Module 6-Unit 2 There is a small monster.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f00db)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip


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合成.mp4Warm-upThere _ a panda.There be10.mp4areisisThere_ four pandas.areisare020.mp4Fill in the blanks.isareareisfeetlegsarmstwenty-fourbigsmallposter bigsmallsixThere is .There are .本单元我们学习的句型是:Summary1. Read the text to your parents.2. Draw a picture of your room and introduce it.HomeworkGoodbye!教学案例设计教学案例设计学校教师学科(版本)英语(外研版一起三年级下册)课题There is a small monster.章节Module6 Unit2课时第 1 课时教材分析 本节课主要是让学生熟练运用 There be 句型。正确区分使用“There is/are”谈论某人或某物。在生活中的相关情境中进行自主的表达。设计比较贴近学生生活,有利于学生间开展交流的活动。教学目标理解 There be 句型的含义并灵活运用 There be 句型进行问答练习。教学重点难点及措施重点:熟练运用 There be 句型在生活中的相关情境中进行自主的表达。难点:正确使用 There be 句型的单数与复数形式进行正确表述。 教学环节教学环节教学内容教学内容师生活动师生活动媒体使用及分析媒体使用及分析(白板使用功能)(白板使用功能)Step1Warm-up.1.Say a chant.2.Revision3.Play a game.1.Say“One head,two heads”.2.Review the names of the body.3.I say you do to practisethe names of the body.1.超链接 Chant“One head,two heads”.2.利用白板锁定、绘图功能出示熊猫图片,来强化复习 the names of the body.Step2Lead-in.1.超链接微课 “there be 句型用法”。2.Practise.3.超链接 Part 1 .Learn to say the new chant.4.Fill in the blanks.5.Play a game.6.Practise in groups.1.Watch the video “there be”.2.Practise.3.Say the the new chant.4.Fill the blanks.5.The teacher say the chant, students listen and touch the body parts when they hear the names of the body.6.The three groups say this chant, the other three groups do the actions.7.Change.1.超链接微课 “there be 句型用法”。2.白板出示练习题。利用白板拖拽功能完成练习,提高课堂效率。3.超链接 “The new chant”.4.利用白板克隆、拖拽功能,用白板出示练习题来理解和练习新歌谣,并进一步巩固“there be 句型用法”。Step3Presentation1.New teaching2.超链接 Part 2 to learn the text.1.The teacher ask some questions about the text. Students answer 1.超链接 Part 2 to learn the text.3.Ask some questions to understand and learn the text.4.Practise in groups.5.Practise the text.the questions.2.Watch the video.3.Watch it again and repeat it.4.Work in groups to study the text.5.Some students say Chinese about the text and some say English.2.利用插入资源功能,播放动画。3.利用白板的隐藏功能揭示问题答案。4.利用白板绘图功能勾画出问题的重点。Step 4Practice1.Practise Part 2 by filling in the blanks.2.Practise Part 2 byreading the sentences and judging.3.Look at the picture and say the sentences with “there is or there are”to finish Part 3.4.Practise in groups to finish Part 5 by talking about “Whats in it ? and What are they doing ?”5.Free talk: Talk about “Whats in the classroom?” in English. 6.Sing a new song to finish Part 4.1.Fill in the blanks.2.Judge the sentences are right or wrong.3.Say sentences with with “there is or there are”.4.Talk about “Whats in the picture ? and What are they doing ?”5.Talk about “Whats in the classroom?” in English. 6.Sing the song ang sing after the video.1.利用白板克隆、拖拽功能,用白板出示练习题来理解和强化课文,并进一步巩固所学。2.利用白板的克隆、拖拽和刮奖刷功能,演示和判断课文内容对错,进一步加深强化所学。3.利用区域快照功能出示课文中图片,并进一步操练“there be 句型”。4.利用白板的隐藏和放大功能出示完整句子,揭示问题答案。5.超链接 Part 4 的歌曲,来活跃课堂气氛。Step 5SummaryLets look back “What have we learnt in this class?”Look back “there be 句型用法”。利用白板的拖拽功能,回顾当堂所学的重点句型,进一步加深强化!Step 6Homework1.Read the text to your parents.2.Draw a picture of your room and introduce it to finish Part 6.1.Read the text to your parents.2.Finish Part 6.合成.mp4Warm-upThere _ a panda.There be10.mp4areisisThere_ four pandas.areisare020.mp4Fill in the blanks.isareareisfeetlegsarmstwenty-fourbigsmallposter bigsmallsixThere is .There are .本单元我们学习的句型是:Summary1. Read the text to your parents.2. Draw a picture of your room and introduce it.HomeworkGoodbye!教学案例设计教学案例设计学校本溪市南一小学教师丛桂霞学科(版本)英语(外研版一起三年级下册)课题There is a small monster.章节Module6 Unit2课时第 1 课时教材分析 本节课主要是让学生熟练运用 There be 句型。正确区分使用“There is/are”谈论某人或某物。在生活中的相关情境中进行自主的表达。设计比较贴近学生生活,有利于学生间开展交流的活动。教学目标理解 There be 句型的含义并灵活运用 There be 句型进行问答练习。教学重点难点及措施重点:熟练运用 There be 句型在生活中的相关情境中进行自主的表达。难点:正确使用 There be 句型的单数与复数形式进行正确表述。 教学环节教学环节教学内容教学内容师生活动师生活动媒体使用及分析媒体使用及分析(白板使用功能)(白板使用功能)Step1Warm-up.1.Say a chant.2.Revision3.Play a game.1.Say“One head,two heads”.2.Review the names of the body.3.I say you do to practisethe names of the body.1.超链接 Chant“One head,two heads”.2.利用白板锁定、绘图功能出示熊猫图片,来强化复习 the names of the body.Step2Lead-in.1.超链接微课 “there be 句型用法”。2.Practise.3.超链接 Part 1 .Learn to say the new chant.4.Fill in the blanks.5.Play a game.6.Practise in groups.1.Watch the video “there be”.2.Practise.3.Say the the new chant.4.Fill the blanks.5.The teacher say the chant, students listen and touch the body parts when they hear the names of the body.6.The three groups say this chant, the other three groups do the actions.7.Change.1.超链接微课 “there be 句型用法”。2.白板出示练习题。利用白板拖拽功能完成练习,提高课堂效率。3.超链接 “The new chant”.4.利用白板克隆、拖拽功能,用白板出示练习题来理解和练习新歌谣,并进一步巩固“there be 句型用法”。Step3Presentation1.New teaching2.超链接 Part 2 to learn the text.1.The teacher ask some questions about the text. Students answer 1.超链接 Part 2 to learn the text.3.Ask some questions to understand and learn the text.4.Practise in groups.5.Practise the text.the questions.2.Watch the video.3.Watch it again and repeat it.4.Work in groups to study the text.5.Some students say Chinese about the text and some say English.2.利用插入资源功能,播放动画。3.利用白板的隐藏功能揭示问题答案。4.利用白板绘图功能勾画出问题的重点。Step 4Practice1.Practise Part 2 by filling in the blanks.2.Practise Part 2 byreading the sentences and judging.3.Look at the picture and say the sentences with “there is or there are”to finish Part 3.4.Practise in groups to finish Part 5 by talking about “Whats in it ? and What are they doing ?”5.Free talk: Talk about “Whats in the classroom?” in English. 6.Sing a new song to finish Part 4.1.Fill in the blanks.2.Judge the sentences are right or wrong.3.Say sentences with with “there is or there are”.4.Talk about “Whats in the picture ? and What are they doing ?”5.Talk about “Whats in the classroom?” in English. 6.Sing the song ang sing after the video.1.利用白板克隆、拖拽功能,用白板出示练习题来理解和强化课文,并进一步巩固所学。2.利用白板的克隆、拖拽和刮奖刷功能,演示和判断课文内容对错,进一步加深强化所学。3.利用区域快照功能出示课文中图片,并进一步操练“there be 句型”。4.利用白板的隐藏和放大功能出示完整句子,揭示问题答案。5.超链接 Part 4 的歌曲,来活跃课堂气氛。Step 5SummaryLets look back “What have we learnt in this class?”Look back “there be 句型用法”。利用白板的拖拽功能,回顾当堂所学的重点句型,进一步加深强化!Step 6Homework1.Read the text to your parents.2.Draw a picture of your room and introduce it to finish Part 6.1.Read the text to your parents.2.Finish Part 6.m6u2 反思there be 句型是英语教学中的一个难点。are.(名词的复数形式).通过一节课的反复操练,大部分学生对这个句型有了初步的认识,但是效果没有达到预期的效果。我想要想让学生很好地掌握这个句型,就应该从以下几方面入手: 一、要给学生创造真实的语言环境,让他们真实的语言环境中理解和运用该句型。例如,教师可以带领学生参观学校的某个活动室,然后让学生用 there be 句型描述该活动室,体会单复数形式的用法,并且在孩子出现错误的时候,教师加以引导,通过创设这样真实的语言环境,学生就会很好地掌握所学内容。 二、要让学生充分发挥自己的想象力,通过设计自己最喜欢的房间或学校等,再用 there be 句型描述,这样他们就会兴趣十足,会主动地去探索所学知识,同时他们也会调用一些已学知识,教学效果会更好。
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Module 6_Unit There is small monster._ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:f00db) 外研版 一年级 起点 出发点 三年级
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本文标题:Module 6-Unit 2 There is a small monster.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:f00db)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip
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