Module 6-Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:10506).zip


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教材及年级名称外研社新标准 (一起)六年级下册模块名称Module 6教材分析本模块教学内容是在延续上个 Module 生日这个话题的基础上进行,讨论了生日礼物这个话题。从 Daming 收到了来自 Simon 妈妈的生日礼物一本关于太空旅行的书开始,讨论了关于太空旅行的一些内容与相关单词,拓展孩子们的视野,并在期间引导孩子们学会分享和感恩。本模块使用了过去时态,也是对之前所学内容的复习与巩固,这在整册书中起着重要作用。学情分析经过 5 年多的学习,学生已经具有相当的英语基础和一定的语言表达能力,也具备一定的语篇阅读理解能力。在 4 年级时,学生就已经进行了过去式的学习,然而仍有不少学生对于动词过去式的使用不够熟练和准确。同时, 大部分学生保持了对英语学习的热情、乐于参与,也有部分学生则变得更不愿意主动表达。模块教学目标1. 知识目标:学生能朗读并理解本模块两则语篇材料;对于“home, travel, interested, made”这几个单词做到“四会”;学生能在语篇中去感知、理解本模块的主要句型,并基本能进行运用;能在教师的引导下,掌握本模块的歌曲。2. 能力目标:学生能用本模块的主要句型谈论、交流他们收到的生日礼物。3.情感目标:学生能通过本模块的学习, 认识到送人生日礼物要投其所好;同时,收到生日礼物后应对送礼的人表达谢意。教学重点及难点1. 动词过去式的使用。2.语篇材料的理解与运用教学辅助录音、卡片、VCR、实物投影仪,PPT教学方法导入法,活动教学,合作学习、情景教学教学过程第一课时教学设计教材分析Module 6 Unit 1 以语篇的形式呈现了以下内容:Daming 收到 Simon 妈妈送的生日礼物一本书,这本书是关于 Daming 很感兴趣的太空旅行这个话题的。Simon 也对此很有兴趣,于是 Daming 邀请 Simon 一起看书并讨论。然后他们一起做了一个纸太空飞船作为谢礼,送给了 Simon的妈妈。借此介绍了关于太空旅行方面的一些知识与单词; 课时教学目标1. 学生能朗读并基本理解语篇大意;2.学生能在教师的帮助与引导下,根据关键词句,对语篇进行简单描述。教学重点与难点1. 对课文的理解2.概括讲述课文教学辅助录音、卡片、VCR、实物投影仪 教学方法导入法,活动教学,合作学习 教学活动教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: Lead-inGreetingsT plays the VCR and ask “What did he buy?”Elicit the word “present” by saying GreetingsWatch the VCR and find the answer “He bought a T-shirt.”通过关于外星人的故事,让学生感知 bought a present 这个主题,为后面教学做铺“Yes, he bought a present. It was a T-shirt. Can he wear it?”Ss answer “No, he cant.”垫。Step 2: TextT shows the picture and have Ss to observe it.“Who are they?” “What are they doing?” “Is he happy? Why?”T plays the VCR, have Ss watch it. Ask “Whose birthday? What present did he get?”Check the answers together.Plays the VCR again. Guide Ss to understand the text by questions, such as “Whats the book about?”, “Did Daming love it? How do you know? ”, “Did Simon love the book?”, “What did they Observe the picture first. Try to catch up the information as much as possible.Watch the VCR and find the answer.Check the answers together.Try to find the answers.引导学生先观察图片,鼓励他们尽可能捕捉图片中的信息,充分利用图片。整体感知课文。教师通过问题引导学生去进一步感知及理解课文。do?”and etc.T play the tape. Have Ss follow the tape to read the text.Read the text.Step 3: DrillMade a mind map: guide Ss to make a mind map. Help Ss to summarize the key words and phrases. In this way, Ss review the whole story. Make a mind map together. Review the text by the key words and phrases.通过思维导图, 教师引导学生归纳关键词句,同时回顾课文内容。Step 4:ExercisesTrue or False: have Ss do the exercise by the text. Correct the sentences if theyre wrong.Check the answers together.Have Ss to read the exercise.Do the exercise.Check the answers.Read the correct sentences together.通过 True or false 的练习, 再次回顾课文, 帮助学生加深对课文的印象,同时检测他们的理解情况。Step 5. practiseT shows the last picture and ask “Look. What did they do?”Elicit the answer “They made a paper Ss look at the picture and find the answer.引导学生去关注Daming 如何向Simons mother进行回礼, 通过2 个问题的讨论,spaceship. And gave it to Simons mum.”Ask “Why?”Have Ss discuss in pairs.Have Ss share their answers in class.T goes on asking, “If you are Daming and Simon, what will you do?”. Have Ss discuss again.Have Ss share their opinions.Think and discuss why they gave the paper spaceship to Simons mom.Talk about their opinions.Discuss in pairs again.Share their opinions in class.引导学生去理解要对别人的好意表达谢意, 以及应该如何表达。Classroom Assessment家庭作业:1. 听读 32、33 页课文。2.程度较好的学生,可以自己制作一幅关于本课的思维导图。板书设计: ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 D D C C B B A A 第二课时教学设计教材分析本课时为 Module 6 Unit1 的第 2 课时,在通过 listen and say 这个环节回顾复习本单元的语篇内容后,学生在 practise 部分图片以及连线的提示,仿造例句用 “On _s birthday, _ bought him/her a present. It was a _.”完成对图片中人物收到的生日礼物的介绍。课时教学目标学生能根据例句与图片,进行仿写。教学重点与难点动词过去式的使用教学辅助图片,实物投影仪,PPT教学方法导入法,合作学习,情景教学教学活动教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: ReviewT shows the picture 1 1 Ss observe the 通过图片与提问引导 A bookSimonsmumbirthdaypresentpictures of spaceshipChina, Russia, the USChina sent people in spaceand ask: Whose birthday yesterday?Who bought Daming a present?Whats it?T shows picture and ask:Whats the book about?Did Daming like it?picture and answer the questions.学生复习上一课时所学的课文,巩固对课文的认知。Step 2: DrillT guide Ss to say: On Damings birthday, Simons mom bought him a present. It was a book.Then write them on the blackboard.(Use the cards to replace “Daming”,“Simons mom”,“present”and“book”.Have Ss read the sentences again.T shows the picture Ss say the sentence with teachers guide.引出本课关键句型。of Sam. Ask “Whos he?”T: “Can you guess what Sams birthday present is?”Have Ss discuss in pairs.Encourage Ss to communicate their discussion result.T shows the picture of the practice. Have Ss observe the picture.“Whos she/he?”“Who bought her/him a present?”“Whats the present?” Ss repeat the sentenceSs answer: Hes Sam.Ss discuss in pairs.Ss communicate their thoughts in class.Answer the questions by the picture.过渡到 practise 部分的人物。通过讨论并猜想这个环节,鼓励学生积极思维,并用所学英语来表达。学生先根据连线找出Sam,Lingling 等人生日时收到谁送的、什么礼物,做到能口头表述。Step 3: WritingHave Ss open their books and turn to page 34. Ask Ss to write the Ss open the book and turn to page 34.Write the 学生进行仿写,从口头表述转化成书面表达。sentences.Check the answers together: Ask 3 Ss to write their sentences on the blackboard. Encourage the other Ss to check them.sentences.Check the answers in class.引导学生进行自我评价和团队中的互相评价。Step 4: PracitseAsk Ss what present they got for their birthday.Then ask him/her who sent it.Ask the other Ss whether they can retell it.Make a survey: ask Ss to ask the classmates about their birthday present. Then finish the survey with the sentence pattern.Ss answer with “On my birthday, I got a _.”Ss “_bought it for me.”make the survey从课本上的人物过渡到班上的同学,让学生感受到英语在生活中的实际运用。Classroom AssessmentGroup competition and reward. Good answers or behaviors can help the group to win the points.家庭作业:家庭作业:3. 听读 34 页第一部分。4. 复习 34 页第二部分,朗读句子。5.完成调查,并朗读所写句子。板书设计:板书设计: ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 1 1 D D C C B B A A 第三课时教学设计第三课时教学设计教材分析本课时是 Module 6 Unit 2 的第一课时,为本模块的第 3 课时。本课时围绕着“The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.”这个话题进行。 一方面介绍了神州五号,另一方面引出“_ made a model of .”这个句型。在本课的语篇材料中,出现了 taikonaut,national, flag 等新词,其中 taikonaut 与 seed 仅要求学生能认读和理解即可。课时教学目标1. 学生能朗读语篇并理解本课语篇内容2. 学生能对句型“_ made a model of .”有初步的感知。3. 学生能在教师或关键词句的引导下,完成对课文的复述。4. 学生能大致讨论或说出他们对神州五号的认识。教学重点与难点1. 有关神州五号的知识On _s birthday, _ bought him a present. It was a _.2. 新单词,如 made, taikonaut, national, flag, seeds教学辅助图片,实物投影仪,PPT,视频教学方法导入法,合作学习,情景教学教学活动教学活动教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step 1: ReviewT shows the picture and asks “Who are they?”Guide Ss to say the boys name “Daming” “Simon”. T sticks the picture of these two boys on the Bb. “Whose birthday was yesterday?” “Whats Damings birthday present?” “Whats the book about?” “Wheres the spaceship from?”T guide the Ss to review the content of last unit by asking the questions above. At the same time, T also sticks the picture of a Chinese spaceship on the Bb.Ss review the content of Unit 1 by answering these questions.通过这个环节铺垫“_ made a model of_”这个句型.结合上个单元的内容,将话题自然过渡到神州五号。Step 2: TextT asks “Whats the Ss listen and 通过问题引导学生有name of the spaceship?” Have Ss listen and find out the answers.Check the answer.T writes the name “Shenzhou V”under the picture of the Chinese spaceship. Ask again, “When did Shenzhou V go into space?”Have Ss listen and read the text. Find the answer at the same time.T:What did Shenzhou V take?Have Ss read the text and circle the key words.Have Ss talk about what they found.T sticks the pictures find out the answer.Ss talk about the answer. Ss read the text and find the answer.Ss say the answer if they know it.Ss try to find the answers by themselves.意识地在听的过程中捕捉信息。通过简要的问题,引导学生在听的过程中去寻找答案、捕捉自己需要的信息。让学生听读结合.引导学生通过自行阅读,在文本去寻找他们需要的信息。通过find-circle 这个过程,训练他们的阅读技巧。of “taikonaut”, “national flag of China”, “seeds” on Bb to finish a simple mindmap.Guide Ss to talk about the content of this text by the simple mind map.T exchanges the pictures into key phrases step by step. Guide Ss to retell the text by the complete sentences.Divide Ss into 3 groups. Ask them to retell the text in group by sentences.Talk about the answersTalk about the content by the pictures. Ss can only say some key words.By the guide of the T, Ss try to retell the text again with compelte sentences.Ss retell the text by groups. Every student says one sentence.引导学生开始初步 复述课文。引导学生用完整的句子进一步复述课文。让学生以大组的方式比赛复述课文,每人一句。通过这种方式,让学生以大组形式互相帮助,共同参与。Step 3: PracticeHave Ss watch a video about Shenzhou V. Ask Ss to talk about anything new they can know from the video.Activities: NewsNews BrocastBrocast or ActAct ShenzhouShenzhou V V.Divide Ss into 4-person-group. Ask them to choose 1 activity to finish.Have Ss show their act or news broadcast.Watch the video.Talk about what they know from the video.Choose one activity to finish by small groups.Make a show.带领学生制作思维导图,用思维导图来整合总结有关神州五号的知识点,有效地引导学生进行自主学习。通过本环节,鼓励学生运用他们所会的语言进行展示。同时,也让学生的语言从课本语篇拓展到实际运用。Classroom AssessmentGroup competition and reward. Good answers or behaviors can help the group to win the points.New words or good ideas also can help Ss to win the extra points for their groups.Self-reflection本课语篇以对神州五号的介绍为主,穿插对句型的使用。考虑到语篇的特点,在课堂活动设计时教师用思维导图的方式引导学生归纳总结本课重点词汇、内容,鼓励学生有意识地去整理语篇的线索。让学生得以从简单的重复转而主动的去寻找信息、理解信息、判断信息。之后通过神州五号的报道,引导学生以课文语篇为基础进行拓展,并以小组的方式、用自己的语言进行表达,完成了从输入到输出的语言学习过程。家庭作业:家庭作业:1. Read the text. 朗读课文 2. Make your own mindmap about Shenzhou V. 做一份关于神州五号的思维导图。 3. Retell the text. 复述课文 (1 和 2 为全班必做内容,3 为选作内容) 板书设计:板书设计: ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 2 2 andSimonDamingmadea model ofShenzhou Va Chinese taikonauta national flag of Chinasome seeds第四课时教学设计第四课时教学设计教材分析本课时是 Module 6 Unit 2 的第二课时,也是整个模块最后一个课时。因此本课时以复习巩固为主,首先通过 Look and write 这个版块让学生练习了“A made a model of a _.”这个句型,紧接着“Here is a present for you.”这首歌也是再次回顾了 Unit 1 的内容。而 Do and guess 和 Discuss and write 则引导学生从谈论 Simon收到什么生日礼物延伸至他们真实的生活中收到的生日礼物。课时教学目标1. 学生能根据图片用句型“_ made a model of a _.”进行仿写。2. 学生能听懂并会唱歌曲“Here is a present for you.”教学重点与难点复习 Module 6;动词的过去式的运用教学辅助图片,实物投影仪,PPT教学方法导入法,合作学习,情景教学教学活动教学活动教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图Step 1: ReviewT shows the picture of Shenzhou V. Guide Ss to review the part about it. Then ask “Who made the model of Shenzhou V?. Elicit the sentence “Daming and Simon made a model of a spaceship.”Talk about the things about Shenzhou V. 复习上堂课内容,引出句型“_ made a model of a _.”Step 2: Look and writeT shows the pictures and ask “What did Sam/Amy do?”Drill: T shows more pictures like this. Encourage Ss to describe the pictures by the sentence pattern.Make a chain game in group: Ss say the sentence one by one. Encourage Ss to say it as fast as possible and keep it correct at the same time.Have Ss to write the sentences they said just now.Check the answers.Ss: Sam made a model of a plane. Amy made a model of a ship.Ss make more similar sentences.Chain game by groups.Write the sentences.引导学生根据图片提示和例句, 进行造句联系。通过类似的图片,进一步操练。通过以小组为单位的接龙游戏,让学生体验团队合作学习。给更多学生参与和表现的机会,发挥优秀学生的带头作用。让学生写下之前活动中练习的句子。引导他们在从口头练习过渡到书面练习的过程中, 对这一句型进一Check and correct the answers.步加深印象。Step 3: Sing the songT plays the song. Ask Ss to listen without opening their books. Let Ss find out how many presents there are in the song.Have Ss say the answers.T: “Yes, therere 2 presents. What are they?”Have Ss open their books and sing the song with the tape.Listen and find out the answers.Say the answers.Ss: “They are a book and some socks.”Sing the song with the tape. 让学生在没有文本材料的情况下,有意识地去捕捉听到的信息,整理出需要的答案,从而增加学生听力训练的机会,更好点的利用课堂听的环节。Step 3: Do and guessHave Ss watch the part 5. Ask:“What present is it?”. Elicit “She bought a pen.”Guide Ss to read the dialogue together.T takes out a box Ss observe the picture and answer the question.Read the dialogue.通过这个环节的猜与问,学生复习 buy sb sth 这个句型。with some presents in it. Tell Ss: “I have some presents for you. Can you guess?”Guide Ss to guess with “Did you buy me/us a _?”Send the presents to Ss who is right.Guess the presents with “Did you buy me/us a _?”Classroom AssessmentGroup competition and reward. Good answers or behaviors can help the group to win the points.家庭作业:1. 朗读 36 和 37 页2. 复习 36 页的歌曲3. 复习 module 6板书设计: ModuleModule 6 6 UnitUnit 2 2 Daming made a model of a spaceship. Sam plane D C B A Amy ship 模块整体教学反思:(包含但不限于“如何在模块教学中体现课时间的衔接性、延续性和层次性,体现模块的整体感”)本模块讨论了生日礼物这个话题。以 Daming 收到了一本关于太空旅行的书为引子,讨论了关于太空旅行与神州五号,在拓展孩子们的视野与英语单词积累的同时,引导孩子们学会分享和感恩。语法方面,本模块主要回顾了不规则动词的过去式。在第一课时中教师重在引导学生整体感知 Unit1 的语篇材料。 让学生在对语篇进行感知、理解的学习中,逐步了解本模块的话题是围绕生日礼物展开,并初步接触到本模块的核心句型之一。而在情感教育方面则通过开放性的问题“Daming 和 Simon 为什么要送 Simon 的妈妈一个纸航天飞机?”以及“如果你们是 Daming 和 Simon, 你们会怎么做?”来引导学生去认识到对于别人的好意应表达谢意这个主题。由于本课语篇较长,而在本课教学中只要求学生能基本跟读课文,理解课文大意。对于个别词句,并未进行大量操练。至于出现的部分学生对课文的部分语句掌握不够,或知其大意而不知其究竟这种情况将在第二课时的操练与运用中,逐步得到解决。第二课时则在复习 Unit1 语篇的基础上,重点引导学生掌握如何用英语表达“送礼”,从教材的连线图片开始进行模仿, 最后通过调查环节过渡到他们自己真实的生活,完成了从课本到实际运用的迁移式学习。实际上,调查同学收到什么生日礼物这个活动本应是在Unit2 最后一个环节,但考虑到本课时拓展练习的需要,特意提前至本课时进行,更符合学生的自然学习过程。第三课时的语篇以对神州五号的介绍为主,穿插对句型的使用。考虑到语篇的特点,在课堂活动设计时教师用思维导图的方式引导学生归纳总结本课重点词汇、内容,鼓励学生有意识地去整理语篇的线索。让学生得以从简单的重复转而主动的去寻找信息、理解信息、判断信息。之后通过神州五号的报道,引导学生以课文语篇为基础进行拓展,并以小组的方式、用自己的语言进行表达,完成了从输入到输出的语言学习过程。第四课时则重在对整个模块的复习和回顾,因此 3 个活动的设计都是围绕着本模块之前三课时所学内容开展。然而,复习并不是对之前所学内容的简单重复。因此在课堂活动的设计方面,采用了接龙和猜谜这样的形式,让学生在全员积极参与的同时自然使用之前三课时中所学的句型与内容,引导学生进行主动的英语思考与产出。Module 6 Unit 1It was Damings birthday yesterday.第一课时What present did Daming get?How about Simon?What did they do?What can they know from the book?True or false: 1. Today is Damings birthday. ( ) 2. Simons mum bought Daming a present. ( ) 3. Daming wasnt interested in the book. ( ) 4. The book is about the space. ( ) 5. Only China and Russia sent the spaceship into the space. ( ) 6. Daming and Simon made a paper spaceship. ( )FTFFFTWhat did they make ? Why did they give it to Simons mom?Module 6 Unit 1It was Damings birthday yesterday.第二课时Whose birthday was it?Who bought him a present? Whats the present?Whats the book about?Did Daming like it?Find and sayOn _s birthday, _bought him/her a birthday. It was a _.Make a survey: _s birthday present On _s birthday, .Module 6 Unit 2The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.第三课时Activities:1. News broadcast (新闻播报) 请以播报新闻的方式报道Shenzhou V.2. Act Shenzhou V (表演)Homework:1. Read the text. 朗读课文2. Make your own mindmap about Shenzhou V. 做一份关于神州五号的思维导图。3. Retell the text. 复述课文(1和2为全班必做内容,3为选作内容)Module 6 Unit 2The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.第四课时Whats the name of the spaceship?What model did he make?He made a model of a Chinese spaceship.What model did he make?He made a model of _.What model did she make?She made a _.What present is it?
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Module 6_Unit The name of spaceship is Shenzhou V._公开课ppt课件__(含教案)_外研版六年级下册(一起)英语_(编号:10506) 外研版 一年级 起点
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本文标题:Module 6-Unit 2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou V.-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:10506).zip

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