have dropped over our way and_( 给(某人)打电报) us. 15. When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw it was the face of the _(罪犯)wanted in Chicago. _(不过,总之) I couldnt arrest you myself, so I got a plain-clothes man to do the job. JIMMY.” Grammar 词汇练习16. What complicates the issue is the _(负担)of history.17. The_(主要的,核心的)activities of local authorities were reorganized.18. Riskily, hes decided to _(辞职)19. He regularly donates _(大量的) sums of money to local charities.Integrated skill 词汇练习20. Naturally, we were very _(人感到失望的).21. Not even their diehard supporters can_(假装) that this was a great game.22. The skin around her eyes was beginning to _(起皱纹).Reading 答案:1. barely; 2. cigar; 3. appointment; 4. keen,jaw; scar;eyebrow; 5. scarfpin, diamond 6. make fortune 7.lost contact 8. worthwhile 9. collar 10. Bless ; inches 11. arm in arm ; 12. outline; 13. suspected; 14. arrested; 15. criminal; Anyhow Grammar 答案: 16. burden; 17. core; 18. resign; 19. substantial Integrated skill 答案:20disappointed;21pretend;22wrinkleM7 U2 词汇讲解+练习Part 1 单词拓展1. react vi. 作出反应,回应拓展:react vi. 作出反应,回应reaction n. 反应,回应reactive adj. 反应的;起反应的【同】 respond v. 回答;作出反应response n. 反应;回答2.gentle adj. 温柔的,平和的拓展:gentle adj. 温柔的,平和的gently adv.温柔地;温和地petent adj. 能干的;胜任的拓展:competence n. 能力,胜任;技能,本领competent adj. 能干的;胜任的4. obtain v. 获得;赢得拓展:【同】obtain/acquire/gain vt. 获得,得到5. account for.的原因 account n. C描述,叙述;解释,说明;账户 vt. 认为 vi. 解释;占拓展: account for 说明原因;做出解释;占比例on account of 由于;因为自测默写on no account 绝不take account of/take.into account 考虑take.into consideration 考虑take no account of 对不加考虑【温馨贴士】on no account 意为“决不” ,放在句首时常引起句子的部分倒装,有类似用法的短语还包括:by no means, in no way, in no case, on no condition, under no circumstances, at no time 等。【即时训练】I. 语法填空(1)(2018全国)According to the World Bank, China accounts _ about 30 percent of total global fertilizer consumption.(2)The flight was postponed _ account of bad weather.II. 完成句子(3)(2019天津)这位教授警告学生们,在他的课堂上,决不应该使用手机。The professor warned the students that on no account _ mobile phones in his class.(4)Everything_ (考虑), the plan is quite practical.(5)The poor weather may have _ (是的原因) the small crowd.(6)She retired early _ (由于) her health.(7)The company_(考虑) environmental issues wherever possible. 【参考答案】 (1)for (2)on (3)should they use (4)taken into account (5)accounted for (6)on account of (7)takes account of 6. approve v. 赞成,同意approval n. 赞成,同意; 批准,通过拓展: 自测默写give ones approval to 批准approve of (ones) doing.赞同,支持(某人)做approve (doing) sth.批准(做)某事【温馨贴士】approve 作“批准”讲时,常用作及物动词;作“赞成”讲时,常用 approve of。【即时训练】语境串词His father showed his to his way to solve the problem by smiling while his mother did not of his carrying out the plan.【参考答案】 (1)approval(2)approve7. prefer vt. 更喜欢 preference n. 偏爱;倾向;优先权 preferable adj. 更好的, 更可取的;更合意的 拓展: 自测默写prefer to do/doing sth. 更喜欢做prefer sb. to do.喜欢/宁愿某人做prefer+that-clause 宁愿(从句用“(should+)动词原形”)和相比更喜欢? . . . . . .做宁愿做而不做preference n. 偏爱;喜爱have a preference to 优先考虑in preference to 优先于【即时训练】. 同义句转换She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.(1) (用 prefer doing.改写句子) (2) (用 would rather do.改写句子) (3) (用 would do.改写句子) 【参考答案】 (1) She preferred going with us to staying behind.(2) She would rather go with us than stay behind.(3) She would go with us rather than stay behind. 语境串词My brother _(宁愿)to be home early, but I _(宁愿在外面玩)He_(宁愿)stay at home_(而不愿)_go out. I tell him that you_(偏爱)English but you shouldnt overlook other activities, which can help you gain experience.【参考答案】 (1) prefers(2) prefer to play outside (3) prefers to; rather than(4) have a preference for /prefer to study English/prefer studying English8. embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的拓展:embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的embarrassment n. 窘迫,尴尬9. intention n. U,C意图;目的;企图have no intention to do sth./of doing sth. 无意做某事with the intention of 抱有目的;打算without intention 无意中;不是故意地by intention 故意地intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事be intended for 专为设计had intended to do sth./intended to have done 本打算做某事自测默写【温馨贴士】intend,hope,expect,mean,plan,suppose,want 等表示“打算” , “希望” , “预料” ;“计划” , “想”的动词,它们的“过去完成时动词不定式” “一般过去时完成时不定式” ,意为“原本打算/ 希望/想” 。【即时训练】. 语境串词(1)I never _ things to turn out the way they did and I had left with the _ of finding a better job for her.(intend). 语法填空(2)Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasnt intended him. (3)I intended (join) in a Dragon Boat Training Camp. (4)The law (intend)to protect young and impressionable viewers. (5)Peter _(intend)to take a job in business, but gave up.(同义句转换)(6)Peter intended a job in business, but gave up. 【参考答案】 (1)intended intenyion (2)for(3)to join/joining(4)is intended (5)had intended (6)to have taken10. correspond vi. 通信;相一致,符合;相当于拓展: 自测默写correspond to/with 和相符,与一致correspond with 与通信correspond to 与相当/相称correspondence n. 通信,通信联系;关系,联系correspondent n. 记者,通讯员corresponding adj. 相应的,由此引起的;相似的;相符合的;对应的correspondingly adv. 相应地【即时训练】.语境串词1.在他们初次见面之前,他已经和她通信联系好几年了。 但在她母亲去世后,她停止了和他的通信。He had been in with her for several years before they firstly met. But she stopped with him after the death of her mother.【参考答案】 (1) correspondence(2) corresponding2.With the disposable chopsticks and the fall in tree, the environment has been damaged.(correspond)【参考答案】 (1) corresponding(2) correspondingly. 完成句子(1)(新概念三第57课时)他所看到的与他所期望看到的完全不相符。Nothing he saw what he had expected to see.(2)(新概念三第45课时)如果你的预测与真实的足球比分相符,你就能赢很多钱。If your predictions real football scores, you can win lots of money.【参考答案】(1) corresponded to(2)correspond to11. behave vi. & vt. 表现拓展:behave oneself 守规矩;举止有礼behave well/badly (towards sb.) 举止良好/糟糕(对某人)well-behaved adj. 表现好的badly-behaved adj. 表现差的behaviour n. U行为;举止;态度自测默写【即时训练】语境串词We were surprised to find that the most naughty boy whose _ was always bad in our class was _ himself on the special occasion and acted as a well-behaved gentleman.(behaviour)【参考答案】 behaviour behaving 12. tolerate vt. 容忍;允许拓展: 自测默写tolerate doing sth. 忍受做某事tolerant adj. 忍受的;忍让的be tolerant towards/to sth./sb. 对容忍/宽容; be tolerant of sb./sth. 对容忍/宽容tolerance n. 容忍, 忍受, 宽恕toleration n. 容忍, 忍受, 宽容【即时训练】语境串词一些专家认为 我们应该用包容一些无心之过,但是决不能包容犯罪者,因为如果我们包容了他们的非法交易,这个世界就会一片混乱。换句话说,我们对于违法行为决不能容忍。In some experts opinion, we should be _ of some unintentional offense, but hold zero_ to criminals, because if we _ their doing illegal business, the world will be in a mess. In other words, we should never be _ deeds that violate the law.【参考答案】 tolerant of; tolerance; tolerate; tolerant towards13.oppose vt. 反对,抵制,阻挠;与竞争拓展: 自测默写oppose A against/to B 使 A 与 B 相对抗oppose doing sth.反对做某事be opposed to 反对(=object to)as opposed to 与相对照【温馨贴士】短语 be opposed to 中的 to 是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。【即时训练】.语境串词许多人赞成这个计划。 然而,其他人强烈反对执行这项计划。 现在,反对该计划的人被要求提出更好的计划。Many people are in favor of the plan. However, others are strongly to carrying out this plan. Now, those the plan are requested to put forward better ones.【参考答案】 (1) opposed(2) opposing. 完成句子(外研版新教材必修第三册)“白画”在唐代的文字中用来描述用水墨作底纹的单色画,与全彩画相对照。Baihua is used in Tang texts to describe monochrome painting with ink shading, full colour painting.【参考答案】as opposed to Part 2 单词练习1. I _(作出反应) to that thing to express my attitudes.2. Your _(反馈)is of great significance.3. This clothes doesnt _(适合)me.4. It is hard to _(达成协议)with the boss.5. _(坦诚的)as the promise is, it is difficult to make it come true. 6. _(摩擦)is hard to avoid. 7. The boy is charming due to his _(共情).8. Your _(同情。赞同)doesnt matter.9. I feel extremely_(尴尬的)to finish this task. 10. I _(表现)myself in the party. 11. I cant _(忍受) the situation like this. 12. You should be optimistic instead of being _.(悲观的)答案;1. react 2.feedback 3. suit 4. negotiate 5. Straightforward 6. Friction 7. empathy 8. sympathy 9. embarrassed 10. behave 11. tolerate 12. pessimistic M7 U3 词汇讲解+练习Part 1 单词拓展1. superior n. 上级,上司 adj. 更好的,更高的拓展:superior n. 上级,上司 adj. 更好的,更高的【反】inferior n. 不如别人的人; 级别(或地位)低的人 adj. 较差的;次的; 级别低的;较低的【联】senior adj. 年长的;地位高的;高年级的 n. 年长者;高年级学生【反】junior adj. 年少的;地位低的 n. 年少者;地位低者归纳拓展be superior to.比高明/高级be superior in在方面占优势be inferior to.低于be senior to.比年长/资历深be junior to.比年幼/资历浅superiority n. 优越(性);优势自测默写【温馨贴士】superior, inferior, senior, junior 这四个词均无比较等级,如表示比较,用介词 to。【即时训练】I. 单句语法填空1. (2016 浙江卷) In other words, gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even _ (superior).2. People love spreading information and sharing opinions not because they think their thoughts are superior _ others. 3. They finally lost the game, because their opponents are superior _ strength. 【参考答案】 1. superiority 2.to3. inII. 同义句转换My brother is three years older than I.My brother _ _ _ me by three years. 【参考答案】 is senior to2. prejudice n. 偏见,成见; vt. 使怀有(或形成)偏见拓展:prejudice n. 偏见,成见; vt. 使怀有(或形成)偏见prejudiced adj. 有偏见的,有成见的;偏颇的,偏心的3.consult vt. 咨询;请教拓展:consult vt. 咨询;请教consultant n. 顾问;高级医生或专家【同】enquire/ inquire v. 咨询3. respective adj.各自的拓展:*respect n. & vt. 尊敬,敬重respectf
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