Unit 4 Extended Reading -Language Points语言点 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册.rar


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Unit 4 Scientists who changed Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world the world( Extended reading)( Extended reading)【版本:译林册别:必修三】1使有风险/ 冒风险2换句话说;换个说法3献身于 / 致力于某事4某人对某物熟悉5使某人能做某事6归功于;使值得赞扬7提供某物给某人8激励某人做某事9使某人失望put at riskput another waysth be familiar to sbenable sb to do sthto the credit ofImportant words & phrasesdevote oneself to sthprovide sb with sthinspire sb to do sthlet sb down10翻开一块块新的石头;进行一次次新的探索11幸亏;由于;因为12引导某人做某事13认为是理所当然的14挑战权威15承认我们的无知16允许我们去质疑turn over each new stonethanks to (sb / sth)take it for granted (that)a struggle against authorityImportant words & phraseslead sb to do sthrecognize our ignorancepermit us to question1. it represented the destruction of people and it 1. it represented the destruction of people and it putput our our future future at riskat risk. . (Lines3-5)(Lines3-5)risk risk v v. & . & n. n.冒生死之险冒生死之险 v. v. _ _冒险做冒险做. . v. v. _ _ n. n. _ _risk ones life / lives risk ones life / lives risk doing risk doing run/take the risk of sth/ doing run/take the risk of sth/ doing 常见短语搭配:常见短语搭配:处境危险,在危险中处境危险,在危险中 at riskat risk自担风险,对发生的事情负责自担风险,对发生的事情负责 at ones own riskat ones own risk冒冒. .的危险的危险 at the risk of at the risk of Have a try:Have a try:1. They risk _(lose) everything.1. They risk _(lose) everything.2. The medical staff _ the risk of losing their own 2. The medical staff _ the risk of losing their own lives in the battele against COVID-19 last year.lives in the battele against COVID-19 last year.3. He saved my life _ losing his own. 3. He saved my life _ losing his own. 4. Persons swimming beyond this point do so 4. Persons swimming beyond this point do so _(_(冒着自身风险冒着自身风险). ). 5. T5. That would mean putting other children hat would mean putting other children _(_(处境危处境危险险) )? ?at the risk ofat the risk oflosinglosingat their own riskat their own riskat riskat riskran/ took ran/ took 2. 2. Is Is there some evil there some evil involved ininvolved in science? (Lines 4-5) science? (Lines 4-5)involve sb/sth in sth/involve sb/sth in sth/doingdoingcause sb/sth to be part of, include in, mixed with, or deeply cause sb/sth to be part of, include in, mixed with, or deeply concerned in sth or doing sthconcerned in sth or doing sth使参与使参与, ,陷入或牵扯到陷入或牵扯到 不要把我卷入你们的争吵当中。不要把我卷入你们的争吵当中。Dont involve me in your quarrel.Dont involve me in your quarrel.贫穷使他家陷入不幸。贫穷使他家陷入不幸。Poverty involved his family in misfortune.Poverty involved his family in misfortune.印度现在困难重重。印度现在困难重重。IndianIndian ha has s been deeply involved in difficulty. been deeply involved in difficulty.3. 3. Put another wayPut another way, . (Line 6), . (Line 6)put (it) another way put (it) another way “ “换言之换言之”, ”,同义词组有:同义词组有:in other wordsin other wordsthat is (to say)that is (to say)i. e.i. e.As a wise person once As a wise person once put itput it: If the only tool you have is a : If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. They need to _ (They need to _ (付诸实施付诸实施) ) and, just as and, just as important, to defend it. important, to defend it. 正如一个智者曾经指出的正如一个智者曾经指出的put it into practice put it into practice 4. 4. . scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds . scientific knowledge enables us to do and make all kinds of thingsof things. (Lines 10-11). (Lines 10-11)en-en-是个前缀,加在名词、形容词或其他动词前构成动词。是个前缀,加在名词、形容词或其他动词前构成动词。 1. 1.表示表示“ “放进放进” ”, encase, enthrone encase, enthrone 2. 2.表示表示“ “用什么包住用什么包住” ”: enrobe enrobe 3. 3.表示表示“ “登上登上” ”,“ “登入登入” ”: entrain, enplaneentrain, enplane4. 4.表示表示“ “使,使成为,使处于什么境地使,使成为,使处于什么境地” ”: endanger, enable, enlarge, enrich, ensure endanger, enable, enlarge, enrich, ensure encourage, enlighten, enforceencourage, enlighten, enforce5. . it is not only 5. . it is not only to the credit of to the credit of science.(Line 12)science.(Line 12)credit cardcredit cardThey are working hard for the credit of China.They are working hard for the credit of China.You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.I give them full credit for their woI give them full credit for their work.rk.He is very awkward about give us further credit.He is very awkward about give us further credit.No credit is given at this shop.No credit is given at this shop.信用卡信用卡荣誉荣誉 学分学分 赞扬赞扬 贷款贷款赊欠赊欠/ /赊账赊账 归功于归功于 At the time, we used to credit everything to one person.At the time, we used to credit everything to one person.I can credit all that you are telling me.I can credit all that you are telling me.I want to credit this to my account.I want to credit this to my account.credit credit v. v.归功于归功于 相信相信 记在账上记在账上 apply apply vt.vt. 适用,涂适用,涂. . vi.vi. 申请申请 apply apply toto sb sb forfor sth sth apply apply to doto do sth sthn. n. _ whom should I apply _ the license? _ whom should I apply _ the license? The new discovery may _ (apply) in medicine.The new discovery may _ (apply) in medicine. The _ (apply) of new scientific discoveries to The _ (apply) of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.industrial production methods usually increases efficiency.To To application application 6. . but it doesnt carry instructions on how to 6. . but it doesnt carry instructions on how to applyapply it. it.(Line 14)(Line 14)for for be applied be applied application application Important sentences1. Put another way, what is the value of the science I had long devoted myself to the thing I had loved when I saw what terrible things it could do? 划分句子结构 主句 定语从句 同位语从句 时间状语从句2. With more knowledge comes a deeper, more wonderful 2. With more knowledge comes a deeper, more wonderful mystery, inspiring one to look deeper still.mystery, inspiring one to look deeper still. ( lines19-20)( lines19-20)Sentence StructuresSentence StructuresQ1Q1:这个句子是一个把介词短语置于句首的倒装句,那么它:这个句子是一个把介词短语置于句首的倒装句,那么它的正常语序应该是什么样子?的正常语序应该是什么样子?Q2: Q2: 请把请把inspiring one to look deeper stillinspiring one to look deeper still改写成一个完整的定改写成一个完整的定语从句。语从句。A deeper, more wonderful mystery comes with more knowlege, A deeper, more wonderful mystery comes with more knowlege, which inspires one to look deeper still.which inspires one to look deeper still.3. Never concerned that the answer may let us down, with 3. Never concerned that the answer may let us down, with pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to find pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to find unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions unimagined strangeness leading on to more wonderful questions and mysteries. (lines20-22)and mysteries. (lines20-22)Sentence StructuresSentence StructuresQ1Q1:never concerned never concerned 和和leading on to leading on to 两个非谓语短语中的逻两个非谓语短语中的逻辑主语是谁?辑主语是谁?Q2: Q2: 请翻译整个句子。请翻译整个句子。译文:译文:我们我们从不担心答案会令人失望,从不担心答案会令人失望, 带着愉悦和信心,我们翻开带着愉悦和信心,我们翻开每一块新的石头去发现意想不到的每一块新的石头去发现意想不到的奇妙奇妙,它们它们指向更多精妙指向更多精妙的问题与奥秘。的问题与奥秘。Sentence StructuresSentence Structures4. We scientists take 4. We scientists take it it for granted that for granted that it it is perfectly possible to is perfectly possible to live and not know. But our freedom to doubt was born out of a live and not know. But our freedom to doubt was born out of a deep and strong struggle against authority in the early days of deep and strong struggle against authority in the early days of science. (lines30-33)science. (lines30-33)Sentence StructuresSentence StructuresQ1Q1:句中两个句中两个it it分别起什么作用?分别起什么作用?Q2: Q2: 请用请用“take it for granted that” “take it for granted that” 创造一个句子。创造一个句子。Q3Q3:请翻译整个句子。:请翻译整个句子。译文:译文:如今,我们科学家如今,我们科学家理所当然地认为理所当然地认为,生而有所不知是完全有,生而有所不知是完全有可能的。但是我们有怀疑的自由,脱胎于早年间科学为对抗可能的。但是我们有怀疑的自由,脱胎于早年间科学为对抗权威展开的深刻而强硬的斗争权威展开的深刻而强硬的斗争。Sentence StructuresSentence Structures6. It is our responsibility as scientists, knowing the great progress that is the fruit of freedom of thoughts, to declare the value of this freedom; to teach how doubt is not to be feared but to be welcomed and discussed; and to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming generationsImportant sentences翻译:_ 作为科学家,我们明白巨大进步源于思想自由,因此,我们有责任声明这一自由的价值;有责任教育人们不必害怕疑惑,而要欢迎疑惑、讨论疑惑;有责任强烈要求这一自由,这就是我们对后世的义务。 When I was young, I thought science would be good andu_ for everybody. But then during the war, I worked on the atomic b_, which made me _ on the result of science. It represented the d_ and put our future at _. In my opinion, there is some evil i_ in science. _ another way, what is the value of the science that I had long _ myself to? sefulombreflectestructionrisknvolvedPutdevotedFill in the blanks according to the lecture The first value of science is f_ to everyone: science e_ us to do and make all kinds of things. However, science does not carry i_ on how to a_ it. So, science becomes an e_ power to do either good or bad. If we make good things with the s_ knowledge, it is to the c_ of both science and m_ choices. If we make bad things, the value of science may be n_. amiliarnablesnstructionspplynablingcientificreditoralegatedFill in the blanks according to the lecture The second value of science is the intellectual enjoyment.With our knowledge increasing, we will look at one problem d_ enough, which makes e_ and m_ flood in and inspires us to do it better. Never c_ about the disappointing answer to the problem, we are c_ to face and solve any problem, because solving it will bring us u_ strangeness with more wonderful questions and m_. T_ to the scientific effort, we can have a chance to imagine lots of more f_ things in the world. eeplyxcitementysteryoncernedonfidentnimaginedysterieshanksantasticFill in the blanks according to the lecture The third value of science is that the scientist has lots of experience with i_, d_ and u_. Now, many scientists take it for g_ that it is very likely to live and not know. But our f_ to doubt was born out of a deep and strong s_ against a_ in the early days of science. In order to p_, we must recognize our i_ and leave r_ for doubt, instead of forgetting the importance of this s_. So, please p_ everyone of us to q_ and to doubt. gnoranceoubtncertaintyrantedreedomtruggleuthorityrogressgnoranceoomtruggleermituestionFill in the blanks according to the lecture Finally, when knowing the great progress is the f_ of freedom to doubt, it is our responsibility as scientists to d_ the value of this freedom; to teach how doubt is w_ and d_; and to demand this freedom as our duty to all coming g_. ruiteclareelcomediscussedenerationsFill in the blanks according to the lecture
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Unit Extended Reading -Language Points语言点 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第三册 language points 语言 ppt 课件 牛津 译林版
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