Unit 6 What time is it -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:10038).zip


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展开 牛津译林版英语三下_Unit6Whattimeisit_SoundtimeRhymetimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号10038.zip牛津译林版英语三下_Unit6Whattimeisit_SoundtimeRhymetimeCheckouttimeTickingtime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号10038.zip
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Task 1: 听听录录音,将所缺音,将所缺时间时间填写完整。填写完整。Task 2: 阅读绘阅读绘本,参考本,参考绘绘本,画一画自己喜本,画一画自己喜欢欢的物品,并仿写的物品,并仿写新故事。新故事。PlayerTimeTick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.Tick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.Tick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.What can you hear from the songs?你在歌曲里听到了什么呀?I can hear one. 我能听到1。numbersHow much do you know about numbers?你对数字了解多少呢?I can hear 我能听到5-34+62+910-26+612-5Look and countCan you call out the answers quickly?比一比,看谁算得又快又对!has colours. has legs(腿)(腿). Look and filleightsevenhas hands(手)(手). fiveThink and sayThink and sayAge年龄年龄Length长度长度Quantity数量数量Time时间时间.Weight重量重量monthsChineseZodiacs生肖生肖Star signs星座星座Think and sayIt is .123456789101112Look and guessa clockLook and guessWhat does the clock say?时钟在说什么呢?仔细听一听吧!Look and guessWhat does the clock say?时钟在说什么呢?仔细听一听吧!tick tockDo and sayCan you follow Mr Clock?你能跟上时钟先生的节奏吗?动起来,说起来吧!你能跟上时钟先生的节奏吗?动起来,说起来吧!Follow me!Ask and answerDo you have any questions for Mr Clock?你有什么问题要问时钟先生吗?你有什么问题要问时钟先生吗?Tick tock, ?It is oclock.what time is itLook and guessMr Clock, is it oclock?问问问问Mr Clock吧!吧!Think and talkIt is oclock.tenWhat do you do at ten oclock in the evening?晚上晚上10点的时候你在做什么呢?(中文点的时候你在做什么呢?(中文/英文回答)英文回答)Look and guessWhat are they doing at 10:00 in the evening?它们晚上十点的时候在干嘛呢?它们晚上十点的时候在干嘛呢?partyThink and talkWhat do you do at the party?在聚会上大家会做什么呢?(中文在聚会上大家会做什么呢?(中文/英文回答)英文回答)Look and findPlayers(表演者)(表演者)Show TimetomatoteaT-shirtWatch and praise If you like Tomato Band, praise them!如果你喜欢番茄乐队的演出,给它们点个赞吧!Good!Great!I like/loveIt is Tomato Time.Look and guessGoodbye.Look and answerWhat color are they? Tips: 仔仔细细观观察察绘绘本本图图片片,找找到到小小线线索索才才能能顺顺利利完完成任务哦!成任务哦!Look and guessFriends?Family?familyWhat can you say to T-shirt family?你想对T恤家族说什么呢?Listen and chantT-shirt TimeTick tock, tick tock. What time is it?Twelve oclock, twelve oclock.Come, come. Dance and drink.Tomato TimeT-shirt TimeThink and talkAfter singing and dancing, it is 2:00 in the morning. How do Mr Clocks friends feel?欣赏完两个节目后,时钟先生的朋友们状态如何呢?A.Excited. 激动B.Tired. 疲倦Think and talkWould you like ?Yes, please. / No, thank you.What about ?Yes, please. What may they say to each other?想一想,它们会说些什么呢?Tips: Imagination can make our story more attractive.发挥你的想象,让故事发挥你的想象,让故事更引人入胜吧!更引人入胜吧!Look and findTick tock, what time is it?仔细观察图片,找到时间的小线索吧!仔细观察图片,找到时间的小线索吧!Look and find Player (表演者)(表演者) Time Tomato 10:00 pm It is Tomato Time. T-shirt 12:00 pm It is T-shirt Time. Tea It is Time.2:00 amTeaThink and talkAfter singing and dancing, it is 2:00 in the morning. How do Mr Clocks friends feel?欣赏完两个节目后,时钟先生的朋友们状态如何呢?A.Excited. 激动B.Tired. 疲倦Would you like some tea/?Yes, please.想想它们之间会有什么样的对话呢?同桌两人演一演。注意角色的状态和语音语调哦!What happened?发生了什么?A.Happy. 开心 B.Afraid. 害怕 Now it is . It is time for .morningbreakfastListen and write听录音,把绘本所缺内容补充完整。Read and act四人一组,任选一个节目场景尝试朗读。Draw and write四人一组,仿照绘本,画一画,写一写四人一组,仿照绘本,画一画,写一写 Player Time Tick tock, what time is it?It is three oclock.It is Pencil Time.Tick tock, what time is it?It is oclock.It is Time.3:001. Read the story skillfully and dramatically.能熟练地、生动地朗读绘本故事。2. Tell your new story to your family.和家人分享你的新故事。Tick Tock 绘本教案绘本教案1. 听懂、会说、会读绘本中出现的词汇:tick, tock, oclock, time, two, eight, ten, twelve, tomato, tea;2. 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:What time is it? It isoclock. It is time. 并理解句型的意思;3. 能够理解绘本内容,流利有感情地朗读故事。二、教学重点:二、教学重点:1. 能理解绘本故事内容,体会故事的趣味所在; 2. 能用正确的语音语调进行朗读模仿。3. 能使用句型 What time is it? It isoclock. It is time. 对时间进行问答。三、教学难点:三、教学难点:1. 能初步理解句型 What time is it? It isoclock. It is time.2. 能尝试根据板书对故事情节进行复述和仿写。四、教学准备:四、教学准备:PPT,单词卡片等五、五、教学教学过程:过程:Step A. Warming up歌曲欣赏(tick tock time, number song)1. Listen and talkT: Hello, boys and girls. Do you like these songs?T: What can you hear from the songs? I can hear one. How about you?Ss: I can hearStep B. Presentation1. Think and sayT: Yes. You can hear many numbers. How much do you know about numbers? Lets do some quick tests.Test 1: call out answers quickly 加减法快速回答Test 2: Look and fill 根据图片填空1) The rainbow(图片)has seven colours.2) The crab(图片)has eight legs.3) The sea star(图片)has five hands.Test 3: Think and say 分别出示数字 7 和 12,由数字联想:T: You did well. Now lets try something difficult. What can you think of 7? 图片提示:seven crayons, seven years old, seven days a week, seven subjects概括数字 7 的使用:quantity, age, weight, length, timeT: How about 12? 教授数字 12,由数字联想:图片提示:twelve star signs, twelve months, twelve Chinese zodiacs2. Look and guess T: Great. Look, what is it? Guess. Ss: It is .动图出示 12 个数字,最后呈现完整的钟面。Ss: It is a clock. 教授 clockT: Clever. What does the clock say? 播放 tick tock 的录音,教授 tick tock3. Do and sayT: Can you follow M clock? Lets do and say.拍手,速度慢快慢,带学生重复 tick tock。 4. Ask and answerLook at our new friend, Mr Clock. Do you have any questions for Mr Clock?Tick tock, what time is it?动图显示不同时间点,操练句型。T: Tick tock, what time is it?Ss: Its oclock. 教授 oclockStep C. Reading1. Look and guess出示绘本图 1、2, T: Lets know more about time. Look. It is evening now. 出示阴影钟面,学生猜测时间。T: Tick tock, what time is it? 问问 Mr Clock 吧。Ss: Is it oclock? 播放钟声,公布答案 Its ten oclock.2. Think and talkT: What do you do at ten oclock in the evening? 学生用中英文回答。Ss: Eat. Drink. Read. Write. Watch TV. Sleep. Talk 图片提示3. Think and talk.T: Most of you sleep at ten oclock in the evening. How about these friends? Are they sleeping?动画显示出场。T: What are they doing? Guess.学生用中英文回答。T: Theyre having a party. 4. Think and talk.T: What do you do at a party? Ss: Eat. Drink. Talk. Run. Sing. Dance. 图片提示学生用中英文回答。T: What do they do at a party? 图片提示Ss: Eat. Drink. Talk. Run. Sing. Dance. 5. Read and find.T: They are showing. Read the book quickly and find who is showing at the party.学生快速阅读绘本,找出表演的三个角色:tomato, T-shirt, tea. 教授新单词。T: Good job. You find the players. Now lets enjoy their show.6. Watch and praise (tomato time)播放短视频。T: Lets enjoy tomato time. Do you like their show?Ss: Yes.T: How to praise Tomato Band?Ss: Great. Nice. Wonderful. Beautiful. Well done. Good. Very good.7. Read and find (T-shirt time)出示绘本图片 8,9,猜测时间:Tick tock, what time is it?先猜测,后出示绘本图片 10,11,观察找出时间:Twelve oclock.T: It is T-shirt Time. How many T-shirts do we have? Ss: Three.T: What color are they? Ss: Red, orange, yellow.T: Guess. What is their relationship? Friends? Family? Ss: Family. Red is Dad, orange is son/daughter, yellow is Mum.T: Will you dance with your father and mother? Ss: Yes/No.T: What do you do with your father and mother?Ss: Breakfast/lunch/dinner. TravellingT: Are you happy?Ss: Yes. T: So nice. The T-shirt family is very happy too. Their friends enjoy the show very much.8. Listen and chantT: Enjoy with T-shirt Team and chant together.T-shirt TimeTick tock, tick tock.What time is it?Twelve oclock, twelve oclock.Come, come. Dance and drink.9. Think and talkT: After singing and dancing, it is 2:00 in the morning. How do Mr Clocks friends feel?欣赏完两个节目后,时钟先生的朋友们状态如何呢?A. Excited. B. Tired.T: What may they say to each other? 想一想,它们会说些什么呢?给出句型提示:同桌互相练习并展示 Would you like? Yes, please. / No, thank you. What about? Yes, please. / No, thank you.10. Look and find (tea time)观察图片,找出表演时间:Two oclock.T: What will they say? 想想它们会有什么样的对话呢?同桌两人演一演。11. Think and guess黑屏后,显示绘本图片 16,17 页T: What happened? 学生想一想,演一演,疲倦的口气。T: Are they happy now?Ss: No. 选择题 (B ) They are . A. happy B. afraid. T: Why? 学生猜测原因12. Look and fill显示绘本图片 18,19 页。Tick tock 闹铃响!T: Now, it is morning/six oclock. Its time for breakfast/school.播放玩具总动员片段。13. Listen and write听录音,将绘本补充完整。 14. Listen and read跟录音朗读。15. Think and write阅读绘本,参考绘本,画一画自己喜欢的物品,并仿写新故事。PlayerTimeTick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.Tick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.Tick tock, what time is it?It is oclock. It is Time.Step D. Homework1. 听录音熟练朗读绘本。2. 小组内表演故事。六、板书设计:六、板书设计: Tick TockTick tock, what time is it? It is oclock. It is time.PlayerTime Tomato Ten oclock.T-shirtTwelve oclock.Tea Two oclock.七、教学反思:七、教学反思:
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Unit What time is it _Sound time Rhyme Checkout Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:10038) 牛津
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本文标题:Unit 6 What time is it -Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:10038).zip

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