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      • Unit 1 词汇、课文缩读、语法讲练、完形、阅读、七选五、语法填空、作文-2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册.docx--点击预览
      • Unit 2 词汇、课文缩读、语法讲练、完形、阅读、七选五、语法填空、作文-2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册.zip
      • Unit 3 词汇、课文缩读、语法讲练、完形、阅读、七选五、语法填空、作文-2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第四册.zip
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牛津高中英语选择性必修四单元一套题牛津高中英语选择性必修四单元一套题(高二下学期)(词汇、课文缩读词汇、课文缩读、语法讲练、完形填空、阅读理解、七选五、高端时讯英、语法讲练、完形填空、阅读理解、七选五、高端时讯英语语法填空、作文一练语语法填空、作文一练)一一.词汇词汇识记识记decent adj. 正派的,体面的,适当的,合宜的,正经的to do the decent thing 识时务He is a fine, upstanding, and decent Irish citizen.That was very decent of him.They were very decent about it.( 他们对这件事十分宽容。)He didnt get a decent explanation.Are there any decent restaurants around here?He dreamed of living in decent conditions.The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.John and his wife Leah are very decent people.transcript n. 抄本,副本,誊本,成绩单,笔录,文字记录She went through the transcript carefully in order to eliminate all errors from it.We have a transcript of your school records.Did you bring your transcript from high school?A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.eliminate vt. 排除,略去,不予考虑,淘汰,刷掉,杀死,除掉,铲除,排泄,排出to eliminate from 把从中去除They have taken positive steps to eliminate discriminatory practices.He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.We must eliminate unnecessary steps and get directly to the point.Their team was eliminated in the first round.scrapbook n. 剪贴簿,粘贴簿The cuttings had been pasted into a scrapbook.She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.barely adv. 几乎不,刚刚,勉强,少量地,刚好He is so weak that he can barely stand up.I had barely/hardly started speaking when he interrupted me.We had barely enough money to last through the weekend.The room was barely furnished.cigar n. 雪茄烟His cigar filled the room with smoke.appointment n. 约定,约会,任命,委任,委任的职位I made a doctors appointment for you.Ive got a dental appointment.He wants to change his appointment from Monday to Wednesday.His promotion to manager was a popular appointment.I believe he will get a good appointment.tear down 拆除,拆毁I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside.The city will tear down the building and create a park.keen adj. 急切的,渴望的,渴求的,热衷于,热诚的,热心的,热情的,敏锐的,敏捷的Tom is a keen golfer.The blind have a keen sense of touch.Their keen eyes can penetrate the water to a depth of forty feet.Be brave, a fence between makes love more keen.The razor has a very keen edge.They have a wide knowledge of everyday things, and a keen interest in their particular city and state.They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods. If you are keen on doing something, you very much want to do it. If you are keen that something should happen, you very much want it to happen.anxious,eager,keen 均有“急切的,渴望的”之意。anxious 强调因忧虑、关注或害怕而产生的急切心情。eager 侧重于急于成功的迫切心情。keen 强调因兴趣强烈或欲望而急于做某事。jaw n. 颌,下巴 vi. & vt. 唠叨,数说,训斥,辱骂,谩骂One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.( 一位看过这篇报告的知情人士称其内容非常令人吃惊。)A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.He fell from a ladder, and broke his jaw bone.On hearing the news, his jaw dropped.( 听到这个消息,他惊讶得张口结舌。)Whenever my wife and her mother get together they jaw away for hours.She jawed him all day about that.scar n. 伤疤,疤痕,精神创伤,痕,污点to scar sb for life 给某人留下永久性的疤痕, 给某人永久性的伤害He had a scar on his forehead.The operation will leave a scar after healing.He has a scar running across his left cheek.The scar flawed her beauty.The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leaving a scar.eyebrow n. 眉毛She darkened her eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil.She looked up at me significantly, raising an eyebrow.She raised a questioning eyebrow.scarfpin n. 围巾夹,领带别针A scarfpin is a pin used to hold the tie in place.His scarfpin is a big diamond, oddly set.concession n. 让步,妥协,迎合,优惠,折让,特许,特许权,租地营业商铺a concession to sth 对某事的妥协tax concession 税收优惠,税收减免The company has been granted a concession by the Government to mine in the area.Ending the dispute was worth almost any concession.The museum also has a mail-order catalogue and a concession at Selfridges.( 这个博物馆还有邮购目录,并在塞尔福里奇百货公司有一个铺位。)on the beat 在巡逻中,合拍More police officers out on the beat may help to cut crime. Last night in our neighborhood, some policemen were on the beat.They were all playing on the beat. diamond n. 金刚石,钻石,菱形,扑克牌的方块What? Your diamond ring is lost?The diamond ring on her finger glittered in the light.You must play a diamond if you have one.( 如果你有方块就必须出。)make ones fortune 发财,成功立业He went to the west to make his fortune.lose contact/touch 失去联系By the time he got well he had lost contact/touch with the Party.I dont want to lose contact/touch with you.reliable adj. 可靠的,可信赖的,确实的,真实可信的,可依靠的I dont think he is a reliable man.She may be slow but at least shes reliable.A man who is dead to the justice is not reliable.There is no doubt that he is a reliable person.Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.worthwhile adj. 有价值的,令人愉快的,值得花费时间(金钱、精力、努力)的,重要的 Its a tough exam, so the end product is a worthwhile qualification.At last Im a worthwhile role model for my girls.The time and work involved in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.The smile on her face made it all worthwhile.High prices in the UK make it worthwhile for buyers to look abroad.It is worthwhile to include really high-quality illustrations.It is worthwhile doing it.I will live a fantastic, worthwhile and productive life!It is worthwhile consulting your tutor about it again.Teaching is a worthwhile calling.collar n. 衣领,项饰,颈圈,领,颈,圈to get hot under the collar 烦躁不安,怒气冲冲,激动万分White-collar workers now work longer hours.He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.He seized the pickpocket by the collar.She was trying to put the dogs collar on to take it for a walk.bless vt. 为祈福,祝福,颂扬,给赐福,保佑健康,保佑兴旺,赋予bless sb/sth (愿)上帝保佑Bless my soul/heart! 我的天哪!be blessed with 在.方面有福气,幸运地享有God bless you.Bless this ship and all who sail in her.May Lord bless all of us who are in misfortune!The priest blessed the ship before it left port.To give me your heart, and bless me with your love!I hope she will always be blessed with good health.May this country always be blessed with prosperity.May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles.They are blessed with happiness.inch n. 英寸,吋,少许,一点儿,短距离An eight-week-old embryo is only an inch long.They unearthed a three-inch cannonball from the battle site.Its an eighth of an inch thick.He lit a cigarette and opened the window an inch.She shortened the shirt by an inch.The candle grew down until only an inch was left.There was an inch of snow on the ground.They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch.The car missed me by inches.arm in arm 手挽着手,臂挽着臂I often see my grandparents strolling happily arm in arm.Ive just seen them going down the road arm in arm.stroll vi. & n. 散步,溜达,闲逛We took a leisurely stroll through the gardens.A leisurely stroll can be more beneficial than a marathon run.My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.She decided to take a stroll in the garden.I often stroll around the garden after supper.outline vt. 描的外形,画.的轮廓,概述,概括 n. 提纲,概要,梗概,要点,轮廓an outline of 的梗概to be outlined against sth 在某物映衬下现出轮廓An outline agreement has been reached.Following is an outline of the survey findings.He wrote down the outline of his lecture.She drew the outline with a sure hand.At the interview, she outlined what I would be doing.We outlined our main objections to the proposal.suspect vt. & vi. 觉得(用于陈述观点,语气不强烈或直接),怀疑,疑有,怀疑有罪,对有疑问,不信任 n. 犯罪嫌疑人,可疑对象 adj. 可疑的,受到怀疑的,令人怀疑的to suspect (that) 觉得,怀疑 I suspect its unavoidable.The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.I had become a suspect in a murder inquiry.The police say they suspect the attack was carried out by animal rights activists.I suspect he was lying by the boys abnormal behavior.She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.The police couldnt prove the suspects guilt.His fitness is suspect, so we cant risk including him in the team.arrest n. & vt. 逮捕,拘捕,拘押to arrest sb for 因.逮捕某人under arrest 被逮捕She had been placed in close arrest. (她被严密拘禁。)You are all under arrest.The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.They were not ready to reveal any details of the arrest.The riot led to the arrest of three young men.The students arrest disturbed their friends.take charge of 管理,接管.,负责.The boss asked him to take charge of the office for a few days while she was away.Our department has taken charge of the task. (我们部门已经接管了这个任务。)silky adj. 丝制的,像丝一样柔滑的,温和的,油头滑脑的She wore a long, silky dress for the party.Her hair was very long and silky.wire vt. 给发电报,给布线,给装电线(接通电源) n. 金属丝,金属线,电缆,电线,导线,铁丝网to pull wires 通过私人关系在幕后牵线,暗中施加影响The fabric was displayed on a wired stand. ( 那种织物陈列在金属制的架子上。) The rope was not strong enough, so we used wire.The hot wire is caused by overload.Yon can wire the details to my brother in New York.The kids are taught how to wire a plug.As soon as the equipment is wired up, you can use it.The two pieces of wood were wired together.Id like to wire some money to my son in Seattle. (我想给我在西雅图的儿子电汇一些钱。)criminal n. 罪犯,犯人 adj. 犯罪的,犯法的,违法的,有罪的,可耻的a hardened criminal 惯犯criminal charges 刑事指控its criminal! 这很可耻!Hes got a criminal record.He was considered a war criminal who merely followed Adolf Hitler.The criminal was sentenced to prison for theft.I have no criminal record in my whole life.Murder and stealing are criminal acts.They were reinvestigating a criminal case.anyhow adv. 不管从什么角度,总之,不管怎样,随便地,不论用何种方法,随随便便Anyhow, Spring will return to us.Anyhow I must finish this job today.Anyhow, dont worry yourself now about it.He threw the papers down anyhow on the table.somehow adv. 用某种方法,以某种方式,莫名其妙地,不知怎么地We must make up for the lost time somehow.I wish I can repay you somehow for your kindness.He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.Well manage somehow. Ill get you there somehow.To hear her talking this way was somehow shocking.innocent adj. 天真的,清白的,无罪的,无辜的,天真纯洁的 n. 无辜者,天真无邪的人to play the innocent 装无知,装无辜He was charged with murder but found innocent later.He declared that he was innocent.Dont be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you.The police knew from day one that I was innocent.Is he guilty or innocent?legal adj. 法定的,合法的,法律的Though legal, the tactics were questionable.What I did was perfectly legal.When his father died, his uncle became his legal custodian.She started out on her legal career in 1963.We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud.When you are 18, you are a legal voter.custodian n. 监狱看守人,未成年人的监护人,看管人,管理人,保管人The Department was appointed as the childs legal custodian.The National Trust is looking for a custodian for John Lennons former house.principle n. 行为准则,道德原则,法则,信条on principle 按照原则She was torn between principle and desire.A bicycle and a motorcycle are built on the same principle.Archimedes ,a great physicist ,discovered the principle of floating bodies .We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.It is easier to fight for ones principle than to live up to them.He refused to attend the meeting on principle.burden n. 义务或责任等的重担,负担,重负,负重 vt. 加负荷于,使负担,烦扰What complicates the issue is the burden of history. (是历史包袱使该问题复杂化。) I decided not to burden him with too much knowledge. We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.The burden on his back seemed to be crushing him to the earth.People on high incomes face a huge tax burden.The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me.I dont want to lay a burden on you.I dont want to burden you with my problem.impoverish vt. 使穷困,使赤贫,使贫瘠,使耗尽,使枯竭We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.The church provides food for the impoverished families in the city.Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil.Our lives would have been greatly impoverished, if we had not known our dear friend.These changes are likely to impoverish single-parent families even further. Their overconfidence leads them to impoverish not just themselves but also their fishing grounds.geophysicist(a geologist who uses physical principles to study the properties of the earth) n. 地球物理学者,地球物理学家Im a geophysicist, and Ive trained my students to find oil.You can dream of becoming a civil engineering expert, a biologist and even a geophysicist.core n. 果心,核心,最重要的部分 adj. 核心的,最重要的to be at the core of sth 处于某事物的中心,成为某事物的核心The core activities of local authorities were reorganized.They included hard-core criminals, murderers and sexual deviants.( 他们中有顽固不化的罪犯、杀人犯和性变态者。) Integrity has always been one of the core values of the university.The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.He is American to the core. (他是个地地道道的美国人。)He ate the plum, and threw the core away.Lets get to the core of the argument.This concept is at the very core of her theory.deviant n. 异常的人,变态者,越轨者,偏差值 adj. 不正常的,离经叛道的sexual deviants 性变态者To know what is deviant you have, of course, to know what is normal. (要想知道偏差值有多大,当然就要知道什么是正常值。)Deviant behavior is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.socialist n. 社会主义者 adj. 社会主义的He became the reconstructor of the French Socialist Party.Socialist systems have often been successful in reducing inequality.The state protects socialist public property.He is a socialist.resign vt. & vi. 放弃,辞去,辞职,放弃权利、要求等resign oneself to 顺从,听任Riskily, hes decided to resign.After much legal disputation our right to resign was established.Have you heard of her intention to resign?He decided to resign his claim to the copyright.He has resigned himself to the fact that he will lose the job. (他已经接受他将要失去这份工作的现实。)The team refused to resign themselves to being defeated.ward n. 病房,病室,区,监视,监护The hospital has a medical ward and a surgical ward.The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward.There are two nurses in the ward.Which ward does he represent on the council?After his parents died, the boy was made his uncles ward.substantial adj. 结实的,牢固的,价值巨大的,大量的He regularly donates substantial sums of money to local charities.These financiers have substantial investment in Guyana.New economic development policies led to substantial and rapid growth.Those workers have built many substantial buildings in the recent years.superb adj. 杰出的,极好的,高贵的,壮丽的,精美的,质量极高的Kotto gives a superb performance.My wife and I discovered some superb places to eat.The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.photographer n. 照相者,摄影师The problem is that I am photographer, not an editor. Susan really has what it takes to be a fashion photographer. guilty adj. 有过错的,有过失的,有罪的,感到内疚的,感到惭愧的be guilty of. 犯有罪,对感到内疚The general assumption was that I was guilty.The court found him guilty. The man was proved guilty of murder. His answer evidenced a guilty conscience.He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty of theft.If a single drop of blood falls, you will be guilty of murder! In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. excel n. 微软电子表格(Excel) vi. & vt. 精通,擅长,胜过excel in/at 在胜过,在擅长excel on 在做得最好If Excel isnt quite your cup of tea, dont worry, you can create a table in Microsoft Word or in a similar word pro
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