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外研剑桥版 六年级下Revision1第二课时Lead in.What food do you like to eat?你喜欢吃什么食物?Lets learn. Food riddles.Write the name and draw a picture of the food in the box.1.I am round and red.My meat is also red.Some people think I am a vegetable but I am really a fruit. People like to use me in a salad.Who am I?tomatoLets learn. 2.I am a fruit.I am yellow and long. Monkeys like to eat me and so do humans.Who am I?3.I am some peoples favourite food.I am very sweet. You get me at Halloween.Who am I?bananacandyLets learn. 重要单词讲解1.vegetable.蔬菜Vegetable juice is good for our health.2. salad.色拉I dont like salad.Lets learn. 3.banana.香蕉I take out a banana.4. candy.糖果My sister likes candy. Lets learn. Look at the picture. Then tick( ) or cross ( ).oil, salt, sugar, sweets, fatmilk, fish, chicken, meat, eggsvegetables and fruitgrain foods: rice, noodles, breadWhat makes ahealthy diet?Lets learn. We learn from the picture1.What food to eat and how to eat well every day. 2.What food we shouldnt eat. 3.Eating different kinds of food a day is wrong. 4.Too much salt and sugar is bad for our health. 5.We have to eat more vegetable and fruit. 6.Eating foods each day is good for our health. Lets Learn. 重要单词讲解1.different.不同Lets play a different game. 2. grain.谷物Grain output shot up.Lets learn. 3.wrong.错误My dear girl, youre wrong. 4. be good for.对有好处Theyll be good for you. Lets learn. 过去式连线givegotgetgavehavehadLets learn. Match and fill in the numbers.Then listen and check.1.When did Mary start keeping a diary? Maths. 2.Where does Mary live? At seven years old. 3.What does Mary do every day? Dick and the ghost.4.What subject is difficult for Mary? She keeps a diary.5.Who will help Mary with her maths? In Scotland.6.Who did Mary dream about one night? Her friend Peter.416325Lets learn. 判断对错1.Math is easy for Marry.2.Marry started keeping a diary at the age of seven.3.Her friend Amy will help her with her maths.4.She dreamed about Dick and the ghost.Lets learn. 单项选择1.-_do you go to math class?-10:00A.WhenB.WhoC.How2.-_does your mother do?-My mother is a nurse.A.WhoB.How C.What3.-_ is Daming?-Hes on your right.A.WhatB.WhereC.WhoACBLets learn. Look, write and read.Lets learn. Hi,meet me tonightat twelveunder the big treebehind the castledont be afraid.I always carry my head under my arm.quentin,the ghost嗨,今晚12点在城堡后的那棵大树下见我。不要害怕。我总是把头夹在胳膊下。昆汀,鬼Lets exercise单词拼写。_nder 在.下面 _fr_id害怕alw_ays 总是c_rry 拿gh_st鬼;幽灵uaaaaoLets exercise填空1.Grains are _ for health.(对.有好处)2.We _(不应该)eat too salty food.goodshouldntMake a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P28、29的内容。2、复习学过的单词。3、复习蔬果的表达方法。Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、预习P30、31,尝试讨论本节篇课文。外研剑桥版英语六年级上册外研剑桥版英语六年级上册 Revision1 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计课题 Revision1 第二课时单元Revision1学科英语年级六(下)学习目标1.能听懂,会说单词及短语。2.复习蔬果的表达方法。3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。重点1. 能听懂,会说单词及短语.2. 复习蔬果的表达方法。3. 能对本篇课文熟读并背诵。难点能熟练掌握蔬果的表达方法。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课能够看图,说出学到的单词。 在看完图片时老师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。讲授新课1、Lets learn1.教师展示描述,让学生才是什么食物?2.学习本课单词。 vegetable.蔬菜Vegetable juice is good for our health.蔬菜汁对我们的健康有益。 salad.色拉I dont like salad.我不喜欢沙拉。banana.香蕉I take out a banana.我取出一根香蕉。candy.糖果My sister likes candy.根据英文描述猜食物预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;我妹妹喜欢吃糖。3.展示食物结构让学生判断正误We learn from the pictureWhat food to eat and how to eat well every day. What food we shouldnt eat. Eating different kinds of food a day is wrong. Too much salt and sugar is bad for our health. We have to eat more vegetable and fruit. Eating foods each day is good for our health. 4.学习本节重点单词different.不同Lets play a different game.咱们玩点别的游戏吧。grain.谷物Grain output shot up.粮食产量激增。wrong.错误My dear girl, youre wrong.我亲爱的姑娘,你错了。 be good for.对有好处Theyll be good for you.它们对你有好处。5. 过去式连线学习本课词汇,会读会写。任意组合两人一组读单词。学习词汇时注意模仿发音,力争发音准确 到位。通过看图回答课本问题,判断正误,可以小组内讨论学习本课词汇,会读会写。任意组合两人一组读单词。学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。预设问题,有目的性的讨论问题并引出将要学习的新词汇;加强学生对单词的理解能力和团队 的沟通能力 学习总结新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。6. 播放录音,并让学生进行排序让学生进行对错的判断Math is easy for Marry.Marry started keeping a diary at the age of seven.Her friend Amy will help her with her maths.She dreamed about Dick and the ghost.教师展示 ppt 让学生进行单项选择7. 教师展示颠倒的英文单词,让学生颠倒回正向Hi,meet me tonightat twelveunder the big treebehind the castledont be afraid.I always carry my head under my arm.quentin,the ghost2、Lets exercise 教师展示 ppt,让学生进行单词填空三、Make a summary1、学习了 P28、29 的内容。2、复习学过的单词。3、复习蔬果的表达方法。四、Homework1、全英熟读该课课文;2、理解课文;3、预习 P 30、31,尝试讨论本节篇课文。完成过去式和现在式的连线仔细听老师播放的录音,然后排序进行判断对错和进行单项选择将反向的单词反转回正向将空缺的单词,根据中文补齐加强学生对过去式和现在式的理解通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。巩固上面学到的知识点强化学生对单词的印象通过补全单词,让学生加强对单词的印象课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习单词和短语。 本课为复习课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书apple 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃子orange 橘子 grape 葡萄 banana 香蕉rice 米饭 noodle 面条 dumpling 饺子cake 蛋糕 milk 牛奶 bread 面包candy 糖果 egg 鸡蛋 chicken 鸡肉potato 马铃薯,土豆 tomato 番茄,西红柿vegetables 蔬菜 ice cream 冰激凌Revision1 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、单项选择。一、单项选择。1.The _ of banana is yellow. A.color B.taste C.listen2. _does Daming live?He lives in the countryside.A.When B.WhereC.Who 3.There are many different kinds _ books in the library.A. at B.inC.of4.Eat too much sugar is bad_our health.A.in B.forC.at5._ helps Mingming with his English?His mother.A.Who B.HowC.What 2、英汉互译。1.The tomatoes are red and round._2.每天吃谷物有助于我们的健康。_3.Im a funny ghost.I dont do bad things._4.迪克在帮助马利亚数学。_5.Monkeys like to eat long and yellow bananas._3、读明明的日志,判断正误(对的写 T,错的写 F)2 May 2020 MingmingThis Saturday, I got up at 8:00 in the morning. After I got up, I ate an egg, drank a glass of milk and ate a bread. I did my English exercises at 10:00, but my English was not good, thanks to Linglings help. The tomato made by my mother at noon is delicious. In the afternoon, my brother and I went to play basketball. In the evening, my family watched a movie together. The movie tells the story of a ghost stealing candy. This ghost is so funny. Today is really a happy day.1. ( ) Mingming got up at 9:00.2. ( ) After He got up, he ate an egg, drank a glass of milk and ate a bread.3. ( ) Mingmings English is very well.4. ( ) At noon,Mingmings father made potatoes. Revision1 第二课时第二课时 答案答案一、一、【解析】1. 香蕉的颜色是黄色的。黄色指的颜色,故答案选 A2. 大明住在哪里?他住在农村。农村是地名,故答案选 B3. 图书馆里有很多不同种类的书。kind of 种类,固定搭配,故答案选 C4. 吃太多糖,对健康不好。 be bad for 对.有害 固定搭配,故答案选 B5. 谁帮助明明的英语?他妈妈。他妈妈指人,故答案选 A【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C4.B5.A二、【答案】1. 西红柿又红又圆。2. Eating grain every day is good for our health.3. 我是一个有趣的鬼,我不做坏事4. Dick is helping Mary with her maths.5. 猴子喜欢吃又黄又长的香蕉三、【解析】2020 年 5 月 2 日明明这个星期六,我早上 8 点起床。起床后,我吃了一个鸡蛋,喝了一杯牛奶,吃了一个面包。我在 10 点做英语练习,但是我的英语不好,多亏了玲玲的帮助。我妈妈中午做的西红柿很好吃。下午,我和弟弟去打篮球。在晚上,我的家人一起看电影。这部电影讲述了一个鬼偷糖果的故事。这个鬼真有趣。今天真是快乐的一天。1.F2.T3.F4.F
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