Module 10-Unit 2 I played on the beach.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:90225).zip


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展开 外研版一年级起点五年级下册英语Module10_Unit2Iplayedonthebeach._ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号90225.zip外研版一年级起点五年级下册英语Module10_Unit2Iplayedonthebeach._ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号
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My name is Tom. Our teachers name is Mr. Bell. This is my classmate, Aneesa. Last week, he took us on a school trip. We went to a farm. We went there in the school bus. The farmer came out to meet us. She said “The animals dont like noise. So do not run or shout at them.” At first, we saw the hens. But Aneesa made so much noise. The hens ran away. Mr. Bell said “Dont make so much noise, Aneesa.” We saw the horses next. Aneesa made so much noise again. The horses ran away. Mr. Bell was very angry. We had lunch on the farm. There was a sign(指示牌指示牌) . “Do not feed the ducks”. I didnt see it and fed some food to the ducks. But some geese(鹅鹅) wanted my food, too. The geese ran after me. I was afraid. At this time, Aneesa made much noise. The geese ran away. Mr. Bell wasnt angry this time. At last, we went back to school with lots of noise. What a special trip ! My name is Tom. Our teachers name is Mr. Bell. This is my classmate, Aneesa. Last week, he took us on a school trip. We went to a farm. We went there in the school bus. The farmer came out to meet us. She said “The animals dont like noise. So do not run or shout at them.” At first, we saw the hens. But Aneesa made so much noise. The hens ran away. Mr. Bell said “Dont make so much noise, Aneesa.” We saw the horses next. Aneesa made so much noise again. The horses ran away. Mr. Bell was very angry. We had lunch on the farm. There was a sign(指示牌指示牌) . “Do not feed the ducks”. I didnt see it and fed some food to the ducks. But some geese(鹅鹅) wanted my food, too. The geese ran after me. I was afraid. At this time, Aneesa made much noise. The geese ran away. Mr. Bell wasnt angry this time. At last, we went back to school with lots of noise. What a special trip ! I played on the beach.trip trip 1. Where and when did he go ?2. What did he do ?He went to_. the moonHe went there_.He took some photos for Daming.last nightBeijing Lets learn to use past tense to talk about our past trip experiences.学习用一般过去时谈论我们过去的旅行经历。I played on the beach.大连市甘井子区南关岭小学大连市甘井子区南关岭小学 陈宏羽陈宏羽 What do you want to know about their trip ? 你想从课文中了解哪些你想从课文中了解哪些Hannah 和和Wang Fei 的旅行经历呢?的旅行经历呢?Where did Hannah/Wang Fei go ?When did Hannah/Wang Fei go there?What did Hannah/Wang Fei do?HannahWang Feitrip Where did Hannah/Wang Fei go ?When did Hannah/Wang Fei go ?She went to _.He went to Mount Tai.She went there _.He went there in August.Brightonin JulyWang FeiHannahWhat did Hannah do ?What did Wang Fei do ?Tip:跟读完毕,划出答案,跟读完毕,划出答案,小组讨论。小组讨论。What did Hannah do ?played on the beach.Sheate fish and chips.made a new friend.Daisyplay-playedeat-atemake-madeWhat did Wang Fei do ?climbed the mountain.Hehad a picnic.met his classmates .climb-climbedhave-hadmeet-metHow did they feel ?They had a really good time.How did they go there ?Maybe Hannah went there by .Maybe Wang Fei went there by .Where, where, where you go?Brighton, Brighton, I to Brighton.When, when, when did you go?In July, in July, I went there in July.How, how, how did you go?By plane, by plane, I went there by plane.How, how, how did you feel?What, what, what did you do?Classmates, classmates, I my classmates.Happy, happy, I happy.didwentmetwasLast summer Hannah _(go) to Brighton. She went there in J_. She _(play) on the beach. She _(eat) fish and chips. She_ (make) a new friend there. Wang Fei _(go) to Mount Tai. He _(climb) the mountain and _(have) a picnic. He m_ his c_ there. They had a really good time.wentulyplayedatemadewentclimbedhadetlassmatesMarySaraA:Where did Mary/Sara go ?B:She went to .When did she go there ?A: She went there .What did she ?B:She .How did ?A:She .提示:提示:1.1.同桌两人合作,接龙问答。同桌两人合作,接龙问答。2.2.在规定时间内完整表达两幅图在规定时间内完整表达两幅图片即为挑战成功。片即为挑战成功。MarySaraWhere ?When ?What ?How ?提示:提示:四人小组合作,接龙问四人小组合作,接龙问答。比比哪个小组在规答。比比哪个小组在规定时间内描述的图片多定时间内描述的图片多!My name is Tom. Our teachers name is Mr. Bell. This is my classmate,Aneesa.Last week, he took us on a school trip. We went to a farm.We went there in the school bus.The farmer came out to meet us. She said “The animals dont like noise. So do not run or shout at them.”At first, we saw the hens. But Aneesa made so much noise. The hens ran away.Mr Bell said “Dont make so much noise, Aneesa.” We saw the horses next.Aneesa made so much noise again. The horses ran away. Mr Bell was very angry. We had lunch on the farm. There was a sign(指示牌指示牌) . “Do not feed the ducks”. I didnt see it and fed some food to the ducks.But some geese(鹅鹅) liked my food, too. The geese ran after me.I was afraid. At this time, Aneesa made much noise. The geese ran away. Mr Bell wasnt angry this time.At last, we went back to school with lots of noise. What a special trip !1.Where did they go ?2.When did they go there ?3.How did they go there ?4.What did Aneesa do there ?A. parkB. zooC. farmA. yesterdayB. last weekC. last nightA. By car.B. By train.C. By school bus._(2) She saw hens and horses. (1) She made noise. _(3) She had lunch. (4) She helped Tom. 5. What should you do, when you are on a trip ?I should . No rules, no standards.Always follow the rules on a trip !Last summer, I went to Xiamen.I went there in August .I went there by plane.I played on the beach.I saw many beautiful plants.I ate much delicious food.I took many photos.I had a really good time.Last summer, I went to Xiamen.I went there in August .I went there by plane.I played on the beach.I saw many beautiful plants.I ate much delicious food.I took many photos.I had a really good time.Where ?When ?How ?What ?Last , I went to .I went there in . I went there by . I saw . I . I . I had a really good time! Great WallTiger BeachLabour parkDiscoverylandMount Tai 作为一个中国人,你感到骄傲吗?作为一个中国人,你感到骄傲吗?We are Chinese !We love China!We love our country!Our country is beautiful !Our country is great !met (meet的过去式)eget 得到得到net 网网wet 湿的湿的pet 宠物宠物red 红色红色bed 床床let 允许;让允许;让 I met a pet near the bed.It was in a red wet net.I often _ my friend in the shop.I _ my friend in the shop yesterday.metmeetmeetmetmateroomdeskworkclass必做: Read the words and text fluently.选做: Introduce your past experience to your friends.课题:英语(新标准)(一年级起点)五年级下册Module 10 Unit 2 I played on the beach.一、教材分析本课是外研社版小学新标准英语一年级起点第十册,本课内容是 Module10 Unit2 I played on the beach.本课话题是描述过去的旅行经历。语言知识是运用一般过去时描述过去的旅行经历。二、学情分析经过近四年半的英语学习,五年级的学生已经初步形成了一定的英语学习习惯,掌握了一定的英语学习方法与学习策略, 其认知水平较之前有所发展,他们对贴近生活实际的话题充满了好奇,同时他们也具备了表达完整句子的能力。他们很喜欢“旅行”这个话题。因此他们会对于“谈论过去的旅行经历”这一话题很感兴趣。学生在四年级已经系统的学习了一般过去时的用法。在五年级上学期以及本册教材中的诸多模块都进一步巩固学习了一般过去时。因此,学生对于一般过去时的掌握相对来说比较牢固,加之本课的话题比较受学生的欢迎。因此,学生应该很容易也很乐于表达出他人和自己的旅行经历。三、教学目标1.语言技能语言技能(1)听:全体学生能听懂课文,理解课文,部分学生可以听懂与课文相关的材料。(2)说: 全体学生能用“一般过去时”来描述他人和自己的旅行经历。(3)读: 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。2.语言知识语言知识(1)功能:描述过去的旅行经历。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用像“I played on the beach.”这样一般过去时的句子来描述旅行经历。(3)词汇:全体学生能听懂并掌握 met, July, August, classmates 的含义。(4)语音:全体学生能感知学习“met”中“e”的读音。3. 情感态度:情感态度:通过对课文的学习和运用一般过去时来描述旅行经历,让学生初步了解英国的 Brighton 和中国的 Mount Tai,培养学生跨文化交际意识。4. 学习策略:学习策略:通过小组合作,共同完成学习任务,在合作交流中可以互相帮助修改表达中出现的错误,遇到问题时主动向老师请教。5. 文化意识:文化意识:1.通过对课文的学习和运用一般过去时表达旅行经历,让学生在了解中英两国城市和景点的过程中加强学生的跨文化交际意识。 2.通过让学生“介绍自己的旅行经历“这一活动,引导学生意识到我们的国家幅员辽阔,山河壮美,进而培养其民族自豪感和对祖国的热爱。四、教学重、难点1. 重点重点: (1) 理解掌握单词 met (2) 运用像 I played on the beach.这样的一般过去时的句子从 where, when, what, how 等四个角度来描述自己的旅行经历。2. 难点难点: 运用像 I played on the beach.这样的一般过去时的句子从 where, when, what, how 等四个角度来描述自己的旅行经历。五、教学准备:PPT,pictures,book, CD-ROM六、教学过程(一)复习导入(一)复习导入 Warm-up and lead-in操作方式:操作方式:1. Greet to the students . T: Hello, children. Welcome to the English class. Im your new English teacher. Nice to meet you !Are you happy today ?Ss: Yes !2. Lead-in.T: Lets say a happy chant. Then tell me whats the chant about ?Ss: Ok!S: Its about trip.T: Yes. This boy is happy. Because he will have a trip. Look, our old friend, Little Six. He was very happy. He had a trip, too. Lets watch and answer.【设计意图设计意图】 通过引导学生观看本课活动通过引导学生观看本课活动 4 中的歌谣。引出本课的话题中的歌谣。引出本课的话题“trip”.由活动由活动 4 中男孩的中男孩的 trip 引出外星人引出外星人 Little Six 的的 trip. 通过两个问题,通过两个问题,让学生初步感知让学生初步感知 Where ? When? What? 引导的问句,为接下来主课文引导的问句,为接下来主课文的学习做准备。的学习做准备。 (二)任务呈现(二)任务呈现 Task presentation操作方式:操作方式:T: Little six likes trip very much. Do you like trip? Where did you go ?S: I went to Beijing/ Xian.T: Oh, you like trip very much. Today lets talk about trip. After learning, I hope you can talk about your past experiences.【设计意图设计意图】通过前面对外星人通过前面对外星人 Little six 旅行的学习,了解一下学生的旅旅行的学习,了解一下学生的旅行经历,激发他们的学习兴趣,自然过渡到本课的学习任务行经历,激发他们的学习兴趣,自然过渡到本课的学习任务,同时完成本课话题同时完成本课话题trip 的板书。的板书。(三)课文学习(三)课文学习 Text learning操作方式:操作方式:1. Watch and answer.T:In Module10 Unit 2, two new friends are talking about their experiences. They are Hannah and Wang Fei. Lets say hello to them. What do you want to know their trip? Can you give me some questions ?S1:Where did Hannah/Wang Fei go ?S2: When did Hannah/Wang Fei go?S3: What did Hanah/Wang Fei do ?T: Ok, this time. Lets watch and answer. 1.Where did Hannah/ Wang Fei go? 2. When did Hannah/Wang Fei go?(Learn about the two placesBrighton & Mount Tai. Learn the two new wordsJuly&August.)T: Can you tell me if you go to Brighton/Mount Tai, what you will do ?S: I will .T: Ok, you will do so many things in the two places. This time lets learn about What Hannah and Wang Fei did in Brighton and Mount Tai.2. Listen and repeat then underline the answers.(Learn the new words met &classmates.)T: This time, can you tell me “How did they feel ?”S: They had a really good time.T: Can you guess, “How did they go there ?”S: Maybe Hannah went there by. Maybe Wang Fei went there by .【设计意图设计意图】教师开篇先让学生自主提出想了解这两位新朋友旅行的有关教师开篇先让学生自主提出想了解这两位新朋友旅行的有关问题。然后通过看动画、回答问题;听音跟读再查找信息,小组讨论的方式逐问题。然后通过看动画、回答问题;听音跟读再查找信息,小组讨论的方式逐一解决学生提出的问题。在解决问题的过程中教授本课的新词汇,完成学生对一解决学生提出的问题。在解决问题的过程中教授本课的新词汇,完成学生对课文的理解。同时完成板书。最后教师又追问了两个问题课文的理解。同时完成板书。最后教师又追问了两个问题 How did they feel? 考查学生对课文的理解。考查学生对课文的理解。How did they go there ? 旨在拓展学生的语言思维。旨在拓展学生的语言思维。进而完成板书中进而完成板书中 How?的部分。自此板书中介绍?的部分。自此板书中介绍 trip 的四大环节的四大环节 “Where ?” “When?” “What?”以及以及“How?”所构成的思维导图所构成的思维导图就此完成。就此完成。4. Read the text.5.Lets retell. 【设计意图设计意图】首先让学生们齐读课文,起到收束巩固所学的目的。为首先让学生们齐读课文,起到收束巩固所学的目的。为下一环节让学生根据板书内容复数课文做铺垫。下一环节让学生根据板书内容复数课文做铺垫。(四)训练巩固(四)训练巩固 Practice操作方式:操作方式: 1. Lets talk about Marys and Saras trip.【设计意图设计意图】在新授环节我们了解了在新授环节我们了解了 Little Six 的的 trip,Hannah& WangFei 的的 trip。在操练环节,教师选取了课本活动。在操练环节,教师选取了课本活动 3 中的两幅图片。给中的两幅图片。给图中的两个女孩分别取名图中的两个女孩分别取名 Mary&Sara.让学生首先通过观察图片,检索信让学生首先通过观察图片,检索信息,自主提问。然后再同桌两人合作,围绕息,自主提问。然后再同桌两人合作,围绕 When ? Where ? What? How? 这四个方面进行计时问答活动。教师首先将这个活动放手让学生这四个方面进行计时问答活动。教师首先将这个活动放手让学生去做,然后让学生通过合作共同完成描述图片的语言任务。希望能通过这去做,然后让学生通过合作共同完成描述图片的语言任务。希望能通过这个活动,培养学生检索信息,自主提问,合作探究,进而培养其英语思维个活动,培养学生检索信息,自主提问,合作探究,进而培养其英语思维的目的。的目的。2. Story TimeThe school trip.【设计意图设计意图】教师将牛津阅读树中的系列绘本教师将牛津阅读树中的系列绘本The School Trip 进行进行了一定的删改。制成了适合学生现阶段阅读的绘本材料。希望通过这个与了一定的删改。制成了适合学生现阶段阅读的绘本材料。希望通过这个与话题相关的故事来培养学生阅读与此话题相关语篇的目的。话题相关的故事来培养学生阅读与此话题相关语篇的目的。(五)任务完成(五)任务完成 Task completion 操作方式操作方式: Talk about your trip experience. T:Aneesas trip is very special. Last summer, I went to a very good place. Do you want to know ? 【设计意图设计意图】由绘本故事中人物的由绘本故事中人物的 trip 过渡到教师去年的厦门之旅。过渡到教师去年的厦门之旅。通过教师自己的旅行经历,引导学生总结在描述旅行经历时应从通过教师自己的旅行经历,引导学生总结在描述旅行经历时应从 When ? Where? What? How? 这四个角度进行描述。为后面学生介绍自己这四个角度进行描述。为后面学生介绍自己的旅行经历即实现语言的输出做好准备。的旅行经历即实现语言的输出做好准备。(六)小结与布置作业(六)小结与布置作业 Summary and homework(2 分钟)分钟)操作方式操作方式: 1. T: Our country is very big and very beautiful. At the same time, its becoming stronger and stronger. Lets enjoy the video.(After watching the video.) Our country is amazing. Children, are you proud of being a Chinese ?Ss: Yes.T: So when you are growing up. Wherever you go, whatever you do, please remember: We are Chinese ! Our country is great ! Our country is beautiful ! We love our country ! We love China !T: Lets make a summary. What have you learnt ?2. 进行小组评价。3. Homework: 必做: Read the words and text fluently.( 熟读课文和单词。) 选做: Introduce your past trip experiences to your friends.【设计意图设计意图】在本课的结尾通过观看在本课的结尾通过观看厉害了,我的国厉害了,我的国中大美山河的视中大美山河的视频,向学生进行情感教育,培养学生的爱国情感,让学生在感知语言的工具性频,向学生进行情感教育,培养学生的爱国情感,让学生在感知语言的工具性的基础上进一步感受语言的人文性。对本课的语言知识进行总结,加深学生对的基础上进一步感受语言的人文性。对本课的语言知识进行总结,加深学生对本课知识的理解和掌握。本课知识的理解和掌握。七、板书设计七、板书设计 Module 10 Unit 2 I played on the beach. BrightonMount Tai when in July in August happy by plane/trainplayed on the beachate fish and chipsmade a new friendwhatwhereclimbed the mountainhad a picnicmet his classmatestriphow
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Module 10_Unit played on the beach._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_外研版(一起)五年级下册_(编号:90225) 外研版 一年级 起点 出发点 年级
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本文标题:Module 10-Unit 2 I played on the beach.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:90225).zip

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