Unit 5 School life-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:b4543).zip


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编号:2218595    类型:共享资源    大小:3.53MB    格式:ZIP    上传时间:2022-03-22
school uniform Look and say skirt shoes dress socks shirt sweater trainers shorts cap jeansLets play a game: Whats missing?Lets play a game: Whats missing?Lets play a game: Whats missing?Lets play a game: Whats missing?tieblousecardigantrousersblazerblouse女式衬衣女式衬衣 shirt男式衬衣男式衬衣cardigan开襟开襟毛衣毛衣sweater套头套头毛衣毛衣Listen, number and match.(听音,给下列图片标号,并将图片和相应的单词用线连起来。)cardigan sweater socks blazer shirt blouse123456blousecardigantrouserstieblazersweatertrainersshirtcardigantieblouseskirtsocksshoesCould you please send me a photo of you in school uniform?能能送给送给 我我一张你穿校服的照片一张你穿校服的照片吗?吗?send:送给,发送送给,发送sendSb.Sth.给给某人某人 某物某物cardigantieblouseskirtsocksshoesI I amam wearingwearing She/HeShe/He is is wearingwearing _,_, _,_,_,_, _ andand _._.Pair work:Talk about What you are wearing today with your partner.Tips: 1. Choose some clothes for Baymax. 2. Stick them on your board. 3. Talk about it. 4. Show your work.1.1. 从辛亥革命到二十年代从辛亥革命到二十年代制服式校服首次出现制服式校服首次出现Fromthe1911RevolutiontotwentysUniformStyleSchoolUnifromforthefirsttime2.三十年代三十年代中式旗袍校服中式旗袍校服Thirtys -Chinese cheongsam uniforms3.四十年代四十年代男生长袍校服男生长袍校服Fortys-School uniform boys Robe5.五十年代五十年代比较随意比较随意Fiftys-Casual style6.六、七十年代六、七十年代不爱红装爱武装不爱红装爱武装Sixtys to seventys-armed style 7.八十年代八十年代海魂衫海魂衫Eightys-sailors striped shirt8.九十年代九十年代面包口袋运动服面包口袋运动服Ninetys-Bread pocket sportswear9.二十一世纪二十一世纪百花齐放百花齐放The 21st century All kinds of style 10.如今如今让学生爱穿的各式各样的校服让学生爱穿的各式各样的校服At present-so many kinds of schooluniforms loved by our pupils.我们的校服越来越美 Ourschooluniformismoreandmorebeautiful国外的那些校服国外的那些校服Foreign School Uniforms1.最可爱最可爱日本日本 the most lovely-Japan2.最不讲究最不讲究美国美国themostcasual-America3.最正统最正统英国英国 the most orthodox-The U.K4.最淑女最淑女韩国韩国theprettiest-Korea5.最保守最保守马来西亚马来西亚The most conservative-Malaysia 6.最严格最严格澳大利亚澳大利亚The most stringent-Australia 7.最具民族特色最具民族特色阿曼阿曼Most of the national characteristics-Oman 8. 最神奇最神奇不丹不丹The most amazing-BhutanYou are what you wear!Focus on campus culture 关关注校园文化,注校园文化,Wear the youth style 穿穿出青春特色,出青春特色,Pursue of elegance 追追求高雅品味,求高雅品味,Reflect the spirit of the times 体体现时代风貌。现时代风貌。Lookandwriteor判断下列句子与图片的内容是否相符,相符的打,不符的打并在横线上改正过来。1Lindaiswearingablouse,atie,acardigan,askirt,apairofsocksandapairofshoes.()2Peteriswearingashirt,atie,ablazer,trousersandshoes.()3Beniswearingasweater,ashirt,atie,trousersandshoes.()4Lisaiswearingablouse,atie,acardigan,trousersandshoes.()5Bobiswearingashirt,atie,ablazer,trousersandshoes.()6Sallyiswearingasweater,askirt,socksandshoes.()cardiganskirtcardiganUnit 5 school life主动教育教案备教材分析:Join in四年级下册 unit5 school life 主要围绕学生丰富多彩的学校生活来展开以对学校的英语课上各种活动的喜好讨论,以谈论学生的校服为中心话题,本节课主要针对本单元 Part3 服饰单词&Part4 谈论校服的对话这两个部分来设计。一、warming upBoys and girls, where is it? (PPT 显示一张近期学校举行运动会,学生统一穿校服的大型集会照片)Ss:Its in our school.Yes, its our school. Today we talk about “school life”. 引出单元标题“school life”并带读。And at school, we wear school uniform. Look, what are these?PPT 显示我校四季校服照片引导学生说出“school uniform”.T: Can you say more words that can be uniforms? Now please look and say.PPT 显示各种服饰图片让学生迅速说出英文,Group by group.T: Good job! Now lets play a guessing game, whats missing?【设计意图】:复习旧词,并以旧引新, whats missing? 游戏激发学生学习热情,创造出良好的学习氛围。二、主动感知T:You did a really good job! Now I have some new words for you, lets learn them together.New words teaching:Whats this?Ss: A tie.以此类推教授新词:blouse, cardigan, trousers(Why here add s,手势示意两条裤腿,), blazer 并板书。引导学生区别:blouse(女式衬衣)& shirt(男式衬衣) cardigan(开襟毛衣)&sweater(套头毛衣)A test :listen, number and match. Then check the answers with the pupils.Play another game: Who has shiny eyes? (火眼金睛)【设计意图】:从音,形方面巩固所学新单词。二、主动发现1. T: Open your books and turn to P39, lets listen and complete the dialogue.Play the recorder and get the pupils to fill in the blanks. Play again if necessary.Choose some pupils to report their answers.2. Show the pupils a photo of me in school uniform.T: This is a photo of me in my uniform, do you like it? And do you want it? So what should you say to me?【设计意图】:创设具体情境帮助学生理解句子:Could you please send me a photo of you in school uniform? 并引导学生理解单词“send”的意思。Get the pupils to listen and repeat, then ask them to act the dialogue out.三、主动参与Show the pupils another photo of me and ask them: What am I wearing? 出示并教授句子:I am wearing a coat.trousers (板书) 此处板书一单数,一复数有意识强调并引导学生注意区别衣服单复数的描述。教师抽取一张衣服卡片放在胸前并用“I am wearing ”说出卡片上的衣服。Get some pupils to choose some card and say “I am wearing”当最后两个学生(一男一女)说完,迅速转向全班,问其他学生:“What is he/she wearing?”出示并教授句子:He is wearing She is wearingPPT 出示 TF boys 的图片,ask the pupils “What are they wearing? ” 出示并教授句子:What are they wearing?四、主动建构PPT 出示学生熟悉并感兴趣的明星图片,操练句型:He/She is wearingPair work:Talk about what you are wearing today with you partner, then report in class.五、主动拓展PPT 出示 Bay max 图片,Ask the pupils: Who is he ?T: Yes, he is Bay max. We all love him, but he has no uniform, lets design uniforms for him.Group work:学路建议 Tips:1.选 Choose some clothes for Bay max. 2.贴 Stick them on the white board. 3.说 Talk about it in groups. 4.展 Show your work in class.T: Well done! Boys and girls, now lets have a look: which group is the winner?You are the best! OK, lets enjoy some pictures of Chinese school uniforms and foreign school uniforms. As time goes by, our Chinese school uniform is more and more beautiful, lets focus on campus culture, wear the youth style, pursue of elegance and reflect the spirit of the times. Thats all, so much for today, thank you! Goodbye everyone!Black board design: Unit 5 School lifetie blouseblazertrouserscardiganI am wearinga coat.TrousersShe is wearingHe is wearingThey are wearing教学反思: 本课所教学的内容是四年级下册 Unit5 School life 中 Part3 和Part4,Part 5a&Part5b .主要学习了几个服装单词,重点为句型:I am wearing/ She is wearing/ He is wearing要求学生能灵活运用这些句型来描述自己和他人的服装;难点是其中衣服单复数形式的表达,如:a blazer. Shoes/trainers/socks/jeans./trousers.这些复数形式的表达是学生最容易出错的地方,需要在新授时巧妙地进行对比并进行大量地操练。本单元的 topic 为 school life.而本节课以其中的 school uniform 为中心,进而引申到对自己和他人服饰的描述。在主动感知环节,我以大家熟悉的一张学校照片来开门见山地引出school 话题, “At school ,we wear school uniform”一句自然地过渡到 school uniform,同时呈现我们学校四季的校服让学生理解 uniform 的含义。接着复习学过的服装单词,同时教授新词:cardigan, blouse, blazer,trousers,tie 并用图片对比的形式引导学生理解 cardigan 与 sweater 及 shirt 与 blouse 的区别。在操练新词时,我用 PPT 设计了一个火眼金睛快速辩词的环节,得到了同行的好评。这种新颖的操练单词的方式不仅有趣能吸引学生的注意力,而且能很好地从音和形方面考查学生对单词掌握的程度。在主动拓展环节,我给每个小组准备了一些五颜六色的漂亮的衣服图片及一张大白的图片,让学生给大白自由选择一套衣服作为本组的大白的校服,学生们一看到憨态可掬的大白都迫不及待要为大白设计衣服。最后每一组都给大白设计出了别出心裁的校服,并且能用本节课习得的句型进行基本的描述。在整节课中,我较侧重培养学生运用语言的能力,并通过听,说,读及诸多游戏等活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣。本节课准备了很多道具,从备课到课件制作及上课流程和思路都得到了同组老师及本人的师傅陈枫老师的诸多指点和建议。当然我自己也知道还有很多不足之处,比如语音语调,各个环节之间的衔接和过渡还要做到更自然和流畅,对学生的评价方面还可以更丰富,更具体,肢体语言和面部表情等教态还需要多多改进和提升。四年级( )班 姓名: 预习时间 年 月 日预习内容教材四年级下册 Unit5 school life P39 Part3我会预习1. 写出所给大写字母对应的小写字母(注意区别 I 与 L) 。2. 找出单词,并写在对应的位置。3. 除了课本上介绍的服饰你还知道其他哪些服饰。_4. 想一想我们学校的一年四季的校服具体是有哪些服饰构成的?并试着写下来:In spring, we wear _In summer, we wear_In autumn, we wear_In winter, we wear_课末检测单 A 班级:_ 姓名:_Listen, number and match.(听音,给下列图片标号,并将图片和相应的单词用线连起来。)cardigan sweater socks blazer shirt blouse课末检查单课末检查单 B 班级:_ 姓名:_Look and tickor 判断下列句子与图片的内容是否相符,相符的打,不符的打并在横线上改正过来。1. Linda is wearing a blouse, a tie, a cardigan, a skirt, a a pair of socks and a pair of shoes. ( )2. Peter is wearing a shirt, a tie, a blazer, trousers and shoes. ( )3. Ben is wearing a sweater, a shirt, a tie, trousers and shoes. ( )4. Lisa is wearing a blouse, a tie, a cardigan, trousers and shoes. ( )5. Bob is wearing a shirt , a tie , a blazer, trousers and shoes. ( )6. Sally is wearing a sweater, a skirt, socks and shoes. ( )_四年级( )班 姓名: 预习时间 年 月 日预习内容教材四年级下册 Unit5 school life P39 Part3我会预习1. 写出所给大写字母对应的小写字母(注意区别 I 与 L) 。2. 找出单词,并写在对应的位置。3. 除了课本上介绍的服饰你还知道其他哪些服饰。_4. 想一想我们学校的一年四季的校服具体是有哪些服饰构成的?并试着写下来:In spring, we wear _In summer, we wear_In autumn, we wear_In winter, we wear_课末检测单 A 班级:_ 姓名:_Listen, number and match.(听音,给下列图片标号,并将图片和相应的单词用线连起来。)cardigan sweater socks blazer shirt blouse课末检查单课末检查单 B 班级:_ 姓名:_Look and tickor 判断下列句子与图片的内容是否相符,相符的打,不符的打并在横线上改正过来。1. Linda is wearing a blouse, a tie, a cardigan, a skirt, a a pair of socks and a pair of shoes. ( )2. Peter is wearing a shirt, a tie, a blazer, trousers and shoes. ( )3. Ben is wearing a sweater, a shirt, a tie, trousers and shoes. ( )4. Lisa is wearing a blouse, a tie, a cardigan, trousers and shoes. ( )5. Bob is wearing a shirt , a tie , a blazer, trousers and shoes. ( )6. Sally is wearing a sweater, a skirt, socks and shoes. ( )_
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Unit School life_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:b4543) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 四年级 下册 英语 unit
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