Unit 2 In the library-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d01af).zip


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Cartoon time & Song timeRule: If you see something comes out, please use your hammer(锤子)to hit it and say: Dont. Game time Game time Dont shout!r i n kua l k s h tnetleepdonto Crossword puzzle time Crossword puzzle time请将横向与纵向的单词补充完整,可以参考左边图片来填写字母哦!Dont run.Dont shout. On the bus公共汽车In class Dont sleep.Dont talk.Dont eat.Dont drink.Dont stand up.TimDont talk,Tom! I want to sleep.1分钟前TomDont sleep,Tim! I want to talk.1分钟前想想want 想要want to 想要I want to. 我想要 Learning time Learning time want to 动词(原形)What do you want to do?你想做什么?Dont talk, Tom! I want to sleep, want to sleep, want to sleep.Dont sleep, Tim! I want to talk, want to talk, want to talk.What do Tom and Tim want to do? Tom和Tim想做什么?Dont talk,Tom! Dont sleep, Tim! Song time Song time Tips: 分角色演唱,单数组扮演Tim,双数组扮演Tom,加上动作会更赞哦! Song time Song timeDont talk, Tom! Dont sleep, Tim! 想要Who wants to sing? 谁想唱一唱?I can sing the song. 我能唱这首歌。(分角色唱)(会唱)(会读)I can get _ hearts.Who? 谁? (谁向Bobby打招呼了?)Q1: Who greets Bobby? Watch and tick Watch and tick (谁向Bobby打招呼了?)Q1: Who greets Bobby? ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Bobbys cousin 表弟 Watch and tick Watch and tick This is my home. Q2: Is Bobbys cousin polite? (Bobby的表弟有礼貌吗?) Watch and answer Watch and answer No. Q2: Is Bobbys cousin polite? (Bobby的表弟有礼貌吗?) Watch and answer Watch and answer A naughty(淘气的) boy!He takes away things!他拿走了东西! 今天在 家拿了三件东西,是什么呢?听故事,圈出图前字母。 Listen and circle Listen and circle BDFACE Q3: What does Bobbys cousin take away? (Bobby的表弟拿了什么物品?)Dont shout!Dont drink my milk!Dont eat my cake!Dont run! Find and match Find and match milk牛奶drink喝Culture time:We should be niceguests at others home.在别人家里作客时,我们要讲文明。打开书到15页,圈出表示波比对小表弟行为不满的句子。(Tip: DontTip: Dont)Culture time:What can you learn from these words?从这些话中你们可以学到什么礼仪? Q4: What does Bobby say angrily for his cousins impoliteness? (由于表弟不礼貌,Bobby不满地说了哪些话?)根据课本,将Bobby不满的话与左侧故事的情境相连。兴奋吓一跳Dont shout !要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦! Read and imitate( Read and imitate(模仿模仿) ) Lets be nice readers! 做个文明读者吧!要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦!生气 Read and imitate( Read and imitate(模仿模仿) ) 要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦!伤心 Read and imitate( Read and imitate(模仿模仿) ) 要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦!好奇痛苦 Read and imitate( Read and imitate(模仿模仿) ) Its _ _ . my English book要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦!哀求、着急 Read and imitate( Read and imitate(模仿模仿) ) (最后谁找到了这本书?)Q5: Who finds the book at last?Bobbys sister, Tina要注意要注意读读读读出故事中人物的出故事中人物的心情心情, ,也可加上一些也可加上一些动动动动作作哦!哦!疑惑A.这是你的书。 B.这是你的书吗? Read and Read and imitate( imitate(模仿模仿) ) 选出这句话意思。 Read after teacher Read after teacher 跟老师读。 Read in roles Read in roles 三人一组,分角色朗读,准备一分钟。 Dubbing time Dubbing time 配音小朋友们,快来挑选自己喜欢的角色,以三人为一小组表演一下吧!注意动作和语音语调哦! Acting time Acting time 从故事中我们了解到波比表弟的行为是不礼貌的,但假如波比的小表弟变得彬彬有礼了,故事会怎样呢?请你根据所给情境编对话。 Thinking time Thinking time 思维拓展May I come in?我可以进来吗?Come in, please.Sit down, please.Thank you!.Would you like a cake?No, thank you!What about a pie?Yes, please.Drink some milk.OK. Thanks!.做一个文明的孩子,才会受到大家的欢迎哦!People will be polite to you for your nice behavior! be nice students. 让我们做文明学生吧!劝阻他们,say “Dont” Action time Action time Here are some pubilic places. Can you make posters of public rules (公共规则)?in the cinemaon the busin the parkin the library Making time Making time以下是某些公共场所的图片,你能给这些场所制作带有公共标语的海报吗?Lets be nice visitors! 做个文明游客吧!In the libraryDont _. _ In the cinemaDont _. _On the busDont _. _In the park Dont _. _ _ _ Writing time Writing time 做一个文明的学生!做一个文明的游客!做一个礼貌 的客人!文明懂礼,友善待人!1.Sing the song with your friends.(和你的朋友一起唱这首歌。)2.Tell the story to your parents.(向你的爸爸妈妈讲述这个故事。)Homework在学校图书馆里,同学们都安静看书,Mike拿了一块蛋糕闯进来大喊,如果你是图书管理员,想一想可以说些什么?和同学表演吧!A: Dont run/shout/talk in the library. Dont eat or drink here.B: Im sorry./Sorry. Show time Show time In the cinemaDont call.ballDont run.Dont shout.Dont smoke. On the bus公共汽车1. Does Bobby like the little mouse?2. What does Bobby say angrily? (Bobby 愤怒地说了哪些话,划下来)No.OK.Please read the English book .Welcome to my home again!Thank you.If you know the word, read it for two times.如果你认识这个单词,读两遍。If you dont know the word, clap your hands twice. 如果你不认识这个单词,拍两下手。Rules (规则) Lets play Lets play Lets play Lets play Game over! Lets learn Lets learn a rubber a pencil a pena ruler a crayona schoolbaga pencil case Lets guess Lets guess 猜一猜盒子里分别有哪些学习用品呢?Is this / that a ?Yes, it is .No , it isnt.猜猜最后一句话的意思是什么?Is this your book?这是你的书吗? Watch and guess Watch and guess Is Bobbys cousin polite?波比的小表弟有礼貌吗? Thinking time Thinking time Lets find: 的 怎么啦? Tip: 在文章中找到正能够给你提示的句子并有感情的读出。 Lets find:Dont eat my cake!Dont drink my milk!Is this your book?This is your book. 陈述句Is this your book? 一般疑问句这是你的书。这是你的书吗?打开书到15页,圈出表示波比对小表弟行为不满的句子。(Tip: DontTip: Dont) Q3: What does Bobby say angrily for his cousins impoliteness? (由于表弟没礼貌,Bobby生气地说了哪些话?)Culture time:在别人家里作客时,我们要有礼貌。In the cinemaDont talk.ball( )( )( )( )( )( )123456 Listen and number Listen and number Q2: What is the order of the story? (故事顺序是怎样的?)听录音,将下列图片根据故事发展顺序进行排序。ABCDEFABCDEF Watch and circle Watch and circle 翻到的三件东西,是什么呢?圈出他们的字母序号。 Dont shout!Dont drink my milk!Dont eat my cake!Dont run! Look and match Look and match Q4: What does Bobby say angrily for his cousins impoliteness? (由于表弟没礼貌,Bobby生气地说了哪些话?)因为表弟不礼貌,Bobby说了什么,看视频,并将图片与对话连起来!1Whats this?234 Think and guess Think and guess 因为表弟的不礼貌,看图猜猜Bobby会说什么,不会用英文表达的可用中文。3B3B Unit2Unit2 InIn thethe librarylibrary (tasks(tasks onon tabletstablets平板电脑上的任务平板电脑上的任务) )1 1、WatchWatch andand tick.tick.看并勾出人物。看并勾出人物。A A suggestedsuggested answer.answer.参考答案。参考答案。2 2、ListenListen andand circle.circle. 听并圈出事物。听并圈出事物。A A suggestedsuggested answer.answer.参考答案。参考答案。3 3、FindFind andand match.match. 找并匹配。找并匹配。 A A suggestedsuggested answer.answer.参考答案。参考答案。 课题 3B Unit 2 In the library教时第 2 课时一、教学目标:一、教学目标:1.能熟练听懂、会说、会用单词:shout, eat, run, talk, sleep, drink, library. 2.能熟练听懂、会说祈使句的否定句:“Dont ”.3.能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型“Is this your?”4.能读懂动画中的幽默之处。5.懂得文明道德,没有经过别人的同意,不能随意拿别人的东西, 这样是不文明不礼貌的。二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点:1.能熟练使用祈使句的否定句:“Dont ”.2.能初步听懂、会说、会运用句型“Is this your?”3.能读懂动画中的幽默之处。教学工具多媒体课件、板贴教 学 过 程时间min活动板块活动内容学生活动交流方式1 1Step1.Warming up Greeting:T: Class begins!Ss: Stand up!T: Good morning, class.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.T: Sit down, please.About We Chat:T:Some of you know We Chat. It has many functions, you can add friends, chat with others, watch the circle of friends and play 师生交流games. 4.54.5Step2. Pre-readingPre-task:回顾词汇, 复习句型1. Game time:T: Now, lets play a game. If you see the mouse, hit it and say “Dont.” (示范 Dont shout.)Ss: Dont run/talk/eat/drink/sleep.2. Crossword puzzle time:T: Can you spell related words?You know “Dont do sth.”Ss spell d-r-i-n-k.(run/shout/sleep/talk/eat).3. Finding time:T: You find some old friends nearby. Who are they? Ss: Yang Ling and Su Hai.T: Where are they?Ss: They are on the bus.T: What cant we do on the bus?Ss: Dont run/shout.T: Now we are in class. What cant we do?Look at the pictures.S:Dont sleep/talk/eat/drink/stand up.学生打地鼠说“Dont. ”.学生各种形式拼单词(一起/小组/男生/女生)快速回答师生对话师生拼读训练,巩固单词拼写出示句型模板Dont.帮助学生回顾单词,并拼读,为cartoon time 学习做铺垫。3535Step3. While-readingWhile-task:Song time&Cartoon time1.Circle of friends:T: Now, lets watch someones circle of friends. Who are they?Ss: Tim and Tom. T:Tim wants to sleep.Tom wants to talk. What does “want” mean? Guess.Ss:.想。T:What do you want to do?Ss: I want to sleep/eat/shout/open the book/sit down/talk/run/drink/stand up.T: What do Tim and Tom want to do? First, what does Tim want to do? Listen and chant.(教师示范)Ss chant together.T: What about Tom? Who can chant this time?S1 chant.T 示范边做动作边唱歌。Ss sing the song together.单数组扮演 Tim,双数组扮演Tom,加上动作。T: Who wants to sing?S2 sings the song.T: Well done! You can get three hearts!2. Shake and find more people:认识新朋友Tim 和 Tom学习 want学习 want to do学生一起唱歌谣学生边唱边加上动作学生观看卡T; Who is the boy?Ss: Hes Bobby.T: Who greets Bobby? Watch and tick.(学生观看)T: Tick the first one. Hes Bobbys cousin. Is Bobbys cousin polite? And why? Watch and answer.Ss: No. 因为他拿人家东西。T:Yes, he takes away things.What does Bobbys cousin take away? Listen and choose.(学生听课文)T: What does Bobby say angrily for his cousins impoliteness? Open your book and turn to page 15. Circle the impolite sentences.T: Now please match the impolite sentences with the pictures.T:What can we learn from the story?Ss:.Culture time:T: We should be nice guests at others home.T: Now lets be nice readers. Read gently together.Read from pic 1 to 3.通视频学生在平板上做打勾题学生回答学生在平板上做选择题学生圈出Bobby 生气的话语学生在平板上做匹配题,学习 drink, milk学生学习短语:English book学生边做动作边学习句请学生模仿三个角色,注意角色的语气。Read from pic 4-5.Read from pic 6.T: Who finds the book at last?Ss: Bobbys sister, Tina.Read from pic 7.T: Whats the meaning of this sentence? (Choose B:这是你的书吗?)Read after the teacher.Read in roles.Dub the story.Act the story.子“Is this your book?”跟读分角色朗读表演注意语音语调,角色的感情变化跟读时注意朗读符号,模仿语调鼓励学生脱离书本4.54.5Step4.Post-readingPost-task:Make dialogues1.Thinking time:(思维拓展)T: From the story, we know Bobbys cousin is impolite. But if he became polite, what would he say according to the condition? Please make dialogues.2.Consolidation:T: People will be polite to you for your nice behavior! Lets be nice people and say “Dont.”Ss: Dont eat/shout/talk/drink/run/sleep.3.Making time:T:In addition of being nice people, we should be nice visitors. Here are some public 学生回答问题学生制作海报问答方式,锻炼学生核心素养中的思维品质places. Can you make posters for one of these places? And then you can write some signs on it.I will show some posters to you.3.Emotion elevation:(感情升华)T:When we are in the library or classroom, we should be nice students. When we are outside, we should be nice visitors.When we at others home, we should be nice guests. Please be polite and nice to others! Everyone can achieve the goal!学生在海报上书写标语让学生制作海报过程中教育学生要做文明礼貌的人。Homework1.Sing the song with your friends. 2. Tell the story to your parents.板书设计Unit 2 In the libraryDont (图片)(图片) run shout I want to sleep talk
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Unit In the library_Fun time&Cartoon time_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d01af) 牛津 译林版 英语 _unit time
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