Unit 3 Television-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:30b42).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号30b42.zip外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号30b42.zip
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UnitUnit 3 3 TelevisionTelevision make phone calls see films take photoswatch TV programmesWhat can you do with a mobile phone?VIP United States of AmericaUSA United KingdomUK Peoples Republic of ChinaPRC very important personUnited States of AmericaPeoples Republic of Chinavery important personUnited Kingdom Frank JulietText 11. What programme on CCTV9?A. nature programme B.sports programme A. nature programme? B.sports programme2.What programme does Frank like? Frank JulietFrank: Its Frank. Juliet, please turn on the TV. Theres a nature programme on CCTV9. Its about crocodile and lion. Very intresting!1. What programme on CCTV9?A. nature programme B.sports programme A. nature programme nature programmes Frank JulietJuliet: Wow, great! Frank, theres a sports programme on CCTV 5 at 3 Oclock.Frank : Its my favourite programme!2.What programme does Frank like?A. nature programmeB.sports programmeB.sports programmesports programmesText 2True or False1. Frank likes nature programmes and detective films. ( )2. Juliet likes nature programmes and romantic films. ( )3. Juliets favourite programmes are science fiction films. ( )4. Juliet and Frank dont like cartoons. ( ) Frank Juliet Frank JulietFrank: I like sports programmes and detective films. And I want to be a policeman. Conan is my superstar! True or False1.Frank likes nature programmes and detective films. ( )Fdetective films Frank JulietJuliet: Well, I like nature programmes and science fiction films. Science fiction films are my favourite programmes. But I dont like romantic films. I never watch romantic films.True or False 2. Juliet likes nature programmes and romantic films.( )FRomanticfilms Frank JulietJuliet: Well, I like nature programmes and science fiction films. Science fiction films are my favourite programmes. True or False3.Juliets favourite programmes are science fiction films.( )Tscience fiction films Frank JulietFrank: Me, too. Juliet, do you like cartoons?Juliet: No, I dont like cartoons.Frank: Me, too. True or False 4. Juliet and Frank dont like cartoons. ( )T Frank JulietFrank: Me, too. Juliet, do you like cartoons?Juliet: No, I dont like cartoons.Frank: Me, too. Me, too A. Frank likes cartoon. B. Frank doesnt like cartoon.B. Frank doesnt like cartoon. Frank JulietFrank: I like cartoons.Juliet: Me, too. Me, too A. Juliet likes cartoon. B. Juliet doesnt like cartoon.A. Juliet likes cartoon.cartoonsProgrammescartoonssports programmesscience fiction filmsnature programmesromantic filmsdetective films Watch and say:_ , _ , I like _.I often watch _._ , _ , I dont like _.I never watch _._ , _ , I like _.I often watch _._ , _ , I dont like _.I never watch _._ , _ , I like _.I often watch _._ , _ , I dont like _.I never watch _. Frank JulietText 2Juliet:Hi,Frank!Welcome!Frank:Hi,Juliet. Look,its Jordan! So cool!Frank: I like sports programmes and detective films. And I want to be a policeman. Conan is my superstar!Juliet: Well, I like nature programmes and science fiction films. Science fiction films are my favourite programmes. But I dont like romantic films. I never watch romantic films. What about you?Frank: Me, too. Juliet, do you like cartoons?Juliet: No, I dont like cartoons.Frank: Me, tooMake a dialogue(创编对话)创编对话)斯特兰奇博士是一名外科手术医生,他拥有着高超的智商和精湛的技艺,是整个医学界的传奇人物。某一日,斯特兰奇博士遭遇了一场可怕的车祸。尽管保住了双手,但这双手伤痕累累不住颤抖。这也就意味着,他再也不能拿起手术刀TimeTime:4 4:00P.M.00P.M.Science Fiction FilmCartoon一群生活在加拿大小镇的孩子,在寒假来临时,为了打发无聊的时间,小男孩卢克和刚到搬到镇子上的小女孩索菲亚成为对立两派的首领,约定了一场超大规模的雪仗TimeTime:1010:30A.M.30A.M.米娅渴望成为一名演员,但至今她仍旧只是片场咖啡厅里的一名平凡的咖啡师,尽管不停的参加着大大小小的试镜,但米娅收获的只有失败。某日,在一场派对之中,米娅邂逅了名为塞巴斯汀的男子,在塞巴斯汀的鼓励下TimeTime:8 8:00P.M.00P.M.Romantic Film天赋异禀的结巴少年秦风警校落榜,被姥姥遣送泰国找远房表舅号称“唐人街第一神探”,实则“猥琐”大叔的唐仁散心TimeTime:6 6:30P.M.30P.M.Detective Film1. What film do you like?I like2. What film do you often watch?I often watch3.What about you?3. It begins at4.Its too late/early/ok.5.I want to watchTips:Goodbye!Goodbye!文本一Juliet:Hello!Frank:Hi, is that Juliet?Juliet: Yes, its Juliet! Who speaking?Frank:Its Frank. Juliet, please turn on the TV. Theres a nature programme on CCTV9. Its about crocodile and lion. Very intresting!Juliet: Wow, great! Frank, theres a sports programme on CCTV 5 at 3 O clock.Frank : Its my favourite programme!Juliet: Can you come to my place? We can watch TV programmes together!Frank: OK! See you!Bye!Juliet: See you! Bye!1)What programme on CCTV9?A.nature programme B. sports programme2)What programme does Frank like?A.nature programme B. sports programme文本二Juliet:Hi,Frank!Welcome!Frank:Hi,Juliet! Look,Its Jordan! So cool!Frank: I like sports programmes and detective films. And I want to be a policeman. Conan is my superstar! Juliet: Well, I like nature programmes and science fiction films. Science fiction films are my favourite programmes. But I dont like romantic films. I never watch romantic films. What about you?Frank: Me, too. Juliet, do you like cartoons?Juliet: No, I dont like cartoons.Frank: Me, too.True or False:Frank likes nature programmes and detective films. ( )Juliet likes nature programmes and romantic films. ( ) Juliets favourite programmes are science fiction films. ( )Juliet and Frank dont like cartoons.( )1Unit 3 Television (第一课时第一课时) 教案教案教学内容:教学内容:五年级下册(join in) Unit 3 Television(第一课时) 一一 教学内容教学内容本课教学内容是根据Join In五年级下册 Unit3 Television 中 Part 1 和 Part 2 两部分改编而成的两段对话,主要内容为:Juliet 和 Frank 打电话聊到自己感兴趣的电视节目,并相约一起看电视以及一起讨论电视节目。二 学情分析本节课授课对象是小学五年级学生,他们通过两三年的学习积累,已经具备了一定的英语学习能力和简单的英语综合运用能力。本节课是本单元的第一课时,学生在之前的英语学习中有学习到打电话的基本用语、手机的基本功能、频率副词的基本运用以及运用相关的句型表达自己的喜好。三教学目标三教学目标1.认知与技能:1)能准确理解、朗读并运用核心词汇 cartoon, romantic film, sports programme, detective film ,nature film, science fiction film 电视节目单词;2)能听懂 What programme do you like? What programme do you often watch?;能运用核心句型 I often/ never watch. I likeI dont like等句型来表达自己对电视节目的喜好;3)基本听懂、读懂文本,能正确完成题目,并能模仿文本二进行角色扮演;4)能运用所学核心词汇、句型以及文本里的常用表达,自编歌谣和对话。2.文化与情感:1)学习和了解一些电视节目类型,感受电视节目及影片的魅力,体会电视节目及电影带来的乐趣;2)在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考,参与讨论;23)利用提供的学习资源,通过阅读、讨论、合作、交流、练习等形式完成学习任务;教学重点:教学重点:1)能在情境中正确运用 I often /never watch. I likeI dont like等句型;教学难点:教学难点:1)掌握 detective film, science fiction film 等单词的发音;2)能熟练表达自己喜欢的电视节目名称,并完成相关练习;教学过程教学过程:一 Review 1.Review and free talk2.讲解 is short for 及名词缩写.Match:VIP United States of AmericaUSA United KingdomUK Peoples Republic of ChinaPRC very important person二二Presentation(一)Lead-in1情境一T: Boys and girls, I like watching TV. 3T: There are two children: (Juliet and Frank). They are friends. They like watching TV, too. They are making a phone call. (电话铃声) Lets listen!播放音频(文本一)T: Juliet and Frank are making a phone, they are talking about TV programmes. Please take out your paper,listen and read, try to find out the answers. PPT 同时呈现出问题:并讲解 nature programmes, sports programmes.(2)情境二T: Boys and girls, Juliet and Frank are making a phone call. They want to watch TV together. So Frank goes to Juliets home. Look, Frank is coming!(敲门声) 播放音频(文本二)T: Juliet and Frank are watching TV together, lets listen again and do “True or False”Ready? Go!True or False:Frank likes sports programmes and detective films. ( )找学生回答。T: This is the answer in the text. Lets listen again.(播放判断一录音)T: Frank says:I like nature programmes and detective films.T: So this is detective film.(PPT 展示体育图片加上 detective film)播放单词音频两遍,学生跟读。Juliet likes nature programmes and romantic films.( )找学生回答。T: Look here!(播放判断二录音)4Juliet says:I like nature programmes and cartoons. I dont like cartoons.(文本划线部分加红)T: Look at this film poster. This film is Titanic, This boy is .(Jack), and this girl is .(Rose). They love each other. They are romantic.(教读 romantic)This is a romantic film.(音频教读 romantic films)T: Do you like romantic films?S: Yes/No, I (dont)likeT: Me, too. Science fiction films are Juliets favourite programmes. ( )找学生回答。T: This is the sentence in the text.(播放判断三录音)播放星球大战视频(科幻片视频) Wow, its exciting!音频带读 science fiction films(四遍)Juliet and Frank dont like cartoons. ( )找学生回答。三Practice1.Watch and say:2.Chant3.Listen and mime:4.小组活动:看节目指南,同桌之间互相对话小组活动:看节目指南,同桌之间互相对话请学生展示(一到两组学生)板书设计:板书设计:nature programme sports programme detective film romantic film science fiction film cartoon5What do you like? What programme do you often watch?I like I often watch.I dont like I never watch
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Unit Television_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:30b42) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点
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