Unit 6 Adventures-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:803f4).zip


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展开 外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit6Adventures_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号803f4.zip外研版三年级起点刘兆义主编五年级下册英语Unit6Adventures_Lesson1_ppt课件_含教案视频音频素材_县级公开课_编号803f4.zip
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Unit 6 Adventures 课前自主学习任务单 班级 姓名 一、学习指南1.课题名称:外研社,小学英语,五年级下册 Unit 6. Adventures Part 4a.4b.52.达成目标:通过观看微视频(听录音、读课本)达到: 读准短语(5 个)climb up the mountain, live in the jungle, live in the desert, go to the see, fly to the moon, 并知道它们的意思。 会用句型 Are you afraid of?What are you afraid of?询问对方害怕的事物。3. 学习方法建议:自然拼读,整理归纳法。二、学习任务1. 通过观看教学微视频,规范填词。 live in the climb-up the fly to the live in the go to the 评价:2. 通过看视频选择合适的词填空。 评价:三、困惑Unit 6 Adventures 课堂学习任务单 班级 姓名 一、学习指南1.课题名称:外研社,小学英语,五年级下册 Unit 6. Adventures Part 4a.4b.52.达成目标: 能用 be afraid of 表达自己对不同事物的感受,并能讲述一定的理由。 能有表情朗读 Sams poem。 创编对话,并能根据对话复述他人的 be afraid of。3. 学习方法建议:团队合作法。替换法。创编对话。 4.课堂学习形式报告。二、学习任务1.课始检测,根据图片提示:猜单词。快速读出单词和短语。2. 进阶作业 Lets listen and write. Sams Im afraid of Im afraid of Im afraid of But Im not afraid of tomato soup for lunch.Speak and complete.1):Are you of . Yes, .2):What you afraid of? Im not of . 3.协作探究 Make a dialogue.创编对话。A:Are you afraid ofB:No,Im not.(Yes, I am.)A:What are you afraid of?B:Im(not)afraid ofA:WhyB:BecauseRepeat the dialogue. This is Hes/shes afraid of Because he/she thinks Hes/shes not afraid of Because he/she thinks三、困惑 Unit6 AdventuresPart4a.4b&5spiderrathot foodswimmingcoldsleepinglive in the jungleclimb up the mountainfly to the moongo to the sealive in the desertmoun tainmousespiderslive in the junglehot foodhorror filmsride a bikelive in the jungleclimb up the mountainlive in the desertthe darkgo to the seabig dogssleep aloneIm not afraid of _,Im not afraid of _,And Im not afraid of _,But theres one thing Im afraid of: tomato soup for lunch. the dark spiders horror filmsspiders the dark horror films 4a Listen and complete Sams poem.tomatotomatosoup小组合作,读一小组合作,读一读读poem有节奏感或创意动作会有加分哦!Afraid of, not afraid ofAfraid of, not afraid ofIm not afraid ofIm not afraid of And Im not afraid of But theres one thing Im afraid of for lunch.Im afraid of .Im not afraid of .Hes shesAre you afraid of tomato soup for lunch? Yes, I am. No, Im not.Im afraid of . Im not afraid of .flying to the moonclimbing up the mountainliving in the desertgoing to the sealiving in the jungleIm (not) afraid of. animals subjects seasonsdoing somethingwarm cool hot cold beautifulcute clever friendly yuk horriblefun easy hard boring difficult stupid hard interesting exciting great Why? A: Hi. Are you afraid of ?B: Yes, I am. (No, Im not.)A: What are you afraid of?B: Im afraid ofA: Why?B: Because I think A: Are you afraid of ?B: Yes, I am. (No, Im not.)A: What are you afraid of?B: Im afraid ofA: Why?B: Because I think This isHes/shes afraid ofBecause he/she thinksHes/shes not afraid of Because he/she thinksIm afraid of the dark.Im afraid of spiders.be afraid of n名词名词 VingIm not afraid of going to the sea.Im not afraid of climbing up the mountain.Are you afraid of flying to the moon?Are you afraid of living in the desert?Summarythe darkspidersthe coldbig dogsgoing to the sealiving the desertflying to the moonclimbing up the mountain1Unit6 Adventures 教案设计理念设计理念 基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。其中语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,在英语课堂教学中教师要不断激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学生学习英语的自信,在老师创设的轻松、愉悦的课堂氛围中,让他们在听、说、读、写四个方面的语言技能得到提升,从而达到他们综合语言运用能力的培养。教学内容教学内容 外语教学与研究出版社 2011 课标版,刘兆义主编三年级起点Join in,五年级下册第六单元 Unit6 Adventures Part 4a 4b 5.学情与教材分析学情与教材分析 本节课的核心任务是通过学习,能用 be afraid of 表达自己对不同事的感受,讲述一定的理由。教学目标教学目标 1、能用 be afraid of 表达自己对不同事物的感受,并能讲述一定的理由。 2、会创读 poem. 3、创编对话,并能根据对话转述他人的 be afraid of.教学重点教学重点 能用 be afraid of 表达自己对不同事物的感受,并能讲述一定的2理由。教学难点教学难点 创编对话,并能根据对话转述他人的 be afraid of.教学准备教学准备 卡片、PPT、APP(一起作业,微信 QQ) 、奖品。教学过程教学过程Step1. Wam up. 1.Show the form. Speak tips. T:Hello.Boys and girls.Today,Ill devide you in two groups.You are group 1 and you are group2. Please listen carefully,speak loudly,read emotionally and write correctly. You are the winner. 2.Show PPT. Discrible and guess the words and phrases. T:Now.Lets play a game.What is it? Number1.Its a black animal. It has got a web. What animal? Number2.Its a delicious food.Sichuang people like it. What food? 【设计意图】英语教学目标就是要让学生在听说读写中学会运用语言。在课前热身的组织教学中以表格为载体,把以上 4 个方面用图片与表格相结合,让孩子们有意识在整个课堂关注、提升,评价这四个方面提高。接着 PPT 上出现单词线索,老师英文描述,猜测单词未热身,既能使学生以饱满的精神,激昂的情绪,为上好一堂课作前奏,同时又复习 Adventures 相关单词,为本节课学习作铺垫。Step2.Presentation.31.Analyse.T:Look at the moon. How nice!Its bright and nice.I think its interesting to fly to the moon. Do you like the moon? Do you want to fly to the moon? Are you afraid of flying to the moon? Its an interesting and exciting adventure. Today well learn Unit6 Adventures. Adventure. A d ven turn Life is an adventure. Lets see adventure photos. 【设计意图】创设情境话题,以孩子感兴趣的熟悉话题为入口,Fly to the moon 来进入今天主题 Adventure.成功吸引学生味口,打开孩子思维与口语训练开端,并提前感知本课主要单词、句型,一举多得,教师省力,学生开心。 2.Learn the phrases. T:Look at the picture. Whats this?(mountain. mountain)What can you do in the picture?Look at the picture. What do you want to?climb up the mountain. T:Please read the words and phrases. T:Guess. Whats the picture 1? S1,S2,S3,S4. Game. Review the phrases and words. T:Play a circle game. Read the words and phrases. Group 1 PK Group 2. Are you OK! Everybody. Go. 【设计意图】词句教学,体现字不离词,词不离句的语言课堂4学习模式,检测短语,用游戏比赛很好激发孩子们学习兴趣,提高学习积极性。 3.Learn the poem. T:OK.Have a rest. Hold your pens. Listen carefully and complete the Sams poem. T:Lets check your answers. Who can try to read the poem? S1,S2,S3 T:Listen carefull. Ill read the poem with the music. Please clap your hands. Come with me. Show to read. Act the poem. 【设计意图】 “兴趣是最好的老师” ,创设丰富的课堂活动。节奏明快富有动感的韵律 poem 能有效激发学生学习兴趣,创设良好学习环境,帮助学训练习句型,并让学生所学知识进行滚动。 4.Learn be afraid of and not afraid of. T:Whats the meaning of be afraid of or be not afraid of(加入动作) 。 T:Look at PPT, the boy. Whats he doing now? S1,S2,S3T:Yes,Hes cring. Hes sad in the water. He cant swim.So he is not afraid of swimming.T:Look at this girl. How is the girl feeling now? 【设计意图】难点化解时,利用夸张的动作,鲜明对比的图片,加简洁明了的语言解释 be afraid of 与 be not afraid of 的区别,有利5于帮助学生突破难点,孩子间互问答,进入下一个学习高潮。 5.Lets talk. T:Are you afraid of swimming? S1,S2,S3 T:Are you afraid of tomato soup for lunch. S1,S2,S3 T:What are you afraid of? S1,S2,S3 T:What arent you afraid of? S1,S2,S3 【设计意图】 “面向全体学生,让每位学生得到发展” 。师生对答,分层瓦解本课重难点,让学生在图片与情感引导中,说出自己对事物的看法,鼓励学生大胆地展现自己对事物的认知,并进行现场表演,让语言得到内化。Step3.Practice. 1.Make a diolague. T:Beside these.What else are you afraid of?Example,Im afraid of animals. seasonsand so on.Im afraid of elephants, Because I think its horrible.Im not afraid of dogs, Because I think its cute. Ask and answer. A:Are you afraid of? B:Yes, I am. /No, Im not. A:What are you afraid of?6 B:Im afraid of A:Why? B:Because I think Show the diolague. 【设计意图】课堂教学,以“学生为中心” ,给每一位孩子自我展示的空间。实现老师角色的转变。教师示范教学内容把话题引入到孩子耳边熟悉事物,启发学生的思维,创设不同情境,组织学生参与讨论,培养学生的语言交际能力。 2.Repeat the diolague. T:Xu.Listen carefully. And repeat the diolague. This is.Hes afraid of. Because he thinks. Hes not afraid of. Because he thinks. 【设计意图】 “跳起来摘果子”老师现场创设情境,根据小组对话,不断鼓励孩子用第三人称复述对话内容,扩展他们的语言知识,提升思维训练,让每一位孩子语言都有提升发展空间。Step4.Summarize T:Today we learn how to use the sentences about the be afraid of in Adventures. Are you afraid of?What are you afraid of?And why? OK.How to think the adventures in a right way? Look at the video. T:Look at the sentences. What can you find?理性探险,保护自我。7 T:Please look the form. Who is the winner in our class? 【设计意图】教学结束,因势利道,由学生观察推理说出总结be (not) afraid of 后面+n 或 Ving. 学生是有成就感。Step5.Homework.板书设计板书设计 Unit6. Adventures. Are you afraid of? Yes, What are you afraid of?Im (not) afraid of.Why?Because.设计思路设计思路在本节课中,为了培养学生的主体意识,让学生积极主动地学习,我在整个教学过程中,尽力做到富有激情、童心和爱心,尊重和发展学生的主体意识和主动精神,努力营造一种宽松愉快的学习氛围和和谐民主的师生关系,给学生一种亲和力。在开始上课时,我情绪饱满,带着自信的微笑走进课堂,以良好的情绪感染学生。在教学过程中,对学生充满信心,尽量用激励性的语言进行评价,使学生尝到学习的乐趣和成功的体验,为主体性的发展创造了良好的氛围和条件。这一节课的成功之处在于多媒体教学突破了时空的限制,为课堂教学提供了丰富的语言情境和大量的语言信息,有效地激发了学生的兴趣,调动学生的多种感官参与体验,充分发挥了学生的主观能动性。学生在多媒体课件的演示过程中不断地有新刺激、新发现,兴奋点也不断地产生,学习热情持续不减,在丰富多彩的活动中,8获得了语言知识,培养了交际能力。另外,利用多媒体辅助教学,授课容量大,交互性强,操作灵活,省时省力。这节课的亮点是整个教学过程始终突出了学生的主体作用,所有媒体信息均为学生参与活动创造了最佳情境,使英语学习过程成为学生主动思维,并形成主动学习能力的过程。另外,课堂上宽松、愉快、和谐、民主的教学氛围,也让学生的主体性得到了极大的发挥,学生积极参与,主动发展,交际能力得到锻炼。在本节课中,我还根据小学生好奇、好动、爱表现的特点,运用了情境教学法、全身反应法、直观教学法、游戏教学法等多种教学方法,使学生在生动有趣的课堂活动中感知语言、习得语言,从而达到用英语进行交际的目的。个人简介个人简介 吴慧娟,小学英语高级教师。2008 年讲授At Tonys获武汉市优质课一等奖;2011 年论文情景中学 生活中用获武汉市优质论文一等奖;2013 年被评为武汉市“一师一优课”先进个人;2014 年案例授之以鱼,不如授之以渔获湖北省优质课二等奖。从事小学英语教学 18 年,在英语教学中寓教于乐,刻苦钻研,善于把握新教材特点,教学不落俗套,能够根据学生的生理和心理特点,有针对性地设置教学环境,激发学生学习英语的热情,把学、说、用与学生日常生活结合起来,把课堂学习、课后复习、课下使用联系起来,让学生真正学会、掌握。多次为市、区教师做示范课、研究课,受到领导和老师们的好评。
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Unit Adventures_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:803f4) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点
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