Unit 7 On the farm-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d1a7c).zip


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英语(译林三年级下册)英语(译林三年级下册)Unit 7 On the farmSound time, Song time& Checkout time Teaching contents 教学内容教学内容Sound time, Song time&Checkout time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 巩固运用句型:What are these/those? 及其应答Theyre Are these/those?2. 能运用新句型:Whats that under the tree? Its a What are these/those under the tree? Theyre s.3. 通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。4. 会唱歌曲On the farm 。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:巩固运用句型What are these/those? 及其应答Theyre Are these/those ?教学难点:能在语境中熟练运用本单元所学的交际用语和句型。Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备教学准备:教学准备:PPT 多媒体Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, .T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.2. T: This farm is very nice. There are many animals. Do you know whose farm it is? Look, hes coming. Whos he? S: Hes Tom. How is Tom, guess? T: Yes, Tom is a clever boy. He has a beautiful farm. T: What can you say to him? S1: Nice to meet you, Tom.T : Boys and girls,Today is Toms Mums birthday, Tom wants to do some things for his Mum, These are his plans, Lets help him, OK ?1.Work for Mum.2.Sing for Mum.3.Make a gift for Mum.Step 2 Review&Checkout time1. T: There are some animals on the farm. Do you know what are they? S1: Theyre pigs. S2: Theyre dogs. S3: They are ducks. T: There are some fruits, too. What are they? S1: Theyre some apples. S2: Theyre some pears. T: Tom is very happy that you can help him. Now he can show you around his farm. Look! What a nice farm! You can ask some questions.S1: Whats this?S2: Whats that?T: Yes. Whats that under the tree?S3: What are those?T: What are those under the tree?S4: What are these?2. T: You have so many questions. Now please work in pairs. (编对话,提供主要句型:Whats this/that? Its a/an What are these/those? Theyre Its/Theyre nice/cute.)3. T: Please open you books and try to fill in the blanks. S: OK. T: Are you ready? Lets check the answers. Please pay attention to the singular forms and plural forms. S: OK.Step 3 Song time2. T: Good. You know the things on the farm. Now can you try to sing a song about a farm? S: Yes. S1: Pigs on the farm go “Oink, Oink.” Pigs on the farm go “Oink, Oink.”Pigs on the farm go “Oink, Oink, Oink.”The Pigs go “Oink, Oink, Oink.” S2: Cows on the farm are Moo, Moo. Cows on the farm are Moo, Moo.Cows on the farm are Moo, Moo. The Cows go Moo, Moo, Moo.S3,S4 T: Wonderful. You all did a good job. Tom: You can visit my farm.Step 4 Sound time1. T: Tom is a clever boy. He wants to show you around his farm. But today is his Mums birthday. He wants to make something for his mother first. Lets listen: What does he want to make? (点击播放) S: He wants to make an ice cream. T: Yes. Can you help him? Lets try to read this rhyme. S: Clever (聪明的) Tom from the farm. Makes ice cream for his mum. 2. T: Pay attention to this rhyme. Which letter appears most? S: M. T: What does it pronounce? Ss: /m/. T: Yes. Nice!3. T: Some other words pronounce m. Can you try to read and make a new sentence? S: OK. S1: Come in, Miss Li. Welcome to my family. My Mum is so happy.Step5 Ticking timeT: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit? Lets check it out. Look! (PPT显示3个目标及中文) We have three targets in Unit 7 On the farm.S: I can talk about things on the farm.S: I know some nouns have an “s” at the end.S: I know the sound of the letter “m”.T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now its your ticking time. Please open your books and turn to Page 49 and tick by your deskmate.T: Finished? How many stars can you get? (部分学生举手)Ss: I can get . stars.T: We should enjoy our life. So please go out, and you will see many beautiful things in our life. Love your father/mother/Step5 Homework1.Sing a song on the farm to your family.2.Talk about the things around you with your friends using the sentences of this unit.3. Visit a farm if its possible.板书设计:板书设计: Unit 7 On the farm m/m/ Clever Tom from the farm Makes ice cream for his Mum.U7 On the farmWhats this? Its a _p_._ this a duck? No, its _.Is that a _c_? Yes, it is.What are _ _ the tree? They are _.Are these_? Yes, theyre_.Whats _ under the tree? _.Whats this? Its _.Unit 7( Period 3 ) Learning aimsI can sing the song on the farm.我会唱在农场上这首歌。I know some nouns with s at the end.我知道一些名词复数结尾加s。I know the sound of the letter m我知道字母m的发音。clever Tom 聪明的汤姆聪明的汤姆from the farm 来自农场来自农场omTTom clever 聪明的 同学们,今天是Mum的生日,农场小主人Tom决定为她做些事儿。他做了以下计划,请你一起来帮助他吧。make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌) What can we do for mum on the farm? 在农场上我们可以帮妈妈干什么?在农场上我们可以帮妈妈干什么?pick some fruit (摘水果摘水果)feed the animals (喂养小动物喂养小动物)Work for mumWhat are they?Lets guess!What are these/those? Theyre(s)Whats this/that? ItsYummy, yummy,yummy! (美味的)Are these/those(s)?Lets guess!fruit trees(果树)appleapplesred applesthese big red applesthese big red apples in the bagbig red applesLets read!Lets make!ssthese sthese s in thes Useful words:these thoseapples oranges pears bananas red yellow orange big small long(长 的) .on the tree in the bag under the tree.自己开始编写水果金字塔吧!自己开始编写水果金字塔吧!要注意用复数形式,尽可能多说哦!要注意用复数形式,尽可能多说哦!Lets make!make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)1.Whats the name of the song? (歌名是什么?)2. What animals are mentioned in the song? (歌中提到了什么动物?) 3. What do they sound like? (他们发出什么样的声音?)oinLets listen!Lets listen!1.Whats the name of the song? (歌名是什么?)2. What animals are mentioned in the song? (歌中提到了什么动物?) 3. What do they sound like? (他们发出什么样的声音?)On the farm.Pigs.Oink, oink, oink.Tip: oink 表示猪的呼噜声!表示猪的呼噜声!oinLets listen!On the farmLets sing! Pigs on the farm go oink, oink. Pigs on the farm go oink, oink .Pigs on the farm go“oink, oink, oink.The pigs go oink, oink, oink. on the farm go , . on the farm go , . on the farm go“ , , .The go , , .Quack,quackMoo,mooCheep,cheepLets sing!Woofwoofmake a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物)? work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his mum.cakeMLets read! 做做 他的他的please find some words with letter m/m/Lets read!Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his Mum.Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his Mum.my family Im me farm make small milkice cream welcome hamburger(汉堡)Choose some of them and make a sentence to Toms mum.选择一个或几个单词说个句子,送给汤姆的妈妈。my family Im me farm make small milkice cream welcome hamburger/ m /Lets make!make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)Happy birthday to you!Love your father and mother/ friends/teachers/classmates(同学同学) 同学们,所有任务都完成了。这节课的学习目标你们都达到了吗?Lets tick!I can sing the song on the farm.我会唱在农场上这首歌。I know some nouns with s at the end.我知道一些名词复数结尾加s。I know the sound of the letter m我知道字母m的发音。Homework1. Sing a song on the farm to your family. 唱歌曲唱歌曲 on the farm 给家人听。给家人听。2.Talk about the things around you with your friends using the sentences of this unit. 和朋友用本单元的句型谈论周围的东西。和朋友用本单元的句型谈论周围的东西。3. Visit a farm if its possible. 周末或假期,有机会亲自去体验农场生活。周末或假期,有机会亲自去体验农场生活。Unit 7( Period 3 ) Learning aimsI can sing the song on the farm.我会唱在农场上这首歌。I know some nouns with s at the end.我知道一些名词复数结尾加s。I know the sound of the letter m我知道字母m的发音。clever Tom 聪明的汤姆聪明的汤姆from the farm 来自农场来自农场omTTom clever 聪明的 同学们,今天是Mum的生日,农场小主人Tom决定为她做些事儿。他做了以下计划,请你一起来帮助他吧。make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌) What can we do for mum on the farm? 在农场上我们可以帮妈妈干什么?在农场上我们可以帮妈妈干什么?pick some fruit (摘水果摘水果)feed the animals (喂养小动物喂养小动物)Work for mumWhat are they?Lets guess!What are these/those? Theyre(s)Whats this/that? ItsYummy, yummy,yummy! (美味的)Are these/those(s)?Lets guess!fruit trees(果树)appleapplesred applesthese big red applesthese big red apples in the bagbig red applesLets read!Lets make!ssthese sthese s in thes Useful words:these thoseapples oranges pears bananas red yellow orange big small long(长 的) .on the tree in the bag under the tree.自己开始编写水果金字塔吧!自己开始编写水果金字塔吧!要注意用复数形式,尽可能多说哦!要注意用复数形式,尽可能多说哦!Lets make!make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)1.Whats the name of the song? (歌名是什么?)2. What animals are mentioned in the song? (歌中提到了什么动物?) 3. What do they sound like? (他们发出什么样的声音?)oinLets listen!Lets listen!1.Whats the name of the song? (歌名是什么?)2. What animals are mentioned in the song? (歌中提到了什么动物?) 3. What do they sound like? (他们发出什么样的声音?)On the farm.Pigs.Oink, oink, oink.Tip: oink 表示猪的呼噜声!表示猪的呼噜声!oinLets listen!On the farmLets sing! Pigs on the farm go oink, oink. Pigs on the farm go oink, oink .Pigs on the farm go“oink, oink, oink.The pigs go oink, oink, oink. on the farm go , . on the farm go , . on the farm go“ , , .The go , , .Quack,quackMoo,mooCheep,cheepLets sing!Woofwoofmake a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物)? work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his mum.cakeMLets read! 做做 他的他的please find some words with letter m/m/Lets read!Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his Mum.Clever Tom from the farm,Makes ice cream for his Mum.my family Im me farm make small milkice cream welcome hamburger(汉堡)Choose some of them and make a sentence to Toms mum.选择一个或几个单词说个句子,送给汤姆的妈妈。my family Im me farm make small milkice cream welcome hamburger/ m /Lets make!make a gift for mum (给妈妈做一个礼物给妈妈做一个礼物) work for mum (帮妈妈干活儿帮妈妈干活儿)sing for mum (为妈妈唱歌为妈妈唱歌)Happy birthday to you!Love your father and mother/ friends/teachers/classmates(同学同学) 同学们,所有任务都完成了。这节课的学习目标你们都达到了吗?Lets tick!I can sing the song on the farm.我会唱在农场上这首歌。I know some nouns with s at the end.我知道一些名词复数结尾加s。I know the sound of the letter m我知道字母m的发音。Homework1. Sing a song on the farm to your family. 唱歌曲唱歌曲 on the farm 给家人听。给家人听。2.Talk about the things around you with your friends using the sentences of this unit. 和朋友用本单元的句型谈论周围的东西。和朋友用本单元的句型谈论周围的东西。3. Visit a farm if its possible. 周末或假期,有机会亲自去体验农场生活。周末或假期,有机会亲自去体验农场生活。
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Unit On the farm_Sound time Song Checkout time Ticking time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d1a7c) 牛津
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本文标题:Unit 7 On the farm-Sound time, Song time, Checkout time & Ticking time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d1a7c).zip

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