Module 5-Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the river.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a1ae4).zip


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Some children are jumping in the water.Module 5 Unit 2Is the kite flying up and high?He can hardly see the kite.Is the kite flying up and high?Yes, it is.carfarbarkdarkparkhard hardly hardly TaskWe will use “be doing” to talk about ongoing activities or describe photos.( ) 1. They _ having a picnic.A. isB. areC. am( ) 2. Amy is _ a cake.A. makeingB. makeC. making( ) 3. He is _ in the sea with his father.A. swimmingB.swimingC. swimWatchWatch andand answer.answer. Where is the girl? Where is the girl? She is on a train.stationtunnelTunnel, tunnel, go into a tunnel.Tunnel, tunnel, come out of the tunnel.stationBeforeBefore goinggoing intointo thethe tunneltunnelWhatWhat isis happening?happening?stationThehe traintrain goesgoes intointo a a tunnel.tunnel.It t is is verery _.darkdark stationWe e comecome outout ofof thethe tunnel.tunnel.TheThe rainrain stops.stops.TheThe sunsun is is shining.shining.stationThehe traintrain arrivesarrives atat thethe station.station.Tryry toto retell.retell.Last summer holiday, Im went on a trip.parkparkschoolschoolbeachbeachbeachbeachHomeweworkrk1. Listen and imitate the text. 2. Retell or recite the text.3. Talk about your trip with friends.- 1 -英语英语 (新标准)(新标准) (一年级起点)(一年级起点)六年级下册第五模块第二单元六年级下册第五模块第二单元 教学反思教学反思六年级下册第五模块第二单元主要是通过一则旅行随记来复习正在进行时态。结合六年级学生的特点及其英语知识背景,本节课主要采用任务教学法、情景教学法和合作学习法等方法带动新课的学习。关键问题的设置、火车行驶轨迹的展现及小组讨论与合作使得学生能够积极地参与课堂教学,小组合作去完成任务也极大的提高了学生的积极性。在新课讲授之余,教师还应多培养学生多观察、多思考、勤记录的习惯,帮助学生开拓眼界,促进学生心智的发展。本课还存在一些不足之处。首先,有些部分学生比较安静,本应讨论的环节却声音很小。学英语很重要的一点就是说,大声说,课上也是一样,读课文要大声读,小组讨论要大声讨论。这一点还需要平时多训练,让每一个学生都能大声读英语。此外,正在进行时态是已经学过的语法,通过课前让学生看微课来复习,课上进行检测,对检测题学生掌握的很好,但是在后面进行造句或篇章行文时,还是有部分同学不能很流畅的说出句子,此时态需进一步巩固。通过本课教学及日常教学,我进行了如下反思:作为英语教师,我们有责任使每个学生学好英语。我们农村学校缺少英语学习环境,我就把我的英语自修与英语教学结合起来,与学生共同学习;人与人之间存在着一定的差异,这是客观的,要大面积提高教学质量,必须面向全体学生,因材施教,充分调动每一个学生的积极性主动性,让每个学生主动地、生动活泼地学习和发展,一步一个脚印,最终都有所学。英语教学的课堂控制也很重要。同桌之间、小组之间互相交谈、互相讨论是英语教学最基本的活动。可是在教学过程中我发现,活动一到高兴时课堂往往会出现失控。如果一下子停下来,学生们不乐意。进行下去吧,整个教室就乱哄哄。经过深思及咨询资深教师,在课堂控制方面我需要做好以下五方面。1、要根据学生的年龄特征、知识背景和理解能力控制语言的输入量和输入深度。2、要明确学习小组与小组长的职责,学习材料和用具被有秩序地发放,同时教师能注意到每个学生的所作所为。3、要指导学生遵守这些规则,而不是让学生立刻就仓促行动,然后再徒劳地大声呼喊着维持秩序。4、要认真地计划教学活动,从而使之能在教师的控制和学生力所能- 2 -及的范围内。 5、要及时捕捉和处理课堂内的“意外事件” 。作为资历尚浅的英语老师,在以后的教学中我一定做到用心体会,及时发现问题。只有发现问题,才能实现“反思性教学” 。经过历练,我发现无论课前的准备多么充分,要上好一节课,或多或少总有得失,需要细心体会,对自己的教学活动进行有意识地、自觉地反省,以便进行合理地调整与改进。当然在自我反省的同时,我也还要多问指导教师的意见或及时找听课老师评课,吸取经验,更好的进行教学与学生的沟通,在教学中发现问题,改正问题,解决问题。- 1 -英语英语 (新标准)(新标准) (一年级起点)(一年级起点)六年级下册第五模块第二单元六年级下册第五模块第二单元 教学设计教学设计一、教材分析一、教材分析六年级的上下两册教材是小学阶段英语知识的第二轮复习。本节课是新标准英语 (一年级起点)六年级下第五模块第二单元的内容。在本单元,女孩坐着火车旅行,看到窗外正在发生的事。通过本单元的学习,再次复习正在进行时,目的是让学生能运用“主语+be 动词+动词的现在分词”这个句式描述正在发生的事情。二、学情分析二、学情分析学生经过五年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定量的词汇和语法,特别是经过了五年级两个学期的第一轮复习之后,大部分学生对于本册书中的单词、句式及语法现象都比较熟悉,他们欠缺的就是实际运用,所以老师们应尽量设计一些与学生的实际生活息息相关的教学情境或活动,给学生提供广阔的平台来实践所学内容,达到“学以致用”的效果。三、教学目标三、教学目标1.语言技能(1)听:全体学生能听懂:Some children are jumping in the water.(2)说:全体学生能说:Some children are jumping in the water.(3)读:全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文(4)写:全体学生能写出 4-5 个语句说明正在进行的活动。2.语言知识(1)功能:描述旅行见闻。 (2)语法:全体学生能运用:Some children are jumping in the water.(3)词汇:全体学生能理解:hardly, raincoat, tunnel部分学生能运用:hardly, raincoat, tunnel(4)语音:强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意3.情感态度:乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,积极用英语描述身边发生的事情。4.学习策略:注意观察生活或媒体中使用的简单英语。5.文化意识:了解主要英语国家的重要标志物。- 2 -四、课时目标四、课时目标用正在进行时描述看到的正在发生的事。五、教学重、难点五、教学重、难点1.重点:本单元的词汇、句型及语法现象2.难点:对正在进行时的运用六、教学资源六、教学资源PPT 教学课件、微课、白板、课文视频、教学卡片七、教学过程七、教学过程(一)导入导入 Warm-upWarm-up andand Lead-inLead-in1. Greetings2. Warm-up: Lets do a chant together.3. Lead-inT:From the chant, we know Daming flies kites in spring. Now look at this picture: What is the boy doing? Whats the weather like? Enjoy the chant and answer the question: Is the kite flying up and high? (S: Yes, it is.)T: The kite is flying so high, so the boy can hardly see the kite. Learn new word “hardly”.(贴 hardly 的单词卡片) Then do the chant together.(二)任务呈现任务呈现 TaskTask presentationpresentation andand texttext learninglearningTaskTask Presentation:Presentation:T: From the chant, we know the boy is flying a kite. But do you know what are some children doing? (出示孩子们在水中跳的图片,引出课题) Today we are going to learn Module 5 Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water.(贴写有课题的磁贴)The task for today: In this class, we will use present continuous tense to talk about ongoing activities or describe your trip.Before the class, you have watched a micro video of present continuous tense. Now lets check if you watch it or not. Here are three questions for you. You choose one answer and explain why. Invite three students to - 3 -do it.TextText Learning:Learning:T: Now look at the picture. Can you tell us something bout it? (学生看图进行描述) Do you want to know what is really happening? Lets watch the flash and answer one simple question: Where is the girl?Watch the flash for the first time and answer: She is on a train.T: Look. Here is a train. The girl is on this train. This is the track of the train. First look at here. Whats this? (S: Its a tunnel.) Learn new word “tunnel”. (贴 tunnel 的单词卡片) And do a chant of tunnel: Tunnel, tunnel, go into a tunnel. Tunnel, tunnel, come out of the tunnel.T: Now lets learn the text in detail. This time, the train is moving on the railway. Before it goes into a tunnel, what is happening? Lets watch the flash again and find out.Watch the flash for the second time.T: Before going into the tunnel, whats the weather like? (S: Its raining.) (贴 before going into the tunnel 和 raining 的卡片) What is the girl doing? (S: She is looking out of the window.) What does she see? She sees so many things. The first one: some pigs. What are some pigs doing? (S: Some pigs are sleeping under a tree.) The second one: some people. What are people doing? (S: People are carrying umbrellas.) The third one: a man. What is a man doing? (S: A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.) The last one: some children. What are some children doing? (S: Some children are jumping in the water.)(每说一个句子,往黑板上贴相应的图片,共五幅图片) Learn new word “raincoat”. (贴 raincoat 的单词卡片)Look at the five pictures on the blackboard and do a game which is “answer quickly”. I ask one question. The one who answers fastest can ask another question.T: The train goes on moving. Now where does the train go into? (S: The train does into a tunnel.) And in the tunnel, it is very dark. (贴 in the tunnel 和 dark 的卡片) - 4 -T: The train keeps on moving. Now the train comes out of the tunnel. We can also say “We come out of the tunnel.” Now whats the weather like? (S: The rain stops. The sun is shining.) (贴 coming out of the tunnel 和shining 的卡片) T: The train still goes on moving. At last, where does the train arrive? (S: The train arrives at the station.) (贴 at last 和 station 的卡片)TextText Reading:Reading:Now we have learnt the text. This time, lets listen and repeat. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (课文跟读一遍) Now practice reading by yourselves.Invite some students to read.T: Your reading is very good. Can you retell the text according to the tips on the blackboard? First lets try to retell the text in groups.(小组内练习复述)Then invite several groups to retell.(三)练习巩固练习巩固 PracticePracticeT: Now lets do some practice.1. Look and say.Here are three pictures. Lets try to describe them. Look at the first one. Whats the weather like? (S: Its raining.) What are the children doing? (S: The children are jumping in the water.) Now its your turn to describe the other two pictures. Invite two students to do it.Its windy. The children are flying kites.Its hot. The children are eating ice creams.2. Production: group work.T: Do you like trips? Yes. Here is a trip of this boy. And he took three photos. Lets talk about these tree photos first. Look at the first one. In the first photo, Im eating an ice cream. Its delicious. Can you talk about photo two and photo three? Invite two students to do it. (S1: In the second photo, Im riding a horse. I feel happy. S2: In the last - 5 -photo, Im at the beach. Im very happy.) T: Now its our trip. Here is a bus. We are all on this bus. And we will go to Xinghai Park. On the way, we pass a park and take six photos. Its your turn to describe these photos. Each group has one photo. Ill give you 30 seconds to discuss it, OK? (给学生半分钟时间讨论)T: OK. Stop for a moment. Now I will give each group a piece of paper. You should write down the sentences. And try to make a poster, OK? Five minutes for you. Now lets begin. (给学生五分钟时间写下正在进行时的句子,制作成海报)T: OK. Time is up. Have you finished? Now lets report it? Which group wants to report your poster? Invite several groups to show their poster and report it.(四)小结与布置作业小结与布置作业 SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework1. SummaryIn this class, weve learnt three words: hardly, tunnel, raincoat.And we reviewed the usage of present continuous tense and learnt some important sentences.2. Homework1. Listen and imitate the text.2. Try to retell or recite the text.3. Talk about your travel with your friends.(五) 板书设计板书设计 blackboardblackboard designdesignM5U2 Some children are jumping in the water.Before going into the tunnel raining In the tunnel dark hardlyComing out of the tunnel shining tunnelAt last station raincoat现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作。now look listenam, is, are小口诀:小口诀:我用我用amam,你用,你用areare。IsIs前面三个前面三个tata:hehe,sheshe,itit。单数用单数用isis,复数用,复数用areare。1. 直接加“ing”2. 以不发音的“e”结尾,去“e”加“ing”3. 单词结构“辅元辅”,双写尾字母加“ing”look-lookingjump-jumpingshine-shiningmake-makingswim-swimmingstop-stopping
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Module 5_Unit Some children are jumping in the river._ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)_部级公开课_外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a1ae4) 外研版
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本文标题:Module 5-Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the river.-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语(编号:a1ae4).zip
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