Unit 3 Television-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频+素材)--外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:90ebc).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson3_ppt课件_含教案微课音频素材_编号90ebc.zip外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit3Television_Lesson3_ppt课件_含教案微课音频素材_编号90ebc.zip
编号:2265892    类型:共享资源    大小:4.49MB    格式:ZIP    上传时间:2022-03-28
adKevin DeeIve got a friend called Kevin Dee,And hes a star on TV.Just switch on the telly And watch for a while,And there he is with a big,big smile.Hes eating sweets,First one,then two,And then he stops and looks at you.He smiles and says,I love these sweets,And then he eats and eats and eats. Thousands of children Like you and meWant to have what they see on TV.They go and buy big bags of the sweetsThat Kevin eats and eats and eats. But what Kevin says on TV is not true.He doesnt like sweets like me and you.He only eats them on TV.I know,cause Kevin goes to school with me!Ive got a friend called Kevin Dee,And hes a star on TV.Just switch on the telly And watch for a while,And there he is with a big,big smile.He s eating sweets,First one, then two,And then he stops and looks at you.He smiles and says , I love these sweets,”And then he eats and eats and eats. ReadRead andand mimemimeHe s _ sweets,First one, then two,And then he _ and _ at you.He _ and _ , I _ these sweets,”And then he _ and _ and _. eatingstopslookssmilessaysloveeatseatseatsThousands of childrenLike you and meWant to have what they see on TV.They go and buy big bags of the sweets.That Kevin eats and eats and eats.10100= a thousandthousands of lightsthousands of fishbig bags of the sweetsThousands of childrenLike you and meWant to have what they see on TV.They go and buy big bags of the sweets.That Kevin eats and eats and eats.ReadRead andand ticktick truetrue oror falsefalseBut what Kevin says on TV is not true.He doesnt like sweets like me and you.He only eats them on TV.I know, cause Kevin goes to school with me!1. Kevin likes sweets very much. ( )2. He always eats the sweets. ( )3. Kevin goes to school with me. ( )FFTKevin DeeIve got a friend called Kevin Dee,And hes a star on TV.Just switch on the telly And watch for a while,And there he is with a big,big smile.Hes eating sweets,First one,then two,And then he stops and looks at you.He smiles and says,I love these sweets,And then he eats and eats and eats. Thousands of children Like you and meWant to have what they see on TV.They go and buy big bags of the sweetsThat Kevin eats and eats and eats. But what Kevin says on TV is not true.He doesnt like sweets like me and you.He only eats them on TV.I know,cause Kevin goes to school with me!Listen and find out the rhymes.DeeTVtellyTVmeTVmewhilesmilesweetssweetssweetseatseatstwoyouyoutrueKevin doesnt like sweets,but he says“I love these sweets.”Why?switch on the tellyUnit3Unit3 partpart 8Kevin8Kevin DeeTeachingDeeTeaching PlanPlanTeachingTeaching aimsaims andand demands:demands:1.1.Let the pupils learn to use: Ive got a friend called Kevin Dee. Hes eating sweets. He stops and looks at you. He smiles and says. They go and buy big bags of the sweets.2.2.Let the pupils learn to understand: Hes a star on TV. Switch on the telly . He is with a big big smile. First one. Then two. Thousands of children like you and me, want to have what they see on TV. He only eats them on TV. I know cause Kevin goes to school with me.3.3.Let the pupils know that some ads are not true.KeyKey pointspoints andand difficultdifficult point:point:4.4.Let the pupils learn to understand: Thousands of children like you and me, want to have what they see on TV.5.5.Let the pupils know that some ads are not true.TeachingTeaching steps:steps: StepStep 1:1: Greeting.Greeting. StepStep 2:2: WarmWarm up.up. 1.1. Free talk: Do you like watching TV?What programmers do you like best?2.Warm up: Read these words as quickly as you can.StepStep 3:3: Presentation:Presentation:1. look at here, what programme is it?Yes, this is an ad. What is it about?Do you want to buy the sweets? Why?Lets learn a poem: Kevin Dee.2. Listen to the poem.StepStep 4:4: practicepractice1. Learn the first period:a. Listen to the video.b. Learn to use: Ive got a friend called Kevin Dee.c. Look at the PPT and try to understand: Hes a star on TV.switch on the telly. Hes with a big big smile. d. Learn to read it. Try to say the chant. 3. Learn the second period:a. Listen to the video.b. Listen and mime. Then Try to act it out with your partner.c. read and fill in the blanks. 4. Learn the third period: a. Listen to the video. b. Learn to understand: Thousands of children like you and me want to have what they see on TV. c. Read it in the group. 5. Learn the fourth period: a. Listen to the video. b. Tick true or false. c. Read it in the group.StepStep 5 5 SummarySummary 1. Listen again, and find out the rhymes.2. Read the poem with the music.3. Let the pupils know that : some ads are not true. 教学反思本课尝试采取了翻转课堂的模式。翻转课堂主要是在信息化环境当中,任课教师提供以教学视频为主要形式的学习资源,让学生在课前完成对教学视频等学习资源的观看和学习,课堂上教师与学生协作探究,通过一起完成作业、答疑等交流互动活动来完成课堂学习。它颠倒了传统课堂中知识传授与知识内化两个阶段,实现了师生互动课堂教学模式。翻转课堂的教学实施要点在于确定学生在课堂上的主体地位,强化教师与学生之间的教学互动,从而实现在教师的引导下学生进行有效地自主学习,进而能够提高教学内容的高效率传递,最终有利于学生学习自主性的养成和合作探究能力的提升以及英语口语表达能力的增强。在小学英语学习中,它通常由以下环节构成:一、课前预习阶段1组织观看视频等资料。较之传统的英语教学而言,翻转课堂将预习内容编辑成为可看性非常强的视频,这样能够有利于学生预习质量的提高;翻转课堂将整个课时都用来对教学内容交流讨论和课后作业的练习讲解中,这样有利于给学生留出足够的时间与老师进行交流和互动,进而能够为学生答疑解惑,最终有利于学生自主学习习惯的养成,切实避免了填鸭式教育的机械性学习和记忆。翻转课堂的课前预习是取得良好课堂效果的关键因素,因此在课堂教学进行之前,教师要让学生明确课前学习的目标、内容、方法、微视频、学习资源等。再以本节课学习内容的重难点为切入点制作八分钟以内的微视频,让学生通过视频,能感知重点的词汇、句型、语法或者是语言的功能,为课堂的交流分享做铺垫。视频教学资料中既有标准的单词读音,又有有趣的故事情节,同时教师还可以给予话题教学内容相关的资源,包括文本,视频、动画、图片、歌曲等,让学生根据课前任务单,开展个性化学习,增加英语学习的趣味性。教师可以利用网络交流平台,通过 QQ 或微信群、聊天室等网络交流工具与学生进行交流,提供及时的帮助,了解学生的学习情况,以便课堂教学的以学定教。2.开展课前的评测。如果说微视频的学习能够让孩子在快乐中记住单词,那么课堂上通过交流讨论环节对孩子预习成果的检验,则能够激发孩子表现欲而促进其进行认真学习。对小学生预习质量的检测和评价方式主要是以口头提问的方式来进行,这样能够简化测评的方式。例如,检测单词发音情况或是课文朗读情况,可以由老师检测学生交上来的朗读音频或视频,一边听一边发现不足,进行指导,为检测学生对文段的理解,通常可以采用让学生根据文段内容,进行填表、判断、填词等活动,这样既能全面检测学生学习效果,还有利于加深学生对文段的理解,培养学生从文段中获取所需信息的能力。二、课堂活动阶段1.创设学习任务,组织课堂指导在翻转课堂上,主要是教师和学生之间针对教学内容进行交流和探讨,这个过程不仅仅是提高学生对英语的运用能力,也要对学生的合作交流能力进行培养,因此,教师要将教学内容和学生的实际相联系,给学生定制出与其实际能力相匹配 课堂活动任务。为了便于这些活动有效开展,通常情况下会将六名左右的学生分成一个小组,小组成员中由老师进行指定分工,从而提高大家完成任务的质量。当翻转课堂实施成熟起来之后,老师可以给每个小组制定组长,具体小组任务的分配工作由组长来完成,这样能够培养孩子的综合能力,还可以根据孩子们在活动中的具体表现进行因材施教。2. 汇报教学成果并完善教学任务。教学成果汇报可采取的形式很多,学生经过合作学习后,各小组可以选择自己喜欢的方式进行交流分享,如对话表演、故事演绎、画知识树、知识点汇报等。在成果交流中,尽可能鼓励所有小组成员都参与交流,教师需及时引导各小组之间进行质疑、反思、评价,必要时教师可以进行相应的引导和点评。三、 课后综合评价与反馈阶段评价要有明确目的和内容。开展综合评价不仅要考查学生记忆理解英语的能力,还要对其应用效果进行分析,从中找到教学准备的疏漏。其目的就是要把所有 要素组成为一个整体。教学过程不可缺少评价这一环节,可以发现不足并提出改正建议,从而使小学生英语知识的学习得到更好的促进。突出创新、改进和完善教学模式突出创新教学模式或结构体系是综合评价和反馈的最主要目的。要评价翻转课堂教学模式,必须按照评价目标的发展性和评价形式多元化等基本原则,使教师的教学活动在不断获得评价和学生反馈的基础上,得到不断改进与完善。总而言之,小学英语教学中的翻转课堂应用要能结合学生的学习特征以及教学任务实施,其作为新的教学模式,对学生主体有了强调。教师在实际教学中一定要能够认识到学生的主体地位,教师要能将主导作用在教学中充分发挥。在兴趣培养的基础上让学生能够积极投入到教学中,促进学生积极主动地学习,从而达到高效学习的目标。在授课前教师给学生提供以教学视频为主要形式的教学资源,让学生完成单词的学习与诗歌的初步感知,再到课堂上协作探究,在教学中,教师将文本作为阅读材料进行处理,通过 Read and mime, Read and choose, Read and tick.等方式来帮助学生进一步理解文本,在理解的基础上,再回归到诗歌本身,通过配乐朗诵的方式,让学生感知诗歌的韵律美和节奏。 在学生学习方式的设计上,可以再大胆些,部分词组的理解可以放手让学生自行选择方式来进行理解并设法交流,这样更能显示出学生学习中的主体性。
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Unit Television_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+音频+素材)__外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:90ebc) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 刘兆义
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