Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:817fc).zip


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BeBe goinggoing toto句型的操练与运用句型的操练与运用(Unit(Unit 3 3 MarysMarys diarydiary PartPart 7 7 LookLook andand answeranswer whatwhat SimonSimon is is goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend.weekend. JoinJoin InIn BookBook 2 2 inin GradeGrade SixSix )小学英语六年级下册小学英语六年级下册be going to do 句型句型 1. be going to do 句型由句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。动词原形构成。2. be going to do 句型的用法句型的用法 A. 表示表示“打算打算”、“准备准备”在最近做某事在最近做某事(在口语中,一般多用(在口语中,一般多用be going to,而不用,而不用will)。)。 I am going to put it on the floor. 我打算把它放在地板上。我打算把它放在地板上。He is going to read books tomorrow. 他准备明天读书。他准备明天读书。 B. 表示按计划、安排将要发生的事:表示按计划、安排将要发生的事: The meeting is going to begin at nine. 会议将在会议将在9点开始。点开始。 Where are you going to build the road? 你们将在什么地方筑路?你们将在什么地方筑路? C. 表示预言一件事即将发生:表示预言一件事即将发生: Its going to rain! 天要下雨了!天要下雨了! Shes going to sleep! 她要睡觉了!她要睡觉了!be going to do 句型句型be going to do 句型句型 3. be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句句型的否定句与疑问句 George is going to visit his mother. (1)在)在be动词后面加上动词后面加上not变为变为否定句否定句: George is not going to visit his mother. (2)将)将be动词提至句首变为动词提至句首变为一般疑问句一般疑问句: Is George going to visit his mother?be going to do 句型句型重点句型What are you going to do?I am going to.be going to do 句型句型 What are you going to do this Saturday? Im going to listen to music at half past eleven. What is Sally going to do this Saturday? She is going to go riding with her friend after lunch.be going to do 句型句型 What is Simon going to do this weekend? He is going to play football on Saturday morning. He is going to watch TV on Saturday evening. Simon and his friend Peter are going to play table tennis on Sunday afternoon. He is going to paint on Sunday evening.be going to do 句型句型Lets practice!be going to do 句型句型Im going toswim in the sea.What are you goingto do?What are you goingto do this weekend?Im going toride a bike.What is Anna goingto do tomorrow?Shes going tosee a doctor.What is Simon goingto do on Sunday afternoon?He isnt going to do maths exercises. Hes going to watch a film.What is your father goingto do on Sunday evening?He is going toplay the guitar.What is your cousin goingto do tomorrow?He is going todo his homework.be going to do 句型句型 will 和be going to的用法 will+动词原形(表示将来时间较远一些,而非最近期间的事) Sally will write a book one day. be going to+动词原形(近期的眼下的,即将要发生的事) Simon is going to write a letter this evening.1. be going to do 句型由句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。动词原形构成。2.be going to do 句型的用法。句型的用法。3.be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句句型的否定句与疑问句。Thats all for this.BeBe goinggoing toto句型的操练与运用句型的操练与运用(Unit(Unit 3 3 MarysMarys diarydiary PartPart 7 7 LookLook andand answeranswer whatwhat SimonSimon is is goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend.weekend. JoinJoin InIn BookBook 2 2 inin GradeGrade SixSix )小学英语六年级下册小学英语六年级下册be going to do 句型句型 1. be going to do 句型由句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。动词原形构成。2. be going to do 句型的用法句型的用法 A. 表示表示“打算打算”、“准备准备”在最近做某事在最近做某事(在口语中,一般多用(在口语中,一般多用be going to,而不用,而不用will)。)。 I am going to put it on the floor. 我打算把它放在地板上。我打算把它放在地板上。He is going to read books tomorrow. 他准备明天读书。他准备明天读书。 B. 表示按计划、安排将要发生的事:表示按计划、安排将要发生的事: The meeting is going to begin at nine. 会议将在会议将在9点开始。点开始。 Where are you going to build the road? 你们将在什么地方筑路?你们将在什么地方筑路? C. 表示预言一件事即将发生:表示预言一件事即将发生: Its going to rain! 天要下雨了!天要下雨了! Shes going to sleep! 她要睡觉了!她要睡觉了!be going to do 句型句型be going to do 句型句型 3. be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句句型的否定句与疑问句 George is going to visit his mother. (1)在)在be动词后面加上动词后面加上not变为变为否定句否定句: George is not going to visit his mother. (2)将)将be动词提至句首变为动词提至句首变为一般疑问句一般疑问句: Is George going to visit his mother?be going to do 句型句型重点句型What are you going to do?I am going to.be going to do 句型句型 What are you going to do this Saturday? Im going to listen to music at half past eleven. What is Sally going to do this Saturday? She is going to go riding with her friend after lunch.be going to do 句型句型 What is Simon going to do this weekend? He is going to play football on Saturday morning. He is going to watch TV on Saturday evening. Simon and his friend Peter are going to play table tennis on Sunday afternoon. He is going to paint on Sunday evening.be going to do 句型句型Lets practice!be going to do 句型句型Im going toswim in the sea.What are you goingto do?What are you goingto do this weekend?Im going toride a bike.What is Anna goingto do tomorrow?Shes going tosee a doctor.What is Simon goingto do on Sunday afternoon?He isnt going to do maths exercises. Hes going to watch a film.What is your father goingto do on Sunday evening?He is going toplay the guitar.What is your cousin goingto do tomorrow?He is going todo his homework.be going to do 句型句型 will 和be going to的用法 will+动词原形(表示将来时间较远一些,而非最近期间的事) Sally will write a book one day. be going to+动词原形(近期的眼下的,即将要发生的事) Simon is going to write a letter this evening.1. be going to do 句型由句型由am/is/are going to +动词原形构成。动词原形构成。2.be going to do 句型的用法。句型的用法。3.be going to do句型的否定句与疑问句句型的否定句与疑问句。Thats all for this.1 Unit 3 Festivals一、Reviewing to understand( (温故知新温故知新) )Read the words and phrases in pairs. (二人小组互读)1、15th day 2、Chinese lunar 3、Mid-Autumn Festival4、get together 5、far from 6、think about 7、full and bright 二、Warm-up(热身活动)(热身活动)三、Leading-in(导入新课)1、Whats your favourite festival?2、How much do you know about Thanksgiving Day? 3、Do you know the origin(来源) of the Thanksgiving Day?四、Self-Check( (自学检测自学检测) )Translate:(中英互译)land in _ come from_ look for_cold and hungry_ 印第安人_build houses_ hunt for_ wild turkey_ catch fish_种植玉米_ 邀请_2五、Consolidation(巩固练习)(巩固练习)请判断下列各句是否正确T/F1、The Mayflower comes from the USA.( )2、It is winter. The people from England are cold and hungry.( )3、Native Americans show them how to hunt for wild turkey.( )4、Later, when its warm again, they show them how to plant flowers. ( )5、They invite the Native Americans. They call their party Halloween. ( )六、Expanding Practice( (拓展训练拓展训练) ) 1、People far _ home look up at the moon. A from B at C in2、The people on the Mayflower are looking _ a new home. A at B for C in3、They show_ how to catch fish. A they B I C them六年级下册第三单元第三课时课题Unit 3 Part6&7一课一得训练点1 1 LearnLearn languagelanguage itemsitems byby wayway ofof groupgroup study.study.2 2 LearnLearn EnglishEnglish byby reading,askingreading,asking andand answering,listeninganswering,listening andand writing.writing.核心素养培养点They are interested in the English class and active in the activities. They are willing to talk with others in English.落实过程StepStep I.I. WarmingWarming upup 1)1) GreetingsGreetings: ItsIts goodgood toto seesee youyou again.again. YoureYoure lookinglooking well.well. 2)2) TalkTalk aboutabout theirtheir holiday.holiday. StepStep II.II. PresentationPresentation 1)1) listenlisten andand numbernumber whatwhat SallySally willwill dodo inin thethe correctcorrect order.order.老师展示图片,学生理解并老师展示图片,学生理解并学说单词和词组:学说单词和词组:listenlisten toto music,music, gogo riding,doriding,do mathsmaths exercises,readexercises,read 老师播放录老师播放录音师生共同核对答案。再次播放录音师生共同核音师生共同核对答案。再次播放录音师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读句子:对答案,学生大声朗读句子:SheShe willwill dodo mathsmaths exercisesexercises earlyearly intheinthe morning.Shemorning.She willwill listenlisten toto musicmusic atat halfhalf pastpast eleven.Sheeleven.She willwill gogo ridingriding afterafter lunch.Shelunch.She willwill readread a a storybookstorybook afterafter dinner.dinner.第三次第三次播放录音播放录音 2)2) looklook andand answeranswer whatwhat SimonSimon isis goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend.weekend.选取选取 3-43-4 组在班组在班级内展示,并给予及时的评价。学生可模仿图片级内展示,并给予及时的评价。学生可模仿图片中的示范词组,老师也可以鼓励学生尝试用不同中的示范词组,老师也可以鼓励学生尝试用不同的词组来表达。的词组来表达。3)3) WriteWrite wherewhere andand whenwhen youryour partnerpartner waswas born.born.根据学生的练习情况,请根据学生的练习情况,请 2-2-3 3 组学生展示,老师给予积极的评价。组学生展示,老师给予积极的评价。1)1) SaySay freely:freely:MyMy .is.is a a . HeHe /She/She isis .ListenListen andand number.number.根据录音内容给图片标号。练习句型:练习句型:SallySally willwill listenlisten toto musicmusic学生根据录音将句子补充完整。学生尝试跟读对话。学生两人一组,根据图片提示,在小组内谈论。落实过程StepStep III.III. PracticePracticePairwork:What are you going to do thisWeekend?Im going to _ .换角色,对话练习。StSt StepStep IV.IV. ExtensionExtension 学生可以练习用 will 或be going to 写短文。落实过程Unit 3 Marys diary Part 6 & Part 7- WhatWhat willwill SallySally dodo thisthis Saturday?Saturday?- SheShe willwill _._.- WhatWhat isis SimonSimon goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend?- SheShe isis goinggoing toto _._.
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Unit Mary’s diary_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:817fc) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点
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