Unit 6 The world of my dreams-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:00c34).zip


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By-FannyUnitUnit 6 6 TheThe rabbitsrabbits dreamdream The girl has a dream. She dreams she can fly to the moon. She wants to live on the moon. my friendsbeing a football starmonkeys spacemenI can talk to animalsI can fly.I go to the space.I have a pony. Whats your dream? I dream of/that. The rabbits dream2. Whats the rabbits dream?Where is it?Watch the story,and answer the question.1. What animals can you see in the story ? snakelionelephantowlfrogmouserabbit What animals can you see in the story ? What is the rabbits dream?He wants to see the ocean.Where is the rabbit? the oceanIs it easy(容易)to go to the ocean?What animals does the rabbit meet(遇见)遇见)?What animals does the rabbit meet(遇见)遇见)?I want to see the ocean. Dont go. Its too far.Dont go. Its too dangerous. What do the frog and the mouse say ?AGuessAre they friends?What does the rabbit ask?What does the lion answer?Excuse me. How do I get to the ocean?Come with me. Ill show you.Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!What does the lion want to do? The lion.Im glad Im faster than the lion.What does the rabbit do?Ill get you!The rabbit is faster than the lion. The snake.What does the rabbit ask?What does the snake answer?Why does the snake say come closer? Excuse me. Can you tell me the wayto the ocean?Sorry, I cant hear you.Come closer.Got you!Oh,no!Phew! That was close. Does the rabbit run away?Rabbit for dinner,e closerThe rabbit is faster than the snake.Read P8-P12 by yourselves (自学图 8图 11)Does the elephant help the rabbit?Who helps the rabbit?Does the owl take the rabbit to the ocean?Who are you?Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. Can you tell me the way?Sorry, I cant help you. Ask the owl. The elephant.Whats that? Im scared.Does the elephant help the rabbit?Can you tell me the way to the ocean?Sure.Its this way.D. The owl.Does the owl take the rabbit to the ocean?I can take you there.No,thank you.Who helps the rabbit?The next dayYes, it does.I wish my friends could see it.Wow, the ocean.It looks beautiful. Does the rabbits dream come true?(实现实现) It was night. The sky was full of stars. He remembered all the dangerous situations, but he was very happy. Then he closed his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started to dream.The rabbit was very tired. How was the rabbit feeling ?He was tired but happy.Its too dangerous!The next dayIt was night. How long does it take the rabbit to get to the ocean ?A. One day.B. Two days.Its too far!Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!Excuse me. Rabbit for dinner,mmm.Choose your favourite animal and do a role play in your groups.小小组内选你喜欢的动物进行角色扮演。组内选你喜欢的动物进行角色扮演。The rabbits dream 根据地图复述根据地图复述故事故事.Think: Whats the rabbits dream now?What animals dodont you like in this story? snakelionelephantowlfrogmouserabbitWhat can we learn from the story?We should have dreams;We should be brave and wise in face of danger;We shoud never give up our dreams.SummaryHomework1.Read the story。2.Act the story.3.Retell the story.TheThe rabbitsrabbits dreamdream教学设计教学设计【设计理念设计理念】The rabbits dream是外研社 2011 课标版 三年级起点六年级下册 Unit 6 The world of my dreams 的第二课时,是一篇阅读故事教学,或者说是绘本教学。本课以小兔子想要去看大海的故事为载体,通过动物们生动的语言特点和色彩鲜明的图画,给学生营造了一个“小兔子寻梦历险记”的故事世界,激起了学生极大的阅读兴趣和表演欲望。新课程标准在总体目标和对小学生听说认读能力的描述中多次提到了要学生能听懂和读懂小故事 。而绘本的语言具有形象性、简洁性和重复性的特点,更符合小学生的身心特点,容易让孩子们理解和接受,同时帮助他们对故事展开丰富的联想,帮助学生锻炼逻辑思维能力和推理预测能力。因此在我在本课教学中遵循绘本的特点,以图片为主,语言文字为辅,让学生仔细观察图片,模仿动物的语言腔调,分析动物们的内心活动和性格特点,在听故事和表演活动中进行语言训练和情感教育。我采用了两条主线进行故事教学:一是以遇见” lion、snake、elephant、owl”四种动物,四种情境下动物们的语言和心理活动为明线;二是以“too far”和“too dangerous”为暗线,通过小兔子从出发到最后到达共花费两天的时间,以及在路上遇见了例如 lion、snake 这样危险的动物,但是它坚持自己的梦想,不畏艰险最后实现了自己的愿望,对学生进行情感教育。最后通过故事表演,讨论话题“Which animal dodont you like? 分析动物角色特点,教会学生正确做人的道理。【教学设计教学设计】 教学目标:教学目标: 1.学生通过听录音和整体阅读图片,大体了解绘本故事内容;通过分层教学帮助学生体验故事中不同的情境,理解故事。2.学生通过图文对照、声音模仿、表演等方式达成对绘本故事人物细节的理解并体验阅读故事的乐趣。3.学生通过故事阅读明白要坚持自己的梦想并机智应对各种问题。教学重点:教学重点:学生通过听录音和整体阅读图片,大体了解绘本故事内容;通过分层教学帮助学生体验故事中不同的情境,理解故事。教学难点:教学难点:学生通过图文对照、声音模仿、表演等方式达成对绘本故事人物细节的理解并体验阅读故事的乐趣。教学过程:教学过程:一、一、LeadLead inin1.Free1.Free talk:talk:出示图片,teacher says:The girl has a dream.She wants to fly to the moon. She dreams she can live on the moon.在提问学生“Whats your dream?”学生回答之后,教师紧接着说 We all have dreams.Today well learn a story about a rabbit.The rabbit has a dream,too.Can you guess whats the rabbits dream?(板书课题:The rabbits dream)(设计意图:设计意图:通过课前对话,复习旧知,并训练学生的语言表达能力)二、创设情境,理解故事二、创设情境,理解故事1.Before-reading1.Before-readingWatch the story video on the screen.Answer questions:What animals can you see in the story?Whats the rabbits dream?Where is the rabbit?(学习 ocean)观看海洋视频,answer the question:Is the ocean beautiful?Do you want to go to the ocean?学生回答之后,教师紧接着说 So the rabbit wants to see it,too.But is it easy to go to the ocean?学生猜测答案,再次播放视频,教师提问 What animals does the rabbit meet first,second.then?2.While-reading2.While-reading展示动物路线地图,出示第一幅图片,教师提问:What do the frog and the mouse say?猜一猜将句子与动物进行匹配。Ask three children to read。教师提问 What do you think of the mouse and the frog?Are they friendly and kind to the rabbit?总结:The mouse is not brave.The frog cant see far.He is shortsighted,they are the rabbits friends.Read “far”和“dangerous”(板书“far”“dangerous”)(设计意图:(设计意图:通过分析语言,同时理解动物性格特点,mouse胆小如鼠,frog坐井观天)2)创设情境,分层学习。出示路线图,The rabbit still wants to go to the ocean.He meets a lion.a)情境一:出示图片 2,提问:What does the rabbit ask? What does the lion answer? What does the lion want to do?播放句子录音并跟读,学生边表演边回答,(板书“How can I go to the ocean?)特别是“Come this way,Ill show you.教师要指导学生做出带路的动作,以及”Rabbit for breakfast.Yummy!小声偷笑的动作.(板书“breakfast”)出示图片 3-4,提问 What does the rabbit do?教师指名学生表演兔子和狮子,朗读并表演“Ill get you!Im glad Im faster than the lion.”.出示动作示意图。教师说明 The rabbit is faster than the lion.教师提问 Does the lion tell the rabbit the way?What do you think of the lion?总结:The lion is not kind.(板书 not kind)b)情境二:T:The lion is not kind.He wants to eat the rabbit for breakfast.The rabbit is scared,but the rabbit didnt stop .On his way, he meets the snake.展示路线图,并出示图片 5-7,播放录音并全班跟读,分两组表演兔子和蛇,教师提问:What does the rabbit ask?(板书“Can you tell me the way to the ocean?)“What does the snake answer?学生表演回答后教师紧接着提问”Why does the snake say come closer?(板书 dinner)出示动作示意图。教师帮助学生理解“come closer”。教师提问 Does the rabbit run away?学生回答后,指名学生表演兔子和蛇,重点理解“That was close.”并用动作示意图解释”The rabbit is faster than the snake.”总结:The snake is snaky。c)学生带着问题观看视频自学图 8图 11情境三:教师回顾狮子和蛇的场景,提问“What do you think of the rabbit?”板书(brave,wise),紧接着提问:What animals does the rabbit meet?出示路线图和图片8-9,ask:Does the elephant tell the rabbit the way?分组表演大象和兔子。总结:The elephant is friendly.d)情境四:出示出示路线图和图片 10-11,ask:Who helps the rabbit?Does the owl take him to the ocean?播放录音跟读“No,thank you.分组表演猫头鹰和兔子。总结:The owl is helpful.3)Play the recording,出示图片 12-13,ask:Does the rabbits dream come true?指名一人有感情朗读 Picture 12,全班齐读 Picture 13.教师提问 How was the rabbit feeling ?学生回答 He was tired but happy.教师紧接着提问“Why was he tired?引出关键词“dangerous situation”,强调“Its too dangerous.”同时补充提问“How long does it take the rabbit to go to the ocean?”说明“Its too far.”三三.Show.Show timetime分组分场景选择自己最喜欢的场景表演舞台剧。四四.Extension.Extension1.Retell the story according to the Mind map.2.Whats the rabbits dream now?五五.After-reading.After-reading自由谈话,分析兔子和其他动物特点自由谈话,分析兔子和其他动物特点What animals dodont you like?What do you think of the rabbit?六六SummarySummaryWhat can we learn from the story?The rabbit has a dream.And he meets dangerous animals,It takes him two days to come true his dream.He is brave and wise,and he never gives up his dream.We should have dreams;We should be brave and wise in face of danger;We shoud never give up our dreams.7 7HomeworkHomework1.Read1.Read thethe storystory。2.Act2.Act thethe story.story.3.Retell3.Retell thethe story.story.板书设计: Unit6Unit6 TheThe rabbitsrabbits dreamdreamCanCan youyou telltell meme thethe wayway toto thethe ocean?ocean?HowHow cancan I I getget toto thethe ocean?ocean?教学反思:教学反思:在小学英语教学当中,一些教师在遇到绘本时教学很简单,就是听读故事,翻译句子,理解故事大致内容,再让学生表演。这样的教学处理表面看是没有问题,实际是失去了绘本教学原有的特点,绘本是一种图文并茂的书本,主要是用图画来吸引学生,再结合精炼的语言,来帮助学生理解故事,而老师们一味的朗读语言,使学生的学习兴趣慢慢减弱,失去了绘本教学的意义。The rabbits dream这节课的故事教学模式很明显,我将语言教学与情境相结合,人物分析细腻,学生表演到位,通过表演让学生感知语言的内涵,学会做人的道理,培养学生的语言能力,但是我忽略了故事中狮子和蛇的不同,观察它们各自的动作,可发现狮子更直接,诚实,而蛇更懒惰;以及故事中兔子的发音为英国口音等等,因而我们在教学中要深度钻研,才会发现教材编排的巧妙之处。总之,英语绘本教学在小学英语课堂教学中占据重要地位,既能极大的激发学生的阅读兴趣,又培养了学生的语言能力,为单调的语言训练注入了活力,今后,我将继续钻研绘本教学的新方法,新途径,让学生在课堂上真正体会到学习的快乐。武汉市江夏区纸坊第三小学 范小芳 女 35 岁 小学英语高级教师电话号码:17771435189 邮政编码:430200 电子邮箱
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