Module 3-Unit 2 The sun is shining.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:40018).zip


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Worksheet 11、Fill in the blanks.In this photo, the sun is _. The birds are _ in the trees. Now look at this photo. Its _ to rain and the birds are_ away. And in this photo, it is raining. The ducks are _ our sandwiches!2、Fill in the blanks.1. In this photo, we _ (run).2. Look ! The duck _(eat) our food.3. _you _(dance) now? 4. Listen! She _(read) books.5. They _(watch) TV last night.Worksheet 2Write about your photos. Module 3 Unit 2The sun is shining.Lead-inIt is crying.Today we are going to learn how to describe(描述) photos with “be doing”. And well talk and write about our photos. 大明给玲玲寄了一封信和一些照片。今天我们来学习如何用“be doing”来描述照片。然后我们谈一谈写一写我们的照片。Task presentationWatch and answer.1. Whats the weather like?2. What are the animals doing?Text learningWatch and answer.1. Whats the weather like?2. What are the animals doing?The sun is shining.The birds are singing in the trees.Text learningIn this photo, the sun is shining.The birds are singing in the trees.Now look at this photo. Its starting to rain and the birds are flying away.And in this photo, it is raining. The ducks are eating our sandwiches.Look at these photos! Text learningListen and repeat. Text learningReading time. Text learning Fill in the blanks. Text learningIn this photo, the sun is _.The birds are _ in the trees. Now look at this photo. Its _ to rain and the birds are_ away. And in this photo, it is raining.The ducks are _ our sandwiches!shine sing start fly eat Lets retell. Text learningI am sending you some photos .The sun is shining . We are looking at some ducks.The birds are singing . beI he/she/it verb(动词)+ing(am/is/are)+weyoutheyplural form of noun 名词复数It s starting to rain.The birds are flying away.The ducks are eating our sandwiches.single form of noun 名词单数找规律找规律walkingABeatingsleepingwritingABdancingrunningABreadingreadingplayingplayingwatchingwatchingtalkingtalkingdancindancing gwalkingwalkingrunningrunningwritingwritingeatingeating.How to add the “ing” to a verb?readingreadingswimmingswimmingwritingwriting.readreadHow to add the “ing” to a verb?writwrite eswimswimmmreadreadwritwritswimmswimmCan you find their friends?1.In this photo, we _ (run).2.Look ! The duck _(eat) our food.3._you _(dance) now? 4. Listen! She _(read) books.5. They _(watch) TV last night. is eatingdancingare runningis readingwatchedArePracticeGuess where it is?Practice in the zooPracticeGuess- Where is it? in the parkPracticeGuess- Where is it? at the libraryPracticeGuess- Where is it? in the supermarketPracticeGuess- Where is it? at the schoolPracticeGuess- Where is it? at homePracticeGuess- Where is it? at the restaurantPracticeGuess- Where is it? at the bus stopPracticeGuess- Where is it? Lets talk about our photos. Production ProductionYesterday, my son went toa park.In this photo,he is eating in a restaurant.He is very happy.In this photo, the sun is shining.He is playing .WhenWhereWhat bedoing?HowWhats the weather like?Lets write about our photos. Production“-ing”means “now”. Do what you are doing. Cherish what you are having. Now is the best time. -ing 意味着现在。做好现在正在做的。珍惜现在所拥有的。现在就是最好的时间。SummaryWhat have we learnt today?1.Repeat the text.2.Correct your article.Homework1一起六下一起六下 M3U2M3U2 TheThe sunsun isis shining.shining. 课堂教学课堂教学设计设计教学内容分析教学内容分析本模块的教学内容是描述图片或照片中的情景。本单元的课文情境是 Lingling 收到 Daming 的来信,Daming 在信中介绍他星期六和Simon 去野餐的有趣经历。信中有三张照片:第一张照片中天气晴朗,阳光普照,鸟儿在树上歌唱,他们看到一群鸭子,它们好像饿了;第二张照片中天空开始下雨了,鸟儿飞走了;第三张照片中鸭子在吃 Daming 他们的三明治。本模块在语言上主要是进一步强化复习现在进行时的运用,教师应注意给英语学习有困难的学生更多的巩固机会,并帮助基础较好的学生进行拓展。学情分析学情分析本模块的学习重点是进一步强化复习现在进行时的用法。现在进行时在之前的册次中反复出现,学生较为熟悉,但“be doing”依旧是学习重点,也是易错点。其中 be 动词的变化,现在分词的几种变化,以及二者的不可或缺都需要在本课中在口语表达和书写中进行巩固学习。六年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是五年级的衍生又是初中一年级的铺垫。我们的学生虽然已有三年的英语学习经验,但还有一些问题需要解决。由于学习内容变多,加入一定的语法知识后,学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习。部分学生学习的目的性不2是很强,导致学习习惯不好,作业只为应付,老师布置的作业不能按时完成,回家看书也只是应付家长。作为语言性学科,听与读是非常关键的环节,而大多数学生这一点做的不好,这在听力测试时表现的尤为明显。教学目标教学目标1、语言技能 全体学生能听懂“The sun is shining.” 全体学生能说:“The sun is shining.” 全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。 全体学生能按要求完成语句书写。 全体学生能运用已学语言描述图片或照片中的情景。 2、语言知识全体学生能运用: “The sun is shining.” 复习现在进行时的用法。能感知单词重音和句子重读。3、情感态度:能体会到英语学习的乐趣。4、学习策略:尝试阅读英语故事及其他英语课外读物。35、文化意识:知道英语国家中典型的食品和饮料名称。教学重点、难点重点:能运用“be doing”结构的句子描述图片。难点:1、对现在进行时结构“be doing”不可缺失的组成以及现在分词“doing” 的三种变化形式。 2、灵活运用现在进行时。教具、学具准备多媒体课件、单词卡片、句子卡片、图片教学环节教学环节、Warm- up and Lead-in1、Greetings. Divide the groups.T: Hello, boys and girls. Today well learn Module3 Unit2 The sun is shining. Well have a competition in two groups. Lets see which group can be the first one to reach the shining sun.You can get English Bi. You can buy presents from me. Are you ready?Ss:Yes!42、歌曲热身。Walking Walking T:Lets sing and do the actions. Ss:Sing and do the actions. 【设计意图】边唱歌曲边做动作,热身启动,复习与本课重点相关的动词 ing 相关词汇。3、Lead-in。 观察图片并用现在进行时回答:T:Look! Here is our animal friend.It is a dog. What is the dog doing?S:The dog is crying.T:Why is the dog crying? S:Because the bird is taking the dogs bone away.、Task presentation T: Today we are going to learn how to describe(描述) photos with “be doing”. And well talk and write about our photos. 5Ss: Read the task together and try to understand it.【设计意图】呈现本节课任务,明确本节课目标,使学生带着任务有目的的学习。、Text learning1、Watch and answer.T:Lets watch and answer the questions.Q1:Whats the weather like?Q2:What are the animals doing?S:He had a picnic in the park.2、Watch the cartoon.T:Whats the weather like in the first photo?S:The sun is shining.3、Learn the three pictures and put the key words on the blackboard.Ss:Read the three paragraphs.【设计意图】听与问题相结合,让学生边听边思考。在听读过程中学习生词 everyone,提取文中核心词汇。64、Lets listen and repeat.5、Fill in the blanks. T:Please fill in the blanks in your exercise paper. S:Fill in the blanks. Ask some of the students to write the answers in the blanks.6、Lets repeat.7、Retell.T: Can you retell like this? Who can retell? Retell the three photos in groups.Ask some of the students to retell.【设计意图】老师示范复述后,鼓励学生进行复述,通过动态板书的使用从关键词到直接对图片进行描述性复述,达到初步语言输出的目的。IV、Practice1. Find the rules. Ss:Look at all the sentences with ing and try to find 7the rules. 【设计意图】给学生自主学习的机会,激发他们自主学习的潜力。2.火眼金睛游戏。Try to find the differences of the pictures and talk about it with be doing.【设计意图】找不同的游戏,训练学生的语言,激发学生练习的兴趣。3.Lets study the rules of adding ing.Watch the cartoon and study.【设计意图】通过观看生动形象的动画,有效复习如何为动词加-ing。4.Fill in the blanks.Fill in the blanks with the right form of verbs.【设计意图】练习用正确的动词形式填空,灵活运用语言。5.Guessing game.Two students from two groups come to the front to have a guessing competition.The other students try to describe 8the pictures with “be doing”.【设计意图】在激烈的竞猜比赛中,训练学生的语言运用能力。V、Task completion1. Lets talk about our photos.Talk about their photos of activities with be doing.【设计意图】用“be+ doing”形式描述自己的图片,并适当加入自我感受。综合运用本课所学,介绍自己或他人的图片,谈论图片中正在发生的动作和感受,促进语言综合运用。2. Show my article.Learn teachers article.【设计意图】老师用“be+ doing”结构描述自己的照片,让学生感知如何更完整的来描述自己的图片。通过引导学生提炼When?Where?Whats the weather like? What bedoing? How? 的使用更让学生能够准确运用“be+ doing”写出对图片的描述,对过去时和现在进行时两个时态更多的练习和巩固,并帮助学生有所拓展,实现模块整合性学习。3. Please show us your article and share with us.Read their own article.9【设计意图】写作练习。 (第一步:老师示范。第二步:自主写作。第三步:个人展示)在真实的情境中进行语言输出训练。VIVI、SummarySummary andand HomeworkHomeworkSummary:1、T:What have we learnt today?S1:We learnt how to describe a picture with ing.S2: We learnt how to add ing to verbs.S3: We learnt to write about our activities.2、T:“-ing”means “now”. Do what you are doing.Cherish what you are having. Now is the best time. -ing 意味着现在。做好现在正在做的。珍惜现在所拥有的。现在就是最好的时间。【设计意图】学生自主总结今日所学,学会知识整理。情感升华,珍惜现在拥有的一切。Homework:1、Repeat the text.102、Correct your article.板书设计板书设计Module 3 Unit 2 The sun is shining.课后反思课后反思本课时是外研 2011 课标版一年级起点六年级下册 M3U2 的内容。本课的主要内容是三张照片的描述,复习现在进行时的用法。六年级学生对现在进行时的意义和结构已经有所了解,但到此阶段应通过对课文的阅读理解与拓展运用,能够准确的描述出照片中的活动情景。由理解到运用,是语言发展的质的飞跃。本课的文本材料既凸显了小学高年级阅读教学的特点,也适合培养学生灵活运用语言的能力shiningsingingstartingflying awayeatingreadingwritingswimmingeatingwalkingwritingsleepingdancingrunning11一、直接导入,热身活动之后直接导入新课。 六年级的孩子在学习上存在一定的倦怠心理,部分学生不愿意主动开口说英语。因此,在课堂上如何激发起学生学习的兴趣很重要。在这节课的设计中,我直接进入导入环节,也通过图片和学生进行交流,并引导学生自己观察图片。二、设置任务,加强阅读教学。先整体感知,理解文本,提出简单有整体性的问题帮助学生理解;然后阅读细节,获取信息。学生在完成一项项具体的任务的过程中,理解语言、归纳信息的能力得到进一步的培养。三、教材整合,拓展阅读。阅读教学的真谛在于,从阅读材料中获取信息,提炼语言,为我所用。让学生学会合作交流,在这个过程中他们的综合语言运用能力得到了培养,也更积极主动去学习了。三、数字化设备的应用激发了学生的学习兴趣,交互式白板的使用使学生真正参与到课堂中来,增加了学生的成就感。同时,在课堂上也存在一些问题,要在以后的教学中改进。一、教师的课堂掌控能力与教学机智应该进一步提高,对于课堂上动态生成的信息处理可以更灵活。二、感觉有些活动,学生的参与面不够,没有体现全体性。三、教师的评价激励语言较丰富,但学生之间缺乏互动与评价,12有的也是一些简单的语言流于形式。总之,这节课的设计是以学生的兴趣为基础,以有效的活动和真实的情景为媒介。使学生在学习语言知识的同时,也锻炼了自主学习的能力。
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Module 3_Unit The sun is shining._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级公开课_外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:40018) 外研版 一年级 起点 出发点
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