Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:73af9).zip


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展开 牛津译林版英语三下_Unit3Isthisyourpencil_FuntimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号73af9.zip牛津译林版英语三下_Unit3Isthisyourpencil_FuntimeCartoontime_ppt课件_含教案素材_市级公开课_编号73af9.zip
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Guessing game你可以用Is this a ?问问老师、来猜一猜哦!Whose(谁的) pencil is this?Lets review!This isnt my pencil.Who helps(帮助) Mike?Is this your pencil?Is that your pencil?Are they kind(友好、善良)?They are good helpers(好帮手).Lets be a good helper!依据各小组的课堂表现,可以获得 哦!让我们比一比今天哪一组是最棒的helpers吧!Lets review!This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.No, it isnt.Wheres在哪里 Mikes pencil?Lets review!Oh, thats my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.over there在那里Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil.This isnt my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Lets read!Stationery 文具 4schoolbag (大声说出单词或句子,才能帮老师打到地鼠哦!)Game timerubberpencil casePpencil case rulerPrulercrayoncrayona red crayonIs this your crayon?This isnt my pencil!Is that your pen?No,it isnt!Is this your schoolbag?Yes,it is!a good helper帮助找回丢失的文具Lost and found(失物招领):A: Is this your?B: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.如果不是你的文具,你可以加入老师的助人为乐小分队,帮助老师一起寻找它的主人哦!Fun time1.6人小组,一位小朋友蒙上眼罩,另一位小朋友拿出一样文具放在lost and found失物招领盒子中,2.摘下眼罩,用Is this your?询问小组成员,寻找文具的主人,3.找到文具的主人后,可以换一个小朋友继续新一轮寻找游戏哦!Work in groups: 6人小组,轮流玩一玩帮助寻找文具主人的游戏吧!Something about mea good helperCartoon timeIts lunch time午餐时间. lunch box午餐盒 Which哪一个 is Sams lunch box?Lets ask: Sam,Sam,is this your lunch box? Cartoon timeIs this my lunch box?Cartoon timeLets ask:让我们跟着Bobby一起问一问吧! Guess(猜一猜):Whats in Sams lunch box?Is this a/an?pie/banana/ice cream/Wheres 在哪里 Sams lunch box now?Watch and findWhats in Sams lunch box?Watch and findWhats in Sams lunch box?自读卡通,想一想: Read and answerDoes Bobby like the cake?Why为什么?Is this my lunch box?Lets read!Lets read!Lets read!Ha! Ha!Lets read!Tip:英语中有些句子中的单词可以连读哦!Lets read!This is for you, Bobby.Lets read!三人小组任选一种方式,读一读演一演!小组内分角色读小组内齐读小组内分角色表演Lets show!要注意模仿人物的神态和语气哦!Lets show!小组内分角色读小组内齐读小组内分角色表演a good helper?a kind(友好的、善良的)helpera wise(理性的,聪明的)helperLets be a kind and wise helper!帮助别人之前先要了解别人的需求哦!轮到Bobby分享自己的午餐了,Lets imagine! 他给Sam带来的是还是 呢,充分发挥你的想象吧!a mouse cakea cake/pie/hot dog/Is this/that your?Wheres your?This . . is for you.Thank you./ No. Thank you!Lets imagine!三人小组展开想象,并表演。Lets imagine!Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.Lets readIs that your lunch box?No, it isnt.Is this your lunch box?No, it isnt.What is it?Look, this is my lunch box.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha! Ha!A joke.Homework:1、请用本单元所学句子与更多的同学 交流,熟悉他们的文具。2、当在教室里拾到物品时,请记得运 用学到的句子与同学交谈、找到失主哦!一、教学目标 1. 学生在简单询问物主的情境中复习句型 Is this a/ your? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. 学生能在特定场景中正确使用一般疑问句 Is this a/ your?和别人作简单交流,并根据自己的真实感受用 Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.回答;3. 学生能理解 Wheres ?的意思,并能初步使用;4. 理解 cartoon time 的有趣之处并表演。二、教学重点:1. 学生在复习句型 Is this a/ your? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. 活动学生能结合卡通上下文理解 Wheres ?的意思,并能初步使用;三、教学难点:1. 学生能在特定场景中正确使用一般疑问句 Is this a/ your?和别人作简单交流,并根据自己的真实感受用 Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.回答。2. 表演 cartoon time。四、学情分析:1、学生已经掌握一些常用文具的单词表达;2、学生通过 Story time 的学习,理解句型 Is this/ that your .?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.的意义并能初步进行简单的交流。3、孩子们都是善良的,愿意主动去帮助别人,为本课对话练习创设良好条件。4、学生尚不能灵活地运用 Is this/ that your .?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.进行实际的交流。5、针对学生对于小组合作组织形式掌握比较生疏,并不是每位学生都能有序、有效地进行合作学习,所以教师更多进行有效的示范引导。五、教学过程:Step1 Warm up1.Greetings T:Im your new English teacher today. Im Miss Zhang. Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afternoon,Miss Zhang. T:Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you,too. Step2.Revision and presentation(1)Guessing game: T:Lets begin our class.Look! Miss Zhang can draw. Lets play a guessing game! Guess: What am I drawing?猜猜我在画什么? (简笔画 story time 中 Mike 的铅笔,只画一点点,让学生用句型猜) You can use “Is this a?”to ask Miss Zhang! S: Is this a?师继续完善图画,最后看看哪组的小朋友猜对了,可以奖励爱心。 T:Look!Its a pencil!(2)Lets review: T:Do you remember Whose pencil is this?Ss:Mike!T:Great!You all know,yes,its Mikes pencil!T:Look! Is this Mikes pencil?(出示课文第一幅图)Ss:No,it isnt.T:So what does Mike say?S:This isnt my pencil!Ss ReadT:We know Mike lost his pencil,who helps Mike?(PPT 出示:help 帮助)S:Liu Tao and Yang Ling.T:How?What does Liu Tao say? What does Yang Ling say?S:T:They help Mike,are they kind?Ss:Yes!T:So they are good helpers!Today lets be a good helper,too.If you have good performance today,your group will get hearts,lets see which group has best helpers at last.(出示本节课的竞赛规则) So, come on, boys and girls!加油哦!Go go go!T:Liu Tao and Yang Ling help Mike.But are they Mikes pencil?S:No.T:Wheres Mikes pencil?Look!(PPT 出示手指)Its over there.(师用手势表示)over there 出示中文并带读 让学生用手指直至远处的 lunch box/pencil case/schoolbag 并说一说 Its over there!出示 story time 最后三幅图(3)Read story time together(4)Brain stormT:We can see so many pencils in story time!Do you know some other stationeries?S:Pen,ruler,rubber.(由于都是学过的单词,所以在这里就复习带读一下,单词板书,crayon 是生词,带读并拼读一下)T:I can say a red crayon,what can you say?S:A.crayon.(5)Game time T:Oh!I want to play a game now! Look! If you can say the word or sentences louldly,you can help me to heat the mouse!Can you help me? Ss:Yes!(复习文具类单词以及 story time 中本课重点句型)Step3.Fun time:(1)Find the owners 开火车游戏 T:Good job! You know so many stationeries.Look!Here is a lost and found box.There is a pencil, a crayon and a rubber.But I cant find the owners of them.Lets be a good helper and find the owners,OK?And if it isnt your stionary,you can join me! T:Is this your rubber? S:No,it isnt!(加入老师的火车队伍) T+S:Is this your.? 重复直至找到所有文具的主任,奖励爱心给帮助找的小朋友。(2)Fun time T:You are so helpful!Now lets play the lost and found game in groups. 解释规则:Look at the rules!I need 5 Ss to play with me here!Who want to come? 1. One of you,put on the eye patch!One of you,put a stationnary in the box. 2.Take off the eye patch,use Is this your.?to find the owner.(让学生示范) 3.After that,you can change a student and play it again! Got it?明白了吗?Ss:Yes!6 人小组玩游戏Step3.Cartoon time:(1)T:You can help me,help your friends!You are really good helpers!But look! There is another box in my lost and found box. What is it?Ss:Teach lunch boxT:Here are two lunch boxes, too. Lets ask Sam which is his lunch box?PPT 引导 Ss:Sam, Sam, is this your lunch box?PPT:xPPT 引导 Ss:Sam, Sam, is this your lunch box?PPT:T:Lets listen:Sam:Is this your lunch box? Mum:Yes,it is. So we know the blue lunch box is Sams!(2)T:Look! Sam is at school now. Wheres Sams lunch box?Lets ask with Bobby! Bobby:Wheres your lunch box? Ss: Wheres your lunch box?Bobby:Wheres your lunch box? Ss: Wheres your lunch box? Sam: Its over there. 指一指说一说 Its over there.(3)Guess:Whats in Sams lunch box? PPT 提示:Is this a/an?(pie/banana/ice cream/) Ss:Is this a/an?(4)Watch and find:Whats in Sams lunch box? Ss:Cakes!(5)Read and answer 自读卡通,想一想: Does Bobby like it? Why? S:老鼠蛋糕 T:Yes,the cakes look like Bobby, so he is afraid.(6)Lets read!模仿语音语调 读到 Wheres your lunch box? Its over there. This is for you,Bobby. No, thank you.的时候让学生单独加上动作模仿。 What is it?先让学生多听几遍,然后出示 tips:英语中有些句子中的单独可以连读哦!,然后让学生多模仿几次。(7)Lets show! T:Now its your turn to read cartoon and show! If you choose to read together,you can get one heart! 小组齐读 If you choose to read in roles,you can get two hearts!小组内分角色朗读If you choose to act in roles,you can get three hearts! 小组内分角色表演要模仿任务的神态和语气哦!Step4.Progress: (1)T:You got so many hearts today. You are really good helpers. Do you think Sam is a good helper too? Ss: T:I think he is a kind helper. But I dont think he is a wise helper. Lets be a kind and wise helper,Ok? Ss:OK! (2)Lets imagine! T:Just now, we know Bobby doesnt like the cake because its a mouse cake.(出示有趣的蛋糕、热狗、pie 图片)Look at these pictures,theyre?PPT 提示:a cake/pie/hot dog/Ss: T:Now,its Bobbys turn to share his lunch to Sam,is it a surprise or a scare? Lets imagine! 三人小组展开想象并表演。PPT 提示:Is this/that your?Wheres your?This . . is for you.Thank you./ No. Thank you!(3)Share a story by the teacher.Step5.Homework:1、请用本单元所学句子与更多的同学交流,熟悉他们的文具。2、当在教室里拾到物品时,请记得运用学到的句子与同学交谈、找到失主哦!六、板书设计: Unit3 Is this your pencil? Is this your.? Yes, it is.No,it isnt. over therelunch boxpencil case schoolbagruler rubber pencrayon pencil Unit3Is this your pencil?(第二课时:Fun time&Cartoon time)What is it?Guessing game!看影猜物What is it in the box?“盒里的东西是什么?”Tip:你可以用Is this a ?问问老师、来猜一猜哦!Wheres your pencil ?在哪里 . . .三人小组内互相问一问:Wheres your ?并展示出你的文具。Brain stormLets show:Is this your ?Is this your ?No, it isnt.No, it isnt.Yes, it is.Yes, it is.Rules : 1.六人一组。2.用“Is this/that your?”来提问, 找出所有文具的主人。3.可以轮流提问哦。Fun timeWhose lunch box is it?lunch box 午餐盒box Watch and answerWatch and answerWhose lunch box is it?lunch box 午餐盒box Watch and answerIs this my lunch box?Yes. it is.Tips:重音 . 升调 降调2.Whats in Sams lunch box? A. Pies B. Cakes C. BobbyRead and choose1. Wheres Sams lunch box? A. On the desk. B. Over there.ABover there在那里Where s your lunch box ?Its over there.Tips:重音 . 升调 降调Cakes!Tips:重音 . 升调 降调Ha!Ha!What is it?Does like the lunch?Does like the lunch?Ha! Ha!No! Thank you.Think and readIs this my lunch box?注意模仿标准的语音语调哦。Lets imiate!Ha! Ha!This is for you, Bobby.三人小组任选一种方式,自己读一读小组内分角色读自己朗读小组内齐读Reading time要注意模仿人物的神态和语气哦!Lets act!轮到Bobby分享自己的午餐了,他给Sam带来的是还是 呢,充分发挥你的想象吧!Lets imagine!Is this/that your?Wheres your?This . . is for you.Thank you./ No. Thank you!Lets imagine!三人小组展开想象,并表演。Wheres your ? Its .Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.Is that ?No, .Is that your lunch box?No, it isnt.Is this your ?No, .Is this your lunch box?No, it isnt.Whats ?Look,.Whats in it?Look, this is my lunch box.Ah!.Ha! Ha!.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha! Ha!A joke(玩笑).Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.Lets readIs that your lunch box?No, it isnt.Is this your lunch box?No, it isnt.Whats in it?Look, this is my lunch box.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha! Ha!A joke. 1.1.自己设计游戏复习巩固所学单词。自己设计游戏复习巩固所学单词。2. 2. 使用使用Is this/that your.? Is this/that your.? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Yes, it is./No, it isnt.介绍自己的物品。介绍自己的物品。3.3.复习整个单元。复习整个单元。 Homework Unit3Is this your pencil?(Period2:Fun time&Cartoon time)Miss ZhangGuessing game你可以用Is this a ?问问老师、来猜一猜哦!Whose(谁的) pencil is this?Lets review!This isnt my pencil.Who helps(帮助) Mike?Is this your pencil?Is that your pencil?Are they kind(友好、善良)?They are good helpers(好帮手).Lets be a good helper!依据各小组的课堂表现,可以获得 哦!让我们比一比今天哪一组是最棒的helpers吧!Lets review!This isnt my pencil.Is this your pencil?Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.No, it isnt.Wheres在哪里 Mikes pencil?Lets review!Oh, thats my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.over there在那里Is this your pencil?No, it isnt.Is that your pencil?No, it isnt.Oh, thats my pencil.This isnt my pencil.Is that a pencil?Yes, it is. Its a pencil.Lets read!Stationery 文具 4schoolbag (大声说出单词或句子,才能帮老师打到地鼠哦!)Game timerubberpencil casePpencil case rulerPrulercrayoncrayona red crayonIs this your crayon?This isnt my pencil!Is that your pen?No,it isnt!Is this your schoolbag?Yes,it is!a good helper帮助找回丢失的文具Lost and found(失物招领):A: Is this your?B: Yes, it is./No, it isnt.如果不是你的文具,你可以加入老师的助人为乐小分队,帮助老师一起寻找它的主人哦!Fun time1.6人小组,一位小朋友蒙上眼罩,另一位小朋友拿出一样文具放在lost and found失物招领盒子中,2.摘下眼罩,用Is this your?询问小组成员,寻找文具的主人,3.找到文具的主人后,可以换一个小朋友继续新一轮寻找游戏哦!Work in groups: 6人小组,轮流玩一玩帮助寻找文具主人的游戏吧!Something about mea good helperCartoon timeIts lunch time午餐时间. lunch box午餐盒 Which哪一个 is Sams lunch box?Lets ask: Sam,Sam,is this your lunch box? Cartoon timeIs this my lunch box?Cartoon timeLets ask:让我们跟着Bobby一起问一问吧! Guess(猜一猜):Whats in Sams lunch box?Is this a/an?pie/banana/ice cream/Wheres 在哪里 Sams lunch box now?Watch and findWhats in Sams lunch box?Watch and findWhats in Sams lunch box?自读卡通,想一想: Read and answerDoes Bobby like the cake?Why为什么?Is this my lunch box?Lets read!Lets read!Lets read!Ha! Ha!Lets read!Tip:英语中有些句子中的单词可以连读哦!Lets read!This is for you, Bobby.Lets read!三人小组任选一种方式,读一读演一演!小组内分角色读小组内齐读小组内分角色表演Lets show!要注意模仿人物的神态和语气哦!Lets show!小组内分角色读小组内齐读小组内分角色表演a good helper?a kind(友好的、善良的)helpera wise(理性的,聪明的)helperLets be a kind and wise helper!帮助别人之前先要了解别人的需求哦!轮到Bobby分享自己的午餐了,Lets imagine! 他给Sam带来的是还是 呢,充分发挥你的想象吧!a mouse cakea cake/pie/hot dog/Is this/that your?Wheres your?This . . is for you.Thank you./ No. Thank you!Lets imagine!三人小组展开想象,并表演。Lets imagine!Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.Lets readIs that your lunch box?No, it isnt.Is this your lunch box?No, it isnt.What is it?Look, this is my lunch box.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha! Ha!A joke.Homework:1、请用本单元所学句子与更多的同学 交流,熟悉他们的文具。2、当在教室里拾到物品时,请记得运 用学到的句子与同学交谈、找到失主哦!张萍 Unit3 Is this your pencil?实录: T:Lets begin our class.Look! Miss Zhang can draw. Lets play a guessing game! Guess: What am I drawing?猜猜我在画什么? You can use “Is this a?”to ask Miss Zhang! S1: Is this a pencil? T:OK,maybe.S2:Is this a rubber?T:A rubber? Maybe!Look!Can you guess? Is this?You try!S3:Is this a pencil case?T:Is this a pencil case? Look! You try!S:Is this a ruler?T:Look!S: Is this a rubber?T:What is it?S:Its a pencil! T:Its a pencil! Whose pencil is this?Do you know?S:Mike!T:its Mikes pencil! Yes or no?Ss:Yes!T:Its Mikes pencil.T:Look! Is this Mikes pencil,too? Is this Mikes pencil,too? Yes or no?Ss:No.T:So Mike says? what does Mike say?S:This isnt a pencil!T:This isnt my pencil! Thank you. Sit down, please.T:This isnt my pencil! Ss: This isnt a pencil!T:We know Mike lost his pencil,who helps Mike?S:Liu Tao and Yang Ling.T:How?What does Liu Tao say? S:This is a pencil.T:Think it over.S:This isnt your pencil.T: This isnt your pencil?OK,you try.S:Is this your pencil?T: Good! What does Yang Ling say? S:Is that a pencil?T:Is thatS:your!T:Yes! Is that your pencil?T:They help Mike,are they kind?Ss:Yes!T:So they are good helpers!Today lets be a good helper,too.If you have good performance today,your group will get hearts,lets see which group has best helpers at last. So, come on, boys and girls! Go go go!T:Liu Tao and Yang Ling help Mike.But are they Mikes pencil?S:No.T:Wheres Mikes pencil?Look! Its over there. over there ,it means 在那里T:Lets point and say. Look at the schoolbag. ItsS:Its over there!T:Look t the pencil case.S:Its over there! Read story time togetherT:We can see so many pencils in story time!Do you know some other stationeries?S:Pen,ruler,rubber.T:I can say a red crayon,what can you say?S:A blue crayon.S:A green crayon.S:A big crayon.T:Yes, very good! You know some many stationeries T:Oh!I want to play a game now! Look! If you can say the word or sentences louldly,you can help me to heat the mouse! Can you help me? Ss:Yes!S:schoolbag T:Good job! You are good helpers. Look!Here is a lost and found box. There is a pencil, a crayon and a rubber. But I cant find the owners of them .Lets be a good helper and find the owners,OK?And if it isnt your stationary,you can join me! T:Is this your rubber? S:No,it isnt! T+S:Is this your rubber? S: No,it isnt!T+S:Is this your rubber? S: No,it isnt! 重复直至找到所有文具的主人T:You are good helpers!Thank you! T:You are so helpful!Now lets play the lost and found game in groups.Look at the rules!I need 5 Ss to play with me here!Who want to come? 1. One of you,put on the eye patch!One of you,put a stationnary in the box. 2.Take off the eye patch,use Is this your.?to find the owner.(让学生示范) S:Is this your pencil? S: No,it isnt!S:Is this your penci? S: Yes,it is! 3.After that,you can change a student and play it again! Got it?明白了吗?Ss:Yes!6 人小组玩游戏 T:You can help me,help your friends!You are really good helpers!But look! There is another box in my lost and found box. What is it?Ss: 饭盒T:I
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Unit Is this your pencil _Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:73af9) 牛津 译林版 英语 _unit
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