Unit 1 Pets-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:30f01).zip


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Run like a rabbitSit like a dogSwim like a fishEat like a hamsterFly like a budgieRoar like a tigerChoose the right answer_ like a fish_ like a tiger _ like a budgie_ like a dog_ like a rabbit_ like a hamsterA.SitB.EatC.RoarD.SwimE.FlyF.RunDCEAFBImitation is a skill. But “just be yourself” is the most important. 模仿是一种技能,但是做真实的自己才是最重要的。1.Teaching contentUnit1 Pets Period 1: part 1-22.Teaching aim知识与技能:1.能听、说、认 、读 pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie2.能在真实的交际情景中运用下列句型与同伴交流:- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?- ( A cat .)3.Importance of teaching能够听懂会说的词汇:pet , frog, fish, hamster, rabbit, dog, mouse, cat, budgie句型:- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?-( A cat .)4.Difficult point of teaching能够熟练掌握并运用以下句型: 句型:- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?-( A cat .)5.Teaching stepsTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesStep I Warm-up1、Greetings and sing a song.2. Play a guessing game: guess the animals. ppt 1 Ss: Yes Step II Presentation 1导入课题。T: They are animals. They are pets, too.教读 pets.2. say a chant.Cat , cat , I like cat.Dog, dog, I like dog.Frog, frog ,I like frog.Fish, fish, I like fish.Pets, pets, I like pets.学生听录音学生操练Read after me togetherLets goStep3 presentation1.介绍四个新单词:rabbit,hamster,budgie,mouse2.导入句子:Have you got a pet?(1)T: I have got a rabbit. I love it very much. Have you got a pet? ppt3 S: Yes, I have.教读 Have you got a pet? yes , I have .T-SsG-GS1-S2(2)各小组内操练句型。Ppt 上展示对话:Have you got a pet?Yes, I have. What colour is it? Its分小组展示展示对话。(3). 导入句子:what have you got?T: Have you got a pet?S: Yes, I have.T: What have you got?S: Ss:.S1:What have you got? T: A rabbit.S2: What have you got?T: A hamster.S3: What have you got ?T: A budgie.T: What have you got ?S1:S2:Listen to the chant. Ppt4PracticeStep4 Practice(1)请四位小记者对同学们进行采访。在 1 分钟时间内谁拿的宠物多谁就获胜。S1: Have you got a pet?S2: Yes, I have.S1: What have you got ?S2: A(2)老师拿着小记者采访得到的宠物,问学生:T: xxx, have you got a cat?Step IVHomeworkCopy all the words and sentences.能够会唱这首歌曲。1.Teaching contentUnit1 Pets Period 2: part 3-42.Teaching aim1. The pupils learn to use: budgie, hamster, (Julias) (cat) is (black and white).2. The pupils can find the correct pets by listening. 3. The pupils can talk and write about these childrens pets.3.Importance of teachingLearn to use: budgie, hamster, Julias cat is white and brown.4.Difficult point of teaching学生理解并表演这个故事,在学完后学生能够创编一个故事。5.Teaching stepsTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesStep I Warm-up1. Greetings. Say the chant: Have you got a pet?2. Play a game: ask one pupil to act pets, others guess.3. T: Today we will continue to learn Unit4 Pets. Write and lead the pupils to read. Sing the chant and do actions.Step II Presentation 1. Guessing game: show a picture of a zoo, guess where are the pets living according to pictures and sounds. ( frog, dog, cat, rabbit, fish, mouse.)2. Listen to the hamsters sound and ask the pupils to guess, teach hamster, spell and read together.3. Do the same to the word budgie, listen, spell and read. (Pupils will guess bird, explain its a kind of bird which can say hello.)4. Take out a coin, one side is a hamster, and the other side is a budgie, toss it and ask the pupils to guess hamster or budgie. After guessing, give them coins to play in groups. Its . yesMy best friend is. 学生听听力Step IIIPractice1. T: I have four friends too, look, theyre Julia, Steve, Jeff and Maria. Read the names.2. Play the recording twice and ask the pupils to tick the four pets.3. Listen again and check the answer, saying: Julias cat is black and white. etc.4. Write about the four pets.5. Feedback.Step IVHomework创编一个类似的故事! Unit1 Pets 第3课时教学目标:知识与能力目标:1.能听、说、认读 pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie2.能在真实的交际情景中运用下列句型与同伴交流:- Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?- ( A cat .)情感态度价值观目标:1.在同伴和小组活动中,能积极地与同伴交流,表达真实、自然。2.对学生进行德育渗透,树立保护动物、保护大自然、保护环境的意识。教学过程:Step1 Warming-upGreetings and free talk.T : Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to meet you . How are you ?(自由对话是心灵的交汇,通过师生充满热情的交谈,拉近了彼此的距离。 )Step2 Lead-in (创设情境,导入新课)T : My dear children, lets listen to a chant. After you listen, please tell me what you can hear. Ready? (放录音 Chant)T : What can you hear? (At this time,children may say“ dog ” 、 “frog ” and so on , because they have learned the two words last year.)T : OK! dog , frog ,cat ,mouse ,they are all pets. (板题、领读) I like pets, do you like pets?T : Today , lets go out of the classroom and go to a pets supermarket. OK? Now, please stand in a line .(生离开座位站队)T : One, two, ready, go! (The pupils dance) . (音乐起,学生一个个跳起兔子舞回座位)(听轻松活泼的英文歌曲,可以为学生营造浓厚的英语氛围,师生通过站队集合,然后跳兔子舞进入宠物超市,打破了传统教学的枯燥形式,激起了学生的学习兴趣。 )T : OK. Weve arrived.(音乐停,出示超市图) Look! This is the pets supermarket. There are so many pets here. Are they lovely? Yeah! They are very lovely.T : Look at the pets , please. Do you know their English names? Do you have any questions?T : (Some of the pupils may come to the front and ask : Whats this? Whats this? )(运用媒体展开 pets 的画面,让学生一开始就置身于宠物超市的情景中,充分调动他们的学习积极性。 )Step3 Presentation and practiseA . Study the words1. (1). frogT : (出示荷叶图、蛙叫) Listen! Whats this? Can you guess?T : (They have learned frog in Grade 3, so some of them can say frog ).T : Oh! Its a frog . (出示青蛙)Follow me, frog frog (板书、领读) Do you like frog?T : If you like it , you can get it from your desk. (2). fishT : (出示 fish) Wow! Its a lovely fish. Read after me. fish fish (板书、领读) Whod like fish? Please get it . (3). hamsterT : (出示 hamster “Hi ! Im a hamster . I like eating .”) Hello, Mr hamster! Follow me , hamster hamster (板书、领读) If you like it, you can get it . (4). rabbitT : Boys and girls , this way please. (出示 rabbit) Look! This is a rabbit. Read after me, please. rabbit rabbit (板书、领读) Who likes rabbit? Take it, please. (5). dogT : (出示狗叫声) Listen! Whos it ? Please guess.T : ( The pupils can say dog , because they have learned it in Grade 3.)T : Yes, its a dog.(出示 dog) Read after me, dog dog (板书、领读) Whod like dog? Please get it . (6). mouseT : (出示 mouse “Hi, everyone! My name is mouse. Do you like me?”)T : Hi, Miss mouse! Follow me, mouse mouse (板书、领读) I dont like mouse, do you like mouse ? Oh! You like mouse, you can get it . (7). catT : (出示猫叫声) listen! Whats it ?T : Yes. Its a cat.(出示 cat) Follow me, cat cat (板书、领读) If you like it, please get it. (8). budgieT : (出示 budgie)This is a budgie. Its beautiful. Follow me, budgie budgie (板书、领读) I like budgie best, what about you?(利用学生提出的问题学习新单词,充分发挥了学生的主体性,积极性也更高一些,在教学单词时利用多媒体显示色彩鲜艳的宠物图片、单词及其叫声,既能刺激学生的视觉,吸引学生的注意力,又能给学生以直观感知,学生自然印象深刻。 )2. Practice (1)看图片说单词并将其贴黑板上。T : Oh! Im tired. Lets play a game.Look at the pictures,I have got many pets. Now, please say their English names and mime the actions if you like. (师出示图片,生看图说单词并模仿动作)T : Who can help me? Please come here. (请一些学生上台当小老师)(2)师出示单词,学生快速做动作或模仿其叫声。T : Look at the words, mime the actions as quickly as possible.(小学生注意力集中的时间比较短,约为17分钟,所以在他们大脑开始疲倦的时候做一些游戏活动,不仅调节了大脑,同时也巩固了所学知识。 )B. Study the sentence1. T : Now, I have got a pet. What is it ? Can you guess?(When they guess the pets, they can go over the words again.)T : Yeah! You are right, I have got a pet. Its a cat. (板书领读 I have got a pet.) T : Have you got a pet?( If you have got a pet,you can say: Yes, I have.) What have you got? Oh! You have got a dog? What colour is it? Black and white.Yeah! A lovely dog.(Ask several pupils in this way.)(连续问几名学并板书领读)2. PracticeT : All of us have got pets. Now, please ask your partner: Have you got a pet? What have you got? What colour is it? Make a dialogue in groups. (学生拿宠物图片编对话)T : Whod like to act out your dialogue? Please come here.(在这一环节,教师为学生创设真实的交际场景,让学生拿宠物卡片模拟表演,在真实的情景中去感知、体会、实践,从而轻松地掌握新知识,整个教学过程循序渐进,训练覆盖面广,更能培养学生大胆表达和创新的能力。 )Step4 HomeworkT : Today, we have learned many pets, they are frog、 cat、 fish、 dog、 mouse、 rabbit 、budgie and hamster. After class, you can draw your favourite pet and colour it, then ask your partner about their pets. Complete the form.T : If you wan to know more pets information,you can surf internet and search(引导学生观察板书,与教师一起整理本节课所学内容,使学生对所学知识有系统认识的同时,提高了语言表达能力,通过设置多样的、有系统性的作业,做到了面向全体学生,帮助他们及时复习掌握所学知识,让学生上网查询更多的宠物资料,既能拓展知识,激发学生学习英语的欲望,同时也为他们继续深入学习奠定了基础。 )Step5 ConsolidationT : Now, lets say the chant together. (出示课件)(利用富有节奏感的来巩固练习所学内容,给学生一种感觉新颖的独特效果,增强了语感,培养了学生的音乐节奏智能,做到了首尾呼应,又活跃了课堂气氛。 )Step6 Permeate virtue teaching (德育渗透,树立环保意识)T : Boys and girls, are the pets lovely? Yeah! Its lovely!T : I like them. Do you like them? Yes.T : Pets are our friends, so we must love and protect them.(结合课堂教学,对学生进行思想品德教育,帮助学生从小树立“爱护动物” 、“保护动物” 、 “保护大自然” 、 “保护环境”的意识,使学生对所学内容有一个更高层次的认识。 )Step7 SummaryT : (看表) Oh! Its time to go home. Stand up, please. Please say goodbye to the pets.Ss: Goodbye, pets.T : Now lets go.(音乐起,学生跳着兔子舞出教室) Unit1 Pets 第4课时Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aims: 1)Words: fly,run,swim,eat,sit,roar2)Sentences: Fly like a budgie. Run like a rabbit. Swim like a fish. Eat like a hamster. Sit like a dog. Roar like a tiger.2.Ability aims: 1) Make sure the pupils can listen, read,say and do the actions in the story.2) Listen and number the pictures 3) Encourage the students to make up the sentences with “like”3.Emotion aims: Study hard,develop ability ,Be a useful person.Teaching method:Situational teaching method ,TPRTeaching importances:Make sure the pupils can listen, read,say and do the actions in the story.Teaching difficulties: To enable the pupils to make sentences with:“.like.”Teaching procedures:Steps 11) Say the chant Have you got a pet? Yes,I have. Have you got a pet? Yes,I have. What have you got? A budgie and a rabbit. A fish and a hamster. A dog and a tiger.2) Free talkHave you got a pet?What have you got?Whats your favourite pet?Revise the words of pets.These are pets.This class well go on learning Unit 4 Pets Part 3.43)I believe you must be very happy.Step 21) Presentation Because many pets are coming .Toby is coming,too.They are having a meeting.Talk about who is the king? Everyone wants to be the king.Wholl be the king at last? Lets watch a talent show. First, The budgie is coming. Look! She says: Im the king. I can fly. fly Who can fly? Please do it. Teach: fly Say the chant: Fly,fly,fly.The budgie can fly. Use the same way to learn the other words. Say the chant: Fly,fly,fly.The budgie can fly. The budgie can fly. The rabbit can. Who is the king? Toby says:Im the king? The pets ask: Why? Please watch me :Fly like a budgie. Run like a rabbit. Swim like a fish. Eat like a hamster. Sit like a dog. Roar like a tigerWow, Toby can do so many things.Whos the king? Toby is the king. Congratulations to Toby.Lets clap our hands.2) Practice Toby is the king.He can do so many things. I believe we can do. Believe yourself. listen and watch Listen ,say and do the actions The teacher says the pupils do The teacher does the pupils say Practice in groups 3) Exhibition Let the pupils act the action story. Step 3 1)Number the pictures Look at the book. Read and point Change the order. Listen and point Number the picture Check the answer 2)Encourage the students to make up the sentences with like 3)Emotional education:We should learn fron Toby. Study hard, develop ability, be a useful person。 After class,please mine the actions to your parents.Board writing Unit 4 Pets Fly budgie. Run rabbit. Swim like a fish. Eat hamster. Sit dog. Roar tiger
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