Revision 2-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:904d3).zip


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Anne Frank - a child hero 课前“自主学习任务单”班级:班级: 学生姓名:学生姓名: 一、学习指南1.课题名称:Join In 六年级下册 Anne Frank - a child hero2.达成目标:通过观看教学视频复习 Unit4 My hero。通过观看教学视频复习 Anne Frank.通过观看教学视频学习 Germany(德国) Jew(犹太人) caught(catch 的过去式)useful(有用的) enjoyment(快乐)I want to go on living even after I die!(即使我死了,也要让生命延续。 ) 初步理解短文,能回答:Where was Anne Fank born?When was she bron?What did her father give her at her 13th birthday?Does she like reading? 等问题。3.学习方法建议:观看视频学习,遇到不懂的位置可反复观看。4.课堂学习形式预告:复习unit4 part1检查掌握情况复习Anne Frank 的基本情况二、学习任务二、学习任务通过观看教学视频自学,完成下列学习任务:一、Choose the right word in the blanks. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She _ it Kitty. She _ to write something great. She _ of becoming a writer! But she _ at the age _ 15 because she and her family were caught.二、Tick ture or false. “”1. Anne loved reading and watching films.2. Anne couldnt go to see films because she had no money.3. Annes family had to hide because they were Jews.4. Anne had got a pet dog. It was Kitty.5. Annes best friend was her diary.6. Anne dreamed of becoming a writer.7. Anne died in 1943 after they were caught.c ccalledcalledWantsWantsdreamsdreamsdieddiedofofcallcallwantedwanteddreameddreameddiedieinin三、困惑与建议三、困惑与建议(提示:此项由学生自主学习之后填写)学习并掌握动词过去式的用法学习 Germany(德国) Jew(犹太人) caught(catch 的过去式)useful(有用的) enjoyment(快乐)I want to go on living even after I die!(即使我死了,也要让生命延续。 ) 外研版外研版英语英语六年级下册六年级下册 REVISION 2Who is she?PreparePrepare-readingreadingAnneAnne FrankFrank - a a childchild heroheroAnneAnne andand herher diarydiaryPreparePrepare-readingreadingIn her famous diary Anne said, “I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people I want to go on living even after I die!”Anne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.In fact, her family had to hide and they couldnt go outside. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She called it Kitty. She wanted to write something great. She dreamed of becoming a writer! But she died at the age of 15 because she and her family were caught.Listen.WhileWhile-readingreading dmn德国德国du:犹太人犹太人有用的,有益的有用的,有益的ndmnt享受;乐趣享受;乐趣What did she like?What was her dream?She liked watching films.She dreamed of becoming a writer.WhileWhile-readingreadingAnne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe firstfirst paragraphparagraphListen and read.WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe firstfirst paragraphparagraphChoose the right answer.( )1. Anne _ born in Germany _ 12 June 1929. A. was, at C. is, on( )2. She _reading. So she always reads books. A. love B. loving( )3. Look! Toms dad _ him a diary. A. gave B. givesBCCB. was, onC. lovesC. is givingWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe secondsecond paragraphparagraphTry to ask.Listen and read.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.1. What did she like?WhatWhy2. Why couldnt she get into the cinema?How/Where/WhyWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe thirdthird paragraphparagraphBecause she was a JewShe couldnt get into the cinema. In fact, she and her family couldnt go outside, they had to hide. (But Anne wasnt sad. She was brave, she never gave up hope, she dreamed that one day she could be free.)WhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe thirdthird paragraphparagraphChoose the right word in the blanks.So Anne made her diary her best friend. She _ it Kitty. She _ to write something great. She _ of becoming a writer! But she _ at the age _ 15 because she and her family were caught.calledwanteddreameddiedofcalled wantsdreamsdiedofcallwanteddreameddieinWhileWhile-readingreadingTheThe fourthfourth paragraphparagraphWhat did she write in her diary?A. She wanted to be a singer.B. She wanted to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people She wanted to go on living even after she died. (即使她死了,也要(即使她死了,也要让生命延续。)让生命延续。)C. She dreamed of money.(If you keep studying hard, you will be coming a useful person, you will bring enjoyment to your parents, your family, your friends.)PostPost-readingreadingIn her famous diary Anne said, “I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people I want to go on living even after I die!”Anne was born in Germany on 12 June 1929. When she was very little, she loved reading. In 1942, Annes dad gave her a diary for her 13th birthday. Then she began to write in it.Ann liked watching films, but she couldnt get into the cinema because she was a Jew.In fact, her family had to hide and they couldnt go outside. So Anne made her diary her best friend. She called it Kitty. She wanted to write something great. She dreamed of becoming a writer! But she died at the age of 15 because she and her family were caught.Read.PostPost-readingreadingTrueFalse1. Anne loved reading and watching films.2. Anne couldnt go to see films because she had no money.3. Annes family had to hide because they were Jews.4. Anne had got a pet dog. It was Kitty.5. Annes best friend was her diary.6. Anne dreamed of becoming a writer.7. Anne died in 1943 after they were caught.PostPost-readingreadingWrite your passage about Anne Frank.Use five sentences, try to write the most important information.PostPost-readingreadingThis is my passage about Anne Frank.Ann Frank is a child hero. She never gave up hope. She dreamed of becoming a writer! She was brave and wise. She wanted to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people.PostPost-readingreadingWhatWhat shouldshould wewe learnlearn fromfrom her?her?ThankThank youyou forfor youryour listeninglistening!TheThe writerwriter of of a a diarydiary sallysally BillBill LiyuLiyu ChenChen zihanzihan a a worldworld toptop footballerfootballer herher mothermother a a famousfamous scientistscientist WhereWhere waswas AnneAnne FrankFrank born?born?WhenWhen waswas sheshe born?born?WhatWhat diddid herher fatherfather givegive herher at at herher 13th13th birthday?birthday?DoesDoes sheshe likelike reading?reading? AnneAnne waswas bornborn in in Germany.Germany.AnneAnne waswas on on 12 12 JaneJane 1929.1929. A A diary.diary.Yes,Yes, sheshe does.does.剑桥剑桥 Join In 六年级下册六年级下册 Revision 2The fifth periodAnne Frank a child 教学设计教学设计1 1、内容简析:内容简析:本节课的学习内容是剑桥 join in 版本教材小学六年级下册复习 2 的,本单元主要是介绍“Anne Frank”这一位儿童英雄。结合课本第四单元前面所学相关语段进一步了解、学习 Anne Frank。二、学情分析:二、学情分析:我校是一所农村乡镇中心小学。英语教学,才刚刚起步,困难较多。1、由于农村小学英语课时设置的限制,课外学习途径的缺乏,教学策略引导不到位,周围生活环境等因素的影响,使农村学生学好英语的道路崎岖而艰难。2、六年级学生经过年多的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写的能力和初步的自主、合作、探究能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也乐于参与英语教学活动。但是,学生的知识面比较窄,相关的英语语言文化知识十分欠缺。对欧美国家的一些历史文化更是毫无所知。3、本课的主人翁 Anne Frank 和她的日记,对于农村小小学的我校学生是陌生的。三、目标定位:三、目标定位:1.知识目标:the new words and sentences : Germany /began /couldntt /Jew/ caught in fact/Anne made her diary her best friend / at the age of 15/I want to be useful or enjoyment to all people/I want to go on living even after I die!2.能力目标:The pupils can read and understand the text.discuss their heroes.The pupils can tick true or false after reading.3.情感目标:通过学习这篇文章树立正确的价值观。培养关爱他人、乐观、坚强的品质。四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点:重重 点:点:1.The pupils can read and understand the text.2. The pupils can tick true or false after reading.难难 点点: : The sentences: Anne made her diary her best friend at the age of 15 I want to be useful or enjoyment to all peopleI want to go on living even after I die!五、教学时间五、教学时间: :一课时。六、教学准备六、教学准备: :PPT,单词句型卡片、相关录音七、方法阐释:七、方法阐释:成功的教育是爱的教育,爱能激发学生学习的热情,能给学生以学习的勇气和信心。在课堂教学中通过多种方式来增强学生听和说的能力,同时培养学生关爱他人,学习 Anne Frank 坚强、勇敢的优秀品质。TeachingTeaching contents:contents: part 5 Anne Frank - a child heroTeachingTeaching aims:aims:1.Review the heroes of unit 4 part 1.2. The pupils can read and understand the text.3. The pupils can tick true or false after reading.4.the new words and sentences : Germany began couldnt Jew caught in fact Anne made her diary her best friend at the age of 15 I want to be useful or enjoyment to all peopleI want to go on living even after I die!5.了解中西方英雄人物故事,帮助学生树立正确的英雄形象,引导学生像儿童英雄安妮弗兰克学习。TeachingTeaching keykey andand importantimportant points:points: 1.The pupils can read and understand the text.2. The pupils can tick true or false after reading.3.the new words and sentences : Germany began couldnt jew caught in fact Anne made her diary her best friend at the age of 15 I want to be useful or enjoyment to all peopleI want to go on living even after I die!TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures:八、教学步骤八、教学步骤Step1 warming up1.Sing a song :I love reading.2.Ask and answer(Free talk )Have you got a hero? Who is he/she? Why?【设计意图】师生自由对话,热身练习,拉近师生距离。通过轻松交谈复习旧知,为后面的导入做好铺垫和准备。3.lets match.( match the children name and the carrot sentences)Step2 Presentation1. Prepare-reading Give an outline of Anne Frank 【设计意图】引导学生回顾前面第四单元学习的有关 Anne 的内容,为本课进一步学习了解 Anne Frank 做铺垫,使学生很快进入学习状态。 2. While-reading(1) listen and answer:Whats the story about? What did she like? What was her dream?(2)Teach the new words: Germany/ useful /enjoyment /Jew First find out the new words, circle them, then well learn them.(3)动词的过去式:was were gave made called had lovedwanted began couldnt caught (3)Read the story and try to understand.【设计意图】教师在教学中重视语言学习的整体性,让学生在真实、自然的情境中学习语言,感知文本的主要内容,通过先设计问题帮助学生理解文中人物及其相关内容,让学生在问题的启发和引导下对所学内容有整体的感知和理解。 通过听整个语篇,学生边看边初步理解短文并发现其中的生词 Germany useful enjoyment Jew,并做好记号。同时找出文中所有动词的过去式。在这个环节要教会学生短文阅读的第一步粗读时应注意些什么,用记号标注难点的方法等。3.While-reading -The first paragraph (1)Listen and follow, Learn the story and make marks.Where was Anne born?/When was Anne born?/What did her father give her at her 13th birthday?/Does she like reading? (2) Do the exercise: Choose the right answer.( )1. Anne _ born in Germany _ 12 June 1929. A. was, at B. was, on C. is, on( )2. She _reading. So she always reads books. A. love B. loving C. loves( )3. Look! Toms dad _ him a diary. A. gave B. gives C. is giving(3)Read the first paragraph togethet.【设计意图】精读,即将一篇文章或者课文认真、仔细读透读懂,能够复述文章全部内容能够理解概括文章的意义等等4.While-reading -The second paragraph(1) Listen and follow, Learn the story and make marks.(2) Play a game :Try to askWhat did she like? Why couldnt she get into the cinema?【设计意图】通过游戏 Try to ask 对疑问代词的选择,使学生能很快理解语段。用搭配游戏来完成对新知的整合,用听力加深印象,使得学习内容形成了一个整体。5.While-reading -The third paragraph.(1)Listen and follow, Learn the story and make marks.(2)Expand to reach;补充讲解安妮弗兰克生活的时代背景,纳粹分子对犹太人的迫害。(But Anne wasnt sad. She was brave, she never gave up hope, she dreamed that one day she could be free.)【设计意图】第三段的学习是对第二段的进一步解释说明,学生通过教师对安妮弗兰克生活的时代背景的介绍不仅理解了 Why couldnt she get into the cinema?还会萌发同情安妮弗兰克并向她学生的想法。达到本课的情感价值目标。6.While-reading -The fourth paragraph(1)Listen and follow, Learn the story and make marks.(2) Do the exercise: Choose the right word in the blanks【设计意图】本段的学习我设计了一个小练习 Choose the right word in the blanks。除了帮助理解第四段外,还进一步巩固了前面复习的动词过去式。7.Tick true or false.8.Check the answer.Step3Step3 PracticePractice (1)Read the story in groups. Check it use different ways.(2)Read the story again and try to underline the sentences.【设计意图】这一环节是为了进一步巩固新知,因而语篇的读非常重要,我们可以小组读、男生读、女生读、一组接一组(一个接一个)的读等不同方式检验。 另外,复述也是一个好的方法。本课时中设计了拓展的教学环节,Write your passage about Anne Frank.即可检测学生的学习情况,还可提高学生的语言表达能力,学生复述课文朗朗上口,表达流利。许多学生会有跃跃欲试的冲动,因为每个学生都存在好表现的性格,他们会争先恐后地回答。StepStep 4 4 HomeHome workworkTell your friends sth about the child hero-Anne Frank.
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Revision 2_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:904d3) 外研版 三年级 起点 出发点 刘兆义
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