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选择选择性必修二性必修二 U4 Living with technology句子填空:句子填空:1. Science fiction becomes a _ (real) with the development of science and technology.2. Imagine _(wake) up one morning with the option of staying in bed and pressing a button _ (send) a robot to do all the work for you.3. _ (give) the rate at which artificial intelligence, or AI, is being developed, in the future, such dreams many actually come true.4. At the basic level, artificial _ (intelligent) is a branch of computer science that aims _ (create) intelligent machines.5. One of the essential aims of AI is _(develop) computer intelligence capable _ learning from experience, adjusting _ new inputs and performing tasks like humans.6. To achieve this aim, many approaches to _ (create) true AI have been put forward, _ (include) “deep learning”, _enables a machine to improve its own _ (perform) by learning from the results of its previous actions.7. Deep-learning AI has the _ (capable) to analyse massive amounts of data through multiple layers, _ (imitate) the complex networks of the human brain.8. Years before the term “artificial intelligence” _ (coin) in the mid-1950s, the theory _ (explore) by Alan Turing, one of the _ (pioneer)in the field of computer science.9. Then in 2017, a computer _ (name) AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, arguably the best human Go player.10. AI has an unlimited number of _ (apply).11. _ is clear that we are _ a turning point in history.12. Would thinking machines work alongside humans or _ (threat) the existence of humans? 13. As we become more and more _ (depend)on computers, some scientists are urging us _ (think) about the dangers _ (pose) by advances in AI.14. _ (apparent), we need to make sure that we will not fall victim _ AI.15. We should not be too _ (greed) and rather be careful _ we wish for!16. _(face) recognition technology, with its capacity to analyse a huge amount of data, has come _ widespread use.17. It offers a quick and cool alternative _ traditional passwords, and you cannot forget your own face!18. _ theory, networks which use our own body as passwords should also be _ (safe) from hackers and better protect us from _(identify) theft that those that use traditional passwords.19. Experts have been giving warnings about this technology, _ (say) it may not be as good as we think.20. Moreover, there is _(grow) concern that we might fall victim to this technology, as there are cases _ hackers have broken into facial recognition systems by using peoples social media photos to build models of their faces.21. _ (fly) around on their own, drones have already been used for photography, _ (science) research and military operations.22. Delivery drones, _ the name suggests, are used to deliver goods.23. It can _ (predict) that before long many people will be using drones to deliver _ (day) supplies like food and drink.24. There can be no _ (deny) that the technology will have a huge impact _ everyday life.25. When passenger drones are flying above our cities in large _ (quantity), the sky will be getting more and more crowded.26. Drones cause much trouble for airlines as some of them fly near airports, posing a threat _ planes that are taking _ or landing.27. As more people will be using drones for photography in _ future, some might spy _ and take photographs _ others without their knowledge.28. The time capsule, _ (bury) 50 feet below the ground in a park, was designed _ (open) in the year 6939.29. Youve been working _ the forefront of developments in virtual reality for many years.30. When you wear a VR headset _ (equip) with sensors and a screen, you are surrounded by three-D images, sounds and other sensory information.31. Though you know the sensory information _ (surround) you is not real, part of your brain believes it is.32. Academic VR enables students to interact _ others in a three-D environment.33. By delivering the content in a meaningful way, this new approach _ learning manages to engage students interest _ enhance learning _ (efficient).34. The applications can be expanded to make _ easier to visualize data such as engineering projects and a _ (various) of other design developments.35. What about its uses for _ (high) developed technical industries such as medicine?36. Surgeons are already using _ (robot) technology with VR to perform complex surgery.37. It really boils down _ three thingstime, cost and technical limitations.38. Just trying to figure out how to do what we want in terms _ technology will prove _ (challenge) in some areas. 39. _ (consider) there are so many challenges to deal with, are you still optimistic _ the future of VR? 40. When _ (talk) about VR, we should keep _ mind its quick rate of evolution.41. Indeed, we are only limited by our _ (imagine).42. _ excites me the most is that young people today are digital citizens who are comfortable _ technology.43. Theyre well equipped to become part of a technological generation that will develop and use VR to do things we might think _ (possible) today.44. Does it annoy you to see cars blocking the road _ weeds when you are travelling?45. _ (feature) a state-of-the-art touchscreen and a virtual three-D globe which is constantly updated by our satellite above the earth, the InstaTrip watch makes _ easy to pick exactly where you want to go.46. All this technology does not come _ the expense of fashion.语法填空:语法填空:5G, as the name indicates, refers to fifth-generation mobile networks or wireless systems. _ (compare) with previous generations of technology, 5G technology has several distinct characteristics. It can transmit data at much greater speed than 4G technology and connect a host of devices at the same time. It also has low latency, which means a decease _ the response time between a device and the network it is connected to.These characteristics enable 5G to have various _ (practice) applications, such as in smart cities, self-driving vehicles and health care. The Internet of Things (IoT), _ brings together billions of connected smart devices, will get a major boost from 5G. As a result, civil management, like that of power and water, will operate much more efficiently, _(save) more energy. Self-driving vehicles will find it easy to monitor and respond _ traffic situations more quickly and efficiently as they are connected with each other and with roadside infrastructure, thus ensuring safe driving. Also, using 5G technology, health care providers will be able to monitor patients and gather _ (mass) amounts of data more easily, changing the focus from disease treatment to disease prevention._ (apparent), this new generation of wireless technology will transform peoples lives. In the hope of realizing _(it) full potential, countries from around the world are conducting research on 5G technology. And China is one of the _ (lead) countries in this field.书面表达:书面表达:I. 假设你是高中生李华,某英文报正在举办主题为“给未来的自己”的征文活动。请你给 2050 年的自己写一封信,并向该报投稿。Dear Li Hua in 2050, Im writing to tell you something about my life. Advanced technology has completely changed the way I live. Let me take high-speed rail (HSR) for example.Branded as a “name card” for China, HSR appeals to the world with its unparalleled convenience. People can reach the destination by train within hours while it could have taken days in the past. Besides, the tickets are accessible and affordable to ordinary people. With an ID card, passengers do not even need paper tickets any more.I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think you will have more quick and easy means of transportation. No matter how far you go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, you can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere in outer space. People may live in other planets.How are you doing recently? Looking forward to your replay. Yours, Li HuaII. 假如你是晨光中学的李津,为配合学校的科技月活动,你校英语社团的微信公众号开展征文活动。要求同学们写一篇英语短文,介绍我国科学家设计的一款生活型智能机器人。现请你投稿,文章内容包括:1.简要介绍这款生活型智能机器人。2.谈谈这款生活智能机器人的功能(至少写 2 点)3.说明生活型机器人的意义。注意:注意:1. 词数不少于 100 2. 可适当加入细节,使得内容充实,行文连贯 3. 开头已经给出,不计入总词数Here I would like to introduce a new type of intelligent household robot to you.In recent years, an intelligent robot, powered by solar energy which is environmentally-friendly, has been designed to provide everyday assistance in our life by scientists in our country.So many powerful functions does this intelligent robot have that it can help us in various ways. Firstly, it can do all the housework, such as cooking, washing and cleaning windows, as a result of which, people can be freed from heavy labour. Whats more, if used appropriately, the robot is capable of taking good care of the elderly and the sick, lightening the burden of their family members care for them. Of course, youll also take advantage of this robot by not only communicating with it but surfing the internet through it to collect amounts of information. Not to mention it can even entertain you if it accepts voice commands, playing songs.Theres no doubt that the creation of this intelligent robot shows the rapid development of science and technology of our country. Im firmly convinced it will be a big helper in a family, making life more convenient and Im looking forward to the life with this robot.选择选择性必修二性必修二 U4 Living with technology句子填空:句子填空:1. Science fiction becomes a _ (real) with the development of science and technology.2. Imagine _(wake) up one morning with the option of staying in bed and pressing a button _ (send) a robot to do all the work for you.3. _ (give) the rate at which artificial intelligence, or AI, is being developed, in the future, such dreams may actually come true.4. At the basic level, artificial _ (intelligent) is a branch of computer science that aims _ (create) intelligent machines.5. One of the essential aims of AI is _(develop) computer intelligence capable _ learning from experience, adjusting _ new inputs and performing tasks like humans.6. To achieve this aim, many approaches to _ (create) true AI have been put forward, _ (include) “deep learning”, _enables a machine to improve its own _ (perform) by learning from the results of its previous actions.7. Deep-learning AI has the _ (capable) to analyse massive amounts of data through multiple layers, _ (imitate) the complex networks of the human brain.8. Years before the term “artificial intelligence” _ (coin) in the mid-1950s, the theory _ (explore) by Alan Turing, one of the _ (pioneer)in the field of computer science.9. Then in 2017, a computer _ (name) AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, arguably the best human Go player.10. AI has an unlimited number of _ (apply).11. _ is clear that we are _ a turning point in history.12. Would thinking machines work alongside humans or _ (threat) the existence of humans? 13. As we become more and more _ (depend)on computers, some scientists are urging us _ (think) about the dangers _ (pose) by advances in AI.14. _ (apparent), we need to make sure that we will not fall victim _ AI.15. We should not be too _ (greed) and rather be careful _ we wish for!16. _(face) recognition technology, with its capacity to analyse a huge amount of data, has come _ widespread use.17. It offers a quick and cool alternative _ traditional passwords, and you cannot forget your own face!18. _ theory, networks which use our own body as passwords should also be _ (safe) from hackers and better protect us from _(identify) theft than those that use traditional passwords.19. Experts have been giving warnings about this technology, _ (say) it may not be as good as we think.20. Moreover, there is _(grow) concern that we might fall victim to this technology, as there are cases _ hackers have broken into facial recognition systems by using peoples social media photos to build models of their faces.21. _ (fly) around on their own, drones have already been used for photography, _ (science) research and military operations.22. Delivery drones, _ the name suggests, are used to deliver goods.23. It can _ (predict) that before long many people will be using drones to deliver _ (day) supplies like food and drink.24. There can be no _ (deny) that the technology will have a huge impact _ everyday life.25. When passenger drones are flying above our cities in large _ (quantity), the sky will be getting more and more crowded.26. Drones cause much trouble for airlines as some of them fly near airports, posing a threat _ planes that are taking _ or landing.27. As more people will be using drones for photography in _ future, some might spy _ and take photographs _ others without their knowledge.28. The time capsule, _ (bury) 50 feet below the ground in a park, was designed _ (open) in the year 6939.29. Youve been working _ the forefront of developments in virtual reality for many years.30. When you wear a VR headset _ (equip) with sensors and a screen, you are surrounded by three-D images, sounds and other sensory information.31. Though you know the sensory information _ (surround) you is not real, part of your brain believes it is.32. Academic VR enables students to interact _ others in a three-D environment.33. By delivering the content in a meaningful way, this new approach _ learning manages to engage students interest _ enhance learning _ (efficient).34. The applications can be expanded to make _ easier to visualize data such as engineering projects and a _ (various) of other design developments.35. What about its uses for _ (high) developed technical industries such as medicine?36. Surgeons are already using _ (robot) technology with VR to perform complex surgery.37. It really boils down _ three thingstime, cost and technical limitations.38. Just trying to figure out how to do what we want in terms _ technology will prove _ (challenge) in some areas. 39. _ (consider) there are so many challenges to deal with, are you still optimistic _ the future of VR? 40. When _ (talk) about VR, we should keep _ mind its quick rate of evolution.41. Indeed, we are only limited by our _ (imagine).42. _ excites me the most is that young people today are digital citizens who are comfortable _ technology.43. Theyre well equipped to become part of a technological generation that will develop and use VR to do things we might think _ (possible) today.44. Does it annoy you to see cars blocking the road _ weeds when you are travelling?45. _ (feature) a state-of-the-art touchscreen and a virtual three-D globe which is constantly updated by our satellite above the earth, the InstaTrip watch makes _ easy to pick exactly where you want to go.46. All this technology does not come _ the expense of fashion.语法填空:语法填空:5G, as the name indicates, refers to fifth-generation mobile networks or wireless systems. _ (compare) with previous generations of technology, 5G technology has several distinct characteristics. It can transmit data at much greater speed than 4G technology and connect a host of devices at the same time. It also has low latency, which means a decease _ the response time between a device and the network it is connected to.These characteristics enable
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Unit Revision单元复习-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册 revision 单元 复习 温习 牛津 译林版 高中英语 选择性 必修 第二
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