Unit 5 On the beach-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:e1a40).zip


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Unit5 On the beach (part 2&3) Weather correctly (正确的)emotionally (有感情的)creatively (创造性的)correctly (正确的)emotionally (有感情的)correctly (正确的)Shanghai上海Harbin哈尔滨Hainan海南New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Singapore新加坡Moscow莫斯科the Arctic北极Hainan Island (海南岛)Peter is on Hainan Island. 1.Wheres Nancy?Shes in London.Lets listen again !2: What are they talking about?A: animals B: weather C: television weather 天气wearmotherbrotherLondonHainan3. Whats the weather like in Hainan?4. Hows the weather in London?Read after the tape, then underline (划线).3. Whats the weather like in Hainan? Its sunny and warm.Read after the tape, then underline (划线).4. Hows the weather in London? Its cold and windy.Read after the tape, then underline (划线).Whats the weather like in Hainan?Hows the weather in London?Its sunny and warm.Its cold and windy.下雨的New York纽约Whats the weather like in .?Its raining.Hows the weather in .?Its cloudy.Singapore新加坡多云的,阴天的Whats the weather like in .? Harbin哈尔滨Its snowy.下雪的Listen and number the pictures.3412MoscowHainanSingaporeSydneyNew York Whats the weather like in.?/ Hows the weather in.?Its. .Harbinthe ArcticLondonMoscowLondonHarbinHainanSingaporeSydneythe ArcticNew York Tips:fly a kite,make a snowman (堆雪人),ride a bike,go swimming,play football,.Make a travel plan(制定旅行计划)A: Summer holiday is coming! Lets go to_! _ _ _ _ _ _ Summer holiday is coming! Lets make our travel plans! Please discuss(讨论) and talk about it ! (可以一人制定旅行计划,也可以两人或多人一起谈论。) A: Hi,_. Summer holiday is coming! Lets go to _! B: OK! Er, whats the weather like there? A: Its_. B: Nice! So what will/can we do there? A: We will/can_. B: Cool! And what do we need? A: We need_. B: What will we wear? A: We will wear_. A: Great! Lets have a good time! Bye-bye. B: Bye!Lets talk in pairs!Lets read in pairs!Choose any one you like. (任选其一)Task2Task3Task1Homework1. Read the dialouge on P39 for 3 times.2. Complete the dialogue of Task2.3. Write a dialogue about a travel plan.Choose any one you like. (任选其一) Unit5 On the beach (part 2&3) Weather correctly (正确的)emotionally (有感情的)creatively (创造性的)correctly (正确的)emotionally (有感情的)correctly (正确的)Shanghai上海Harbin哈尔滨Hainan海南New York纽约London伦敦Sydney悉尼Singapore新加坡Moscow莫斯科the Arctic北极Hainan Island (海南岛)Peter is on Hainan Island. 1.Wheres Nancy?Shes in London.Lets listen again !2: What are they talking about?A: animals B: weather C: television weather 天气wearmotherbrotherLondonHainan3. Whats the weather like in Hainan?4. Hows the weather in London?Read after the tape, then underline (划线).3. Whats the weather like in Hainan? Its sunny and warm.Read after the tape, then underline (划线).4. Hows the weather in London? Its cold and windy.Read after the tape, then underline (划线).Whats the weather like in Hainan?Hows the weather in London?Its sunny and warm.Its cold and windy.下雨的New York纽约Whats the weather like in .?Its raining.Hows the weather in .?Its cloudy.Singapore新加坡多云的,阴天的Whats the weather like in .? Harbin哈尔滨Its snowy.下雪的Listen and number the pictures.3412MoscowHainanSingaporeSydneyNew York Whats the weather like in.?/ Hows the weather in.?Its. .Harbinthe ArcticLondonMoscowLondonHarbinHainanSingaporeSydneythe ArcticNew York Tips:fly a kite,make a snowman (堆雪人),ride a bike,go swimming,play football,.Make a travel plan(制定旅行计划)A: Summer holiday is coming! Lets go to_! _ _ _ _ _ _ Summer holiday is coming! Lets make our travel plans! Please discuss(讨论) and talk about it ! (可以一人制定旅行计划,也可以两人或多人一起谈论。) A: Hi,_. Summer holiday is coming! Lets go to _! B: OK! Er, whats the weather like there? A: Its_. B: Nice! So what will/can we do there? A: We will/can_. B: Cool! And what do we need? A: We need_. B: What will we wear? A: We will wear_. A: Great! Lets have a good time! Bye-bye. B: Bye!Lets talk in pairs!Lets read in pairs!Choose any one you like. (任选其一)Task2Task3Task1Homework1. Read the dialouge on P39 for 3 times.2. Complete the dialogue of Task2.3. Write a dialogue about a travel plan.Choose any one you like. (任选其一)Unit5 On the beach -weather1、Warming upHello, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! Im a new English teacher for you. My names Jenny. First, I want to tell you the rules in this class. There are six groups. One, two, three, four, five, six.(手势让学生明确小组划分) If you answer the question correctly(对勾手势+贴对勾), you can get one star for your group. If you read correctly and emotionally(比心手势+贴爱心), you can get two stars. If you do it correctly, emotionally and creatively(竖大拇指+贴灯泡), you can get three stars. Do you understand? Lets do together! Correctly! Emotionally! Creatively! I have some hobbies. I like reading, singing, and shopping.(表达慢一点,并加以手势) How about you?T: Whats your name? What do you like? S1: Im. I like. S2: My names. I like. S3: . I like travelling. (T: Aha/ Good hobbies./ Wow, you like so many things./ You like.,too. The same with that girl.)T: Oh, I like travelling, too. / Different people like different things. I like reading, singing, and shopping. And I also like travelling. Travelling is so cool.(拖着行李箱的图片) Do you like travelling?T: I collect many beautiful pictures. Would you like to see? OK, Lets enjoy! ( Shanghai, Harbin, Hainan Island, New York, London, Sydeny, Singapore, Moscow, the Arctic) (画面定格为风光图片缩小悬浮在世界地图上,右下角悬浮托行李箱图片)二、二、Presentation1. T: I hope I can travel around the world in the future. In these places(手势), Ive only been to Shanghai and Hainan(表情:遗憾失望). Hainan is my favourite place(表情: 开心愉快). I like the beach. I can collect shells, fly a kite, enjoy the sunshine there.(手势描述海南图片) Its great fun.T: I have a friend. Hes a boy.(呈现 Peter 照片) His names Peter. (呈现海南背景图)Hes on Hainan Island now. Listen! Hes phoning a friend, Nancy. (Nancy 照片) Peter is on Hainan Island. Wheres Nancy? Is she on Hainan Island, too? Lets listen!T: So wheres Nancy?(Q1) S1: Shes in London. 2. T: So what are they talking about? Lets listen again! Choose the right answer. (Q2 &三个选项) Which one?T: Yes, theyre talking about the weather in their places. So today we are going to learn Unit5 On the beach, about weather.( PPT 上呈现 weather, 贴副标题weather) T: Can you read this word? (PPT 呈现分节读法)T: Weather, weather, weather.(升降升)3.(画面为世界地图,Nancy&Peter, 两地图片) T: So whats the weather like in Hainan? Hows the weather in London?(呈现 Q3&Q4) Is it cool in Hainan? Is it hot in London?(呈现对话文本照片, 问题放在下方) Please read after the tape, then underline the answers. Ready? Go! Now, underline the sentences. Quickly!T: Now, lets check! Who can tell us? Q3:Whats the weather like in Hainan?(贴句型) S1: Sunny/ warm.(呈现划线)T: Yes. Its sunny and warm.(PPT 飞入 sunny 图标。举起金灿灿的 sun 图片,仰望,眯眼。T: sun, sun, sunny, Its sunny. )T: Please follow me. Sunny, sunny, sunny(升降升)(左手手势指示小组,右手举着词卡,示意小组读。帖词卡。)T: Now, hows the weather in London?(贴句型) Who knows?S2: Its cold and windy.(划线)T: Yes. Youre right. Its cold and windy.(windy 图片飞入,风声)T: Read after me. Windy, windy, windy.(升降升,出示词卡。走到前排学生面前,示意他们 read one by one. 退到讲台手势画个圈,示意齐读,帖词卡)T: Now, follow me. Boys first, then girls.(指着 PPT, Whats the weather like in Hainan? Its sunny and warm. Hows the weather in London? Its cold and windy. )T: Now, change.(第二遍带读)4. T: Well, we know two words about weather. Sunny, windy. So, do you know any other weather words?(让学生自由说,适时鼓励评价 Yes, great! Super! Wow, you can say so many words,或者 3 种手势)T:(PPT 呈现纽约图片) Now, lets listen!(播放下雨声) Can you ask about the weather? S1:Whats the weather like in New York?Ss: Its raining.(第一遍可能听不出来,播放第二遍,并呈现下雨动图)T: Yes. Youre right. Its raining.(指着 PPT 读) Raining, (出示词卡,拼读)raining, 读 raining. (示意小组读完,个别读,贴词卡)T: Now, who can ask about the weather in Singapore?(图片切换为新加坡,云层很厚) S2:.Ss:Its cloudy.T: (描述图片,手势)Yes!Cloud, cloud. So many clouds. Its Cloudy. (指向 PPT 齐读,出示词卡拼读 cloudy, 齐读,帖词卡) T: Its cloudy in Singapore. Now, who can talk about the weather in Moscow?(切换为莫斯科下雪) S3:.Ss: Its snowy.T: Yes, we can see a white world. There is much snow. So, its snowy.(PPT 读,出示词卡拼读,齐读,拿着词卡走到中间示意学生个人读,贴词卡。)5. T: Now, open your book to P39, lets listen listen and number the pictures.(PPT出示 part3 截图,让学生开书听音标号) T: Lets check quickly. Who can tell us the right orders. Youre so great!3、Practice1. T: (PPT 切换为世界地图和城市图片)指着画面调动学生: Boys and girls, do you know these cities? Lets say out their names! (带读城市名称)(示范)T: Hows the weather in the Arctic? S1: Its windy.T:Different places have different weather. Now, please practice in pairs. Talk about the weather of these places(各地天气图标出现). For example, you(拍拍左边同学的肩膀,眼神示意全班) ask him(右手指向他旁边的同桌), then exchange. 1 min. Hurry up! T: OK. Times up. You two have a try. Another pair. Who else? (2-3 组快速展示. Great! Fluently! Wonderful!.)2. T: Ah, if you are in.? What will you do there?(承接以上最后一组所谈论的地点提出该问题,示意他们回答) S1:I will. (T:Will you . there?启发或者 If Im in., I will. ) T: If youre in.? What will you do there?(换一组,换个地点提问)(贴句型:What will you do there? I will. .) T: Now, lets practice again. You can choose one city you like.(新增国内其他地点,部分城市不给天气图标) Talk about the weather(手势示意询问天气部分) and the things you will do there. Ask, answer, ask and answer.(PPT 中给出 Tips: fly a kite, make a snowman, ride a bike.) Maybe the tips will help you. OK? Two mins. Go! T: Now, which pair wants to show? (2-3 组展示 Wow, you two give me a big surprise. Youre so cool.) (Do they say it correctly? Emotionally? or Creatively?引导全班用手势评价, 老师打分奖励星星)四、四、Consolidation 1. T: Oh, summer holiday is coming! Im going to travel outside. Do you want totravel? (稍作停顿) I hear some people say yes. So lets make our travel plans! You can do it by yourself or discuss and talk with some partners.(Task3: PPT 中给出开头)T: Its difficult. Right? If you do this, you can three stars. So who can try this? Show me your hands, please. One, two, three,. Just a few(Wow, youre so brave!). But dont worry! Maybe this one is easier. You can choose this. Complete the conversation and practice in pairs(Task2: 挖空填词模板). Two stars. OK? Or, you can just read the text in pairs(Task1). One star. Dont forget to read correctly and emotionally!T: Choose any one you like. Understand? And you can also choose your partners freely. For example, if you want to make a travel plan with that girl, you can go there.(示意全班,可自由下位零时组合)T: Give you four mins. Go! T: Now, its your show time!(3-4 组展示,并加分) (Do they do it correctly? Emotionally? or Creatively? Show me your gestures. )4、Homework(打铃呈现以下 PPT 就可以了) T: Heres your homework. (三选一)Good-bye, boys and girls!
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Unit On the beach_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)__外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:e1a40) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 刘兆义 主编
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