Unit 2 Life in the Arctic-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:36887).zip
Reading CardName of the book: _ Written by: _ _ Illustrated by:_The big idea: _ Name the animals in the book: _ If you were an animal, you had fur. What is your opinion?From the book I know _By _Reading CardName of the book: _ Written by: _ _ Illustrated by:_The big idea: _I wish I was .I want to . _ Name the animals in the book: _ If you were an animal, you had fur. What is your opinion?From the book I know _By _I wish I am .I want to . 教学内容:Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)执教者:年级:五年级Teaching content: Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)佛山市第九小学 韩建媚Teaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti.Teaching aims: The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story. Little Lion was golden brown. His fur was the color of the grass around his home.Little Lion wanted to look different. He did not like being the color of the grass. Little Lion went for a walk with his mother. He saw a red bird fly by. “I wish I were red !” said Little Lion. “Red would be much better than golden brown!”Little Lion saw a blue fish in the pond. pond. “I wish I were blue!” said Little Lion. “Blue would be much better than golden brown.”Little Lion saw a zebra. “I wish I had stripes,” said Little Lion. “Stripes would be much better than golden brown fur!”Little Lion saw a gazelle. “Why didnt it run away?” Little Lion asked his mother.“Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. Little Lion saw a leopard. “Why didnt it try to take our food?” asked Little Lion. “Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. A big lion walked by Little Lion. “Oh no,” said Little Lion. “Will he bother me?”But the big lion walked by. “He could not see me,” said Little Lion. “Im glad I am golden brown,” said Little Lion. “Golden brown is the right color for me!”The big idea A. Little Lion wanted to be more colorful. B. Little Lion came to know golden brown was the right color for him.1) What color was Little Lion?Questions:2) At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?3) At the end of the story, did Little Lion like his color?Q1: When he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? 46812Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? 1014Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion?Read the story fluently:Try to retell the story:Acting TimeI dont like being the color of the grass.Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!I wish I were blue! Blue would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I had stripes! Stripes would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.Why didnt it run away?Because it could not see us.Because it could not see us.Why didnt it try to take our food?Oh no, will he bother me?No, because it could not see us.Im glad I am golden brown. Golden brown is the right color for me! Yeah, this helps you survive!I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.I am who I am.Every man has his gift.Every man has his price. We know:1) Read the story fluently.Homework:2) Act out the story with your friends.教学内容:Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)年级:五年级Teaching content: Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)Teaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti.Teaching aims: The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story. Little Lion was golden brown. His fur was the color of the grass around his home.Little Lion wanted to look different. He did not like being the color of the grass. Little Lion went for a walk with his mother. He saw a red bird fly by. “I wish I were red !” said Little Lion. “Red would be much better than golden brown!”Little Lion saw a blue fish in the pond. pond. “I wish I were blue!” said Little Lion. “Blue would be much better than golden brown.”Little Lion saw a zebra. “I wish I had stripes,” said Little Lion. “Stripes would be much better than golden brown fur!”Little Lion saw a gazelle. “Why didnt it run away?” Little Lion asked his mother.“Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. Little Lion saw a leopard. “Why didnt it try to take our food?” asked Little Lion. “Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. A big lion walked by Little Lion. “Oh no,” said Little Lion. “Will he bother me?”But the big lion walked by. “He could not see me,” said Little Lion. “Im glad I am golden brown,” said Little Lion. “Golden brown is the right color for me!”The big idea A. Little Lion wanted to be more colorful. B. Little Lion came to know golden brown was the right color for him.1) What color was Little Lion?Questions:2) At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?3) At the end of the story, did Little Lion like his color?Q1: When he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? 46812Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? 1014Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion?Read the story fluently:Try to retell the story:Acting TimeI dont like being the color of the grass.Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!I wish I were blue! Blue would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I had stripes! Stripes would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.Why didnt it run away?Because it could not see us.Because it could not see us.Why didnt it try to take our food?Oh no, will he bother me?No, because it could not see us.Im glad I am golden brown. Golden brown is the right color for me! Yeah, this helps you survive!I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.I am who I am.Every man has his gift.Every man has his price. We know:1) Read the story fluently.Homework:2) Act out the story with your friends.Little Lion单位:设计者:教学年级:五年级课题名称:Little Lion教材版本: 广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系 3 级级 A4学科:小学英语一、教学设计一、教学设计1 1、学生分析:、学生分析:五年级的学生,已有一定的语音、语调、语感等英语语言基础,通过平时阅读训练,习得了一些基础的阅读技巧,能阅读简单的英语短文,故事和英文报纸,喜欢老师给他们推荐阅读的材料, 每周开展集体课外阅读一次,希望通过拓展学生的阅读面,达到从“阅读”到“悦读”的目标,希望学生能在喜悦的学习状态和环境下阅读。在教授本课前,学生已经学习了外研社 2011 课标版三年级起点,五年级下册Unit 2 Life in the Arctic,通过课外阅读派乐英语分级阅读书系3 级A3,Cats of the Serengeti,初步了解到 4 种动物的生存模式和保护色。2 2、内容分析:、内容分析:根据小学英语课程标准 ,五年级的学生以培养学生自主学习能力为主。派乐英语分级阅读书系教材内容新颖,故事内容丰富有趣,贴近生活,适合学生的认知年龄特点,为学生主动参与学习提供展示的平台。 派乐英语分级阅读书系3 级 A4 这故事内容主要支架是通过小狮子和妈妈去散步,从一开始不喜欢自己的颜色,故事中有了很多的想法,最后知道了金棕色是他最适合并最能保护他的颜色,让学生通过了解动物的保护色,提升发展学生的情感目标,教育学生发掘自我价值,无需因为身边事物而随意改变自己。在此教学过程中培养学生通过阅读故事学会寻找信息、处理信息和提取信息的能力,为日后学生独立阅读奠定良好的基础。3 3、教学目标:、教学目标:知识目标方面:(1)学生能深度听懂故事内容,并流利朗读。(2)学生能理解、掌握、运用本节课的词汇:stripes, gazelle。(3)引导学生能正确使用以下关键词组构建语用句式:I wish I , much better than, didnt, could not see, the right color for。教学重点方面:学生能通过微课进行课前预习,通过堂上再听故事进行提问题的方式读懂故事:Little Lion。教学难点方面:在教师的指导下寻找,处理和提取故事信息,通过搭建理解故事的“支架” ,引导学生表演和复述故事。语言技能方面:学生能运用所学的英语句式复述本情景故事,并能运用英语思维方式展开讨论,引导学生提取故事信息,发掘更多的动物保护色。情感目标:在学习过程中通过听、说、交谈、讨论等体验活动感受学习英语的乐趣,树立自信心,同时呼吁学生发掘自我优点,发现自我价值的情感意识。4 4、教学策略:、教学策略:根据本节课的教学内容,教学思路确定为:让学生主动参与学习,主动探究,合作互动,培养学习策略,提高英语思维能力与口语交际能力。结合新课标和多元智能理论,本课以学生的生活经验和认知特点为出发点,按照“Going for meaning, learning by doing.”的教学理念,主要采用任务型教学法,故事教学法,直观教学法等多种教学策略。在情境导入法方面:阅读是一种目的,更是一种手段,本课设计把教室用狮子脚印布置一圈,插入小狮子在故事中的 8 个情景,希望通过丰富的情景设计让学生能充分融入到故事情境中开展各项的教学活动。在任务型教学法方面:课前制作故事微课让学生初步接触了解故事内容,并设计 Reading Card,让学生有针对性地开展阅读,并鼓励学生开展天马行空的设想“假如你是动物,你有皮毛,会有什么想法呢?喜欢什么颜色呢?” ,课堂上通过层层问题引导学生有目的性地听读故事,理解故事,借助支架开展有效的语言活动;通过制作多媒体课件把动画、图片、声音、文字等材料组成课件,以提升学生的专注力,引导学生开展各项教学活动。教学中,学生是主体,在学生听故事和回答,讨论这些环节中,我将有针对地进行评价,让学生关注他人在课堂上说了什么,做了什么,学会了什么等等,培养学生的倾听习惯,还能训练学生的观察力和注意力。在直观教学法方面:通过课件,图文结合,为学生搭建支架,降低语言的难度,帮助学生获取信息,不仅有利于培养学生独立提取细节的能力,而且能促使他们独立建立自己的知识框架,进行有效的语言活动的能力。“逛画廊”的表演故事模式:打破以往让学生在座位上机械的表演模式,脚印+狮子母子对话图设计表演情景,配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,让学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,营造良好的英语学习氛围。二、教学步骤二、教学步骤: : 第一学时(注释:TTeacher, SsStudents, CAI课件)Step 1: Greeting and the Teaching Background.T: Good morning, boys and girls. (CAI)Today we will continue to learn about Serengeti. In this class the Teaching content is: Little LionTeaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti. Teaching aims:The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story.(设计意图:通过 PPT 展示本节课已学内容和将教授内容,以及本课的教学目标。 )Step2 : The first readingT: At first,look at the cover of the book. What is the name of the book? lets enjoy the story.(CAI) I will read for you. Do you like Little Lion? Why? So cute.T: Check the reading cards. Whats the big idea for the story? Whats your opinion? If you were an animal, you had fur. What color would you like? What would you like to do?Ss: I wish I were a white polar bear. I want to swim in the sea. I want to live in the Arctic. White is the right color for me.T: What color was Little Lion? Ss: Golden brown.T: Did Little Lion like his color?Ss: Yes? No?T: At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?T:At the end of the story, did he like his color? What happened to change his mind in the story? (设计意图:通过检查学生的阅读卡,了解学生的想法后,结合本故事内容搭建基础故事支架:At the beginning, Little Lion didnt like being the color of the grass. At the end, Little Lion liked his color., 抛出故事索引:故事中到底发生了什么事情改变了小狮子的主意呢?再抛出细化的问题,让学生翻书再阅读故事同时找出答案,让学生更深入理解故事。 )Step 3: The second readingT: Little Lion went for a walk with his mother.(象声词“蹄砣蹄砣” )Now read and think by yourselves, Q1: when he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? Discuss in your groups. (CAI) Ss: He would like red, blue and he had stripes like a zebra. T: When he saw a red bird/ a blue fish,/ a zebra, what did he say? Ss: I wish I were/ had red/ blue/ stripes. would be much better than golden brown.T: Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? (CAI)Ss: The gazelle, The leopard, The big lion. T: Did the gazelle/ the leopard/ the big lion see Little Lion? Ss: No, so The gazelle didt run away. Because it could not see Little Lion./ The leopard didnt try to take the food. Because it could not see Little Lion./ The big lion didnt bother Little Lion. Because it could not see Little Lion.Q3: Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion? (CAI)Ss: Because little lion blends into the grass. Because little lion is golden brown as the same as the grass. This helps little lion survive. (设计意图:通过独立阅读后针对问题开展小组活动,合作学习能调动学生的主动性,能扩大学生的参与度。从而让学生更深入理解故事,让故事内容更清晰明了,最后通过 PPT 图文结合更清晰地指引学生阅读的技能。 )Step Four: The third readingT: We understand the story deeply. (CAI) Lets try to read the story fluently.(设计意图:解决问题理清故事大意后,安排学生尝试流利地朗读故事,掌握正确的语音语调,培养语感,并加深对故事的进一步理解。 )Step Five: Retell the storyT: Try to retell the story. (CAI)(设计意图:学生朗读故事后,通过故事三部曲 Beginning, In the story, he said and The end,指引学生尝试有条理地开展故事复述。 )Step Six:Gallery walking to act the storyT: Lets try to act out Mother Lion and Little lion. (CAI)Here are 8 Scenes in the classroom. You can walk around and act with your partner.(Example) Ss: (Walk and act one by one scene.)T: Lets try to act together. (CAI)(设计意图:鼓励学生尝试表演,设计“脚印+狮子母子对话图”为表演情景,配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,让学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,学生能配上自己的动作更生动形象地演绎,故事营造良好的英语学习氛围。 )Step Seven:Post readingT: In the story we know golden brown is the right color for Little Lion. (CAI) Now look at the pictures and find out the right colors for the animals. (Example: I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.)Ss: (Group work to talk. )(设计意图:鼓励学生尝试找出图片中动物的保护色,通过合作学习,拓展学生“语用”知识目标,从而拓展学生的知识面,达到学以致用的教学目标。 )Step Eight: After reading.T: From the story, we know: I am who I am. Every man has his gift. Every man has his price. (CAI)(设计意图:引出本课的情感目标让学生知道:天生我材必有用,无需因为身边事物而改变自我,鼓励学生发掘自我价值。 )Step Nine: Homework1) Read the story fluently. (CAI)2) Try to act out with your friends.(设计意图:课后作业能让学生巩固本课习得语言,鼓励学生通过阅读和同伴表演,达到“悦读”目标。Going for meaning, learning by doing. 的教学理念。 ) 三、板书设计:三、板书设计: 四、教学反思:四、教学反思: 本课是教授“Little Lion”拓展学生知识面的阅读课,课前让学生自主学习,提前阅读初步了解有趣的故事内容,触发学生的发散思维,围绕从“阅读”到“悦读”的目标,通过自主学习完成 Reading Card。在课堂上通过搭建清晰明了的基础故事“支架” ,设计层层深入的问题,帮助学生深入了解故事的内容和意义,引导学生思考,学生通过小组合作学习,调动学生学习的积极性。通过逛画廊模式有效地训练本课的重点句式,课前在教室四周布置“脚印+狮子母子对话图”设计表演情景,活动过程中配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,学生配上自己的动作生动形象地演绎,这营造了良好的英语学习氛围。鼓励学生通过小组合作学习,尝试找出图片中动物的保护色,拓展学生“语用”知识目标,从而拓展学生的知识面,达到学以致用的教学目标。最后引出本课的情感目标让学生知道:天生我材必有用,无需因为身边事物而改变自我,鼓励学生发掘自我价值。这里我其实可以让学生再谈论、发现自己的优点,展示自身价值,进一步深化语用目标。课后作业能让学生巩固本课习得语言,鼓励学生通过阅读和同伴表演,达到“悦读”目标。Going for meaning, learning by doing. 的教学理念。
- 资源描述:
Reading CardName of the book: _ Written by: _ _ Illustrated by:_The big idea: _ Name the animals in the book: _ If you were an animal, you had fur. What is your opinion?From the book I know _By _Reading CardName of the book: _ Written by: _ _ Illustrated by:_The big idea: _I wish I was .I want to . _ Name the animals in the book: _ If you were an animal, you had fur. What is your opinion?From the book I know _By _I wish I am .I want to . 教学内容:Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)执教者:年级:五年级Teaching content: Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)佛山市第九小学 韩建媚Teaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti.Teaching aims: The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story. Little Lion was golden brown. His fur was the color of the grass around his home.Little Lion wanted to look different. He did not like being the color of the grass. Little Lion went for a walk with his mother. He saw a red bird fly by. “I wish I were red !” said Little Lion. “Red would be much better than golden brown!”Little Lion saw a blue fish in the pond. pond. “I wish I were blue!” said Little Lion. “Blue would be much better than golden brown.”Little Lion saw a zebra. “I wish I had stripes,” said Little Lion. “Stripes would be much better than golden brown fur!”Little Lion saw a gazelle. “Why didnt it run away?” Little Lion asked his mother.“Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. Little Lion saw a leopard. “Why didnt it try to take our food?” asked Little Lion. “Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. A big lion walked by Little Lion. “Oh no,” said Little Lion. “Will he bother me?”But the big lion walked by. “He could not see me,” said Little Lion. “Im glad I am golden brown,” said Little Lion. “Golden brown is the right color for me!”The big idea A. Little Lion wanted to be more colorful. B. Little Lion came to know golden brown was the right color for him.1) What color was Little Lion?Questions:2) At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?3) At the end of the story, did Little Lion like his color?Q1: When he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? 46812Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? 1014Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion?Read the story fluently:Try to retell the story:Acting TimeI dont like being the color of the grass.Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!I wish I were blue! Blue would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I had stripes! Stripes would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.Why didnt it run away?Because it could not see us.Because it could not see us.Why didnt it try to take our food?Oh no, will he bother me?No, because it could not see us.Im glad I am golden brown. Golden brown is the right color for me! Yeah, this helps you survive!I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.I am who I am.Every man has his gift.Every man has his price. We know:1) Read the story fluently.Homework:2) Act out the story with your friends.教学内容:Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)年级:五年级Teaching content: Little Lion(广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系3级A4)Teaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti.Teaching aims: The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story. Little Lion was golden brown. His fur was the color of the grass around his home.Little Lion wanted to look different. He did not like being the color of the grass. Little Lion went for a walk with his mother. He saw a red bird fly by. “I wish I were red !” said Little Lion. “Red would be much better than golden brown!”Little Lion saw a blue fish in the pond. pond. “I wish I were blue!” said Little Lion. “Blue would be much better than golden brown.”Little Lion saw a zebra. “I wish I had stripes,” said Little Lion. “Stripes would be much better than golden brown fur!”Little Lion saw a gazelle. “Why didnt it run away?” Little Lion asked his mother.“Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. Little Lion saw a leopard. “Why didnt it try to take our food?” asked Little Lion. “Because it could not see us,” said Mother Lion. A big lion walked by Little Lion. “Oh no,” said Little Lion. “Will he bother me?”But the big lion walked by. “He could not see me,” said Little Lion. “Im glad I am golden brown,” said Little Lion. “Golden brown is the right color for me!”The big idea A. Little Lion wanted to be more colorful. B. Little Lion came to know golden brown was the right color for him.1) What color was Little Lion?Questions:2) At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?3) At the end of the story, did Little Lion like his color?Q1: When he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? 46812Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? 1014Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion?Read the story fluently:Try to retell the story:Acting TimeI dont like being the color of the grass.Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I were red! Red would be much better than golden brown!I wish I were blue! Blue would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.I wish I had stripes! Stripes would be much better than golden brown!Golden brown is the right color for you.Why didnt it run away?Because it could not see us.Because it could not see us.Why didnt it try to take our food?Oh no, will he bother me?No, because it could not see us.Im glad I am golden brown. Golden brown is the right color for me! Yeah, this helps you survive!I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.I am who I am.Every man has his gift.Every man has his price. We know:1) Read the story fluently.Homework:2) Act out the story with your friends.Little Lion单位:设计者:教学年级:五年级课题名称:Little Lion教材版本: 广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系广东省出版集团,派乐英语分级阅读书系 3 级级 A4学科:小学英语一、教学设计一、教学设计1 1、学生分析:、学生分析:五年级的学生,已有一定的语音、语调、语感等英语语言基础,通过平时阅读训练,习得了一些基础的阅读技巧,能阅读简单的英语短文,故事和英文报纸,喜欢老师给他们推荐阅读的材料, 每周开展集体课外阅读一次,希望通过拓展学生的阅读面,达到从“阅读”到“悦读”的目标,希望学生能在喜悦的学习状态和环境下阅读。在教授本课前,学生已经学习了外研社 2011 课标版三年级起点,五年级下册Unit 2 Life in the Arctic,通过课外阅读派乐英语分级阅读书系3 级A3,Cats of the Serengeti,初步了解到 4 种动物的生存模式和保护色。2 2、内容分析:、内容分析:根据小学英语课程标准 ,五年级的学生以培养学生自主学习能力为主。派乐英语分级阅读书系教材内容新颖,故事内容丰富有趣,贴近生活,适合学生的认知年龄特点,为学生主动参与学习提供展示的平台。 派乐英语分级阅读书系3 级 A4 这故事内容主要支架是通过小狮子和妈妈去散步,从一开始不喜欢自己的颜色,故事中有了很多的想法,最后知道了金棕色是他最适合并最能保护他的颜色,让学生通过了解动物的保护色,提升发展学生的情感目标,教育学生发掘自我价值,无需因为身边事物而随意改变自己。在此教学过程中培养学生通过阅读故事学会寻找信息、处理信息和提取信息的能力,为日后学生独立阅读奠定良好的基础。3 3、教学目标:、教学目标:知识目标方面:(1)学生能深度听懂故事内容,并流利朗读。(2)学生能理解、掌握、运用本节课的词汇:stripes, gazelle。(3)引导学生能正确使用以下关键词组构建语用句式:I wish I , much better than, didnt, could not see, the right color for。教学重点方面:学生能通过微课进行课前预习,通过堂上再听故事进行提问题的方式读懂故事:Little Lion。教学难点方面:在教师的指导下寻找,处理和提取故事信息,通过搭建理解故事的“支架” ,引导学生表演和复述故事。语言技能方面:学生能运用所学的英语句式复述本情景故事,并能运用英语思维方式展开讨论,引导学生提取故事信息,发掘更多的动物保护色。情感目标:在学习过程中通过听、说、交谈、讨论等体验活动感受学习英语的乐趣,树立自信心,同时呼吁学生发掘自我优点,发现自我价值的情感意识。4 4、教学策略:、教学策略:根据本节课的教学内容,教学思路确定为:让学生主动参与学习,主动探究,合作互动,培养学习策略,提高英语思维能力与口语交际能力。结合新课标和多元智能理论,本课以学生的生活经验和认知特点为出发点,按照“Going for meaning, learning by doing.”的教学理念,主要采用任务型教学法,故事教学法,直观教学法等多种教学策略。在情境导入法方面:阅读是一种目的,更是一种手段,本课设计把教室用狮子脚印布置一圈,插入小狮子在故事中的 8 个情景,希望通过丰富的情景设计让学生能充分融入到故事情境中开展各项的教学活动。在任务型教学法方面:课前制作故事微课让学生初步接触了解故事内容,并设计 Reading Card,让学生有针对性地开展阅读,并鼓励学生开展天马行空的设想“假如你是动物,你有皮毛,会有什么想法呢?喜欢什么颜色呢?” ,课堂上通过层层问题引导学生有目的性地听读故事,理解故事,借助支架开展有效的语言活动;通过制作多媒体课件把动画、图片、声音、文字等材料组成课件,以提升学生的专注力,引导学生开展各项教学活动。教学中,学生是主体,在学生听故事和回答,讨论这些环节中,我将有针对地进行评价,让学生关注他人在课堂上说了什么,做了什么,学会了什么等等,培养学生的倾听习惯,还能训练学生的观察力和注意力。在直观教学法方面:通过课件,图文结合,为学生搭建支架,降低语言的难度,帮助学生获取信息,不仅有利于培养学生独立提取细节的能力,而且能促使他们独立建立自己的知识框架,进行有效的语言活动的能力。“逛画廊”的表演故事模式:打破以往让学生在座位上机械的表演模式,脚印+狮子母子对话图设计表演情景,配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,让学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,营造良好的英语学习氛围。二、教学步骤二、教学步骤: : 第一学时(注释:TTeacher, SsStudents, CAI课件)Step 1: Greeting and the Teaching Background.T: Good morning, boys and girls. (CAI)Today we will continue to learn about Serengeti. In this class the Teaching content is: Little LionTeaching background: The students learnt A3: Cats of the Serengeti. Teaching aims:The students will understand the story deeply.The students will read out the story fluently.The students will try to act out the story.(设计意图:通过 PPT 展示本节课已学内容和将教授内容,以及本课的教学目标。 )Step2 : The first readingT: At first,look at the cover of the book. What is the name of the book? lets enjoy the story.(CAI) I will read for you. Do you like Little Lion? Why? So cute.T: Check the reading cards. Whats the big idea for the story? Whats your opinion? If you were an animal, you had fur. What color would you like? What would you like to do?Ss: I wish I were a white polar bear. I want to swim in the sea. I want to live in the Arctic. White is the right color for me.T: What color was Little Lion? Ss: Golden brown.T: Did Little Lion like his color?Ss: Yes? No?T: At the beginning of the story, did Little Lion like his color?T:At the end of the story, did he like his color? What happened to change his mind in the story? (设计意图:通过检查学生的阅读卡,了解学生的想法后,结合本故事内容搭建基础故事支架:At the beginning, Little Lion didnt like being the color of the grass. At the end, Little Lion liked his color., 抛出故事索引:故事中到底发生了什么事情改变了小狮子的主意呢?再抛出细化的问题,让学生翻书再阅读故事同时找出答案,让学生更深入理解故事。 )Step 3: The second readingT: Little Lion went for a walk with his mother.(象声词“蹄砣蹄砣” )Now read and think by yourselves, Q1: when he didnt like his color, what did he want to be? Discuss in your groups. (CAI) Ss: He would like red, blue and he had stripes like a zebra. T: When he saw a red bird/ a blue fish,/ a zebra, what did he say? Ss: I wish I were/ had red/ blue/ stripes. would be much better than golden brown.T: Q2: What other animals did Little Lion see? (CAI)Ss: The gazelle, The leopard, The big lion. T: Did the gazelle/ the leopard/ the big lion see Little Lion? Ss: No, so The gazelle didt run away. Because it could not see Little Lion./ The leopard didnt try to take the food. Because it could not see Little Lion./ The big lion didnt bother Little Lion. Because it could not see Little Lion.Q3: Why is golden brown the right color for Little Lion? (CAI)Ss: Because little lion blends into the grass. Because little lion is golden brown as the same as the grass. This helps little lion survive. (设计意图:通过独立阅读后针对问题开展小组活动,合作学习能调动学生的主动性,能扩大学生的参与度。从而让学生更深入理解故事,让故事内容更清晰明了,最后通过 PPT 图文结合更清晰地指引学生阅读的技能。 )Step Four: The third readingT: We understand the story deeply. (CAI) Lets try to read the story fluently.(设计意图:解决问题理清故事大意后,安排学生尝试流利地朗读故事,掌握正确的语音语调,培养语感,并加深对故事的进一步理解。 )Step Five: Retell the storyT: Try to retell the story. (CAI)(设计意图:学生朗读故事后,通过故事三部曲 Beginning, In the story, he said and The end,指引学生尝试有条理地开展故事复述。 )Step Six:Gallery walking to act the storyT: Lets try to act out Mother Lion and Little lion. (CAI)Here are 8 Scenes in the classroom. You can walk around and act with your partner.(Example) Ss: (Walk and act one by one scene.)T: Lets try to act together. (CAI)(设计意图:鼓励学生尝试表演,设计“脚印+狮子母子对话图”为表演情景,配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,让学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,学生能配上自己的动作更生动形象地演绎,故事营造良好的英语学习氛围。 )Step Seven:Post readingT: In the story we know golden brown is the right color for Little Lion. (CAI) Now look at the pictures and find out the right colors for the animals. (Example: I can see .It is . is the right color for .This helps it survive.)Ss: (Group work to talk. )(设计意图:鼓励学生尝试找出图片中动物的保护色,通过合作学习,拓展学生“语用”知识目标,从而拓展学生的知识面,达到学以致用的教学目标。 )Step Eight: After reading.T: From the story, we know: I am who I am. Every man has his gift. Every man has his price. (CAI)(设计意图:引出本课的情感目标让学生知道:天生我材必有用,无需因为身边事物而改变自我,鼓励学生发掘自我价值。 )Step Nine: Homework1) Read the story fluently. (CAI)2) Try to act out with your friends.(设计意图:课后作业能让学生巩固本课习得语言,鼓励学生通过阅读和同伴表演,达到“悦读”目标。Going for meaning, learning by doing. 的教学理念。 ) 三、板书设计:三、板书设计: 四、教学反思:四、教学反思: 本课是教授“Little Lion”拓展学生知识面的阅读课,课前让学生自主学习,提前阅读初步了解有趣的故事内容,触发学生的发散思维,围绕从“阅读”到“悦读”的目标,通过自主学习完成 Reading Card。在课堂上通过搭建清晰明了的基础故事“支架” ,设计层层深入的问题,帮助学生深入了解故事的内容和意义,引导学生思考,学生通过小组合作学习,调动学生学习的积极性。通过逛画廊模式有效地训练本课的重点句式,课前在教室四周布置“脚印+狮子母子对话图”设计表演情景,活动过程中配上“狮王进行曲”为背景音乐,学生在愉悦的情景下,每两个学生一组环绕教室开展故事表演,学生配上自己的动作生动形象地演绎,这营造了良好的英语学习氛围。鼓励学生通过小组合作学习,尝试找出图片中动物的保护色,拓展学生“语用”知识目标,从而拓展学生的知识面,达到学以致用的教学目标。最后引出本课的情感目标让学生知道:天生我材必有用,无需因为身边事物而改变自我,鼓励学生发掘自我价值。这里我其实可以让学生再谈论、发现自己的优点,展示自身价值,进一步深化语用目标。课后作业能让学生巩固本课习得语言,鼓励学生通过阅读和同伴表演,达到“悦读”目标。Going for meaning, learning by doing. 的教学理念。