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    关 键  词:
    初中英语 仁爱 九年级 上册 重点 短语 句型 默写 练习 参考答案 下载 _九年级上册_仁爱版(科普版)_英语_初中

    1、1九年级英语上册重点短语句型默写练习九年级英语上册重点短语句型默写练习班级班级考号考号姓名姓名总分总分UnitUnit 1 1 TopicTopic 1 11.现在完成时的一般结构2.在一段长假期之后3.度过一个愉快的暑假4.从你的家乡回来5.你的旅行怎么样?6.发生7.去过(已回来)8.去了(没回来)9.找到一个好地方拍照10.改善我的英语11.顺便说一下12.铃响了。13.好久不见。14.去黄山度假15.在一个残疾儿童的家里16.为某人做饭17.多么了不起的经历啊!18.帮助他人使我开心(两种)19.其他地方20.没时间做某事21.表演22.一群老人23.他的作为一名志愿者的经历24.帮助

    2、老人25.做一些有意义的事情26.她亲自看到了北京的变化27.在 20 世纪 60 年代28.居住条件29.大家庭挤在小房子里。30.得到足够的食物31.有机会接受好的教育32.没有钱看医生33.保持联系34.他们远方的朋友35.发展迅速36.改革开放37.满足人们的需求38.享受好的医疗服务39.另外40.取得迅速的发展41.在某方面成功42.记住过去,活在当下,展望未来243.在过去44.变化的业余活动45.聚在一起捉迷藏46.在他们空闲的时间47.有更多的时间画在各种各样的业余活动上48.近些年来49.出国旅行看看世界50.现在51.看露天电影52.飞纸飞机53.滚铁环54.滑旱冰Uni

    3、tUnit 1 1 TopicTopic 2 255.一个购物中心56.不再57.失散58.给某人打电话59.一个中央公园60.一个商场61.迷路62.给某人打电话63.一个很好的老师64.一个如此拥挤的地方65.如此.以至于66.一个关于人口的报道67.在报纸上68.多大的人口(规模)啊!69.有 68 亿的人口70.它正以每年 8000 万的速度增长71.最大的人口规模72.达到 13 亿73.印度以 11 亿排名第二。74.发展中国家75.发达国家76.执行;施行77.独生子女政策78.控制人口79.在亚洲80.几乎世界人口的一半81.1/582.2/583.由于84.每个家庭有更小的生

    4、存空间。85.对某人来讲,做某事是困难的86.同时87.给整个国家带来许多其他困难88.对于某人来讲做某事是艰难的389.提供能源满足人们的日常需要90.自然环境91.迄今为止92.采取措施做某事93.作为.而出名94.在某方面做得好95.多亏;由于96.我们仍然有很长的路要走。97.解决98.提供更多的工作机会99.被.环绕100.对某事物细心101.阻止砍伐树木102.当地人103.住得非常远104.城市的任何地方UnitUnit 1 1 TopicTopic 3 3105.习惯(做)某事物106.过去常常做某事107.几年前108.做某事是危险的109.事实上110.在我们街区附近111

    5、.来拜访一下112.鲍勃已经离开公园两个小时了。113.鲍勃从 8 点开始就离开公园了。114.帮助无家可归的人115.成百上千的116.回到工作当中;再就业117.正常生活118.需要帮助的;贫困的119.采取合适的方法让他们提供帮助120.决定做某事121.医疗服务122.感到自信123.用许多方法帮助无家可归的人124.陷入困境125.人类最基本的需要之一126.持续一段短的时期127.从一个地方搬家到另一个地方128.挣足够的钱129.有吸毒的问题130.有精神疾病131.故意地132.抚养孩子133.偷食物来吃134.把 A 当做 B4135.将某物提供给某人136.为他们的孩子提供

    6、教育137.对.做出贡献138.结果139.受到希望工程的帮助140.继续他的学业141.许多142.接近大自然,感受它的美143.出去野餐144.网上冲浪UnitUnit 2 2 TopicTopic 1 11.计划某事物2.计划做某事3.看到蜜蜂和蝴蝶跳舞4.太脏了!5.闻起来太糟糕了。6.这发生了什么?7.太可惜了!8.有几家化工厂在往小溪里倾倒污水。9.一切都变了。10.污染海洋11.喉咙痛12.产生糟糕的气体13.使我胸闷14.更糟糕的是15.产生大量噪音16.我晚上睡不好觉17.心情不好18.不能忍受这里的环境19.解决问题20.注意到河里的死鱼21.在当今的世界上22.对.有害(

    7、两种)23.住在噪音的环境里24.变聋25.丧失听力26.相当多27.听大声的流行音乐28.在公共场合29.导致某人做某事30.所有种类的.31.空气污染32.土壤污染33.噪声污染34.光污染35.引起眼睛酸痛和呼吸问题36.随着人口的增长和工业的发展537.在地下掩埋许多垃圾38.在田地中39.引起高血压40.在喧闹的环境下工作41.让我们做更环保的人吧。UnitUnit 2 2 TopicTopic 2 242.多恶劣的天气啊!43.沿着街走44.刚才45.引起这些沙尘暴46.砍伐太多树47.许多肥沃的土地变成荒漠48.阻止.做某事49.树可以阻止风将土壤吹走。50.水可以被森林保护。5


    9、律对抗水污染。683.收集和再利用废水84.让我们尽我们最大的努力去拯救水和我们的星球吧。UnitUnit 2 2 TopicTopic 3 385.为一个组织工作。86.传播关于保护环境的信息87.3R88.减少废物的生产89.用纸的两面90.重复使用塑料袋91.鼓励学生收集废纸和软饮料罐92.不客气。93.点头表示同意。94.摇头表示不同意。95.失败了几次96.应该做某事97.关闭98.短途旅行99.带一个布兜100.说起来容易,做起来难。101.说不如做。102.核能103.解决能源问题104.在不远的未来105.酸雨106.捡起垃圾UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 1


    11、.母语32.在新的殖民地33.在像英国这样的国家当中34.在生活中的许多不同领域当中35.在国际会议上36.出国37.从历史中找到答案38.在 19 世纪39.越来越强大40.在世界上取得领导地位41.在某方面取得巨大进步42.被要求做某事43.被当做44.在世界的其他部分UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 2 245.送别某人46.伸出47.怎么了?48.搭顺风车49.载我一程到机场50.上车51.20 分钟之后52.你的航班几点钟?53.担忧某事54.无需担心55.在做某事上有困难56.明天我要见到他了。57.接某人58.发表演讲59.招手60.尊重的标志61.和平和友谊的标志

    12、62.肢体语言63.即使,尽管64.手叉腰65.抱着胳膊66.跺脚67.在所有的文化当中868.左右地69.避免误会70.丧家之犬71.疯狗72.走狗73.狗拿耗子多管闲事74.在不同文化中75.消极意义76.积极意义77.你是一个幸运的人。78.每个人都有幸运的时候。79.在古代80.将 A 比作 B81.把 A 和 B 相比较82.望子成龙83.在西方文化中84.一种爱的象征85.代表和平86.词语的文化含义87.表达和拼写88.在 1 楼。89.在地下(层)90.理解对方UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 3 391.看到你回来太棒了!92.名胜古迹93.玩得开心94.使你被


    14、合某人125.只要126.坚持(做)某事127.没有机会做某事128.练习说英语129.面对学习英语方面的问题130.一种高效的方式131.找出这首歌是关于什么的132.一名初三学生。133.模仿演员的发音134.写下来UnitUnit 4 4 TopicTopic 1 11.允许某人做某事2.被允许做某事3.被某人制作4.由制作(能看出)5.由制作(看不出)6.被用来做某事7.用做某事8.实现9.在他的一生中10.被某人发明11.被某人创造12.一个电灯13.据说14.大部分时间15.这些事物中没有一个。16.一些简单的步骤17.嘲笑某人18.天空中19.在其他时间20.研究地球的形状21.

    15、对某人有用UnitUnit 4 4 TopicTopic 2 222.在电影中23.住在火星24.做任何能做的事1025.太有趣了!26.根据27.我们太空旅行的梦想28.目的是做某事29.直到才30.掌握一些基本的电脑技巧31.在舞台上表演芭蕾32.我对未来要被发现的事感到兴奋。33.在不远的将来34.亮红色35.在夜空36.在某物的表面37.调查关于火情的信息38.着陆39.值得做某事40.给某人发送某物UnitUnit 4 4 TopicTopic 3 341.第 1 个太空旅行的中国人42.我们的民族英雄43.环绕地球44.又发射四个太空飞船(两种)45.在过去的几年46.好多人啊!4

    16、7.去月球旅行48.安全地回到地球49.对电脑技术了解的很少50.更好地服务我们51.没有什么事是不可能的。52.一切皆有可能。53.改变飞船的速度54.控制飞船的方向55.下定决心做某事56.学习做某事57.添加某物到某物58.计算机的重要性59.无疑60.在计算机的帮助下61.对某人是危险的62.多亏了因特网63.代替64.没有人确定地知道65.给我们带来一些问题66.一直67.对某事惊讶11附:参考答案附:参考答案UnitUnit 1 11.have done2.after a long holiday3.have a good summer e back from your homet

    17、own5.How was your trip?6.take place7.have been to8.have gone to9.find a good place to take photos10.improve my English11.by the way12.There goes the bell.13.Long time no see.14.go to Mount Huang for a vacation15.in a disabled children s home16.cook for sb17.What a wonderful experience!18.It makes me

    18、 happy to help others./To help others makes us happy.19.any other place20.have no time to do sth21.put on22.a group of other people23.his experience as a volunteer24.help the old25.do something meaningful26.She has seen the changes in Beijing herself.27.in the 1960s28.the living conditions29.Big fam

    19、ilies were crowded into small houses.30.get enough food.31.have the chance to receive a good education32.have little money to see a doctor33.keep in touch with34.their friends far away35.develop rapidly36.the reform and opening-up37.satisfy people s needs38.enjoy good medical care39.what s more40.ma

    20、ke rapid progress41.succeed in sth/doing sth42.remember the parts, live in the present and dream about the future43.in the past44.changing leisure activities45.get together to play hide and seek46.in their spare time47.have more time to spend on various kinds of leisure activities48.in recent years4

    21、9.make a tour abroad to see the world50.at present51.watch movies in the open air52.fly paper planes53.roll iron rings54.go roller skating55.a shopping center1256.notany more57.get lost58.call sb up59.a central park60.a department store61.lose one s way62.make a telephone call to somebody63.duch a k

    22、ind teacher64.duch a crowded place.65.such .that66.a report on population.67.in the newspaper68.What a large population!69.have a population of 6.8 billion70.It is increasing by 8 million every year.71.the largest population72.reach 1.3 billion73.India is second with 1.1 billion.74.developing countr

    23、ies75.developed countries76.carry out77.the One-child Policy78.control the population79.in Asia80.almost half of the world s population81.one fifth82.two fifths83.because of84.There is less living space for each family.85.it s difficult for sb to do sth86.at the same time87.cause many other difficul

    24、ties for the whole nation88.it s hard for somebody to do sth89.supply energy to satisfy people s daily need90.natural environments91.so far92.take measures to do sth93.be known as94.work well in95.thanks to96.We still have a long way to go.97.deal with98.offer more job opportunities99.be surrounded

    25、by100.be careful with sth101.discourage cutting trees102.the local people103.live so far away104.any part of the city105.get used to (doing) sth106.used to do sth107.a few years ago108.it is dangerous to do sth109.as a matter of fact110.near our e for a visit112.Bob has been away from the park for t

    26、wo hours.13113.Bob has been away from the park since 8 o clock.114.help homeless people115.hundreds of116.return to work117.live a normal life118.in need119.decide on suitable ways to offer them help120.decide to do sth121.medical treatment122.feel good about oneself123.helps the homeless people in

    27、many ways124.be in trouble125.one of the most basic human needs126.for a short period of time127.move from one place to another128.earn enough money129.have a problem with drugs130.have a mental illness131.on purpose132.raise children133.steal food to eat134.think of A as B135.provide sb with sth/ p

    28、rovide sth for sb136.afford an education for their children137.make contributions to.138.as a result139.receive help from Project Hope140.continue his studies141.plenty of142.get close to nature to enjoy its beauty143.go out for a picnic144.surf the InternetUnitUnit 2 21.plan sth/ make a plan for st

    29、h2.plan to do sth3.see bees and butterflies dancing4.What a mess!5.It smells terrible.6.What has happened here?7.What a shame!8.There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.9.Everything has changed.10.pollute the sea11.get a pain in my throat12.produce terrible gas13.make

    30、 my chest hurt14.what s worse15.make too much noise16.I can t sleep well at night.17.in a bad mood18.can t bear the environment here19.solve problems20.notice the dead fish in the river21.in today s world22.be harmful to/ do harm to23.living noisy conditions24.go deaf1425.lose hearing/ have hearing

    31、loss26.quite a few27.listen to loud to pop music28.in public29.cause sb to do sth30.all sorts of.31.air pollution32.soil pollution33.noise pollution34.light pollution35.called sore eyes are breathing problem36.with the increase in population and the development of industry37.put lots of Litter into

    32、the land38.in the fields39.cause high blood pressure40.work in a noisy place41.Let s be greener people.42.What bad weather!43.walk down the street44.just now45.cause these sandstorms46.cut down too many trees47.a lot of rich land has changed into desert48.stop .from doing sth49.Trees cut off the win

    33、d from blowing the earth away.50.Water can be saved by forest.51.stop the water from washing the earth away52.human beings53.the Green Great Wall54.the reasons for sandstorms55.enough.to do sth56.the importance of protecting animals57.do something useful to protect the environment58.none of us59.lea

    34、ve rubbish here and there60.spit somewhere in public61.walk on grass and pick flowers62.care for wild animals and plant more trees63.worst of all64.make rules to change the situation65.break rules66.obey the rules/ follow the rules67.at the beginning68.in our daily lives69.during this period70.take

    35、away71.pass through72.the greenhouse effect73.cause the level of the oceans to rise and the climate of the earth to change74.solve the problem of the shortage of water75.save water76.protect water resources77.discover ways to reuse water78.day by day79.be covered with.80.be short of81.avoid the wate

    36、r shortage1582.Pass laws against water pollution.83.collect and reuse waste water84.Let s try our best to save water and our planet.85.work for an organization86.spread the message about protecting the environment87.the three R s- reduce, reuse and recycle88.reduce the waste we produce89.use both si

    37、des of water90.reuse plastic bags91.encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans92.It s a pleasure.93.Nodding the head means agreement.94.Shaking the head means disagreement.95.fail several times96.ought to do sth97.shut off98.travel a short distance99.take a cloth bag100.Easier sai

    38、d than done.101.Actions speak louder than words.102.nuclear energy103.solve the energy problem104.in the near future105.acid rain106.pick the later upUnitUnit 3 31.a poster of Mickey Mouse2.stick it on the wall3.stick to sth/ doing sth4.more cartoon characters5.be enjoyed by.6.be ready for sth7.be r

    39、eady to do sth8.can t wait to do sth9.can t help doing sth10.English is widely used throughout the world.11.from now on12.be please with.13.pack one s bags14.a night table15.Spanish is spoken as the official language there.16.be similar to17.it s possible for somebody to do sth18.have trouble (in) d

    40、oing19.have some long conversations ( with sb)20.if necessary21.explain sb sthing/ explain sth to sb22.explain to sb sth23.have a good trip24.wish somebody to do sth25.wish somebody sth26.get along with sb27.be in trouble28.divide.into.29.lie in the bed30.recent surveys show31.mother tongue1632.in n

    41、ew lands33.in such countries as the United Kingdom34.in many different fields of life35.at international conferences36.go abroad37.find the answer from history38.in the 19th century39.more and more powerful40.take the leading position in the world41.make great progress in sth/doing sth42.be required

    42、 to do sth43.be regarded as44.in the rest of the world45.see sb off46.put out47.What s up?48.Ask for a ride49.give me a ride to the airport50.get on51.20 minutes later52.What time is your flight?53.be worried about sth/worry about sth54.no need to worry55.have much difficulty in doing sth56.I am mee

    43、ting him tomorrow.57.pick sb up58.give a speech59.wave her hand60.a sign of respect61.a sign of peace and friendship62.body language63.even if/ even though64.put her hands on her hips65.cross her arms66.stamp her foot67.in our cultures68.from side to side69.avoid misunderstandings70.a homeless dog71

    44、.a mad dog72.a running dog73.a dog catching a mouse74.in different cultures75.negative meanings76.positive meanings77.You are a lucky dog.78.Every dog has its day.79.in ancient pare A to Bpare A with B82.want their children to become dragons83.in western culture84.a symbol of love85.stand for peace8

    45、6.the cultural meanings of words87.expressions and spellings88.on the first floor1789.on the ground floor90.understand each other91.How nice to see you back!92.places of interest93.enjoy oneself94.make yourself understood95.get into trouble96.many different accents97.work harder at sth98.oral Englis

    46、h99.feel sleepy in English classes100.be afraid of sth101.be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth102.the final exam103.for a whole week104.feel like giving up105.keep a diary in English106.listen to the tape107.advice on sth108.how to learn English well109.be weak in sth110.turn to sb/ ask sb for

    47、 help111.copy new words on pieces of paper112.how to improve my reading ability113.get the main idea of the article114.make mistakes115.take a deep breath116.I ll give it a try.117.advise sb to do sth118.whether to go to the party119.share our groups of opinions with you120.preview the day s lesson

    48、before class121.take notes in class122.review them after class123.as often as possible124.suit somebody best125.as long as126.stick to sth /doing sth127.have no chance to do sth128.practice speaking English129.face problems in learning English130.an effective way131.find out what the song is about13

    49、2.a junior three student133.imitate the pronunciation of the actors134.write downUnitUnit 4 41.allow sb to do sth2.be allowed to do sth3.be made by4.be made of5.be made from6.be used for sth/ doing sth7.use to do e true9.during his life10.be invented by sb1811.be created by sb12.a light bulb13.it sa

    50、id that14.most of the time15.none of these things16.a few simple steps17.laugh at sb18.in the sky19.during the rest of the time20.study the shape of the earth21.be useful to sb22.in the movie23.live on Mars24.do anything that can be done25.What fun!26.according to27.our dreams of space travel28.in o

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