Unit 1 My cousins and I-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:c01c3).zip


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1、Tick true or false. T F1. The Sheriff wants the man who killed the Kings deer.( ) ( )2. They blinded Robin. ( ) ( )3. Robin has got a plan. ( ) ( )二、二、Number the sentences.(给下列句子排序)(给下列句子排序)( )Were almost there.( )Thank you, my friends.( ) Hooray!( )Ill stay with you.( )Hold on, father.( )Well fight the Sheriff and help the poor.三、三、Match the sentences with the pictures.(图文配对:将下列(图文配对:将下列句子的序号填入相应图片下的括号内)句子的序号填入相应图片下的括号内)1. Marian told Robin that his father wasnt dead. 2. Robin has got the Sheriffs soldier.3. The Sheriffs men blinded Robins father.4. Robin took his father out and got on a horse.5. Robins friend came to help him and then they are win(获胜). ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、四、Retell the story with the given words.(复述故事(复述故事,用所给的用所给的词填空)词填空)killed ran help went took soldiers wasnt dressed up has gotRobins father _ a deer. Suddenly, some _ on horses came out. They _ his father away. Robin _ away. An hour later, Marian told Robin that his father _ dead. So Robin said he must _ his father. Then Marian took him to help his father. Robin _ a soldier and took the soldiers clothes. Robin _as a soldier. He _ to help his father out. Robins fatherA story(Unit4 part3)Lets play a gameOne Two Three 罗宾汉(罗宾汉(RobinRobin HoodHood)是英国民间传说中的侠)是英国民间传说中的侠盗式的一个英雄人物,相盗式的一个英雄人物,相传是他活跃在传是他活跃在11601160年至年至12471247年间的英国,人称汉年间的英国,人称汉丁顿伯爵。他丁顿伯爵。他武艺武艺出众、出众、机智勇敢、聪明,仇视官机智勇敢、聪明,仇视官吏和教士,是一位劫富济吏和教士,是一位劫富济贫、行侠仗义的绿林英雄贫、行侠仗义的绿林英雄。传说他住在诺丁汉舍伍。传说他住在诺丁汉舍伍德森林(德森林(SherwoodSherwood ForestForest)。)。Look, listen and answer the questions. How many main(主要的)people are there in the story? 1.2.Who are they? Who are they ?RobinRobins fatherMarianHow many main(主要的) people are there in the story?Three .in the woodsWhere do they live?Listen and answer!They live in the .woodslook州长Read it by yourself. soldiersWho do the men hide from in the second picture?Read together and answer!A. Robins father is dead, the sheriffs men took him away. B. Robins father isnt dead, the sheriffs men took him away.take awaytake-took带走( T )is dead去世,死look/woodRead together loudly.2. Where will Robin go?Nottingham.Listen and answer!1. Who will Robin help?Robins father.Read the pictrue5-7 quickly and think!Have they got the Sheriffs soldier?A. No, they havent.B. Yes, they have.C. We dont know.They hide in the woods, then they catch a soldier.Answer the question:Have they got the Sheriffs soldier?A. No, they havent.B. Yes, they have.C. We dont know.Will Robin come back?Listen and answer!He took the soldiers clothes, and dressed up as a soldier, then went to Nottingham to help his father.装扮成.Read and understand. We should protect(保护) the wild animals, live together in peace with them.Read and understand.blind-blindedRead and understand.This is a lie.(谎言)1. The Sheriff wants the man who killed the Kings deer.T F Listen again. Tick true or false. 2. They blinded Robin.3. Robin has got a plan.( )( )( )( )( )( )Read in roles.(分角色朗读)和你待在一起紧紧抓住几乎,差不多fightright Were almost there. Thank you, my friends. Hooray! Ill stay with you. Hold on, father. Well fight the Sheriff and help the poor.Listen and number.236415Read the whole story silently and match.注意不同时间人物的感情状态和语言。(默读全文,然后连线)Task : Match the sentences with the pictrues. (图文配对:将下列句子的序号填入相应图片下的括号内。)1. Marian told Robin that his father wasnt dead. 2. Robin has got the Sheriffs soldier.3. The Sheriffs men blinded Robins father.4. Robin took his father out and got on a horse.5. Robins friend came to help him and then they are win(获胜).( )( )( )( )( )12345 Robins father _ a deer. Suddenly, some _ on horses came out. They _ his father away. Robin _ away. An hour later, Marian told Robin that his father _ dead. So Robin said he must _ his father. Then Marian took him to help his father. Robin _ a soldier and took the soldiers clothes. Robin _ as a soldier. He _ to help his father out. Retell the story with the given words.(复述故事,用所给的词填空)killedtookranwasnthelpdressed uphas gotwentsoldiers killed ran help went took soldiers wasnt dressed up has gotLets act. Do an honest man, we must combine moral nobility and wit. 做一个正直的人,我们必须把道德和机智结合起来。Homework1. Read the story “Robins father”. 2.Act one part of the story.六年级下六年级下 Unit 4 Robins father (Part 3) 一、教材内容一、教材内容 六年级下 Unit 4 Robins father Part 3教材分析 : 本单元主要学习有关故事的内容,了解有关故事情节,通过这节课的学习了解了英雄人物-罗宾汉。二、教学设计二、教学设计 这是一节阅读课,这节课学生通过对英雄人物罗宾汉的阅读,听懂理解小短文。培养学生“感知慨括应用”的思维,通过故事学习了解英雄人物。三、教学目标三、教学目标a.语言技能:Reading about Robins father .b.语言知识:1、掌握相关单词、词组:kill;soldier;almost ;until;fight; take away ;hide from;in the woods;stay with; hold on 等 。2、了解英雄人物的背景。3、培养学生阅读的习惯。c.情感态度:丰富学生的课外知识,让学生了解英雄人物。培养学生的观察能力以及阅读能力,利用故事渗透人文知识。四、教学重难点四、教学重难点1、 熟练地掌握单词和词组:kill;soldier;almost ;until;fight; take away ;hide from;in the woods;stay with; hold on.2、能让学生带着问题完成小篇章的阅读。3、通过阅读,了解英雄人物,培养爱国主义情怀,激发爱国主义热情。五、教具准备五、教具准备多媒体课件、卡片、故事纸、练习题纸。六、教学过程六、教学过程(一一)Warm up1. Play a game. T: Lets play a game before the class, OK?First, follow me. Now I say you do, OK?【教学设计说明教学设计说明】师生互相问候,游戏热身,既引起学生兴趣,又活跃课堂气氛,同时也为新授导入做铺垫。(二)(二) Pre-readingStep 1:激趣启思,预设铺垫 Free Talk: Are you happy now? Oh, you are happy, but Robin is not happy. But why? Lets watch a video.播放关于罗宾汉父亲和州长的视频。(看完出示本节课的课题 A story -Robins father)和学生一起了解英雄人物的背景知识。【教学设计说明教学设计说明】让学生从比较熟悉的图片和学生较感兴趣的视频入手,并随机解释英雄人物罗宾汉的背景, 为下面的阅读铺垫。Step 2:知识唤起,导入新知 Look, listen and answer the questions. How many main(主要的)people are there in the story? Who are they? Ss look and listen the story and then answer the questions.(三)(三)While-readingStep 1:问题引领,预测信息1. Listen and answer!(picture1-2)Ss listen to the tape and then answer “Where do they live?” The Ss understand the phrase “in the woods”2. Read and answer!Ss read the picture one and two by themselves and then answer “Who do the men hide from in the second picture?”The Ss understand the word “soldier”3. Correct the right sentence.Ss read the sentence and judge “Which one is right?” Now they can know about the phases“ is dead” and “takeaway”Step 2:Read together loudly.1. Ss read pictures1-4 loudly, know about this part.2. Listen and answer Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions: Who will Robin help?Where will Robin go?利用图片和情景解释生单词 soldier;take away ; in the woods, is dead3.有感情地示范领读短文,加深对故事的理解。【教学设计说明教学设计说明】提出问题,给学生阅读的时间,自主学习,回答问题。教师只在关键的地方进行引导。最后领学生通读短文,理解含义。Step 3:Picture 5-7 快速阅读快速阅读, 用心思考用心思考.1. Read the story quickly and think, and then answer the question “Have they got the Sheriffs soldier?”2. Listen to the tape and answer “Will Robin come back?”【教学设计说明教学设计说明】学生通过读和听, 再结合故事图片,完成对故事的理解。Step 4:Read and understand1. Ss read and understand the part of the story with the help of the teacher. (培养学生的阅读能力)。Then ask the Ss to judge if the sentences are right.2.分角色进行朗读,进一步理解这部分故事内容, 解释文段中出现的生单词。【教学设计说明教学设计说明】分段阅读是让学生在对之前阅读积累的经验进行的应用,通过对故事背景的了解,从而达到理解短文的目的。Step 5 Read, listen and number Ss read the last three pictures and understand the sentences. Then listen to the tape and number.(四)(四)Post-readingStep 1.阅读短文填空,复习巩固阅读短文填空,复习巩固1. Read and match 2. 2. Retell the story with the given words.Step 2:Lets act. Ss act the part of the story out by understanding. 【教学设计说明教学设计说明】听、说、读、过渡到写,然后表演出来,逐步锻炼和考察学生英语能力。(五)(五)Homework 1. Act one part of the story.2Read the story “Robins father”.
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Unit My cousins and I_Lesson 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:c01c3) 外研版 三年级 起点
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