Unit 5 How old are you -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:7041a).zip


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UnitUnit 5 5How old are you?(Fun time & cartoon time) 主备人:主备人:Miss Li 盱眙县旧铺中心小学盱眙县旧铺中心小学Lets singTip:Try to sing the song and clap your hands to the music . 试着跟着音乐唱唱字母歌并且拍手打节拍哟。试着跟着音乐唱唱字母歌并且拍手打节拍哟。Lets playIf you see a number, read it out.如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来并表演出来。If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ”如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!”。twonineeightonethree1046fiveone two three four fivesix seven eight nine tenCan you read them?A: Hello, Im.Nice to meet you.B: Hello, Im Nice to meet you too .A: How old are you?B: Im _. What about you?A: ImLets talk 门牌号报警电话13243766675110Help them to find their home. (帮助它们找到它们的家。)帮助它们找到它们的家。)Tip:Use the numbers in our daily life. 在日常生活中使用这些数字。在日常生活中使用这些数字。车牌号码苏D133K7202 电话号码Lets thinkseven ofive o one othree o下一个数字是?下一个数字是?前一个数字是?前一个数字是?s threef ten o sevene five eightsixtwofourtwoninesixfour游戏规则:游戏规则: 六人一小组,选出一位组长给出六人一小组,选出一位组长给出1 1到到1010任任意一个数字,请持有意一个数字,请持有该数字该数字 的同学,迅速的同学,迅速起立。并大声说出这个数字。比比,谁的起立。并大声说出这个数字。比比,谁的反应更快哟!反应更快哟! Lets play如果回答正确,大家一起说:如果回答正确,大家一起说: Yes,yes,youre right!如果回答错误或反应慢,则说:如果回答错误或反应慢,则说: Sorry,sorry,youre out!比一比,看看谁说得既正确又快比一比,看看谁说得既正确又快!游戏规则:游戏规则: 1.1.请持有请持有 1 1到到5 5数字的五位同学上台,请持数字的五位同学上台,请持有有该数字相邻数字该数字相邻数字 的同学,迅速向前一步的同学,迅速向前一步。 2.2.请持有请持有 6 6到到1010数字的五位同学上台,请数字的五位同学上台,请持有持有 该数字相邻数字该数字相邻数字 的同学,迅速向前一的同学,迅速向前一步。步。 如果回答正确,大家一起说:如果回答正确,大家一起说: Yes,yes,youre right!如果回答错误或反应慢,则说:如果回答错误或反应慢,则说: Sorry,sorry,youre out!比一比,看看谁说得既正确又快比一比,看看谁说得既正确又快!These presents are for you. 选一个礼物吧!a nice dollWhat a nice !balltoy carrobotdollWhat do you want? 你想要什么?你想要什么?I want a .我想要一个 make a wish cake许愿许愿Lets guessWhat does Sam want? Sam想要什么?I want a What a nice cake!2.What does Sam want?(Sam 想要什么?)1.How old is Sam?Lets watch2.What does Sam want?(Sam 想要什么?)A A robotrobot ,a a toytoy carcar and.and.HeHes s two.two.1.How old is Sam?Is Bobby happy? from day(白天)to night(黑夜)Lets thinkWhy?1.What did Bobby shout? Bobby 说了什么?2.Can you imitate his tone? 你能模仿Bobby的语气吗?Happy birthday, Sam!What a nice cake!How old are you, Sam?Make a wish, Sam.Sam! Its time for the cake!Lets read and act !Read in roles.与同桌分角色朗读故事 Read by yourself. 自己练习完整地读出故事Act the story.表演故事How old are you?丰富的表情和动作会使表演更精彩哦!丰富的表情和动作会使表演更精彩哦!Sam许了那么多生日愿望,他的朋友们帮他实现了吗?两人一组,分别把生日礼物送给Sam吧! A: Happy Birthday,Sam!B: Thank you.A: How old are you?B: Im A: This is for you!B: Whats this?A: Open it, please.B: Oh, what a nice.! Thank you!学会分享!学会分享! Learn to share!你会收获更多快乐!你会收获更多快乐!You can get more happiness!Homework:1. Read Cartoon time after the tape.(跟录音朗读Cartoon Time)2. Share the story with your parents. (跟父母分享这个有趣的故事。)课题Unit 5 How old are you?教学课时第二课时教学内容Fun time & cartoon time教学课型新授课教学目标1.在第一课时基础上,能进一步建立单词 nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 的音、行、义的联系。2.能理解句型 How old are you? Im . 的含义,并能应用到实际中进行描述。3.学生能初步听懂、会说、会读单词 right, out, want,能初步听懂并会说句型 What a ! Make a wish.能理解 cartoon time 的幽默之处。重点难点1.能理解句型 How old are you? Im . 的含义,并能应用到实际中进行描述。2.学生能听懂、会说、会读单词 right, out, want,能初步听懂并会说句型What a ! Make a wish.能理解 cartoon time 的幽默之处。教学准备Word cards , model cake and PPT板书 设计教学设计Step 1 Greetings and warm up 1. Enjoy the Numbers Train Song.T: Boys and girls, now lets enjoy a number song. Can you clap your hands and dance to the music like this?Ss: Yes.Can you read the number s from 1 to 10设计意图:歌曲导入,营造轻松活跃的课堂氛围,激活学生有关数字的储备知识,再次复习 one, two, three相关数字。2. Lets talk A: Hello, Im.Nice to meet you.B: Hello, Im Nice to meet you too .A: How old are you?B: Im _. What about you?A: Im设计意图:同桌自编对话,复习上一课时重点句型 How old are you? I am并且进一步在具体的情境中运用数字,将英语的学习生活化。3.Lets thinkTo help the numbers find their home.Whats the next number?seven five one three Whats the number before? three ten seven five 设计意图:在回顾数字的基础上,进行前一个数字,后一个数字的操练,为下一环节 Fun time 铺路搭桥,降低游戏难度。4. Fun time (课前布置孩子完成数字卡片)T: Lets play a game. Lets play it in groups. Each group will ask a student to give a number, the students with the number should stand up quickly and say the number quickly. If the student is right, the other students will say “Yes, yes , you are right”.If the student is wrong, the other students will say “No, no, you are out”.T: Now, I need five students with the number from one to five come to front. Ill give you a number, the students with the number before and the next number should step forward quickly. The students with the number from six to ten come to the front and play the game. If you are right, the other students will say “Yes, yes , you are right”.If you are wrong, the other students will say “No, no, you are out”.设计意图:学生拿出课前准备好的卡片,在游戏环节中继续深入操练数字,注重学生的情感体验,在愉快的游戏情境中习得句式“You are right” “You are out” ,寓学于乐。Step 2 Presentation 1. T:You did a good job, I have some gifts for you. (doll, ball, toy car and robot)通过四件礼物呈现并操练感叹句 What a nice doll/ball/toy car/robot!What do you want? Try to use The structure “I want a ” (新授句型 I want a并进行相关操练)2. Are you happy? Sam is happy, too. Why? Show the picture of a cake.Hes having a birthday party. T: What a nice cake! Ss read after the teacher. T: What is he doing now? Can you guess? Ss: He is making a wish Ss read after the teacher. 新授 Make a wish 3. Watch and answer: Look, this is Sam. How old is he? What does Sam want?出示 Bobby 的表情,指导朗读:Its time for the cake.学生开展小组内阅读,理解情节并领会幽默之处。4.Read after the tape. 在学生理解课文情节并已学会新句子的基础上,跟读,注意不同角色的语句。 领会幽默之处:Bobby is hungry. But Sam makes a lot of wishes.5.Act in roles.Step 3 Consolidation T: Sam had a good time at his birthday party. He made a lot of wishes, what gifts did he get? Now work in pairs and make a new dialogue.A: Happy Birthday,Sam!B: Thank you.A: How old are you?B: Im A: This is for you!B: Whats this?A: Open it, please.B: Oh, what a nice.! Thank you!学会分享! Learn to share!你会收获更多快乐!You can get more happiness!(情感升华,渗透德育)设计意图:注重语言的输出和内化,在原有故事的基础上鼓励学生创编,激发学生的创造思维。Step 5 Homework 家庭作业家庭作业 1. Read Cartoon time after the tape.2. Share the story with your parents.教后反思Unit 5 How old are you? 一、写出下列数词的左邻右舍。一、写出下列数词的左邻右舍。1、_five_ 2、_nine_3、six_ _ 4、_ _ four5、_ seven_ 6、_ two_二、把下列句子译成中文。二、把下列句子译成中文。1、Youre out_ 2、How old is he?_3、I am ten_ 4、Its time for the hot dog_5、Happy birthday!_ 6、make a wish_7、I want a toy car_ 8、What a nice pencil case! _三、判断下列的中英文表述是(三、判断下列的中英文表述是(T)否()否(F)正确)正确.( )1、你想知道苏海多大,可以问:How old is Su Hai?( )2、祝贺别人生日快乐,应该说:Happy New Year!( )3、让别人许愿,应该说:Make a wish, please.( )4、你想要个玩具汽车,应该说:I want a robot.( )5、 “你呢?”应该表达为:What about a cake?四、单项选择。四、单项选择。( )1、How old _you ? A、is B、 am C、are( )2、I _two A、am B、 is C、are( )3、It is time _breakfast. A、to B、 for C、at ( )4、_a nice skirt! A、Whats B、What C、How( )5、A:_ B: Thank you! A、Please open the door B、Wheres the cake? C、Here you are.( )6、A:Look at the parrot! B: _lovely! A、Whats B、What C、How
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Unit How old are you _Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_县级公开课_新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:7041a) 牛津 译林版 英语 _unit
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