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展开 外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_编号10950.zip外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson2_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_编号10950.zip
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Unit 3 TelevisionPart 7 Read and writeGuiding Principle and TheoryGuiding Principle and TheoryBackground AnalysisBackground AnalysisTeaching Methods Teaching Methods and Learningand Learning StrategiesStrategiesTeaching ObjectivesTeaching ObjectivesTeaching ProcedureTeaching ProcedureTeaching Evaluation Teaching Evaluation andand ReflectionReflection指导思想与理论指导思想与理论Reading for informationReading for information01010101Reading for languageReading for language02020202Reading for fun Reading for fun 03030303Reading for skills/strategiesReading for skills/strategies04040404The Purpose of Reading 读写一级1. 能看图识词 。2. 能在指认物体的前提下认读 所学词语。3. 能在图片的帮助下读懂简单 的小故事。1. 能正确书写字母和单词 。2. 能模仿范例写词句。二级1. 能认读 所学词语 。2. 能根据拼读的规律,读出简单 的单词。3. 能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令。4. 能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单 信息。5. 能借助图片读懂简单 的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读 的习惯 。6. 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。1. 能正确地使用大小写字母和常用的标点符号。2. 能写出简单 的问候语和祝福语。3. 能根据图片、词语 或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。指导思想与理论课标对小学英语读写教学的要求以读导写 以写促读指导思想与理论PWP教学背景分析-教材教学背景分析11教材横向联系 I can. I can. He thinks. He thinks. Its Its boring.boring.教学背景分析-教材纵向联系频度副词的学习描述自己及他人喜好的句型结构I like I dont likeHe/She likes/doesnt like 教学背景分析-教材TelevisionTV programmes children likeProgrammes on TVAdvertisements on TVTV programmes family likeTV programmes in my family单元话题与分课时话题教学背景分析-教材具备备一定的听说读说读 写基本技能初步感知频频度副词词、形容词词小语语段的建构和表达不流畅畅学生两极分化现现象比较较明显显教学背景-学情优势困难1.功能句型 话题叙述 谈论看法教学目标:2.理解朗读 掌握技巧 解决问题3.初步学习 方法技巧 写出短文4.借助媒体 创设情境 学习语法I always/often watch. I like/dont like. I think they are. My father/My mother always/often watches He/She likes/doesnt like1. 阅读体验 意群朗读教学重点:2. 以读促想 逻辑思维3. 写作方法 现场行文I like;My father / mother likes likewhy.;dont/doesnt like why not构建支架 现场行文教学难点:任务教学法教法与学法PreparingforReadingFluent Reading Language Analysis Scaffolded WritingPWP+交际法情景教学法 感知体验合作观察发现实践PWPPWP教学模式教学模式教法与学法任务教学法任务教学法交际法交际法情景教学法情景教学法 教学过程-阅读前often教学过程-阅读前television教学过程-阅读前PeterBarbaraJill教学过程-阅读中I often watch TV . I films very much. They are exciting. I do not films. I think they are stupid. I never watch them. Peter Can you read this text? (活动一)教学过程-阅读中Can you read this text? (活动一)I often watch TV. I like detective films very much. They are exciting. I do not like romantic films. I think they are stupid. I never watch them. Peter stupidexciting教学过程-阅读中Whats wrong with this text? (活动二) My dad usually watches . His favourite football is World Cup. It always begins at midnight. My mum doesnt often programmes. She likes films and programmes. “They are really great!” she says. Jill教学过程-阅读中Can you put them in order ? (活动二)I often watch nature programmes on Friday evening. My favourite naturethink so. She likes music programmes. The Voice of China is her favourite.My father likes detective films and sports programmes. He thinks detective films are interesting and sports programmes are exciting. He programme is Animal World. It is really cool. But my mother doesnt always watches them on Saturday and Sunday. We all enjoy our TV time!教学过程-阅读中wWhats wrong with this text? (活动二) My dad usually watches football. His favourite football programme is World Cup. It always begins at midnight. My mum doesnt often watch sports programmes. She likes romantic films and nature programmes. “They are really great!” she says. Jill教学过程-阅读中Can you put them in order ? (活动二)I often watch nature programmes on Friday evening. My favourite naturethink so. She likes music programmes. The Voice of China is her favourite.My father likes detective films and sports programmes. He thinks programme is Animal World. It is really cool. But my mother doesnt always watches them on Saturday and Sunday. We all enjoy our TV time!detective films are interesting and sports programmes are exciting. He 教学过程-阅读中I often watch nature programmes on Friday evening. My favourite nature programme is Animal World. It is really cool. But my mother doesnt think so. She likes music programmes. The Voice of China is her favourite. My father likes detective films and sports programmes. He thinks detective films are interesting and sports programmes are exciting. He always watches them on Saturday and Sunday. We all enjoy our TV time!My family like watching TV.beginningbody活动三title教学过程-阅读中活动三教学过程-阅读中I often watch nature programmes on Friday evening. My favourite nature programme is Animal World. It is really cool. But my mother doesnt think so. She likes music programmes. The Voice of China is her favourite. My father likes detective films and sports programmes. He thinks detective films are interesting and sports programmes are exciting. He always watches them on Saturday and Sunday. We all enjoy our TV time!Many people like cartoons, but my family dont.beginningbody活动三title教学过程-阅读中教学过程-阅读后Write your own text.How to write a text?1. Make a title.2. Write the beginning.3. Write the body.Show your idea.Say the opposite idea.Ask a question.教学过程-阅读后评价与反思学生作文举手分享学生作文写作场景 插入照片自动播放【课题课题】”Join in ” Unit3 Television Read and write【教学目标教学目标】知识与技能:1. 能运用所学功能句 I always/often watch. I like/dont like. I think they are. My father/My mother always/often watches He/She likes/doesnt like等, 针对话题Television 做简短叙述,谈论自己或他人对电视节目的喜恶和看法;2. 能读懂三篇关于 Television 的小短文,并在阅读中解决不同的问题;3. 能正确朗读三篇短文;4. 能在教师的指导和例句的提示下,写出一篇关于 Television 的短文;5. 能理解和在具体情境中正确使用第一和第三人称代词以及相应的动词形式。过程与方法:1. 在学习的过程中敢于并善于表达自己的观点;2. 通过阅读快速获取关键信息;3. 在不同的阅读活动和过程中初步掌握和学习使用一定的阅读技巧,解决阅读中遇到的困难和问题,如词序、句子顺序重排等;4. 通过教师的指导和范文的提示,初步学会简单的写作方法和技巧。情感态度价值观:1. 能敢于开口,积极尝试用英语来大胆表达自己的喜恶和观点;2. 能在教师的引导下,形成对电视节目的正确态度,并养成良好的生活习惯。【教学重点教学重点】1. 能正确使用功能句谈论自己和他人对电视节目的喜恶和看法;2. 能读懂和正确朗读短文;3. 能写出简短的关于 Television 的小短文。【教学难点教学难点】1. 能正确区分和使用第一和第三人称代词以及相应的动词形式;2. 能学习使用一定的技巧给短文重新排序;3. 能初步学会和使用简单的写作方法和技巧写出小短文。【教学设计教学设计】Step One: Pre-reading 1. Play a game: read the words. Review some words about TV programmes.Ask Ss to read the words and say the names of programmes.设计意图:通过游戏和图片,帮助学生复习频率副词和有关电视节目的词汇。激活学生关于 Television 的词汇储备,活跃课堂气氛,同时为后续教学做准备。 2. Self-introductionAsk Ss to look at the pictures and try to say something about the teacher.设计意图:通过思维导图呈现关于我的一些信息,激活学生的知识和思维,复习所学功能句型,训练学生用英语表达的能力。3. Talk about the TV programmes the students like or dont like.The teacher tells Ss something about herself. Then she asks Ss to talk about themselves.Ss try to say what they like using I like . I think .设计意图:承接上面教学环节,引导学生运用 I like / dont . I think .等谈论自己喜爱或不喜欢的电视节目,并简单陈述理由,激活学生的语言储备,为后续阅读短文做铺垫。Step Two: While-reading1. Look at the pictures and try to read the text about Pete.(1)Ask Ss to read it loudly by themselves.(2)Ask Ss to read it together.(3)Ask Ss to read silently and answer the questions.(4)Read the text together. 设计意图:学生通过四次不同的读,完成不同的任务。第一次自由朗读短文,目的是在图片的提示下,将短文读通读顺,并初步感知短文内容;第二次,大声朗读,检查学生自由朗读的效果;第三次,默读短文,目的是获取短文中的关键信息;第四次,齐读短文,目的是训练学生用正确的语音语调朗读短文。(5)Look at the pictures and try to retell the text.设计意图:引导学生在图片提示下根据核心信息正确复述短文,训练学生的语用能力。同时为后面两篇短文学习和短文习作做一定的牵引。(6)Talk about the students father and mother.设计意图:通过师生问答和互动,承上启下,自然过渡。2.Try to read the texts about Jill and Barbara.(1)Divide the class into two groups. Group1 reads the passage about Jill and try to find: Whats wrong with this text? Group2 reads the passage about Barbara and try to put these sentences in order. (2)Check and read it together.设计意图:学生分组阅读后面两篇短文,在阅读过程中分别完成不同的阅读任务:改错或将句子重新排序,引导学生在阅读过程中学习和运用一定的阅读技巧和策略,解决一定的问题并获取文本中的关键信息。(3)Pairwork.Try to ask and get some information about Jill or Barbara. (4)Show time. Ask and answer.设计意图:在学生分组阅读的基础上,引导学生自主提问,并通过合作学习和互动,获取关于他人的有关信息。Step Three: Post-reading1. Try to write their own texts.(1)Guide Ss to write the title,beginning,body paragraph and ending in different ways.(2)Ss try to write their own texts.设计意图:教师通过写作方法和技巧的有效指导,引导学生逐步运用所学的句型写出关于 Television 的短文。提高学生的语言输出能力,培养学生的写作能力。 2. Summary.设计意图:评价小结。
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Unit Television_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:10950) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 刘兆义 主编
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