Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:503ca).zip


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展开 外研版一年级起点五年级下册英语Module6_Unit1Wellseelotsofverybigstones_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级公开课_编号503ca.zip外研版一年级起点五年级下册英语Module6_Unit1Wellseelotsofverybigstones_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级公开课_编号
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ODMU6 L EODMU6 L E PlaceinQuanzhou plesODMU6 L ELuoyangLuoyang BridgeBridge 建于北宋建于北宋1053年年Its a very old place.ODMU6 L EChongwuChongwu AncientAncient CityCity 建于建于13871387年(明洪武二十年)年(明洪武二十年)Its a very old place.ODMU6 L ELaojunLaojun RockRock 雕于宋代雕于宋代Its a very old place.ODMU6 L EKaiyuanKaiyuan TempleTemple始创于始创于686686年年(唐初垂拱二年)唐初垂拱二年)Its a very old place.ODMU6 L ETheThe GreatGreat WallWall 公元前公元前214年秦筑年秦筑ODMU6 L EODMU6 L ELook and listen.ODMU6 L EHowoldistheGreatWall?Whatdidtheybuilditfor? bldODMU6 L E They are building houses.ODMU6 L E The little pig is building a house.ODMU6 L EHowoldistheGreatWall?Whatdidtheybuilditfor?Wellvisitittomorrow.Youllfindthethingsyouwanttoknow.中古世界七大奇迹The ancient seven wonders of the world refer to the seven most magnificent man-made landscapes in the world known as the ancient Westerners. 1.中国万里长城中国万里长城THE GREAT WALL 2.意大利古罗马竞技场意大利古罗马竞技场ROME ANCIENT ITALY ARENA3.亚历山大地下陵墓亚历山大地下陵墓ALEXANDER UNDERGROUND MAUSOLEUM4.4.中国大报恩寺琉璃塔中国大报恩寺琉璃塔PORCELAIN TOWER OF NANJING 5.意大利比萨斜塔意大利比萨斜塔LEANING TOWER OF PISA 6.土耳其索菲亚大教堂土耳其索菲亚大教堂TURKEY SOPHIA CATHEDRAL 7.英国巨石阵英国巨石阵STONEHENGE stnhendODMU6 L E What are they talking about? They are talking about .Look and say. StonehengeODMU6 L EListen and say.How old is the Stonehenge ? Its about years old. five thousand azndODMU6 L E Its about thousand years old. Tangsancaiceramic SimuwuRectangleDing Its about thousand years old. one threeThink and say.ODMU6 L E The Great Wall is about thousand years old. The Stonehenge is about thousand years old. two fiveWatch and say.ODMU6 L EListen and think. Q1:Whatwillweseethere? Q2:Howwillwegetthere?ODMU6 L EWatch and think. What will we see there?ODMU6 L ERead and find. What will we see there?Can you find the answer?:nsODMU6 L ERead and find. What will we see there?Can you find the answer?ODMU6 L EODMU6 L EWatch and think. What will we see there?ODMU6 L EWatch and say. What will we see there? Well see lots of very big stones. They are in a circle. Some stones are on top of the others. s:klODMU6 L ELook and say A: What will we see there? B:Well see the Great Wall. A: What will we see there? B:Well see lots of stones.ODMU6 L EWatch and think. How will we get there?ODMU6 L E 配音练习Dub the text. On Saturday Amy and Lingling are going to see_. Its a very _ place. Its _ thousand years old. They will see lots of big _. They are in a _. Some stones are on _ of the others. Its very _. No one knows why people build it. They will get there by_. It will take _ hours. Stonehengeold about fivestonescircletopinterestingcarthreeODMU6 L E Fill in the blanks . Beijing/the Great Wall PairworkPairwork: : S1: I will go to S2: What will you see? S1: I will see S2: How will you get there? S1: I will get there by plane/car/train Quanzhou/ the Kaiyuan Temple England/the Stonehenge Luoyang/the Luo yang BridgeODMU6 L E Homework:Homework: Listen and imitate the text three times. Finish Activity 4 with your partner . Talk to your friends about the famous places of our hometown. 1Module6 Unit1 Well see lots of very big stones. 教学设计教学设计 教学年级小学五年级课题名称Well see lots of very big stones.教材版本新标准英语(一年级起点)五年级下册【整体设计思路】本课时的教学内容是新标准英语(供一年级起始用)五年级下册第六模块第一单元。这节主要学习谈论旅行计划。本课主要学习用将来时对要去游览的地点进行描述。教师要调动学生已有的知识储备,调动学生学习的积极性,为学生创设语言情境,以学生个体的实际情况和兴趣为出发点,为学生梳理知识。【教学目标】(一)知识目标:1.能听说,认读单词 place/build/thousand/circle/ answer/get2.听懂、会说句子 What will we see there? Well see lots of very big stones. How will we get there? By car. It will take three hours.(二)能力目标:1. 能听懂、会读、理解课文并回答相关问题2. 能谈论旅行计划(三)情感态度:1.激发学生对中国文化和异国文化的兴趣,增强学生的跨国文化意识。2.为学生搭建交流平台,促进同学间的相互了解、交往,进一步提升学生的人际交往能力。【教学重点】1.能听说,认读单词 place/build/thousand/circle/ answer/get2.掌握句型:What will we see there? Well see lots of very big stones. How will we get there? 2By car. It will take three hours.3. 能谈论旅行计划【教学难点】1. 需掌握的词汇较多2. 理解 Some stones are on top the others.3. 掌握一般将来时的问答【教学过程】TeachingProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposesWarmer1. Greeting and free talkHow old are you? 2. Show some pictures of famous places. a. T:Quanzhou,as we know ,It s the culture city of East Asia. There are many beautiful places in Quanzhou. b. Teach the new word“place”1.学生和老师相互问候和自由对话,进入轻松的英语课堂学习。2.学生看图说地点,教单词“place”营造良好课堂氛围复习一些学生熟悉的地点,引入课文学习Presentation1. Watch a video about the Great Wall .Let Ss say something about the Great Wall.2. Show the assessment.3. Learn Activity 1a. Look and answer the questions.How old is the Great Wall?What did they build it for?b. Learn the new word “build”c. Listen and repeat4. Look and listen5. Learn the new word Stonehenge1.学生观看长城视频,说出对长城的视觉感受2.使用互动课堂的“小组评分”,激励课堂3.观看课文 flash,回答老师问题,学习新词“build”,跟读Activity14.了解中古世界七大奇迹5.学习新词“Stonehenge”让学生通过看视频说形容词,培养学生看图说英语的能力。通过对长城的外观、历史和故事,让学生为祖国名胜充满向往和探究。使用网络空间的互动课堂应用。拓宽学生的信息量,抛出所要学习的地点Practice1. Look and say.1. 说一说图片中的人通过抛出问题,32.Listen and answer.How old is the Stonehenge?3. Learn the new word thousand aListen and repeat b. Look and guess物在讨论什么?2.听音回答 Stonehenge有多少岁了3.学习新词“thousand”,跟读并操练,通过猜唐三彩和司母戊鼎的历史巩固句型。帮助学生理解课文,培养学生捕捉信息的能力。在教学中激发学生对中华文化的兴趣。Practice4.Look and say What will we see there?5.Learn the new word “circle”6. Look and say Why did people build it? How will we get there?7. Listen and repeat4. 学生观看巨石阵视频,尝试说一说巨石阵。2. 学习新词“circle”并操练3. 看课文 flash 回答问题4. 听音模仿学生通过视频感知,突破教学难点。让学生自读课文,找出答案,培养学生的阅读能力。让学生用正确的语音语调跟读,对课文进一步理解。Production1. Retell the text 2. Pairwork S1: I will go to S2: What will you see? S1: I will see S2: How will you get there? S1: By bus/car/bike/train/plane1.尝试复述课文2.师生对话、生生对话通过补全课文,掌握本节课的keywords 巩固所学。创设语境,讨论周末出游计划,让学生运用语言检测自己的掌握程度。HomeworkListen and imitate the text three times.Finish Activity 4 with your partner .Talk to your friends about the famous places of our hometown. 1.模仿跟读课文 3 遍。2.和搭档完成活动四3.和同学说一说家乡的名胜布置可供选择的分层作业,考虑不同层次学生的能力和需求,使课堂学习得到延伸与巩固。 Module6 Unit 1 Well see lots of very big stones.听力练习题听力练习题.Listen and tick. 听音,选择正确的运动项目打勾。听音,选择正确的运动项目打勾。FootballPingpongBasketballSwimmingVolleyball1.Tom2.Sam3.Amy4.Lingling5.Daming. Listen and choose. 根据你所听到的对话,选择相应的图片。根据你所听到的对话,选择相应的图片。( )6. A. B. C. ( )7. A. B. C. ( )8. A. B. C. ( )9. A. B. C. ( )10. A. B. C. . Listen and choose. 根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语,并将序号写在题前括号内。根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语,并将序号写在题前括号内。( )11. A. Its about five thousand years old. B. Its about five thousand yuan.( )12. A. No one knows. B. Lingling will find the answer. ( )13. A. No,I wont . B. No,I cant.( )14. A. Well see many tigers. B. Well see many flowers .( )15. A. We are going to visit Beijing . B. We are going to see pandas .听力材料听力材料.Listen and tick. 听音,完成表格,每小题读二遍听音,完成表格,每小题读二遍1.Tom will go swimming this weekend.2.Sam will play pingpong this weekend.3. Amy will play volleyball this weekend.4. Lingling will play basketball this weekend.5. Daming will play football this weekend. Listen and choose. 根据你所听到的对话,选择相应的图片,每小题读二遍。根据你所听到的对话,选择相应的图片,每小题读二遍。6. Where did your father work? He worked in England.7. What will you see there? Ill see the Stonehenge.8. Have you got a piano? No, I havent. But I have a drum.9. How will we get there? By car. 10. What are you going to see on the farm? Im going to see some pigs.Listen and choose. 根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语,每小题读三遍。根据你所听到的问句,选择相应的答语,每小题读三遍。11. How old is the Stonehenge? 12. Why did peope build Stonehenge?13. Can you find the answer by yourself? 14. What can you see in the Citong Park? 15. Where are you going to visit this summer?
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Module 6_Unit We’ll see lots of very big stones_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级公开课_外研版(一起)五年级下册_(编号:503ca) 外研版
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