Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:d083c).zip


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Pre readingPandas love bamboo.Snakes are almost deaf.Rabbits cant hear well.Feathers(羽毛) can help birds fly.All the mother animals have babies(生宝宝) or eggs.All the dogs can help blind people. While readingseahorseSeahorses are _.Normally(通常), _ animals have the babies or eggs. But _ are different.The _ has the babies inside him.Hundreds of baby seahorses come out of a _ in his body. While readingScan the passages on page 80 and fill in the blanks. Tips: 快速读,圈答案。 While readingRead the passages on page 81 carefully and find the answer.Why do rabbits have big ears?Why do birds have feathers? can Tips: 仔细读,划答案。hear very well.hear dangerousanimals coming.keep body cool. can Howblood vesselsThe blood flow in the vessels can help rabbits to keep theirbody cool.兔子耳朵分布大量血管,兔子耳朵分布大量血管,血流量大,利于散热。血流量大,利于散热。 While readingWhich way is right?(哪一种抓兔子的方式是正确的?) While reading While readingRead the passages on page 81 carefully and find the answer.Why do rabbits have big ears?Why do birds have feathers? can Tips: 仔细读,划答案。hear very well.hear dangerousanimals coming.keep body cool. keep them warm and dry.cankeep off the rain. help birds fly. Read and judge. (T or F)thick shell1.Some turtles can live more than two hundred years old.( )2.Spiders are insects.( ) While readingCan the turtle pull its whole body into its shell?(海龟能将身体缩入壳内吗?海龟能将身体缩入壳内吗?)TFRead the passages on page 82 loudly and judge.Tips: 大声读,判对错。Spiders are not insects. Why?Insects have got six legs and spiders have got eight. While readingSpiders can eat insects. Spiders make webs(网) to catch food. The webs also help them stay away from danger. Spider silk is like water when its in the spiders bodies. When it leaves the body, it becomes solid(固体的).Spider silk is one of the strongest things in nature. It is five times as strong as steel(钢铁). You can stretch(拉伸) it far and it still wont break. The Us now is making spider silk body armor(防弹衣).1.How do spiders catch food? A. make webs B. make armors2.What is spider silk like when its in the spiders bodies? A. solid B. water C. sweet3. Spider silk is _ as strong as steel. A. 3 times B.4 times C. 5 timesSpider silk(蜘蛛丝蜘蛛丝)_Post readingTips: 1. 五人小组合作复述课文。2. 表达形式自选 (齐说或轮流说)。3.注意帮助表达有困难的同学。Post readingThey are a little fat.They are white and black.They cant fly, but they can swim well.They love eating krill.Mothers have eggs,and then they give eggs to fathers.Fathers can hatch (孵化)eggs. They can keep eggs warm on their feet.What are they?Lets guessPost readingThey are strong.They are grey(灰色的).Mothers have special bags for babies.They have strong back legs.They can jump far.They love eating leaves and grass.What are they?Lets guessPost readingThey are.They have They can They love.What are they?Group workTips: 1五人小组合作描述动物。五人小组合作描述动物。2. 描述时可加上动作。描述时可加上动作。3.为了避免与其他组重复,可以为了避免与其他组重复,可以多准备几个动物哦!多准备几个动物哦!4.注意帮助表达有困难的同学。注意帮助表达有困难的同学。Post reading My favourite animalMy favourite animal is kangaroo. Kangaroos are very cute.They have strong black legs.They can jump far.Mother kangaroos have special bags for babies.They love eating grass and leaves.I love kangaroos.Post reading My favourite animalMy favourite animal is kangaroo. Kangaroos are very cute.They have strong black legs.They can jump far.Mother kangaroos have special bags for babies.They love eating grass and leaves.I love kangaroos._They have two legs and two arms. They havent got tails(尾巴).They can stand up and walk fast.Post readinghuman 1.Retell the text Fantastic Animals to your parents.2.Search a fantastic animal from the Internet and write an introduction of it. Spider silk(蜘蛛丝)Spiders make webs(网) to catch food. The webs also help them stay away from danger. Spider silk is like water when its in the spiders bodies. When it leaves the body, it becomes solid(固体的).Spider silk is one of the strongest things in nature. It is five times as strong as steel(钢铁). You can stretch(拉伸) it far and it still wont break. The Us now is making spider silk body armor(防弹衣).1.How do spiders catch food? A. make webs B. make armors2.What is spider silk like when its in the spiders bodies?A. solid B. water C. sweet3. Spider silk is _ as strong as steel.A. 3 times B.4 times C. 5 timesWriting: My favourite animalMy favourtie animal is _ are _.They _ _ Tips: monkeys/elephants/tigers/cats/giraffes/mousetails(尾巴)/claws(爪子)/feathers 新标准英语新标准英语一起六下一起六下 Reading for pleasure Fantastic Animals 教学设计教学设计 课题:课题:Fantastic Animals课型:课型:New Teaching教材分析:教材分析:本课奇妙的动物讲了海马、兔子、鸟儿、蜘蛛和海龟五种动物一些奇妙的特性。通过本课的学习学生能更好的了解动物,了解大自然的神奇,并反思作为高级动物的我们对动物们所做的一些事情是否恰当,进而培养学生的学科核心素养,培养全面发展的人。学情分析:学情分析:六年级的学生具备了一定的英语基础知识和阅读能力,他们热爱动物,对大自然充满好奇。本课的内容学生们比较感兴趣,大部分学生对文中动物的奇妙特性只是略知一二,因此他们对文本有很大的阅读兴趣。教师在设计问题时,要培养学生的阅读技巧,让学生学会在阅读中寻找关键信息,培养学生养成良好的思维习惯,培养并提升学生的核心素养。设计思路:设计思路:结合对教材和学情的分析,将本节课分为了阅读前、阅读中和阅读后三个阶段。在阅读前,注意新旧知识的链接,激发学生的学习兴趣;在阅读中,注意学生阅读策略的培养;在阅读后,注意引发学生的思考,思考关于人的更深层次的问题。在整体教学中,以学生的学为主体,通过小组合作和教师的指导,让学生体会阅读和思考的乐趣。教学目标:教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标:功能:谈论奇妙动物的特性。语法:一般现在时,情态动词 can 的用法。词汇:理解并掌握单词 normally, feather, seahorse, turtle, keep off2. 语言技能目标:听:能听懂文本说:能用”can”,”have”复述文本内容并说出其他的动物特性。读:能正确朗读文本内容。写:能写出有关自己最喜欢的动物的作文。运用:能通过所学描述其他的动物。3. 学习策略目标:培养阅读技巧以及积极与他人合作的学习态度。4. 文化意识目标:通过阅读拓展学生的视野。5. 情感态度目标:热爱动物,理解作为人的责任和义务,能与世界万物和谐相处。教学重点:教学重点:能运用”can”,”have”复述文本内容并说出其他的动物特性。教学难点:教学难点:能运用所学说出其他动物的奇妙特性。教学准备:教学准备:PPT, 白板,微课。教学流程:教学流程:I Pre- reading:1. Free talk:Do you like animals? What animals do you like and why?【设计意图】:激发学生脑海中有关动物的信息,为下面的学习做准备。2. Sing a song:Sing the song “What do you see?”【设计意图】:通过演唱有关动物的歌曲,营造英语学习氛围。学生们在跟随着歌曲做动作的过程中,逐渐融入了课堂,培养学生“乐学善学”的核心素养。3. Listen and judge:How much do you know about animals.If students think the sentence is right, they say “ yea,yea,yea”. If they think its wrong, they say “no, no ,no”.【设计意图】:教师出示有关动物特性的句子,学生判断正误,以此检测学生对动物的了解程度,这些句子有的出自六年级上册,有的出自本课,通过这个游戏激活学生头脑中的已知,并激发学生的文本阅读兴趣。II While -reading:1. Read the passage which dad has babies and fill in the blanks.【设计意图】:学生快速浏览海马爸爸生宝宝的文章,并完成课文填空,通过这些填空帮助学生更好的理解文本。学生通过白板的拖拽操作完成填空、通过播放音频操作检查所填单词是否正确、通过白板的放大镜的功能更清楚得看到了“hole”,他们更好的理解了”hundreds of baby seahorses come out of a hole”的含义。2. Watch a video.【设计意图】:教师制作了海马爸爸生宝宝的微课,学生通过观看微课了解了海马爸爸的生产过程,并知道了虽然海马爸爸一次能生很多宝宝,但能活下来的却很少。通过视频学生不仅了解了课本的知识,而且懂得了更多。3. Read the passages Why do rabbits have big ears? Why do birds have feathers? and find the answer.【设计意图】:学生仔细阅读兔子与鸟儿的段落,并根据黑板的图示,寻找答案。教师给出了有关兔子耳朵和鸟儿羽毛的三个“can”的问题,课文中没有直接的句子答案,需要学生将相关句子进行调整,才能回答,通过这样设计可以帮助学生真正读懂文本。在学生回答“兔子耳朵能降温”这一个答案时,教师追问了个“为什么” ,引发学生进一步思考,让学生能真正理解文本。4. Read the passages How long do turtles live? Are spiders insects? loudly and judge sentences.【设计意图】:学生大声朗读关于海龟与蜘蛛的文章并判断句子正误。文本中关于海龟与蜘蛛的介绍比较简单,因此教师补充了单词shell, 并根据 shell 拓展问题“海龟是否能将身体缩入龟壳内” ,让学生体会到不同动物的神奇之处。关于蜘蛛,文本只说了它有八条腿,因此教师拓展了有关内容“spider can eat insects.” “How do spiders catch insect?” ,并增加了有关蜘蛛丝的课外阅读,学生对蜘蛛的了解更加立体,满足了学生的学习需求。III Post-reading1Read the passage Spider Silk and choose the answer.【设计意图】:学生自读有关蛛丝的课外拓展文章,并完成习题。文章中的生词教师都给了注释,因此学生读起来并不难。教师引导学生选出答案,并划出原句答案,培养孩子的做题技巧。通过阅读学生更了解了蜘蛛的神奇之处。2. Retell the text according to the mind-map【设计意图】:小组根据黑板的思维导图复述课文,培养学生的思维品质。黑板的思维导图教师给设计成了花朵的样子,这样的板书学生更感兴趣,也更愿意于复述。课文较长,小组五人合作,一人一个动物,这样既降低了复述难度,也培养了学生的合作能力。黑板的思维导图能帮助学生迅速理清文章脉络,他们不是机械的背诵,而是根据自己的理解去讲述。3. Guess animals.【设计意图】:学生先根据教师写的内容猜测动物。之后学生运用教师提示的句型,小组 5 人合作制作动物谜语。小组在合作的过程中既能集思广益,为接下来的作文做准备,又能锻炼合作能力。3. Write a composition My favourite animal【设计意图】:六年级的孩子有了一定的写作能力,因此教师设定了我最喜爱的动物这个学生感兴趣的作文题目,学生们有话可说。英语基础差的学生可以写刚才猜测动物的句型,英语基础好的同学可以运用一些复杂的句型描述。学生们通过接触、理解、操练、运用语言逐步实现语言知识的内化。4. Watch a videoHumans are also animals, but some humans do many bad things to animals. Lets watch.【设计意图】:本课的学习不仅让学生学习语言知识,还要得到情感的升华。作为同为动物的人类做了好多对动物并不友好的事情,学生通过观看教师制作的微课,了解了人类的罪行,同时反思自己的行为。IV Summary1.What does Human mean?【设计意图】:教师通过动画让学生明白了 human 的含义。H 的含义是 harmony 和谐、u 的含义是 universe、m 的含义是motherland、a 的含义是 animals、n 的含义是 nature,所以 human 的含义就是人类应该与宇宙、祖国、动物、大自然和谐相处。学生通过观看动画演示,更能形象并深刻地理解了作为一个人的责任和义务。2. Homework:1.retell the text fantastic animals to your parents. 2.Search a fantastic animal from the Internet and write an introduction of it.【设计意图】:引导学生借助网络资源寻找更多的有关神奇的动物的信息,并写下作文。通过课下活动为学生的语言实践和自主学习提供更大的平台。【板书设计】:
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Reading for Pleasure_Fantastic Animals_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)_县级公开课_外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:d083c) 外研版
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本文标题:Reading for Pleasure-Fantastic Animals-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:d083c).zip

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