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预习案预习案一一Read the lesson and find out the phrases. 1. take care of 2.leave sb alone 3. move away 4 动物权益小组动物权益小组5. 随身携带随身携带 6.old age homes7. 对某人好对某人好 8. 无家可归人员庇护所无家可归人员庇护所二二. Language points.探究一探究一 alone 和和 lonely 的用法的用法探究二探究二 take care of 和和 look after 探究三探究三 与与 care 有关的短语有关的短语 三三Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What do the letters “ARG” stand for?2. What does ARG do for pets without a home? 3. Why are pets taken to ARG? List two reasons. 4. What happened to Rocket? 5. Why is the boy going to volunteer at ARG? 四四用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空6.Who6.Who ( ( looklook afterafter ) ) youryour childrenchildren whilewhile youyou gogo outout toto work?work? 7.7. (lucky),he(lucky),he foundfound hishis lostlost bike.bike. 8.She8.She oftenoften feelsfeels( ( alonealone ) )9.You9.You cantcant leaveleave thethe babybaby byby ( ( hehe ) ) 10.We10.We (meet)(meet) mymy friendsfriends fromfrom thethe U.S.tomorrow.U.S.tomorrow. Lesson 44 Volunteering in SummerUnit 8Summer Holiday Is Coming!volunteerLeading inThere are many pets in Animal Rights Group. Would you like to be a volunteer to take care of them?rightscarepetpuppyalonefieldluckilyn. 权益;权利n. 照料;保护;小心v. 关心;照料n. 宠物n. 小狗,幼犬adv. 独自(地)n. 旷野;地方;领域adj. 幸运的;有好运的第一步:交流预习提示:师友先自主完成,然后再交流,师傅检查学友预习情况。Phrases 1. Animal Rights Group(ARG) 2. take care of 3. move away 4. leave . alone 5. walk the dog 动物权益小组照顾;照料离开,搬走不管;撇下.遛狗,带狗散步6. for free 7. give back to 8. help out 9. homeless shelters 10. old age homes 免费地 回馈 帮忙无家可归人员庇护所 老年之家1)Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.What do the letters “ARG” stand for ? 2.What does ARG do for pets without a home? 3.Why are pets taken to ARG?List two reasons.Lets Do It !They stand for Animal Rights Group.It takes care of pets.Sometimes,people move away and they cant take their pets with them. Other times,people are too old or sick and they cant take care of their pets.第二步:问题探究温馨提示:师友先自主完成,然后再 交流, 师傅指导学友的阅读技巧!4.What happened to Rocket?5.Why is the boy going to volunteer at ARG?His family left him alone in a field.Because ARG needs a lot of volunteers and the boy loves animals.Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.(1)ARG takes care of the pets a home. (2) Sometimes people are too or sick to take care of their pets. (3) Rockets family left him in a field. (4)The writer is going to volunteer times a week. withoutoldalonefour1. ARG takes care of pets without a home. 动物权益组织照顾没有家的宠物。 take care of 意为 ,同义短语是 look after 。如果要表示“好好照顾”,要用take good care of。Take care! The bus is coming. 当心!公共汽车来了。“照顾”第三步:解惑释疑(Main points)【探究总结总结 】 照顾顾:take care of =照顾顾好:2)take care = 小心;注意look aftertake good care of =look after well be careful【学以致用】 你出去上班时谁时谁 来照料你的孩子? Who will your children while you go out to work? Dont worry. I can look after your baby well. (改为为同义义句)Dont worry and I can _ your baby. look after / take care oftake good care of2. His family left him alone in a field. 他的家人把它单独留在田野里。 某人单独留下,也可以说成。 Eg: 你不能把小孩单独留下。You cant leave the baby alone. = leave sb. aloneleave sb. by oneselfYou cant leave the baby by himself.【辨析】alone lonely (1)alone 副词词,意为为“单单独地,独自地”,通常只是表示客观观上的一个人,而不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩。 (2)lonely形容词词,意为为“孤独的;寂寞的,荒凉的,偏僻的”,带带有较较强的感情色彩,常作表语语。 She often feels 她常感到寂寞。 lonely.【学以致用】Mr. Read lives in the village, but he never feels . alonelonely. 用所给词给词 的适当形式填空1. I _ (volunteer) at an old peoples home tomorrow. 2. _ (lucky), he found his lost bike. will/am going to volunteerLuckily 第四步:互助提高温馨提示:师友先自主完成,然后再交流. 师傅指导学友的做题技巧!3. Thank you for _ (call)me. 4. I want _ (bring) him to my home. 5. We _ (go) to Beijing tomorrow. callingto bring will go / are going . 完成句子1. 请请搬走这块这块 石头头。Please _ _ the stone. 2. 不要把这这个婴婴儿撇在家里。Dont _ the baby _ at home. move awayleave alone3. 请请照顾顾好我的小狗。Please _ _ _ _ my little dog. 4. 我们们需要大量的志愿者。We _ lots of _. 5. 请请把这这只宠宠物狗带带走。Please _ the pet dog _. take awaytake good care of need volunteers第五步:归纳总结1.师友相互总结这节课我想对师傅(学友)说,我学到了-2.师友展示交流HomeworkA. Try to make a plan for your summer holiday and write down your reasons.B. Review and recite the important points of Lesson 44.A+B. Complete preview card. 预习案1.Read the lesson and find out the phrases. 1.打棒球 2.练习做某事practice doing sth. 3.的名字the name of 4.和 比赛play against 5.与比赛 6. takeout 7.root for 8.watch sb.do sth. 2. Language points. 探究一 (1)Will 和be going to 的用法 探究二 (2)watch 的用法 探究三 (3)If的用法3.Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What is Greg going to do this summer? 2. What is the “Tiger”? 3. When will Gregs team practice and when will they play against other team? 4. What is Gregs favourite sport? 5. Who will come and watch Greg play? 4.Exercise Fill in the blanks using “will” or “be going to”1. They _ have a party on Tuesday. 2. She _ watch a movie this weekend. 3. I cant talk now. I _ call you later.4. We _ be on the same team this year. 5. What _ you do this summer? Thank you! 随堂练习随堂练习.短语互译短语互译1.take1.take carecare ofof 2.move2.move awayaway 3.leave3.leavealonealone 4.4.遛狗遛狗 5.5.一周四次一周四次 .根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子6.6.在夏天你将做什么在夏天你将做什么? ?WhatWhat youyou inin thethe summer?summer? 7.7.有时候人们对他们的宠物不好。有时候人们对他们的宠物不好。SometimesSometimes peoplepeople areare theirtheir pets.pets. 8.8.昨天他的家人把他独自留在田野里。昨天他的家人把他独自留在田野里。HisHis familyfamily himhim inin a a fieldfield yesterday.yesterday. 9.9.我将会帮助其他的动物。我将会帮助其他的动物。I I willwill thethe otherother animals.animals. 10.10.当你来我的城市的时候当你来我的城市的时候, ,我会带你去饭店。我会带你去饭店。WhenWhen youyou comecome toto mymy city,Icity,I willwill youyou a a restaurant.restaurant. 【综合运用综合运用】.单项填空单项填空1.We1.We cantcant livelive wellwell friends.friends. A.withA.with B.withoutB.withoutC.byC.by D.forD.for2.Our2.Our mathmath teacherteacher isis nicenice us,us, soso wewe allall likelike her.her. A.onA.on B.toB.toC.inC.in D.besideD.beside3.3. dodo youyou walkwalk youryour dog?dog? FourFour timestimes a a week.week.A.HowA.How longlong B.HowB.How manymanyC.HowC.How oftenoften D.HowD.How muchmuch 4.Johns4.Johns brotherbrother fellfell offoff thethe treetree lastlast week.week., , hehe didntdidnt getget hurthurt atat all.all. A.LuckA.Luck B.LuckyB.LuckyC.LuckilyC.Luckily D.BadD.Bad luckluck5.5.WhatWhat youyou dodo nextnext Saturday?Saturday? I I willwill watchwatch a a movie.movie.A.doA.do B.didB.didC.doesC.does D.willD.will.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空6.I6.I (volunteer)(volunteer) tomorrow.tomorrow. 7.7. (lucky),he(lucky),he foundfound hishis lostlost bike.bike. 8.Thank8.Thank youyou forfor (call)me.(call)me. 9.I9.I wantwant (bring)(bring) himhim toto mymy home.home. 10.We10.We (meet)(meet) mymy friendsfriends fromfrom thethe U.S.tomorrow.U.S.tomorrow. 教学设计教学设计授授 课课 时时 间间2017.6.012017.6.01主讲人主讲人冀教版英语冀教版英语 七七年级下册年级下册授授 课课 班班 级级七一班第第 4444 课时课时课课 题题Lesson44Lesson44 VolunteeringVolunteering inin SummerSummer课时安排课时安排One课型课型New lesson教学目标教学目标1. Master the words: care, pet, alone, field2. Train the reading and listening abilities. 3. Learn to talk about homeless animals, and what can be done. 教学重点教学重点1. Master the Main sentences: ARG takes care of pets without a home. I will walk the dogs and I will help with the other animals, too. 2. Master the phrases: take care of , move away, leavealone, walk the dog教学难点教学难点Master the language notes. Master the new phrases. 教学方法教学方法Listening, speaking, reading , writing and practice. 教学资源教学资源Electronic whiteboard, Multimedia courseware,A recorder, PPT.教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动调整与思考调整与思考教教学学过过程程设设计计 Greeting. Greet the class. Good morning/afternoon, Class. Hows the weather today? Leading in Leading in by picturesT: There are many pets in Animal Rights Group. Would you like to be a volunteer to take care of them?Ss: .第一步:交流预习第一步:交流预习(words and phrases)第二步:问题探究第二步:问题探究 . Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What do the letters “ARG” stand for?2. What does ARG do for pets without a home? 3. Why are pets taken to ARG? List two reasons. 4. What happened to Rocket? 5. Why is the boy going to volunteer at ARG? 2. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks.(1)ARG takes care of the pets _a home. (2) Sometimes people are too _or sick to take care of their pets. (3) Rockets family left him _in a field. (4)The writer is going to volunteer_ times a week. 第三步:解惑释疑(第三步:解惑释疑(Main Language points)1. ARG takes care of pets without a home. take care of Ask the students answer the questionLet the students talk about them.ask the students just to listen .let the students do Lets Do it1 let the students do Lets Do it2教教学学过过程程设设计计意为意为“照顾,照看照顾,照看” ,同义词组还有,同义词组还有 look after 等。等。2. Sometimes, people move away and they cant take their pets with them.有时候,人们搬走了,却不能带走他们的宠物。有时候,人们搬走了,却不能带走他们的宠物。move away ,意为搬走,离开,意为搬走,离开,away 放在动词后边,放在动词后边,往往表示离开,远离往往表示离开,远离.【辨析辨析】 alone lonely (1)alone 副词副词,意为意为“单独地单独地,独自地独自地”,通常通常只是表示客观上的一个人只是表示客观上的一个人,而不表示寂寞或孤独等感而不表示寂寞或孤独等感情色彩。情色彩。 (2)lonely 形容词形容词,意为意为“孤独的孤独的;寂寞的寂寞的,荒凉的荒凉的,偏僻的偏僻的”,带有较强的感情色彩带有较强的感情色彩,常作表语。常作表语。第四步:互助提高第四步:互助提高. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1. I _ (volunteer) at an old peoples home tomorrow. 2. _ (lucky), he found his lost bike. 3. Thank you for _ (call)me. 4. I want _ (bring) him to my home. 5. We _ (go) to Beijing tomorrow. . 完成句子完成句子1. 请搬走这块石头。请搬走这块石头。Please _ _ the stone. 2. 不要把这个婴儿撇在家里。不要把这个婴儿撇在家里。Dont _ the baby _ at home. 3. 请照顾好我的小狗。请照顾好我的小狗。Please _ _ _ _ my little dog. 4. 我们需要大量的志愿者。我们需要大量的志愿者。We _ lots of _. 5. 请把这只宠物狗带走。请把这只宠物狗带走。Please _ the pet dog _. 第五步:归纳总结第五步:归纳总结1.师友相互总结师友相互总结这节课我想对师傅(学友)说,我学到了这节课我想对师傅(学友)说,我学到了-2.师友展示交流师友展示交流.Let the students do Ex3and Ex4.Ask some students to find out difficult points in pairs. Ask some students to finish the exercise作作 业业A. Try to make a plan for your summer holiday and write down your reasons.B. Review and recite the important points of Lesson 44.A+B. Preview the next lesson.板板书书设设计计 Lesson44Lesson44 VolunteeringVolunteering inin SummerSummer1、短语:、短语: 有权利做某事有权利做某事 have rights to do sth. 照顾照顾 take care of 搬走搬走 move away 随身携带随身携带 take sth. with sb. 对某人好对某人好 be nice to sb. 把某人单独留下把某人单独留下 leave sb. alone 2、句型:、句型: ARG takes care of pets without a home. I will walk the dogs and I will help with the other animals, too.教教学学反反思思
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