Module 8-Unit 1 Will you help me -ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:60d1b).zip


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新标准五年级下册Will you help me ?What will the boy do?He will make a paper fish for her.Tomorrow is my cats birthday.Listen to Part1 and answer.Words.paperpaper plane paper flowersa paper cake a piece of paper3/11/2022New YorkDaming will visit his cousin in New York. a Chinese T-shirt Chinese wordChinese fooda Chinesebooka Chinese kitea Chinese hatwork wordListen and choose:What present will Daming take?A: A toy panda. B. A dragon kite.Why?Will Daming take a toy panda ? Listen to paragraph1 and choose it:(听第一段,选择正确答案)听第一段,选择正确答案) Why? A. Simon doesnt like the toy panda . B. Simon has got a toy panda. Listen toParagraph 2 and fill in the blank. (听第二段,填空。听第二段,填空。)It will be _in New York.windygo noso I think so. so ,so ,I think so.Who will help Daming?Listen to paragraph 3 and answer it:(听第三段,选择正确答案)听第三段,选择正确答案)Will you help me?Of course I will.Chant Help me , help me. Will you help me ? Of course, of course. Of course, I will. Help me , help me. Will you help me ? No, no.No, I wont. 1.Its a Chinese dragon. 2.They will write the Chinese word for Chinaon the kite.Listen to paragraph4 and correct them:(听第听第4段,段,判断正误并改正判断正误并改正)Tdragon_Listen and fill inIm going to _ my cousin in _. His name is . What _ can I take?visitNew YorkSimon presentWhat about _?a toy pandaI think a toy panda. His mother and grandma are _.hes gotChineseWhat about a _!kiteBut will it be _ in New York?windyI think ._! Ill .Good idea somake a kite help me?_I will.Will youOf courseDaming, your cousin will this kite. Its _. loveThank you your help. It _ a great present. will beYou can the Chinese _ for “dragonon it wordThats a _. great ideaa Chinese dragon for write What present can I take?Daming: Im going to visit my cousin in New York. Fangfang: What about a toy panda?Daming: I think hes got a toy panda.Listen and imitate (听音模仿听音模仿)Fangfang: What about a toy panda? His mother and grandma are Chinese.Daming: I think hes got a toy panda. is mother and grandma are Chinese. His name is Simon. Daming: Im going to visit my cousin in New York. His name is Simon. What present can I take?Fangfang: What about a kite?Daming: Good idea!Ill make a kite.Fangfang: But will it be windy in New York?Daming: I think so.Fangfang: What about a kite?Daming: Good idea!Fangfang: But will it be windy in New York?Ill make a kite.Daming: I think so.Listen and imitate (听音模仿听音模仿) Daming: Will you help me?Fangfang: Of course I will.Fangfang: Daming, your cousin will love this kite.Daming: Thank you for your help.Fangfang: You can write the Chinese word for “ dragon” on it.Daming: Thats a great idea. Its a Chinese dragon. It will be a great present. Daming: Will you help me?Fangfang: Of course I will.Fangfang: Daming, your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon.Daming: Thank you for your help. It will be a great present.Fangfang: You can write the Chinese word for “ dragon on it.Daming: Thats a great idea.Childrens Day(儿童节)儿童节)is coming A: Will you on Childrens Day? B: Yes, I will. No, I wont. A: Will you on Childrens Day? B: Yes, I will. No, I a coatplay computersfly a kiteread a book eat a hamburger play footballAsk and answer in pairs.运用拓展: Childrens Day Plan (Group work) A: Childrens Day is coming! B: Yeah! I think it will be .(weather) . Will you.(do)?A: Of course I will . What will you do on Childrens Day ?B: I will .(do)A:Great! It will be a happy Childrens Day ! B: I think so!Homework:1.Listen and imitate the text. 听仿读课文听仿读课文2.Make a dialogue with your partner.A: Will you ?B:Yes,I will /No,I wont. A: Will you on Childrens Day? B: Yes, I will. No, I a coatplay computersfly a kiteread a book eat a hamburger play footballAsk and answer in pairs.Retell the text Daming is going to visit his cousin in . His name is .Daming wont take .He will make a . will help Daming . Simon will love this kite . Its a .New YorkFangfangChinese dragonSimona toy panda kite a Chinese T-shirt Chinese wordChinese fooda Chinesebooka Chinese kitea Chinese hat WillWill youyou helphelp meme?教学设计?教学设计一、教材分析新课程标准提出了“任务型教学模式、探究式语言教学”等模式,要求在教学中重视以学生为主体,教师根据课程的总体目标并结合教材内容创造性地设计贴近学生实际生活的教学活动,即任务,吸引和组织学生积极参与,学生通过思考、调查、交流和合作的方式,以完成任务为学习的过程,在这个学习的过程中让学生形成听说读写的综合应用语言的能力。 本单元的教学内容是是学生通过学习教材中的两个人的对话内容,重点是学会使用of course 等词组及如何使用 will 一般将来时来表达自己的决定。这本教材模块与模块之间有一定的联系,在学习本模块之前,学生已经在上一个模块中接触过 will 一般将来时的用法。通过对本单元的学习,可以加深学生对 will 用法的巩固,同时能学习到更多新的知识。因此,如何使用 will 一般将来时来表达来表达自己的决定是本课的重点,同时兼顾相关的新知识,进一步提高学生应用语言的能力。二、学生分析教学对象是小学五年级的小学生,他们对英语学习有一定的兴趣,并具备了一定的英语知识,也具备有了一定的自学能力和语言组织的能力,但是在灵活运用是上有一定的欠缺。针对这一年龄阶段的小孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强的特征,在设计上应采用任务型教学从听说入手,创设情景,设计游戏,小组活动等来激发学生的学习兴趣,所设计的任务面向全班学生,由易到难,让学生在愉快轻松的氛围中从不同程度得到提升。从而达到培养学生综合运用语言能力的目的,激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,增强自信心。三、设计理念以培养学生的兴趣为出发点,让学生联系生活实际,展开交流,运用多种任务型教学法启发、引导学生进行合作、交流,以激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。四、教学目标(1)语言知识目标Key vocabulary: cousin、 present、 、 Chinese、 dragon、present、 Key sentences: Ill make a Chinese kite.Will you help me? Of course, I will (2) 语言能力技能目标学习掌握 of course 词组,单词以及如何使用 will 来表达自己的决定,用一般将时来描述将要发生的事情,培养学生实际运用语言的能力。(3)情感态度目标通过饶有情味的小故事的学习,充分激发学生学习英语的兴趣,保持学习的积极性同时培养学生要懂礼貌和关心他人的品质。(4)学习的策略先用一些实物和联想法来引出学习本节课所要学习的单词,通过多媒体等辅助手段行教学,创造一些情景或进行小组活动,充分调动学生的兴趣和积极性,使他们在学中用,在用中学,巩固记忆知识并能够掌握运用,达到教学的目的。 五、教学重点 (1)词汇:of course Chinese dragon (2)目标句: Ill make a Chinese kite. Will you help me?- Of course, I will.六、教学难点:如何正确使用 will 一般将来时表达自己的决定。七、辅助资源:图片、录音机、 CDROM、课件 八、教学过程 Step 1:warm up 1.Greeting :2. Sing a song: Fly ,fly in the sky 引出今天的 topic is about kites.设计意图:课前通过唱歌的形式营造英语学习的气氛,缓解学生学习压力,使其能集中精力投入学习。也为本课的揭题做好了铺垫。Step2. Learnnewwordsandnewstructure:T: Daming will make a kite. He need some help. Now lets learn.板书课题:will you help me?T:Childrens Day is coming ,Will you .?Ss: Yes, I will No, I dont.(板书)设计意图:运用马上到来的六一儿童节,用 will 句型询问学生的意愿,很自然的引出今天任务。Step3.Leading in: 1、T: Tomorrow is my cats birthday. What will the boy do? .Now let have a look !引导学生用 He will make a paper fish.回答新授 paper2、 Daming is going to New York. He want to take a present. What present will he take? Can you give some advice? (读礼物单词-引出 Chinese -word)引导学生说:What about_?设计意图:,在语言输入过程中多样化操练,还将新单词和句型在情境中教学,做到词不离句,句不离段,提高说的能力1.Watch and Listen to the text : what present will Daming take?设计意图:听音一遍后,让学生明白今天课文的主题是表达自己的意愿,激起他们的学习的欲望。2.分段分析(1)Listen to the paragraph 1 and then choose the right answer(2)Listen to the paragraph 2 and fill the blanks. learn the setence: Ill make a kite.(3)Learning the setences: A: Will you help me ? B:Of course I will(学习本课重点句型并采用“开锁”的游戏操练。 )(4)Say a chant to practice “Will you help me ?Of course I will.(5)Listen to the paragraph 4 and correct them .3.Listen and fill in .设计意图:在常规听力练习中进一步提高学生听的能力,充足的输入,更有利于学生进行目标语言的输出,在语言输入的同时通过多个信息差加深对课文的理解和内化。4.Listen and imitate the text.设计意图:通过模仿录音,学生能掌握正确的语音语调,增强语感。Step 4 Practice :同桌之间互相操练 will you.?句型Step 5. Extension1.Write the ChilrensDay plan.Childrens Day Plan A: Childrens Day is coming! B:Yeah! I think it will be .(weather) . Will you.(do)?A: Of course I will . What will you do on Childrens Day ?B: I will.(do)A:Great! It will be a happy Childrens Day ! B: I think so! sunny warm windy hot cooldo fly a kite watch TVread a bookplay football play basketball 设计意图:设计活动是一种能无限激活学生思维的积极有效的语言输出方式。完成与本课主题这是本课的学习任务,该任务具有趣味性、挑战性和延伸性,进一步鼓励学生发挥自己的想象力和主观能动性,并与实际相结合,通过小组合作竞争,提出自己的新思路,充分运用自己的创造力、审美观,从而使整个学习过程充满了灵感和智慧。 Step6: Summary T:Today what have we learned ?1. Words and sentences设计意图:通过小结让学生回忆整课的重难点和主要内容,也让他们自己测试出所学的程度。Step7: Homework 1.Listen and imitate the text. 听仿读课文2.Make a dialogue with your partner.A: Will you ?B:Yes,I will /No,I wont.Step8: Blackboard design:Module8 unit 1Will you help me ? I ll make a kiteWill you help me ?Of course I will.Yes, I will.No, I wont.
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