Module 6-Unit 2 Let’s have fun this Saturday!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:f0efc).zip


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Module6 Unit2Lets have fun this Saturday.大连市西岗区景润小学大连市西岗区景润小学 戢雪莉戢雪莉I will write the reports.I will cut the paper.I will stick the newspaper.I will draw the pictures.Look and match .Amy will write the reports.Sam will cut the paper.Lingling will stick the newspaper.Daming will draw the pictures.Lets read .This is Lingling,Daming,Sam and Amys newspaper. Its fun to work, study, play together.链接活动1课文Answer the questions.Lets dub the dialogue.What time (meet) When (have fun)What Where Find the answers and fill in the form.Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday ! There is a park next to our school ! Lets meet there ! We can play football in the east of the park.And we can fly our kites in the west of the park. We will be there at 10 oclock .See you there !Lingling ,Amy , Sam and DamingWhat time (meet) When (have fun)What Where This SaturdayAt 10 oclockIn the parkPlay football fly our kitesnext toHow to make a poster? When What timeWhereWhat Listen and repeat then read it in your group.Letshave a picnic.Look and say.Talk about the posterLets have fun on a school trip. 小组合作要求:1.谈论要参加的活动、地点及时间。2.讨论时间为8分钟。 3.写出活动内容并用英语进行描述。Hello friends,Lets have fun on a school trip.Well go to _ Park.We can_ .We can_.We can _ .We will be there at _.See you there ._,_,_,_,_选择地点:Xinghai ParkLabour ParkThe Tiger BeachOcean ParkYing Geshi ParkHappiness is the greatest thing in life.快乐是人生中最伟大的事情。Homework:1.Read English text skillfully.2.Tell your fun to a good friend.Hello friends,Lets_this Saturday.Were going to have a school trip.Well go to_Park.We can _.We can_.We can _ .We will be there at _.See you there ._,_,_,_,_Hello friends,Lets_this Saturday.Were going to have a school trip.Well go to_Park.We can _.We can_.We can _ .We will be there at _.See you there ._,_,_,_,_Hello friends,Lets_this Saturday.Were going to have a school trip.Well go to_Park.We can _.We can_.We can _ .We will be there at _.See you there ._,_,_,_,_Hello friends,Lets_this Saturday.Were going to have a school trip.Well go to_Park.We can_.We can_.We can _ .We will be there at _.See you there ._,_,_,_,_Lets have fun this Saturday 教案教材分析:本课是外研社新标准小学英语(一年级起点)四年级下册第六模块第二单元,本模块的话题是谈论分工及设计活动。第二单元的内容主要是写一份通知,在通知中设计各种活动来和朋友们度过快乐时光。Unit2 的课文情境则是 Lingling、Amy、Sam 和 Daming 共同写的活动通知。他们写到:这个星期六我们一起来办个开心玩乐日!学校旁边有个公园,我们可以在公园东边踢球,在公园西边放风筝。集合的时间是 10 点。公园见!主要教学内容是为了培养学生的综合语言运用能力,教师可以让学生在不同的层次活动中练习新语言,从教材习得到综合语言运用,由能力培养再到真实生活实践的应用。从小学生的认知水平、学生的实际经验出发,重点关注学生的语音语调、英语学习的兴趣和良好学习习惯的培养,通过学生个体体验、组间合作与交流、师生互动等学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。学情分析:学生们在上一节课制作了自己喜爱的活动的海报。这一节课学生们针对不同地点设计不同的活动项目更好的完善海报内容,让学生在真实语境中完成任务,从而引导学生掌握本课的重点难点,培养学生的创新精神、实际运用能力、合作能力以及思维能力。此外,处在信息化发达的电子时代,学生对网络学习资源也是非常感兴趣的,课内加入了孩子喜欢的网络学习资源,也大大提高了学生的学习兴趣和主体性。教学目标:语言知识与语言技能:New words: fun, east,west.Sentence: Lets have fun this Saturday! 功能:描述如何能够和朋友们一起快乐的玩耍。情感态度:在小组合作中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,激发积极的情感,培养学生的合作意识和创新精神。学习策略:1. 认知:知道从哪几方面来描述要进行的活动。2. 交际:积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。文化意识:通过活动设计和微课了解中西方文化差异。教学重点:掌握本课单词 fun 以及用 Lets 句型来描述和朋友一起分享的活动。教学难点:将小组活动设计写出来并进行描述。教学环节:【导入】.Warmupandrevision(5) .1. Greetings. T &Ss greet each other.2. Free talk: T:What day is today?Ss: Its Tuesday.T:How many days are there in a week?Ss:Seven days.T:What are they?SS:Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday.3.Review Unit 1(复习书中第一单元) T: Whats this?S:Newspaper.T:Yes.Therere plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it.Do you like it ?Lingling and her friends like it very much.Last Friday we learn Unit 1 Lingling and her friends will make an English newspaper.What will they do?How will they make?Do you remember?Ss:Yes.T:Ok.Let me see whether you remember or not.(1)Look and match .(根据句子选择正确的图片) 白板技术:学生操作连线完成。一是增加学习兴趣,二是学生在图文中能够进一步复习课文的内容。(2)Look and read.(3)Show Lingling and her friends newspaper.Summary:Their newspaper is fantastic.They worked together.So they had fun.(设计意图:复习第一单元的内容,为下文的学习做了铺垫。第二单元是第一单元知识的顺延,因此要让学生对所学的内容有印象。)4.Say a chantT:Look at the children.Do they have fun?Ss:YesT:What do they do together?Now lets say a chant.Do they have fun?Why?Ss:Because they work together.Summary: Its fun to work,study play together.(设计意图:让学生知道只有大家一起工作,学习,一起玩才是最开心,快乐的事情。这部分设计仅仅围绕本单元的话题 have fun 来展开。)II.Task Presentation.T:Look at the picture.What can you see?What are they talking about ?Do you want to know? Lets watch a video.(1) Watch a video.(2) Listen and repeat.T:The sheep want to have fun too.So they have many good ideas.What are their good ideas?What does this sheep say?Summary:Do they have fun?Why?Ss:Lets they play together.T:Yes.Do you want to have fun? If you want to share your happiness with friends.Please use “Lets ”(3) Listen and dub the dialogue .(设计意图:通过问答让学生知道和别人一起玩耍,学习,请求意见要用“Lets ”句型进行描述。)III. New teaching(出示图片)Look.Our friend Lingling Daming ,Amy and Sam will have fun this Saturday.Lets learn Unit 2 “Lets have fun this Satursy!”They want to play together.This is their poster.Do you want to know something about it ?What will they do together?What imformation can you find in the poster?Lets read the poster. (设计意图:呈现任务,明确学习目标,带着目的学习本课。)1.Watch a video.2.Listen ,repeat then fill in the form.T:What information can you find in the poster?When will they have fun ?What time will they meet?Where will they meet?What can they do?(1).Lets listen ,repeat and fill in the form.讲解 next to(2)Ask and answerT:.How to write a poster?If you go on a school trip.What information do you need?Ss:when ,what time , where.what can you do?3.Listen ,and repeat .IV.Practise1. Look and sayT:Share your happiness with your friends.You will have fun.Do you want to have fun?What can you do together?Look at these pictures and say.Please use “lets ”as an example.设计意图:出示图片让学生用 Lets 来描述活动。这个环节为下一个活动做了铺垫。也为学生提供了很多有意义的信息。2.微课T:Your activities are really interesting .If you want to have fun with your friends on holidays.What can you do?Lets watch.(设计意图:兴趣是小学生进行英语练习的动力之源。让学生了解更多人的假日活动,活化处理教材,为学生后续的语言输出打下基础。)V.GroupworkMake a posterT:Its fun to work ,study,play together.Childrens Day is coming.Before the Childrens Day our school will have a school trip.Are you happy?Lets have fun on a school trip.Four group will go to different places and do some activities.Four places are Xinghai Park,Labour Park?Ying Ge shi Park and The Tiger Beach Ocean Park.Theres a poster on your desk.Look at your poster,Lets Talk about our school trip.OK?We should do these things.Step1:Talk about and time.Step 2:.Youve got 8 minutes.Step3:After the discussion,write it down.Are you ready ?Lets begin(设计意图:创设真实的操练情景,让学生学以致用,通过语言输出同伴间对话的形式,明确学习语言的应用环境。进一步加深学生对本课所学内容的理解,也让学生的知识更连贯,思维更开阔)。2. Sing and danceDo you have fun this class?(Yes).Why ?(Its fun to work together)Lets be happier.Lets sing and dance.Ok?Your performance was excellent.Its fun to study,work ,play together.(设计意图:歌曲将本课推向高潮。学生在歌舞中感受到一起学习,一起玩耍的快乐。歌舞内容也符合本节课的学习内容:The more we get together)3.Famous sayingThere is a famous saying.Lets read together.I wish you have fun everyday.(设计意图:学生们不仅在活动中体验快乐,也在歌舞中感受跟多快乐。一个 famous saying 将学生们的知识提高到一个更高的高度。让本课得到升华。)VI.Homework (设计意图:教师引导学生实现语言能力与学习情感同步发展,为整节课画上了圆满的点睛之笔。)Listen,repeat then fill in the form.Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday!There is a park next to our school ! Lets meet there ! We can play football in the east of the park.And we can fly our kites in the west of the park. We will be there at 10 oclock .See you there !Lingling ,Amy , Sam and DamingWhenWhat time(meet)wherewhatListen,repeat then fill in the form.Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday!There is a park next to our school ! Lets meet there ! We can play football in the east of the park.And we can fly our kites in the west of the park. We will be there at 10 oclock .See you there !Lingling ,Amy , Sam and DamingWhenWhat time(meet)wherewhatListen,repeat then fill in the form.Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday!There is a park next to our school ! Lets meet there ! We can play football in the east of the park.And we can fly our kites in the west of the park. We will be there at 10 oclock .See you there !Lingling ,Amy , Sam and DamingWhenWhat time(meet)wherewhatListen,repeat then fill in the form.Hello friends,Lets have fun this Saturday!There is a park next to our school ! Lets meet there ! We can play football in the east of the park.And we can fly our kites in the west of the park. We will be there at 10 oclock .See you there !Lingling ,Amy , Sam and DamingWhenWhat time(meet)wherewhat
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