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附:原材料It was Saturday morning. Auggie Gottlieb came out of his house. He had been the leader of the neighborhood boys since the previous one retired at the age of twelve. He then went out to the middle of the street and whistled. Soon two boys came running to the corner. Now the gang was together - Auggie Gottlieb, the leader, Nickie, and Lionel.When Nickie asked Auggie where to go, he suggested stealing some apricots (杏子), if ripe, from the Hendersons. Its wrong to steal, Lionel said. Not apricots, Auggie shouted. Then the boys started off for Hendersons. Instead of going by way of streets and sidewalks, they crossed empty lots, and climbed over fences. They wanted to get there the adventurous way.From a distance of about one hundred yards, the boys stopped to admire the famous apricot tree - pretty and very big. It stood in the corner of Hendersons backyard.At the same time, Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight - always satisfying the boys by appearing at the last minute and scaring them. Well, look at that! he said to himself. Here they come. Slowly, now. Hah - hah, he laughed.He watched the boys as Auggie instructed, directed, and led the attack. The boys surrounded the tree cautiously. They hoped the apricots were ripe. But they were afraid, too. Afraid of Henderson, and guilt, and afraid the apricots werent ripe yet.Are you going to climb the tree? Nickie asked. Who else? Auggie pursed his lips, proposing to see if the apricots were ripe. Now, the gang was almost under the tree. Already ripe yet. . Nickie shouted! Yes, Ill get it. Now, you two stand guard. 续写段落:With that, Auggie dashed to the tree. Immediately he swung up into it on one of its lower branches. He studied the branches of the old apricot tree, green with fine young leaves. The apricots were all very big, yellow, and obviously very ripe. While the gang watched with fascination, amazement, and admiration, Mr. Henderson stepped out of the house onto the back-porch steps with a hidden smile. He had been hiding outside some place, waiting to take the boys by surprise. “Auggie!” Nickie shouted, “Henderson!” Away he fled with Lionel. Auggie bounced around in the tree, hung from a branch, and then dropped to the ground. “Ouch! That hurts!” He cried with much pain. “Are you OK, boy?” Mr. Henderson patted him on the shoulder. “Sorry. We, we wont do that again.” Auggie stumbled, lowering his head. “Satisfied!” Mr. Henderson laughed, “Next time you can visit me from the front door. And I have prepared some sweet apricots for those admitting mistakes.” Task 1. Exposition or description?1. When Hassan was crying, I tried my best to comfort her. ( )2. Later, in the dark, after the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, sobbing. Tears were sliding down her checks. I reached across my seat, threw my arm around her, pulled her close. ( )Task 2. Appreciation and imitation.1. Appreciation: actions 动作的丰富性动作的丰富性Examples:1.Instead of going by way of streets and sidewalks, they crossed empty lots, and climbed over fences.2.At the same time, Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight - always satisfying the boys by appearing at the last minute and scaring them.Technique of description 1. 三连动三连动(3verbs) Examples:1.He watched the boys as Auggie instructed, directed, and led the attack. 2.Auggie bounced around in the tree, hung from a branch, and then dropped to the ground.Practice: She hid the gift for her mother.Avoiding being seen by her mother, she _(溜进溜进) into her bedroom. Then, she _(打开打开) the closet, _(放放)the gift on top of her clothes, and _(覆盖)(覆盖) it with her big yellow straw hat. 2. Appreciation: feelings 情感表达的多样性情感表达的多样性Example: The boys surrounded the tree cautiously. They hoped the apricots were ripe. But they were afraid, too. Afraid of Henderson, and guilt, and afraid the apricots werent ripe yet.Practice: She was happy to have the gift in time. She _(紧紧抓住)the gift_ (cautious) and felt like _(欢天喜地). She _(希望) her mother would be _(惊喜)to see the gift. But she was _, too. _ that her mother would not like the gift.Technique of description 2. 主句主句+“with +n.”Examples:1. He cried with much pain.2. Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight.3. While the gang watched with fascination, amazement, and admiration, Mr. Henderson stepped out of the house onto the back-porch steps with a hidden smile.Practice: Mum opened the gift.Mum looked at me with _. She untied the gift with _ and _. When she saw whats inside, she stand up to kiss me with _(眼里闪烁着泪花).升级版:主句+with+宾语+宾语补足语(with 的复合结构)3. Appreciation: not just “said”“说说”的多样性的多样性Examples:1.Its wrong to steal, Lionel said. Not apricots, Auggie shouted.2.Here they come. Slowly, now. Hah - hah, he laughed.3.Are you going to climb the tree? Nickie asked.4.“Ouch! That hurts!” He cried with much pain.5.“Sorry. We, we wont do that again.” Auggie stumbled, lowering his head.Technique of description 3: use other words to replace “said”.For example, you could substitute:criedstumbledremarkedlaughedexclaimedreportedcommented whisperedshouted sighedscreamed barkedmurmured yelledPractice:1.“Do you like it,do you like it?” I_ excitedly. 2.“Yes, I love it so much and Ill keep it with me, ” _my mother.3.“But, how can we afford such expense?” she _.4. Appreciation: Nonfinite verbs as adverbial 非谓语动词作状语非谓语动词作状语Examples:1.He had been hiding outside some place, waiting to take the boys by surprise.2.Auggie stumbled, lowing his head.Technique of description 4:非谓语动词作状语非谓语动词作状语“-ing /-ed/ to do ”Practice:1.I want to give Mum a surprise. I hid the gift in the closet, _(want)to give Mum a surprise.2.Mum was delighted.Mum was delighted, _(smile) sweetly.3._(被我的行为感动)Mum hugged me tightly.4. _(为了不被妈妈看见), she sneaked into her bedroom. Summary:1. 动词三连(动词三连(verb1+verb2+and verb3)2. 主句主句+with 复合结构复合结构3. 用其它词代替用其它词代替“said”4. 非谓语动词非谓语动词“-ing/-ed/ to do” Task 3: Description of a scene 情节:我打算悄悄进门把礼物藏起来,结果却被妈妈发现。情节:我打算悄悄进门把礼物藏起来,结果却被妈妈发现。 Mum asked: “What are you doing, sweet heart? Whats that you are hiding ?”_Task 4: Homework:1.Polish your writing.2.choose a person, a scene, a moment etc. and create a detailed and vivid description. 读后续写:如何通过描写让故事更生动以高二期中考试读后续写文本为范本By CindyTeaching objectives:1.tell the difference between exposition and description;2.appreciate and imitate examples of description sentences;3.write a scene using techniques of description.Lead -in:Problems in continuation writing: Too much exposition(叙述) Lack of description(描写)What is description? 丁往道等编著的英语写作手册 (2016)P116、P133中对于描写的定义为:Description is painting a picture in words of a person, place,object,or scene. A description essay is generally developed through sensory details, or the impressions of ones senses - sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. 即描写是通过对各个感官的 细节描述来刻画人、事与物。Exposition(叙述) or description? 1. When Hassan was crying, I tried my best to comfort her. 2. Later, in the dark, after the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, sobbing. Tears were sliding down her checks. I reached across my seat, threw my arm around her, pulled her close.expositiondescription1.actions 动作的丰富性2.feelings 情感表达的多样性3.Not only “said”说的多样性4.Nonfinite verbs as adverbial非谓语动词做状语Appreciation and imitation: Examples:1. Instead of going by way of streets and sidewalks, they crossed empty lots, and climbed over fences.2. At the same time, Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight - always satisfying the boys by appearing at the last minute and scaring them.1.Appreciation:actions 动作的丰富性Tip: 用丰富的动词来描述动作行为 Examples:1. He watched the boys as Auggie instructed, directed, and led the attack. 2. Auggie bounced around in the tree, hung from a branch, and then dropped to the ground.Technique of description 1. 三连动(3verbs) Practice: She hid the gift for her mother. Avoiding being seen by her mother, she _(溜进) into her bedroom. Then, she _(打开) the closet, _(放)the gift on top of her clothes, and _(覆盖) it with her big yellow straw hat. Imitation: Avoiding being seen by her mother, she sneaked into her bedroom. Then, she opened the closet, put the gift on top of her clothes, and covered it with her big yellow straw hat. Example: The boys surrounded the tree cautiously. They hoped the apricots were ripe. But they were afraid, too. Afraid of Henderson, and guilt, and afraid the apricots werent ripe yet. Practice: She was happy to have the gift in time. She _(紧紧抓住)the gift_ (cautious) and felt like _(欢天喜地). She _(希望) her mother would be _(惊喜)to see the gift. But she was _, too. _ that her mother would not like the gift.2.Appreciation:feelings情感表达的多样性She held on to the gift cautiously and felt like walking on air. She hoped her mother would be surprised to see the gift. But she was afraid, too. Afraid that her mother would not like the gift. Tip: 用不同类别的词来表达情感 Examples:1. He cried with much pain.2. Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight.3. While the gang watched with fascination, amazement, and admiration, Mr. Henderson stepped out of the house onto the back-porch steps with a hidden smile. Technique of description 2. 主句+“with +n.” Practice: Mum opened the gift. Mum looked at me with _. She untied the gift with _ and _. When she saw whats inside, she stand up to kiss me with _(眼里闪烁着泪花). 升级版:主句+with+宾语+宾语补足语(with的复合结构)Imitation: Mum looked at me with surprise. She untied the gift with caution and delight. When she saw whats inside, she stand up to kiss me with tears shining in her eyes. Examples:1. Its wrong to steal, Lionel said. Not apricots, Auggie shouted.2. Here they come. Slowly, now. Hah - hah, he laughed.3. Are you going to climb the tree? Nickie asked.4. “Ouch! That hurts!” He cried with much pain.5. “Sorry. We, we wont do that again.” Auggie stumbled, lowering his head.3. Appreciation: not just “said”“说”的多样性 For example, you could replace “said with: criedstumbled(结结巴巴地说)remarkedlaughed exclaimed(惊呼) reported commentedwhispered(耳语) shouted sighed screamed barked(咆哮) murmured (嘀咕)yelled (大叫) replied roared(吼叫)Technique of description 3: use other words to replace “said”.Practice: 1. “Do you like it,do you like it?” I_ excitedly. 2. “Yes, I love it so much and Ill keep it with me,” _my mother.3. “But, how can we afford such expense?” she _.exclaimedrepliedsighed Examples:1. He had been hiding outside some place, waiting to take the boys by surprise.2. Auggie stumbled, lowing his head.4.Appreciation: Nonfinite verbs as adverbial非谓语动词作状语 Technique of description 4:非谓语动词作状语“-ing /-ed/ to do ”Practice: 1.I want to give Mum a surprise. I hid the gift in the closet, _(want)to give Mum a surprise.2.Mum was delighted. Mum was delighted, _(smile) sweetly.Imitation: wantingsmiling Practice:3. _(被我的行为感动),Mum hugged me tightly.4. _(为了不被妈妈看见), she sneaked into her bedroom. Not to be seen by her mother,Moved by what I had done for her 1.动词三连(verb1+verb2+and verb3)2. 主句+with复合结构3.用其它词代替“said”4.非谓语动词“-ing /-ed/ to do”SummaryHave a try: 情节:我打算悄悄进门把礼物藏起来,结果却被妈妈发现。 Mum asked: “What are you doing, sweet heart? Whats that you are hiding ?” _“” I + 说(no said)+表情+心跳 如my heart beat wildly+低头+眼神+肢体 如with a panic /an expression of .如looking at Mum nervously/with my eyes fixed to the floor如kept my head down如trembled with a shaking hand/with my palm sweatingMum asked: “What are you doing, sweet heart? Whats that you are hiding ?”“Oh,Its Its nothingjust my homework”I stumbled with a panic, looking at Mum nervously. I managed to hide the gift behind my back with my palm sweating. My heart beat wildly. “I need to finish it as soon as possible” I turned around, ran into my bedroom and closed the door quickly.Assignment1.Polish your writing2.choose a person, a scene, a moment etc. and create a detailed and vivid description (looks, feelings, actions, surroundings ) 课 题:读后续写:如何通过描写让故事更生动以高二期中考试读后续写为范本备课人:李婉 备课时间: 2020.11.18 授课人:李婉 授课时间: 2020.11.25 教学目标:1.tell the difference between exposition and description;2.appreciate and imitate examples of description sentences;3.write a scene using techniques of description.重点难点:Imitate examples to write description sentences.教 学过程:一、话题导入What is description?二、区分叙述(exposition)与描写(description)TaskTask 1.1. ExpositionExposition oror description?description?1. When Hassan was crying, I tried my best to comfort her. ( )2. Later, in the dark, after the movie had started, I heard Hassan next to me, sobbing. Tears were sliding down her checks. I reached across my seat, threw my arm around her, pulled her close. ( )三、欣赏期中读后续写范本,学习描写技巧1)1)Appreciation:Appreciation: actionsactions 动作的丰富性动作的丰富性Examples:Examples:1.Instead of going by way of streets and sidewalks, they crossed empty lots, and climbed over fences.2.At the same time, Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight - always satisfying the boys by appearing at the last minute and scaring them.TechniqueTechnique ofof descriptiondescription 1.1. 三连动三连动(3verbs) Examples:Examples:1)1)HeHe watchedwatched thethe boysboys asas AuggieAuggie instructedinstructed, , directeddirected, , andand ledled thethe attack.attack. 2)2)AuggieAuggie bouncedbounced aroundaround inin thethe tree,tree, hunghung fromfrom a a branch,branch, andand thenthen droppeddropped toto thethe ground.ground. Practice:Practice: SheShe hidhid thethe giftgift forfor herher mother.mother. AvoidingAvoiding beingbeing seenseen byby herher mother,mother, sheshe _(_(溜进溜进) ) intointo herher bedroom.bedroom. Then,Then, sheshe _(_(打开打开) ) thethe closet,closet, _(_(放放)the)the giftgift onon toptop ofof herher clothes,clothes, andand _(覆盖)(覆盖) itit withwith herher bigbig yellowyellow strawstraw hat.hat. 2)2) Appreciation:Appreciation: feelingsfeelings 情感表达的多样性情感表达的多样性 Example:Example: The boys surrounded the tree cautiously. They hoped the apricots were ripe. But they were afraid, too. Afraid of Henderson, and guilt, and afraid the apricots werent ripe yet. PracticePractice: She was happy to have the gift in time. She _(紧紧抓住)the gift_ (cautious) and felt like _(欢天喜地). She _(希望) her mother would be _(惊喜)to see the gift. But she was _, too. _ that her mother would not like the gift.TechniqueTechnique ofof descriptiondescription 2.2. 主句主句+“with+“with +n.”+n.”Examples:Examples:1.He cried with much pain.2.Mr. Henderson was watching their coming in the room with fascination and delight.3.While the gang watched with fascination, amazement, and admiration, Mr. Henderson stepped out of the house onto the back-porch steps with a hidden smile.Practice:Practice: Mum opened the gift.Mum looked at me with _. She untied the gift with _ and _. When she saw whats inside, she stand up to kiss me with _(眼里闪烁着泪花).升级版:主句+with+宾语+宾语补足语(with 的复合结构)3)3) Appreciation:Appreciation: notnot justjust “said”“said” “说说”的多样性的多样性Examples:Examples:1.Its wrong to steal, Lionel said. Not apricots, Auggie shouted.2.Here they come. Slowly, now. Hah - hah, he laughed.3.Are you going to climb the tree? Nickie a
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