Module 10-Unit 1 Were you on the second floor -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f33e3)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip


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unit 1 Were you on the second floor?外研版(一起)三年级英语下册外研版(一起)三年级英语下册play a game : Magic eyesfarm C DcitywerewashamburgercakesupermarketHe/She is first .(No.1)He/She is second.(No.2)He/She is third.(No.3)Transcript :Questions: 1. Was Damings Mum happy? 2. Were Mr Smart and Samon the second floor? 3.Where was Daming? 4.Why is he there?worriedMothers DAY!Where is Daly?second floorlast floorfirst floorWhere is Daly?second floorlast floorfirst floorWere Daly on the Second floor?Where is Daly?second floorlast floorfirst floorWere Daly on the Second floor?Goodbye!英语英语科目模块教学计划科目模块教学计划第一备课人:M10U1Were you on the second floor?模块模块标题标题M10U2 It was there.模块模块内容内容分析分析本模块的话题是谈论过去的状态。Unit1 的课文情景是大明打的妈妈在超市里寻找大明,她看到 Smart 一家,就赶忙询问他们是否看到过大明。Unit2 的课文情景是小李和妈妈去超市,发现超市里的物品摆放位置发生变化了。小李和妈妈发现蔬菜、水果和牛奶都不在原来的位置了,因此需要重新寻找这些商品。模块模块重难重难点点单词:Second ,floor ,worried ,find ,fist ,remember ,Mothers DayVegetables , last .句型:Were you on the second floor? It was there.模块模块教学教学方法方法情景教学法 交际法 游戏操练法年级年级三年级三年级学科学科英语英语一次备课教师一次备课教师二次备课教师二次备课教师教学课题教学课题三年级英语学科下期三年级英语学科下期 Module10 第一课时第一课时教学目标教学目标能力目标: Shops Language Functions :Talking about the past state, Talking about the changes between the past and the present 谈论过去的状态;谈论过去与现在的变化.情感目标: 在通过上一模块首次让学生接触一般过去时后,这一模块通过对人物所处地点的变换和回忆物品放置地点的情境,向学生进一步来展现这个内容。教学重点教学重点 Main points:Read aloud and act out the text.教学难点教学难点Difficult points: Were, was 的一般疑问句及其回答。教具准备教具准备教材,练习册,PPT,单词卡片,sticker课时安排课时安排1 课时一次备课一次备课二次备课二次备课教教学学过过程/学案第一课时教学过程教学过程Step 1:Warm up and Revision (时间预设:3 分钟)( 1)Free talk with the students: I was fat then. Now Im thin. He was short then. Now hes tall. (课件出示图片。)(2) Chant: Now and Then.I was fat then. Now Im thin.He was short then. Now hes tall.You were fat then. Now youre thin.We were short then. Now were tall.Step 2:Presentation and Practice (时间预设:17 分钟)(1)课件出示摩尔庄园闯关游戏,进入 The First Stage: Quick Mouth ( Say quickly and correctly. ) (5 分钟)T:Wonderful! Boys and girls. Look, this is a beautiful supermarket. Lets go shopping, ok? Now, youre on the first floor.通过评价栏引出生词 first, floor,板书并教读生词。(强调发音规则,升降调读,小组读,开火车读)T: Well done! Were you on the first floor?S: Yes, we were.T: Were you on the second floor? (板书,教读 second)S: No, we werent. / Yes, we were.通过男女生问答,同桌问答等方式快速操练以上问答句。(2)The Second Stage: Bright Eyes ( Look and remember.) (4 分钟)T: There are so many things in the supermarket. Lets see where are they? (课件闪现图片 milk, book, pencil-box, hamburger.然后迅速消失。)T: Do you know where they were then?学生回想: on the.floor.(快速抢答)T: Our friends also go to the supermarket, too. Lets see where they were.(课件闪现本课有关人物,然后迅速消失。)S1: Was he / she on the _floor?Ss: Yes, he / she was. / No, he /she wasnt.引出本课四会句型 Was he there? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.板书并操练句子,然后让学生上讲台操纵课件,以生生互动的方式进行语言实践。(3) The Third Stage: Big Ears ( Listen and find.) (8 分钟)T: Look at Damings mother. She is very worried. She cant find Daming. 教师带读 worried,find,强调字母 i 的不同发音。T: Lets help her to find Daming.课件呈现课文对话,学生听音并通过 pair work 完成选择题1. Sam and Mr. Smart were on thefirst / second floor .2. Daming was / wasnt on the first floor.3. Daming was on thefirst / second floor .4. Ms Smart and Amy were on thefirst / second floor .5. The CD is for Daming / Damings mother.T: This CD is a present for Mothers Day. Daming is a good boy. When is Mothers Day? (课件出示 The second Sunday in May is Mothers Day.)Fathers day is coming soon. Do something for your mother and father, please! (教师进行德育渗透。)学生模仿录音读课文,分角色读。Step 3:Production (时间预设:8 分钟)The Fourth Stage: Clever Head (Think and guess.)(1) Hide and seek. (3 分钟)T: Go out of the supermarket, lets go to the zoo, go to the park, go to school. 在教室四周用图片创设情境,男女队各派一名代表参加 Hide and seek 游戏, 并运用句子Were you in the _? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt.Was he/she in the _? Yes, he/she was. No, he/she wasnt.(2) Where were you then? (5 分钟)学生分成四人小组,每组选两人去自己喜欢的地点(图片),回来后让其余两人猜:Were you in the.? / Was he/she in the.? 猜不到可以说出答案 I was / We were in the. (一、二组学生在讲台左边活动,三、四组学生在讲台右边活动)。Step 4:Sum up(时间预设:2 分钟)学生与教师共同小结本课知识要点。T: What have you learnt today?S: Ive learnt.教师对学生本节课表现进行评价,并引导学生互评。(2) Homework: Think and say, where were you yesterday?教学反思年级年级三年级三年级学科学科英语英语一次备课教师一次备课教师李静李静二次备课教师二次备课教师教学课题教学课题三年级英语学科下期三年级英语学科下期 Module10 第二课时第二课时教学目标教学目标.知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写并会运用单词 first second,floor,find。(2)进一步学习、掌握一般过去时态 be 动词 were was 的用法。(3)能在恰当的情景中熟练运用以下句型进行交际对话Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent.Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.(4)理解课文对话内容,有感情地朗读或表演对话。教学重点教学重点(1)初步听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 first second,floor,find。(2)引导学生运用句型 Were you on the first/second floor? Yes, we were./ No, we werent. Was he there? Yes, he was./ No, he wasnt.询问他人及谈论自己过去的状态。教学难点教学难点能在特定语言环境中的正确运用由 Was, were 引导的一般疑问句,并能区分人称进行回答。教具准备教具准备教材,练习册,PPT,单词卡片,sticker 课时安排课时安排1 课时一次备课一次备课二次备课二次备课教教学学过过程/学案第二课时教学过程教学过程Step 1:Warm up and Revision (时间预设:3 分钟)( 1)Free talk with the students: I was fat then. Now Im thin. He was short then. Now hes tall. (课件出示图片。)(2) Chant: Now and Then.I was fat then. Now Im thin.He was short then. Now hes tall.You were fat then. Now youre thin.We were short then. Now were tall.Step 2:Presentation and Practice (时间预设:17 分钟)(1)课件出示摩尔庄园闯关游戏,进入 The First Stage: Quick Mouth ( Say quickly and correctly. ) (5 分钟)T:Wonderful! Boys and girls. Look, this is a beautiful supermarket. Lets go shopping, ok? Now, youre on the first floor.通过评价栏引出生词 first, floor,板书并教读生词。(强调发音规则,升降调读,小组读,开火车读)T: Well done! Were you on the first floor?S: Yes, we were.T: Were you on the second floor? (板书,教读 second)S: No, we werent. / Yes, we were.通过男女生问答,同桌问答等方式快速操练以上问答句。(2)The Second Stage: Bright Eyes ( Look and remember.) (4 分钟)T: There are so many things in the supermarket. Lets see where are they? (课件闪现图片 milk, book, pencil-box, hamburger.然后迅速消失。)T: Do you know where they were then?学生回想: on the.floor.(快速抢答)T: Our friends also go to the supermarket, too. Lets see where they were.(课件闪现本课有关人物,然后迅速消失。)S1: Was he / she on the _floor?Ss: Yes, he / she was. / No, he /she wasnt.引出本课四会句型 Was he there? Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.板书并操练句子,然后让学生上讲台操纵课件,以生生互动的方式进行语言实践。(3) The Third Stage: Big Ears ( Listen and find.) (8 分钟)T: Look at Damings mother. She is very worried. She cant find Daming. 教师带读 worried,find,强调字母 i 的不同发音。T: Lets help her to find Daming.课件呈现课文对话,学生听音并通过 pair work 完成选择题1. Sam and Mr. Smart were on thefirst / second floor .2. Daming was / wasnt on the first floor.3. Daming was on thefirst / second floor .4. Ms Smart and Amy were on thefirst / second floor .5. The CD is for Daming / Damings mother.T: This CD is a present for Mothers Day. Daming is a good boy. When is Mothers Day? (课件出示 The second Sunday in May is Mothers Day.)Fathers day is coming soon. Do something for your mother and father, please! 学生模仿录音读课文,分角色读。Step 3:Production (时间预设:8 分钟)The Fourth Stage: Clever Head (Think and guess.)(1) Hide and seek. (3 分钟)T: Go out of the supermarket, lets go to the zoo, go to the park, go to school. 在教室四周用图片创设情境,男女队各派一名代表参加 Hide and seek 游戏, 并运用句子Were you in the _? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt.Was he/she in the _? Yes, he/she was. No, he/she wasnt.(2) Where were you then? (5 分钟)学生分成四人小组,每组选两人去自己喜欢的地点(图片),回来后让其余两人猜:Were you in the.? / Was he/she in the.? 猜不到可以说出答案 I was / We were in the. (一、二组学生在讲台左边活动,三、四组学生在讲台右边活动)。StepStep 4:4:Sum up(时间预设:2 分钟)学生与教师共同小结本课知识要点。T: What have you learnt today?S: Ive learnt.教师对学生本节课表现进行评价,并引导学生互评。(2) Homework: Think and say, where were you yesterday?十、板书设计:Module 8 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor?Were you on the first/second floor?Yes, we were. / No, we werent.Was he there?Yes, he was. / No, he wasnt.教学反思年级年级三年级三年级学科学科英语英语一次备课教师一次备课教师李静李静二次备课教师二次备课教师教学课题教学课题三年级英语学科下期三年级英语学科下期 Module10 第三课时第三课时教学目标教学目标知识和能力能正确地听、说、读、写四会单词,短语。过程和方法能正确地理解并应用重点句型。情感态度与价值观灵活运用所学的日常交际用语教学重点教学重点能正确听说读写四会单词教学难点教学难点能正确听说读写四会单词教具准备教具准备教材,PPT,单词卡片,视频资料,sticker课时安排课时安排1 课时一次备课一次备课二次备课二次备课教教学学过过程/学案第三课时教学过程教学过程世纪*教 Step 1 Greeting and Free talk: Good morning,boys and girls 。Give it to me.What day is it today?What date is it today?Whens the teachers day?What would you like as a birthday present?Step 2 Review and practice1Guess:猜单词说出意思并拼读,如,出示单词卡的背面,学生猜出单词present,拼出且说出意思为礼物。以此复习所学的四会单词。2默写这些四会单词。3帮学生归纳 13 单元的词组。Unit 1public sings a lot of questions different things on the wall stay away walk on the grass make noiseno smoking no littering no parking no cycling , keep off keep quite take a walk look around?pick upcome up to point toUnit 2Bens birthday on the 18th of October a birthday present go home blow outA VCD of Japanese cartoons take offthe fifth of April Sports day a running race take some photos look for a moment agojust now on the ground a pair of glasses a roll of filmStep 3 Consolidation Act Part AStep 4 Homework Cope these words and phrases.育网教学反思年级年级三年级三年级学科学科英语英语一次备课教师一次备课教师李静李静二次备课教师二次备课教师教学课题教学课题三年级英语学科下期三年级英语学科下期 Module10 第第 4 课时课时教学目标教学目标复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断教学重点教学重点 复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断教学难点教学难点 复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断教具准备教具准备字母卡片,sticker,ppt课时安排课时安排1 课时一次备课一次备课二次备课二次备课教教学学过过程/学案第四课时教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting and Free talk:Give it to me.What does it mean?What date is it today?Whens the teachers day?Would you like a yo-yo as a birthday present?Step 2 Review and practice1 让学生画出表格归纳字母组合的发音。【e】bread breakfast head sweater【】brother Peter sister tiger【】dear hear near year【】bear pear there where把它们牢记于脑中。2 完成几道题目以巩固所学内容。1.bread read ( ) 2. head breakfast ( ) 3.pear near ( )4. brother danger( ) tiger ( ) 6. here there ( )7. dear bear ( ) 8.pear bear ( ) 9. here hear( )3 让学生就书中每课 C,D 部分的图片进行同桌问答,然后抽学生两两问答。以检查学生的巩固情况。4 默写句型。Give it to me。 Dont give it to him。What does it mean? It means you houldnt litter。When is your birthday?My birthdays on the fifth of May.What would you like as a birthday present?Id like some flowers.Wheres your bookl?Its on the desk.It isnt there now.It was there a moment ago.They arent there now.They were there a moment ago.Step 3 Consolidation Act Part BStep 4 Homework1. 书中 AD 的练习, B 部分也以书面形式完成。2. 让学生就所学的句型表演会话教学反思
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Module 10_Unit Were you on the second floor _ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:f33e3) 外研版 一年级 起点 出发点
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