(2020)新北师大版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册Unit7 Careers Lesson 3 ppt课件.rar


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选择性必修三 UNIT 7 CAREERS (6) LESSON 3 MEET THE NEW BOSS: YOU (1)Be What You Wanna Bedoctor, actor, lawyer or a singerwhy not president, be a dreameryou can be just the one you wanna bepoliceman, fire fighter or a post manwhy not something like your old manyou can be just the one you wanna be Activity 1 Activate and share 1. Have you ever thought about your dream jobs? What do you want to do?2. Have you ever considered doing the same job as your parents?3. What do you think are the typical features of careers in the past? Features of careers in the past * to follow in ones parents footsteps* to stay at one job* to keep a job for the entire working life* to work in the same field What about in the future?Technology Meet the New Boss: You Activity 2 PredictionYou are going to read an article about future careers. Loot at the title of the lesson. Tick () the topics that you think will be mentioned. How jobs and occupations will change How to become an employerHow to adapt to the new job trendsHow to avoid losing your job in the futureActivity 3 Read and check your predictionHow jobs and occupations will change How to become an employerHow to adapt to the new job trendsHow to avoid losing your job in the futureThe article is mainly about: Activity 4 Read for main idea & structure1. Figure out what this article mainly talks about.2. Divide this article into several parts and summarise the main idea of each part.Activity 4 Read for main idea & structure1. Figure out what this article mainly talks about.The article mainly talks about how jobs and occupations will change in the future, and how to better adapt to the new job trends and become the boss of our own career. Activity 4 Read for main idea & structure2. Divide this article into several parts and summarise the main idea of each part.Up till the 1980s, people in many countries regularly followed in their parents footsteps by working in the family business or joining the same profession as them. Youd follow your father to sea, onto the farm or into the workshop. Youd follow your mother into the kitchen or sewing room. /Paragraph 1In your grandparents time, there was the prospect of doing the same job from graduation until retirement. / How times have changed! Most people now have no intention of following in their parents footsteps or even staying at one job for very long. /Part 1: “followed in their parents footsteps”Part 2: “doing the same job”Part 3: “have changed”Key words of each part in paragraph 1: The genre of the text:ArgumentationIn fact, planning to work in the same field or industry for your entire working life just isnt practical anymore. One reason for this is technology. The skills you have now are unlikely to remain relevant and be enough to help you through your entire career. In fact, they will probably be out of date very soon. Paragraph 2And then what will you do? Work hard? Win the lottery? Hope for the best? You might be lucky. These strategies might bring you a nice, comfortable life: working at a job you like, earning a decent salary and retiring while youre still young and healthy. But most of us today have to look beyond the little box called “career”. Paragraph 2be out of date: (adj.) old fashioned and no longer useful 过时了lottery: A lottery is a type of gambling game in which people buy numbered tickets. Several numbers are then chosen, and the people who have those numbers on their tickets win a prize. 抽彩给奖法;碰运气的事Paragraph 2 vocabularyParagraph 2 vocabularydecent: of a good enough standard or quality 相当好的,像样的e.g. a decent job, a decent placeretire: to stop doing your job, especially because you have reached a particular age or because you are ill/sicke.g. She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health. (令)退职;(使)退休If you think you can work eight hours a day and build a career, think again. You might be able to keep your job if you finish what you are asked to do, but this is hardly a recipe for greater career success. Instead, youd better keep looking for smarter ways to do your work.Paragraph 3Youll need to be a risk taker, an innovator, a problem solver, and a hard worker. Keep doing this, and you can become an expert or a specialist in something one day. You have a chance to choose to build a career, rather than being told to stay or to go.Paragraph 3Jobs and occupations come and go at an amazing pace these days. If you think you cant be replaced by software, or your job cant be outsourced to some robots on the moon, you are wrong. What if your job disappears after working for 10 years in the field?Paragraph 4You may have to go back to the classroom and be retrained in order to qualify to work in another field. In fact, in all likelihood, you will have to do this multiple times. But you can be prepared for developments and changes before youre thrown out of a career. It is entirely your choice to learn, or to be forced to learn. Paragraph 4In short, if you want to succeed in a 21st century career, you will have to develop new essential skills. Lifetime security from one employer is no longer certain or even likely. The truth is that you are the boss of your career, and it is up to you to decide what you can do and how well you can do it. Are you ready for this?Paragraph 5outsource: to arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company 外包,外办throw sb out: to force sb to leave a place 撵走,轰走essential: completely necessary; extremely important in a particular situation or for a particular activity 极其重要的;最基本的Paragraphs 4 & 5 vocabularySummary Contrast between past and present jobs (Para. 1)Jobs in the future and preparations required (Para. 2-4)How to succeed in a 21st century career (Para. 5)Activity 5 Read for details Jobs in the past:sJobs in the future How to succeed in a 21st century career.sWrong assumptionsReasonsYou should Jobs in the past:You could do the work your parents did.Jobs in the future:Wrong assumptionsReasonsYou should You can work in the same field or industry for a long time.Technology will change.stay up to date with technology.Jobs in the future:Wrong assumptionsReasonsYou should You can work eight hours a day and build a career.It will not bring career success.become an expert or a specialist in something.Jobs in the future:Wrong assumptionsReasonsYou should You cant be replaced by software, and your job cant be outsourced to robots.Jobs disappear.be prepared for developments and changes before you are thrown out of a career.Activity 6 Think and share 1. In paragraphs 2-4, the writer discusses some of the wrong assumptions. Why does the writer do this?2. Why does the writer think the “new boss” is you?Activity 6 Think and share 1. In paragraphs 2-4, the writer discusses some of the wrong assumptions. Why does the writer do this?The writer uses this way to emphasise what is wrong and invite readers to pay more attention to what he or she says about the real trend in the future. Activity 6 Think and share The writer discusses some of the wrong assumptions in order to make the readers reflect and realise that what common people think at present will no longer be true in the future and that they have no other choices but to walk out of their comfort zone and be their own boss. Activity 6 Think and share 2. Why does the writer think the “new boss” is you?The author stated clearly at the end: If you want to succeed in a 21st century career, you will have to develop new essential skills. Lifetime security from one employer is no longer certain or even likely. Activity 6 Think and share The truth is that you are the boss of your career, and it is up to you to decide what you can do and how well you can do it. This means that you are responsible for your future. Activity 7 Role-play interviewSuppose you are Eric, the Director of Human Resources in an international company. A local radio station wants to invite you to talk about jobs in the future and how we can adapt to the new job trends. Work in pairs and prepare for the radio program. 1 student as the interviewer 1 student as the director (I: Interviewer D: Director)I: Our radio station this week is on jobs, and we have invited the Director of Human Resources from an international company. Eric, thank you for coming.D: Thanks for inviting me.I: As far as I know, a lot of young people in our country have their own career plans. So would you please share your views on future jobs with us and give us some advice about how to adapt to the new job trends?D: Right. Because of the fast development of information technology, half of current jobs will be taken over by Artificial Intelligence within 15 years.D: Therefore, planning to work in the same field or industry for your entire working life just isnt practical anymore. As such, wed better keep looking for smarter ways to do our work and develop new essential skills to be prepared for developments. I: Thank you for sharing. Your advice is very helpful.1. Adaptability and flexibility: the skills that equip you for any challenge2. Analytical skills: the ability to make sense of data3. Commercial awareness: it is how the industry fits together4. Communication skills: the skill that sustains information flowWhat should we do to adapt to the career changes?5. Creativity: fresh thinking is of great importance6. Emotional intelligence: a secret ingredient for career success7. Influencing skills: inspiring confidence in others8. Leadership and management: prove you are more than an entry-level hireWhat should we do to adapt to the career changes?Activity 8 Summary of the lessonIn this lesson, we have1. talked and read about career trends from the past and for the future;2. understood specific information and had critical thinking about new job trends.Write a letter to help your classmate out“A recent discussion with my parents drove me crazy. My father spent the whole night persuading me to follow in his footsteps and work at the bank. But my mother believed that I should explore a career on my own. What should I do?” Li MingHomeworkWrite a letter to help your classmate Li Ming out. Give your suggestions. LESSON 3 MEET THE NEW BOSS: YOU (2)Activity 1 Summarise the articleIn the past, people in many countries regularly _ by working in the family business or _ as them. However, changes have taken place since the 1980s.Activity 1 Summarise the articleIn the past, people in many countries regularly _ by working in the family business or _ as them. However, changes have taken place since the 1980s.followed in their parents footstepsjoining the same profession Activity 1 Summarise the articleTo start with, planning to work _ for your entire working life isnt practical any more. Besides, for great career success, its almost impossible for you _ and build your career. Lastly, there is potential risk that your work can be replaced by software or some robots.Activity 1 Summarise the articleTo start with, planning to work _ for your entire working life isnt practical any more. Besides, for great career success, its almost impossible for you _ and build your career. Lastly, there is potential risk that your work can be replaced by software or some robots.in the same field or industry to work eight hours a day Activity 1 Summarise the articleAll these changes require you _ if you want to succeed in a 21st century career. Activity 1 Summarise the articleAll these changes require you _ if you want to succeed in a 21st century career. to develop new essential skills Activity 2 Express yourself* What jobs may be replaced by AI in the future?* What kind of jobs will be increasing in the next 10 years? Have a prediction.* How should we face the job trends?The first ten jobs that AI may replace: (prediction)1. Sales and marketing researchers2. Insurance adjusters3. Security guards4. Truck drivers5. Consumer loan underwriters 消费者贷款担保人The first ten jobs that AI may replace: (prediction)6. Financial and sports journalists7. Bookkeeper and financial analysts8. Fruit pickers9. Investment professionals 10. Radiologists 放射科医生Top ten job roles in increasing: (prediction)1. Data analysts and scientists2. AI and machine learning specialists3. Big data specialists4. Digital marketing and strategy specialists 5. Process automation specialistsTop ten job roles in increasing: (prediction)6. Information security analysts7. Software and application developers8. Internet of things specialists9. Project managers 10. Database and network professionalsHow should we face the job trends?AI is powerful and adaptable, but it cant do everything that humans do. AI cannot create, conceptualize, do complex strategic planning, or undertake complex work that requires precise hand-eye coordination. AI cannot interact with humans “exactly like humans”, with empathy, human-human connection, and compassion. How should we face the job trends?A new round of scientific, technological, and industrial revolutions are reshaping the world domain of innovation and global economic structure. The impact of science and technology on a countrys future and the peoples wellbeing has never been so profound as today.How should we face the job trends?Therefore, we need to be a risk taker, an innovator, a problem solver, and a hard worker. And we are the boss of our career. It is up to us to decide what we can do and how well we can do it. Activity 3 Collocations What is collocation?A combination of words in a language that happens very often and more frequently than would happen by chance 词组,组合,搭配Knowing collocation in English will help you predict the next word a speaker will say.Activity 3 Collocations (P16, Ex. 6)Find verbs in the article to complete the collocations.1. _ in ones parents footsteps2. _ the same profession3. _ the lottery4. _ a decent salary5. _ a career6. _ new essential skillsActivity 3 Collocations (P16, Ex. 6)Find verbs in the article to complete the collocations.1. _ in ones parents footsteps2. _ the same profession3. _ the lottery4. _ a decent salary5. _ a career6. _ new essential skillswinjoinfollow earnbuilddevelopActivity 4 Complete the sentences (P16, Ex. 6)1. John _ and became a sailor.2. Mary is determined to _ in banking after she graduates from university. 3. You have to _ to stand out in the competitive job market.Activity 4 Complete the sentences (P16, Ex. 6)1. John _ and became a sailor.2. Mary is determined to _ in banking after she graduates from university. 3. You have to _ to stand out in the competitive job market.followed in his fathers footsteps build a careerdevelop new essential skills Activity 4 Complete the sentences (P16, Ex. 6) 4. You must keep learning and work hard, instead of daydreaming to _.5. He _ of $200,000 a year. 6. Tom _ as his mother to become a teacher.Activity 4 Complete the sentences (P16, Ex. 6) 4. You must keep learning and work hard, instead of daydreaming to _.5. He _ of $200,000 a year. 6. Tom _ as his mother to become a teacher.win the lottery earns a decent salaryjoined the same profession Ac
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