Module 3-Unit 1 He shouted, “Wolf, wolf!”-公开课ppt课件-(含教案)--外研版四年级下册英语(一起)-(编号:542c1).zip


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M3 unit1 He shouted ,wolf,wolf-ed-ed-ed /t/ /d/ /Id/helpedfinishedwatchedwashedwalkedcookedplayedphonedclimbedcleanedstayedlistenedpaintedprintedinventedskatedgo- see- eat- have-buy-cook-clean-go - wentsee - saweat - atehave - had buy - boughtcook - cookedclean - cleaned 现在时形式 过去式形式 wear-fall-see-go-take-come-wear-worefall-fellsee-sawgo-wenttake-tookcome-came 现在时形式 过去式形式 run - come - say - eat - shout - laugh - 现在时形式 过去式形式 rancamesaidateshoutedlaughedplay a game 猜谜 1. I look like a dog. 2. But people and little animals are afraid of me. 3. because I like eating them .3Tell a story Today we will tell a story in English.(用英语讲一个故事)Task 1 Watch and listen, then answer the questions:When did the story happen(发生)? -Once upon a time.lWhere did the story happen? -It happened in a village.What did the boy shout? -“Wolf, wolf!”Task 2 Read the story, then circle and answer the questions.What did the boy look after everyday? -A. wolf B. sheeplHow did the boy feel ? -A. bored B. happyWhat did the people say? - A. Dont tell lies! B. Good boy!1) There was a boy.He looked after sheep.2) The boy ran to the village.He shouted, “Wolf, wolf!”3) But there was no wolf.The boy laughed.4) The next day, the boy ran to the village and shouted.5) But there was no wolf.The people were angry.6) One day, a wolf came to eat the sheep.7) The boy ran to the village and shouted.But the people said, “Dont tell lies!”8) The wolf ate all the sheep.Task 3 Act and Guess T: What did he/she do? Ss: He/She looked after sheep.(做动作,猜词语)。Task 4 Retell the story(复述故事)Consolidation and extension 课堂延伸 1. Tell the story according to the key words. 看图编故事.请学生四人一组一起观察这四幅图,根据所给的四个关键词找出故事发展的线索,引导学生用所给单词描述所给的四幅图。然后老师带领学生尝试用英文讲述这个故事。 shouted, “Help, help!”ran to the lakelaughedDont tell lies!谎话呼喊 狼、笑每个人照看 绵羊村庄 到.里无聊的根据汉语说英语everyone shoutlaughlook after wolfsheeplie once upon a timebored village根据英语说汉语学习目标学习目标A AB B词词汇汇shout,shout, wolf,wolf, onceonce uponupon a a time,time, looklook after,after, sheep,sheep, bored,bored, village,village, everyone,everyone, field,field, laugh,laugh, lie,lie, intointo语语音音br,br, cr,cr, chrchr 在单词中的发音在单词中的发音知知识识目目标标语语言言目目标标1 1规则动词和不规则动词规则动词和不规则动词2 2用过去式有条理地描述发生过的事情用过去式有条理地描述发生过的事情能能力力目目标标1StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto identifyidentify thethe keykey vocabularyvocabulary wordswords 80%80% accuracy.accuracy.2StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto useuse thethe samplesample pastpast tensetense 90%90% accuracy.accuracy.3StudentsStudents willwill bebe ableable toto understandunderstand thethe storystory 80%80% accuracy.accuracy.情感情感态度态度目标目标DonDont t telltell lies!lies!文化文化意识意识1.AesopAesops s FablesFables学习学习策略策略1.1. 合作合作2 2注意力集中注意力集中任务任务设计设计将事先准备好的动词卡片随机地发到一些同学的手中。老师随意叫一名同学将事先准备好的动词卡片随机地发到一些同学的手中。老师随意叫一名同学站起来并将手中的卡片出示给大家。自己先读一遍该动词,其他同学跟着齐站起来并将手中的卡片出示给大家。自己先读一遍该动词,其他同学跟着齐读。手中有与该同学相对应的动词卡片的学生站起来再读出自己卡片上的动读。手中有与该同学相对应的动词卡片的学生站起来再读出自己卡片上的动词形式。如果正确,大家就跟着齐读。如果错误,老师就鼓励其他同学帮忙词形式。如果正确,大家就跟着齐读。如果错误,老师就鼓励其他同学帮忙找。找。教学教学重点重点练习不规则动词的一般过去式练习不规则动词的一般过去式教学教学难点难点记忆规则和不规则动词记忆规则和不规则动词课课型型NewNew教教具具Cards,ards, computercomputer,picture学学具具pencilpencil教教法法1.TPRTPR 全身反应教学法全身反应教学法2.LEALEA 语言经验教学语言经验教学3.TheThe NaturalNatural ApproachApproach 自然教学法自然教学法板板书书设设计计RegularRegular VerbsVerbsIrregularIrregular VerbsVerbs课课后后作作业业1 拼读单词三遍。拼读单词三遍。2 听读复述课文。听读复述课文。教学效果反馈:教学效果反馈:Teaching Procedure(教学过程教学过程)时时间间教学教学步骤步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学目的教学目的 5 5I IW Wa ar rm me er rII.II.PresePresentatintationon1.1. PlayPlay thethe video ofof a a songsong chorally.chorally.2.2. WriteWrite thesethese wordswords atat randomrandom onon thethe board:board: watch,watch, cooked,cooked, talked,talked, helped,helped, phoned,phoned, talk,talk, painted,painted, phone,phone, listen,listen, help,help, listened,listened, played,played, watched,watched, paint,paint, cook,cook, NoteNote thatthat somesome ofof themthem areare inin thethe present tensetense andand othersothers areare inin thethe past.past. ExplainExplain toto thethe SsSs thatthat youyou areare goinggoing toto callcall outout thethe presentpresent andand thethe pastpast formform ofof a a verb.verb. ChooseChoose oneone S S toto gogo toto thethe boardboard andand drawdraw a a lineline toto connectconnect thethe words.words.1.1. T T showsshows thethe wordword cardcard ofof boredbored andand pointspoints toto thethe boyboy inin thisthis text.text.T:T: ThisThis boyboy lookedlooked afterafter sheep.sheep. HeHe hadhad nothingnothing toto do,do, soso hehe waswas bored.bored. HeHe toldtold thethe villagersvillagers thatthat therethere waswas a a wolf.wolf. DidDid thethe wolfwolf eateat thethe sheep?sheep? LetLets s looklook atat thethe story.story.2.2. PlayPlay thethe tapetape andand writewrite thethe newnew wordswords onon thethe board.board.3.3. TeachTeach thethe newnew wowordsrds andand playplay 1.1. SingSing a a song:song: OldOld McDonaldMcDonald HadHad a a FarmFarm2.2. ListenListen andand drawdraw lineslines toto connectconnect thethe words.words.1.LookLook atat thethe wordword cardscards andand learnlearn thethe pronunciationspronunciations. .2.ListenListen toto thethe storystory andand trytry toto repeatrepeat 3.ReadRead thethe newnew wordswords afterafter T.T. ThenThen listenlisten 通过歌曲增通过歌曲增强英语学习强英语学习气氛气氛复习规则动复习规则动词词Teaching Procedure(教学过程教学过程)时时间间教学教学步骤步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学目的教学目的2 20 0III.III. PractPracticeicethethe tapetape again.again. WriteWrite thesethese sentencessentences onon thethe board.board.1) TheThe boyboy likedliked lookinglooking afterafter thethe sheep.sheep.2) TheThe boyboy ranran toto hishis mother.mother.3) TheThe boyboy cried.cried.4) TheThe firstfirst timetime therethere waswas nono wolf.wolf.5) TheThe boyboy toldtold a a lie.lie.4. PlayPlay thethe tapetape andand havehave thethe SsSs correctcorrect thethe falsefalse sentences.sentences.5. LeadLead thethe SsSs toto readread thethe storystory andand mimemime somesome actionsactionsT:T: WhyWhy diddid peoplepeople saysay DonDont t telltell lieslies? ?6. ShowShow thethe picturespictures andand somesome wordswords toto promptprompt thethe SsSs toto repeatrepeat thethe story.story.1.1. GiveGive themthem somesome timetime toto dodo a a rolerole playplay inin groupsgroups ofof 4.4. againagain andand havehave toto discussdiscuss ifif thethe sentencessentences true oror falsefalse inin groupsgroups ofof four.four.1.ListenListen andand repeat,repeat, thenthen correctcorrect thethe sentences.sentences.2.ReadRead andand discussdiscuss inin groupsgroups ofof 4.4.3.TryTry toto repeatrepeat thethe story.story.1.DoDo a a rolerole areare fourfour characters : : thethe boy,boy, twotwo villagers s andand thethe wolf.wolf.反复听读,反复听读,帮助学生帮助学生理解课文理解课文通过表演,通过表演,增加趣味增加趣味性,也加性,也加强对课文强对课文的理解和的理解和记忆记忆
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Module 3_Unit He shouted “Wolf wolf!”_公开课ppt课件_(含教案)__外研版四年级下册英语(一起)_(编号:542c1) 外研版 四下 英语 _module _unit shouted
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