Unit 1 A phone call 第二课时(Part2a,2b)ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-外研剑桥版五年级下册英语.zip


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外研剑桥版英语五年级下册外研剑桥版英语五年级下册 Unit1 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计课题 A phone call单元1学科英语年级五(下)学习目标1.能听懂,会说短语:something wrong、phone sb.2.学会跟同学用重点句型互动。3.能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。重点1. 能听懂,会说短语:something wrong、phone sb.2. 学会跟同学用重点句型互动。3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。难点能熟练掌握重点单词跟句子。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Revision通过单词游戏加强记忆。wait a moment CD-ROM phone box over there askcallget温故知新,对前面的知识进行巩固。 在巩固后,老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课一、Lets talk.Who is she phoning?Why?Lets judgeA.Hello,are you Mike? B.Hello,is that Mike?A.Yes,this is Mike speaking. B.Yes,Im Mike.A.Its your granny. B.I am your granny.二、Lets listen and number.导入问题,引导学生进行一个关于打电话用语的判断。学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目Read the sentences.Then listen and number.1.听录音,选择合适的选项进行配对。3.Yes, its Mike. Whos speaking?5.Oh sorry, Granny. I have to do my homework.What about this evening?1.Hello!6.OK. See you this evening.4.lts your granny. Can you come to my place now?My computer doesnt work!2.Hi, is that Mike?7.Bye-bye.三、Pairwork.同桌两人一组,一人挑选一个角色进行对话。四、Lets write.Mike: Hello! Granny:Hi,is that Mike?Mike:Yes,its Mike.Granny:Its your granny.Can you come to my place now?My computer doesnt work.Mike:Oh sorry,Granny.I have to do my homework.What about this evening?Granny:Ok.See you this evening.Mike:Bye-bye.五、Lets learn.解读课文。Mrs Browns computer has something wrong.something wrong:出毛病,不对劲something:1.something 的意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用听录音,完成配对。两人一小组练习对话。根据录音填空。的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;通过前面谈论的内容引出本课新词汇,使学生带着好奇的心理去引导学生用各种形式读单词,不断深入学习,加深印象。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意为或提出申请等,something 也可用于非肯定句中。2.something 用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。3.something 有形容词修饰时定语应后置。wrong:1.adj. 错误的,不适当的,相反的,有毛病的,不道德的例句:He worn socks wrong side out. 他袜子穿反了。2.adv. 不适当地,方向错误地,不公平地例句:She acted wrong to lie. 她不该撒谎。3.n. 错误,坏事,委屈例句:He always puts me in the wrong. 他总是冤枉我。4.v. 亏待,冤枉,伤害例句:I was wronged. 我受了冤枉。She is phoning her grandson Mike for help. phone sb.:给某人打电话也可用 give sb. a call例句:She is phoning her father for help. =She gives her father a call for help.打电话用语A:Is that.? (询问对方身份)B:Its.Whos speaking? (自我介绍并问对方身份)A:Its. (自我介绍)六、Lets read. 重点词汇something 某物,某事学习重点短语,会读会写。学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。增强学生的学习兴趣。掌握所学知识,理解它们之间的差别。 wrong 有毛病的,不好的phone sb. 给某人打电话七、Pair work Test your partner.两个人互相对话。八、Activities.1.学生两人一组练习对话。老师根据学生的练习情况设计情景,鼓励学生自己创编对话,如:打电话邀请朋友参加生日聚会,打电话询问朋友周末计划等。2.根据学生的对话情况,请 2-3 组学生进行展示,九、Time for exercise.(一)根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( T )1.Grannys call to Mike. ( F )2.Mikes computer has something wrong.( T )3.Mike has to do his homework.( F )4.Mike comes to her place now. (二)选择正确的句子。1. A. Hello,are you Mike? B. Hello,is that Mike?2. A. Yes,this is Mike speaking. B. Yes,Im Mike.3. A. Its your Granny. B.I am your Granny.十、Make a summary 1、学习了 P9 的内容。2、学习了短语: something wrong、phone sb.等。3、学习了打电话用语: A:Is that.? B:Its.Whos speaking? A:Its.任意组合两人一组练习打电话的情景,并上台表演。课外活动练习对话。和同学一起学习的训练。做练习熟悉上课所学的重点内容。积极配合老师完成练习。掌握所学内容。十一、Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、打电话询问朋友周末计划。完成家庭作业。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习短语 something wrong、phone sb.。本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Unit 1 A phone call1.something wrong、phone sb.Unit 1 A phone call 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、翻译。一、翻译。1. something wrong 2. phone sb. 二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。( ) 1. Mrs Browns computer has wrong.A.something B.anything C./( ) 2. -What this evening? -Ok.A.on B.for C.about( ) 3. My computer work.A.dont B.doesnt C.not ( ) 4. She is phoning for help.A.to Mike B.for Mike C.Mike ( ) 5. Its Granny. A.you B.your C.yours 三、三、下面是一段电话对白,请你根据其内容填写留言条。下面是一段电话对白,请你根据其内容填写留言条。(提示:Its ten thirty in the morning of May 11th.)A:Hello.This is Sam. B: Hello.This is Sue.May I speak to Sally?A:Sorry.Shes not at home. B: Would you leave a message for me,Sam?A:Sure. B: Let her call me this evening.My telephone number is 3756194.Thank you.A:Youre welcome.Goodbye. B: Bye!MessageFrom: To: Date:TimeMessage: Unit 1 A phone call 第二课时第二课时 答案答案一、一、【考点】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】1.出毛病,不对劲 2.给某人打电话二、【解析】1.something wrong 出毛病,肯定句用 something。故答案为 A。2.What about,意为今天晚上怎么样。故答案为 C。3. doesnt work 否定用助动词 doesnt。故选 B。4.phone sb.直接接人。故选 C。5.你的奶奶,用 your。故选 B。 【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B三、【答案】 MessageFrom: Sue To: SallyDate: May 11thTime: 10:30 a.m.Message: Please call Sue this evening.Sues telephone number is 3756194. 外研剑桥版 五年级下Unit 1 A phone call第二课时CD-ROMover therewait a momentgetaskcallphone box打地鼠Revision.Lets talk.Who is she phoning?Why?Who is she phoning?Why?A.Hello,are you Mike? B.Hello,is that Mike?A.Yes,this is Mike speaking. B.Yes,Im Mike.A.Its your granny. B.I am your granny.Lets judge.A.Hello,are you Mike? B.Hello,is that Mike?A.Yes,this is Mike speaking. B.Yes,Im Mike.A.Its your granny. B.I am your granny.Which one is right?Which one is right?A AB BLets listen and number.123457Read the sentences.Then listen and number.( Mrs Browns computer has something wrong.She is phoning her grandson Mike for help. )Yes, its Mike. Whos speaking?Oh sorry, Granny. I have to do my homework.What about this evening?Hello!OK. See you this evening.lts your granny. Can you come to my place now?My computer doesnt work!Hi, is that Mike?Bye-bye.6Hi,is that Mike?Hello!Pairwork.同桌两人一组,一人挑选一个角同桌两人一组,一人挑选一个角色进行对话。色进行对话。Lets write.Write down the telephone conversation in the correct order.Then practise in pairs.Mike: Granny:Mike:Granny:Mike:Granny:Mike:Hello!Hi,is that Mike?Yes,its Mike.Its your granny.Can you come to my place now?My computer doesnt work.Oh sorry,Granny.I have to do my homework.What about this evening?Ok.See you this evening.Bye-bye.Lets learn.Mrs Browns computer has something wrong.something wrong:出毛病,不对劲something:1.something的意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意为或提出申请等,something也可用于非肯定句中。2.something用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。3.something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。Lets learn.Mrs Browns computer has something wrong.wrong:1.adj. 错误的,不适当的,相反的,有毛病的,不道德的例句:He worn socks wrong side out. 他袜子穿反了。2.adv. 不适当地,方向错误地,不公平地例句:She acted wrong to lie. 她不该撒谎。3.n. 错误,坏事,委屈例句:He always puts me in the wrong. 他总是冤枉我。4.v. 亏待,冤枉,伤害例句:I was wronged. 我受了冤枉。Lets learn.She is phoning her grandson Mike for help. phone sb.:给某人打电话也可用give sb. a call例句:She is phoning her father for help. =She gives her father a call for help.Lets learn.打电话用语A:Is that.? (询问对方身份)B:Its.Whos speaking? (自我介绍并问对方身份)A:Its. (自我介绍)重点词汇重点词汇something 某物,某事wrong 有毛病的,不好的phone sb.给某人打电话Lets read.PairworkTest your partner.Hello!Hi,is that Erica?Yes,its Erica.Whos speaking?Its Jeff.Can we go skiing tomorrow?Ok.See you tomorrow.Activities.1.学生两人一组练习对话。老师根据学生的练习情况设计情景,鼓励学生自己创编对话,如:打电话邀请朋友参加生日聚会,打电话询问朋友周末计划等。2.根据学生的对话情况,请2-3组学生进行展示Time for exercise一、根据课文判断对(T)错(F)。( )1.Grannys call to Mike. ( )2.Mikes computer has something wrong.( )3.Mike has to do his homework.( )4.Mike comes to her place now. TFTFTime for exercise二、选择正确的句子。 1. A. Hello,are you Mike? B. Hello,is that Mike?2. A. Yes,this is Mike speaking. B. Yes,Im Mike.3. A. Its your Granny. B.I am your Granny.Make a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P9的内容。2、学习了短语: something wrong、phone sb.等。3、学习了打电话用语: A:Is that.? B:Its.Whos speaking? A:Its.Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、打电话询问朋友周末计划。
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Unit phone call 第二课时(Part2a 2b)ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材) 新外研 剑桥 年级 下册 英语 unit 第二 课时 part2a ppt
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