Unit 1 A phone call-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:115c0).zip


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- 1 -备课时间备课时间3.9备课教师备课教师 学学 校校课课 题题Unit1Unit1 A A phonephone call2a&2bcall2a&2b 课课 型型对话课对话课课时分配课时分配1 1第第 1 1 课时课时上课时间上课时间知知 识识能能 力力1.1.打电话用语:打电话用语:IsIs that?that? ThisThis is(Its)speaking.is(Its)speaking. WhoWho isis speaking?speaking? 2.My2.My computercomputer hashas somethingsomething wrong.=Mywrong.=My computercomputer doesntdoesnt work.work. 3.phonefor3.phonefor help;havehelp;have toto dodo sth;Whatsth;What aboutabout ? 过过 程程方方 法法1.Read1.Read thethe sentences.Thensentences.Then listenlisten andand numbernumber toto makemake a a wholewhole dialogue.dialogue. 2.Write2.Write downdown thethe telephonetelephone conversationconversation inin thethe correctcorrect order.Thenorder.Then practisepractise inin pairs.pairs. 教教学学目目标标情感情感态度态度价值价值观观WeWe shouldshould putput ourour studystudy first.Andfirst.And helphelp othersothers inin ourour freefree time.time. 教学重点教学重点ReadRead thethe sentences,Thensentences,Then listenlisten andand numbernumber toto makemake a a wholewhole dialogue.dialogue. 教学难点教学难点TheThe languageslanguages ofof makingmaking a a thelephonethelephone call.call. 教具学具教具学具准备准备RecorderRecorder , , realreal phonesphones 教教 学学 流流 程程教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图- 2 -教教学学环环节节StepI.Warming-upStepI.Warming-up 1.1. GreetingsGreetings 2.2. TeacherTeacher introducesintroduces twotwo characterscharacters ofof thethe dialoguedialogue usingusing pictures.Theypictures.They areare grandsongrandson andand granny.granny. StepStep II.PresentationII.Presentation 1.1. ReadRead thesethese sentencessentences ofof 2a.Try2a.Try toto answer:Whoanswer:Who isis sheshe phoning?phoning? Why?Why? 2.T2.T helpshelps pupilspupils understandunderstand andand learnlearn dailydaily telephonetelephone languages.andlanguages.and thenthen choosechoose thethe correctcorrect sentences.sentences. (1)A.Hello,are(1)A.Hello,are youyou Mike?Mike? B.Hello,isB.Hello,is thatthat Mike?Mike? (2)(2) A.Yes,thisA.Yes,this isis MikeMike speaking.B.Yes,Imspeaking.B.Yes,Im Mike.Mike. (3)(3) A.ItsA.Its youryour granny.granny. B.IB.I amam youryour granny.granny. 3.3. CheckCheck thethe answers,Learnanswers,Learn moremore telephonetelephone languages.languages. 4.4. LetLet pupilspupils understandunderstand thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe dialogue,anddialogue,and answeranswer thethe question:Whoquestion:Who isis phoningphoning Mike?Mike? 5.5. LetLet pupilspupils orderorder thesethese sentences.sentences. 6.6. TheThe teacherteacher playplay thethe tape,Pupilstape,Pupils checkcheck thethe answersanswers together.Andtogether.And thenthen writewrite numbersnumbers ofof thethe blanks.blanks. SsSs readread themthem withwith thethe teachersteachers help.help. 先让学生先让学生自己读对自己读对话,看看话,看看能不能读能不能读懂对话的懂对话的句子,小句子,小组讨论能组讨论能不能回答不能回答老师的问老师的问题题:Who:Who isis sheshe phoning?phoning? Why?Why? 听听力,听听力,给句子排给句子排序序小组讨论,小组讨论,怎么给句怎么给句子排序,子排序,最后定出最后定出最后的答最后的答案案- 3 -教教 学学 流流 程程教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图教教学学环环节节StepStep III:PractiseIII:Practise 1.1. PlayPlay thethe tapetape again.again. LetLet pupilspupils readread afterafter thethe tape.tape. AndAnd thethe rolerole play.play. 2.2. PupilsPupils finishfinish 2b2b ofof pagepage 9,write9,write thethe followingfollowing dialoguedialogue inin order.order. 3.3. CheckCheck thethe answersanswers ofof 2b.2b. AndAnd thenthen readread itit aloud.aloud. 4.4. TheThe teacherteacher encourageencourage SsSs toto imagineimagine otherother scenesscenes andand makemake otherother dialogues.dialogues. ChooseChoose somesome pairspairs toto actact themthem out.out. HomeworkHomework MakeMake newnew dialoguesdialogues .Such.Such asas :Invite:Invite friendsfriends toto a a birthdaybirthday partyparty oror askask friendsfriends weekendweekend plan.plan. PupilsPupils readread thethe texttext quickly.Theyquickly.They cantcant understandunderstand eacheach sentence.sentence. PupilsPupils readread carefullycarefully again.again. AndAnd trytry toto orderorder thethe sentences.sentences. PractisePractise thethe dialoguedialogue inin pairs.pairs. 板板书书设设计计 Unit1 A phone call 2a&2b has something wrong. doesnt work. Is that ? Yes, it is. Whos speaking? Can you come to my place now? What about this evening? 课课后后反反思思Unit 1 A phone callhave和和have tohave用法用法Do you have a ruler, lion?Yes, I do.一般现在时态中一般现在时态中have的用法的用法1.-Do you have a ping-pong bat ? -Yes,I do.2.-Does he have a soccer ball ? -Yes,he does.3.I dont have a soccer ball.have有表示所属关系,有人称和数的变化,主有表示所属关系,有人称和数的变化,主语有时也可以是物。语有时也可以是物。1.have用于复数名词,第一、第二人称单复数用于复数名词,第一、第二人称单复数或第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中。或第三人称复数代词作主语的句子中。 has为为have的第三人称单数形式,用于不可的第三人称单数形式,用于不可数名词、可数名词单数或第三人称单数代词作数名词、可数名词单数或第三人称单数代词作主语的句子中。主语的句子中。People have their own rooms.Jack has three pens.2.have /has 作谓语时的句型转换。作谓语时的句型转换。(1)否定句:)否定句:主语主语+dont/doesnt +have . I dont have an eraser. He doesnt have a tennis racket. (2) 一般疑问句式:一般疑问句式: Do/Does + 主语主语 + have .? -Do you have a bike ? -Yes,I do /No,I dont. -Does he have a soccer ? -Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.3.在英国英语中常用在英国英语中常用have/has got表示有,表示有,拥有,占有,变一般疑问句和否定句时不再拥有,占有,变一般疑问句和否定句时不再借助于助动词借助于助动词do和和does。Ive got a computer. I havent got a computer. Have you got a computer ? 4.have/has 的含义相当多,表示的含义相当多,表示“吃、喝吃、喝”等,还可以构成许多常用的短语,其后跟不等,还可以构成许多常用的短语,其后跟不同的名词作宾语时,其本身含义也随之发生同的名词作宾语时,其本身含义也随之发生变化。变化。have lunch 吃午饭吃午饭 have a look 看一看看一看 have a glass of milk 喝杯牛奶喝杯牛奶have a party 举行晚会举行晚会have a good time/have a good day/have fun 玩得开心玩得开心have a rest 休息一下休息一下have to用法用法have to表示表示“不得不不得不”、“必须必须”。在肯定句中,。在肯定句中, have to 随人随人称和时态的不同而变化。其否定式和疑问式称和时态的不同而变化。其否定式和疑问式 的构成形的构成形式与行为动词式与行为动词have相同,即需使用助动词。相同,即需使用助动词。e.g 1). Its too late. I have to walk home. 2). They dont have to finish the work today. 3). He had to leave early yesterday. 4). Did he have to leave early yesterday?have to 的第三人称单数形式是:的第三人称单数形式是:has toHe/ She/ It/Tom/ My father/ has tohave to 和和has to 的过去式:的过去式:had to否定:否定: have to- dont have to has to - doesnt have to had to - didnt have to 都表示都表示 “不必不必”must意思为意思为“必须必须,得,得,要,要”; 肯定式:肯定式:must + V原;原; 否定式:否定式:must + not + V原;原; 疑问式:疑问式:Must + 主语主语?e.g 1). You must go home now. 2). You mustnt smoke here. 3). Must I finish English course this term?由由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或或have to,否定回答要用否定回答要用neednt或或dont have to,意思是意思是“不必不必”;must 与与have to 的区别的区别异异:must多表示主观意志,是从说话人的多表示主观意志,是从说话人的角度出发谈必角度出发谈必 须做某事。而须做某事。而have to强调客观强调客观需要需要。 e.g. A. I must finish my homework today. B. I have to finish my homework before lunchtime. 二者否定式的意义大不相同。二者否定式的意义大不相同。havehave toto 的否定式表的否定式表示示“ “不必不必” ”,而,而mustmust not/mustntnot/mustnt表示表示“ “不准不准” ”。e.g.e.g. A.A. I I dontdont havehave toto finishfinish mymy homeworkhomework now.now. B.B. YouYou mustntmustnt arrivearrive latelate oror youllyoull getget intointo trouble.trouble.mustmust没有时态变化,而没有时态变化,而havehave toto 可有不同的时态可有不同的时态变化。变化。e.g.e.g. 1).We1).We willwill havehave toto leaveleave tomorrow.tomorrow. 2).Tom2).Tom hadhad toto finishfinish hishis workwork yesterday.yesterday. 一、请用一、请用must, need或或have to的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Ill _ look after my sister at home this Sunday. 2. You _ go outside to play as it is snowing heavily. 3. We _ be polite to our teachers at school. Practice have tomustntmust4. I got up late this morning, so I _ take a taxi to school. 5. Does she _ stay at home? No, she doesnt. 6. Must I get to the station before 5 p.m.? Yes, you _. / No, you _. had tohave tomustdont have to / needntSee you!- 1 -备课时间备课时间3.9备课教师备课教师 学学 校校课课 题题Unit1Unit1 A A phonephone call2a&2bcall2a&2b 课课 型型对话课对话课课时分配课时分配1 1第第 1 1 课时课时上课时间上课时间知知 识识能能 力力1.1.打电话用语:打电话用语:IsIs that?that? ThisThis is(Its)speaking.is(Its)speaking. WhoWho isis speaking?speaking? 2.My2.My computercomputer hashas somethingsomething wrong.=Mywrong.=My computercomputer doesntdoesnt work.work. 3.phonefor3.phonefor help;havehelp;have toto dodo sth;Whatsth;What aboutabout ? 过过 程程方方 法法1.Read1.Read thethe sentences.Thensentences.Then listenlisten andand numbernumber toto makemake a a wholewhole dialogue.dialogue. 2.Write2.Write downdown thethe telephonetelephone conversationconversation inin thethe correctcorrect order.Thenorder.Then practisepractise inin pairs.pairs. 教教学学目目标标情感情感态度态度价值价值观观WeWe shouldshould putput ourour studystudy first.Andfirst.And helphelp othersothers inin ourour freefree time.time. 教学重点教学重点ReadRead thethe sentences,Thensentences,Then listenlisten andand numbernumber toto makemake a a wholewhole dialogue.dialogue. 教学难点教学难点TheThe languageslanguages ofof makingmaking a a thelephonethelephone call.call. 教具学具教具学具准备准备RecorderRecorder , , realreal phonesphones 教教 学学 流流 程程教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图- 2 -教教学学环环节节StepI.Warming-upStepI.Warming-up 1.1. GreetingsGreetings 2.2. TeacherTeacher introducesintroduces twotwo characterscharacters ofof thethe dialoguedialogue usingusing pictures.Theypictures.They areare grandsongrandson andand granny.granny. StepStep II.PresentationII.Presentation 1.1. ReadRead thesethese sentencessentences ofof 2a.Try2a.Try toto answer:Whoanswer:Who isis sheshe phoning?phoning? Why?Why? 2.T2.T helpshelps pupilspupils understandunderstand andand learnlearn dailydaily telephonetelephone languages.andlanguages.and thenthen choosechoose thethe correctcorrect sentences.sentences. (1)A.Hello,are(1)A.Hello,are youyou Mike?Mike? B.Hello,isB.Hello,is thatthat Mike?Mike? (2)(2) A.Yes,thisA.Yes,this isis MikeMike speaking.B.Yes,Imspeaking.B.Yes,Im Mike.Mike. (3)(3) A.ItsA.Its youryour granny.granny. B.IB.I amam youryour granny.granny. 3.3. CheckCheck thethe answers,Learnanswers,Learn moremore telephonetelephone languages.languages. 4.4. LetLet pupilspupils understandunderstand thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof thethe dialogue,anddialogue,and answeranswer thethe question:Whoquestion:Who isis phoningphoning Mike?Mike? 5.5. LetLet pupilspupils orderorder thesethese sentences.sentences. 6.6. TheThe teacherteacher playplay thethe tape,Pupilstape,Pupils checkcheck thethe answersanswers together.Andtogether.And thenthen writewrite numbersnumbers ofof thethe blanks.blanks. SsSs readread themthem withwith thethe teachersteachers help.help. 先让学生先让学生自己读对自己读对话,看看话,看看能不能读能不能读懂对话的懂对话的句子,小句子,小组讨论能组讨论能不能回答不能回答老师的问老师的问题题:Who:Who isis sheshe phoning?phoning? Why?Why? 听听力,听听力,给句子排给句子排序序小组讨论,小组讨论,怎么给句怎么给句子排序,子排序,最后定出最后定出最后的答最后的答案案- 3 -教教 学学 流流 程程教教 师师 活活 动动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图教教学学环环节节StepStep III:PractiseIII:Practise 1.1. PlayPlay thethe tapetape again.again. LetLet pupilspupils readread afterafter thethe tape.tape. AndAnd thethe rolerole play.play. 2.2. PupilsPupils finishfinish 2b2b ofof pagepage 9,write9,write thethe followingfollowing dialoguedialogue inin order.order. 3.3. CheckCheck thethe answersanswers ofof 2b.2b. AndAnd thenthen readread itit aloud.aloud. 4.4. TheThe teacherteacher encourageencourage SsSs toto imagineimagine otherother scenesscenes andand makemake otherother dialogues.dialogues. ChooseChoose somesome pairspairs toto actact themthem out.out. HomeworkHomework MakeMake newnew dialoguesdialogues .Such.Such asas :Invite:Invite friendsfriends toto a a birthdaybirthday partyparty oror askask friendsfriends weekendweekend plan.plan. PupilsPupils readread thethe texttext quickly.Theyquickly.They cantcant understandunderstand eacheach sentence.sentence. PupilsPupils readread carefullycarefully again.again. AndAnd trytry toto orderorder thethe sentences.sentences. PractisePractise thethe dialoguedialogue inin pairs.pairs. 板板书书设设计计 Unit1 A phone call 2a&2b has something wrong. doesnt work. Is that ? Yes, it is. Whos speaking? Can you come to my place now? What about this evening? 课课后后反反思思
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Unit phone call_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:115c0) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 刘兆义
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