Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future-Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s Speech-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:10d0c).zip


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1冀教版九年级英语冀教版九年级英语Lesson 58 Ms. Lius Speech 教学反思教学反思 冀教版九年级英语阅读量增大,难度也有所增加,本课是九年级 Unit10 第 4 课,课文话题为毕业演讲,本课旨在以课文为载体,为学生英文毕业演讲做铺垫,从而让学生发表毕业感言。对学生的口语表达能力和阅读能力都有新的要求,这就对教师的要求有了新的提高。一、教师首先要把握重、难点。这是英语教学对教师最起码的要求。如果无法很好的把握重难点,则会对重点知识的讲授蜻蜓点水,导致学生也无法分清重、难点。学生在学习的过程中把大量的时间花费在零散知识上,而忽视了重中之重。为了更好的把握重难点就要认真的研读教材,仔细研读新课程标准,结合具体课型及内容确定恰当的重难点,本课重点在于英语基础知识的掌握,如 speech, period, valuable, achieve, behalf, congratulation, go by, fall down, pick yourself up, on behalf of等词汇,以及课文的理解,培养学生利用课文所给信息完成短文所缺信息的能力。难点在于通过老师归纳的 5 步提纲,以小组合作的方式学生进行毕业典礼发言。本课重点知识达成效果良好,难点突破方面有新的创新,学生课堂收获颇多。2二、激发学生兴趣,全方位营造英语学习氛围。学生对语言的感知方式灵活多样,有视觉和听觉等,本课导入环节经过精心筛选,选用马云在哥伦比亚大学的一场演讲的片段,马云作为学生熟悉的公众人物 ,榜样的力量是无穷的,马云的演讲内容关于自学英语的经历及方法,和本课毕业演讲有共同之处,学生可以借鉴,通过观看演讲视频,可以拓宽学生英语学习的渠道,开阔学生的英语视野,这样的导入产生了“一箭双雕”的效果。三、依托词汇教学,强化双基训练,突出语言运用。 英语教学的最终目标是培养学生综合运用语言的能力,实现这一目标的基础是扎实的双基训练,双基训练的效果主要由词汇教学的效果来体现。因此,本课精心设计以 Free Talk 的形式进行词汇教学的方法,配合学生感兴趣的图片等使词汇教学得以有效落实,通过词汇教学,完成双基训练的目标。四、强化阅读训练,努力培养语感。 本课设计时有意识地增加学生阅读能力的训练与培养,以 Ms. Lius Speech 为素材,精心设计一听二读的学习策略,一听即听课文,选择正确答语,二读即一读判断正误,二读完成短文填空.这样的设计从思想上转变了教学观念,把发展学生的阅读能力作为阅读教学中的重中之重。充分落实语篇教学逐层递进的基本规律,改变那种只重视知识讲解和训练,忽视阅读能力培养的做法。 3五、注重团队协作、让学生体验学习的快乐小组合作,体验展示。本课围绕 speech 话题展开,在词汇教学和阅读训练做了大量的铺垫后,教师进行提纲式总结,给学生提供撰写毕业演讲稿的基本思路,要求学生以小组为单位完成演讲稿,然后在班级营造毕业典礼的气氛,进行毕业演讲,创新体验,合作小组分享体验成果。六、建立高效的课堂评价体系 本课注重对学生个体和团队的全面评价,在课前将全班分为三部分,在黑板上呈现三座大山,山顶插一面红旗,每回答出一个问题,小组向山顶迈出一步,哪组先到达山顶摘下红旗为冠军,通过这种方式,有效的激发了学生的学习热情和团队协作的精神,使孩子们不知不觉的融入到了团队之中,在课堂评价中,对学生个体的肯定也是很重要的,对于积极回答问题的同学,能及时予以掌声鼓励和语言肯定,如:good! great!excellent!good job!七、不足之处: 1、本课注重了团队协作精神的发挥,照顾到了绝大多数学生,还有一些同学没有完全参与到课堂之中,还需要进一步优化。 2、在语言技能输出环节,进行毕业演讲时,缺少了对学生情感的渗透,过于单调,没有突出演讲与一般的口语表达的区别,在以4后教学中需要加强训练。1. Whats Ms. Liu doing? A. She is playing with her students. B. She is giving a speech. C. She is talking with her students. 2. How long did she spend with her students? A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. BCListeningListeningTime has gone by so quickly.go by20142017 periodWhat have you got during this period? valuableI have got_during this period.knowledgefriendshipWhat or who can help you achieve your dream?_can help you achieve your dream._can help you achieve your dream.pick yourself upFall downOn behalf of all the teachers, I give the best wishes to you.Wish you a good future.Wish you a good future.1.Some of the notes almost made Ms. Liu cry. ( )2.Ms. Liu doesnt think they need to work hard to achieve their dream. ( )3.Ms. Liu thinks there is no such thing as true failure. ( )Read and write T or F , then tell us why or why not.TTFbrought tears to my eyesyou need to work hard to achieve it.There is no such things as true failure.Failure is an opportunity to try something new.Read and complete the passage. Good morning. It is a great honor to be invited to speak here. And Im very happy. Three years is not a short time, but it has _ so quickly. During this _, Ive got knowledge, friendship and experiences. They are _. They will help me _ my dream. My dear teachers, thank you for helping me improve myself. Sometimes I _, you told me to _. At last, _ all the students, I want to say thank you very much. We will always remember you. Best wishes to you!fall down, go by, achieve, valuable,on behalf of, pick myself up, periodgo byneperiodvaluableachievedownfellfallpick myself upon behalf of We will have a graduating ceremony next week. Please prepare a speech for it. Your speech can include:1. your feelings2. your success3. mistakes youve made during this period4. thanks to all the teacherswritingwritingwritingwritingbeginningfeelingsuccessmistakesendingIts a great honor to be invited to speak to you.Im very happy to be here. I have learntgotSometimes, I made some mistakes. Once, wishes thanksHOMEWORK Finish writing the speech. Then decorate the page well ,hand it in to me tomorrow.冀教版九年级英语冀教版九年级英语Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future课课 题:题:Lesson 58 Ms. Lius Speech设计者: Teaching aims: Knowledge Section: 1.Master the following words and phrases:speech, period, valuable, achieve, behalf, congratulation, go by, fall down, pick yourself up, on behalf of 2. Common Expression:Students will know how to make a graduation speech in English. Skill Section : 1. Listening: Students can get the main idea of a passage while listening.2. Speaking: Students will be able to make a graduation speech in English.3. Reading: Students can understand the graduation speech quickly and well.4. Writing: They can write their own graduation speeches in English. Affect Section: 1. Dare to express yourself in English when you are learning 2. To enhance nostalgia for the alma mater and gratitude to the teacher Teaching important points: 1. Master the words and structures in this lesson.2. Learn to make a graduation speech.Teaching difficult points: To write a graduation speech in English.”Teaching methods: Communicative approach, task-based teaching methodTeaching aids: Multimedia, coursewareTeaching procedures:Step I Class Opening Watch a short speech video about Ma Yun who is very famous in the field of business. Ask: Who is he? What is he doing?Answer: He is Ma Yun. He is making a speech.Then Show the students some other pictures of Xi Jinping, Yao Ming, Obama and Yu Dan.Ask: What are they doing?Answer: They are making speeches.Today, lets enjoy Ms. Lius Speech 设计思路:使用亲切、贴近生活的视频和图片资料,带学生自然进入英语氛围设计思路:使用亲切、贴近生活的视频和图片资料,带学生自然进入英语氛围,直入本课主题直入本课主题speeches. Step II New Concepts 1.Listen to the text and answer two questions: I. Whats Ms. Liu doing? A. She is playing with her students. B. She is giving a speech. C. She is talking with her students. II. How long did she spend with her students? A. One year. B. Two years. C. Three years. 设计思路:首先听课文录音,设置简单易做的习题,引导学生思索想象。达到理清文章结构,理解课设计思路:首先听课文录音,设置简单易做的习题,引导学生思索想象。达到理清文章结构,理解课文大意的目的。文大意的目的。 2.Free talk(2 minutes) Show the students a picture of a running clock. Talk about the phrase: go by.Show the students a picture of a time base. Talk about the word: period.Show the students some pictures of their own school life. teach: friendship, knowledge, valuable.Ask: What or who can help you achieve your dream?Answer: _can help you achieve your dream.(the students fill in the blanks with words in the pictures)Create a real situation with pictures, teach the phrase: fall down and pick yourself up.Show the students some pictures of their own teachers, tell them: On behalf of all the teachers, I give the best wishes to you.3. First ReadingRead and write T or F , then tell us why or why not.Some of the notes almost made Ms. Liu cry. Ms. Liu doesnt think they need to work hard to achieve their dream. Ms. Liu thinks there is no such thing as true failure4. Second Reading. Read and complete the passage:fall down, go by, achieve, valuable, on behalf of, pick myself up, periodGood morning. It is a great honor to be invited to speak here. And Im very happy. Three years is not a short time, but it has _ so quickly. During this _, Ive got knowledge, friendship and experiences. They are _. They will help me _ my dream. My dear teachers, thank you for helping me improve myself. Sometimes I _, you told me to _. At last, _ all the students, I want to say thank you very much. We will always remember you. Best wishes to you!设计思路:词汇铺垫,逐层递进,自主发现。利用设计思路:词汇铺垫,逐层递进,自主发现。利用 free talk 进行基础知识的铺垫,运用引导通读策略进行基础知识的铺垫,运用引导通读策略和逐层递进策略,要求学生阅读教材后回答问题并用重点内容填空,使其明阅读目的,提高学习效率,和逐层递进策略,要求学生阅读教材后回答问题并用重点内容填空,使其明阅读目的,提高学习效率,培养学生主动思维的能力。培养学生主动思维的能力。 Step III Group Work (Expansion promotion )Writing: We will have a graduating ceremony next week. Please prepare a speech for it.Your speech can include:1. your feelings2. your success3. mistakes youve made during this period4. thanks to all the teachersWork in pairs . make a speech according to the outline given. beginning Its a great honor to be invited to speak to you.feeling Im very happy to be here. success I have learntgotmistakes Sometimes, I made some mistakes. Once, ending wishes thanks 设计思路:小组合作,体验展示。所给提纲编写毕业演讲稿,要求学生以小组为单位完成演讲稿,在设计思路:小组合作,体验展示。所给提纲编写毕业演讲稿,要求学生以小组为单位完成演讲稿,在班级进行交流,创新体验班级进行交流,创新体验,合作小组分享体验成果。合作小组分享体验成果。 Step IV: Summary and HomeworkKnowledge Summary:Let the students talk about the way to make a speech? Emotional Education: In the training of text listening, speaking, reading and writing, students will acquire the relevant vocabulary and sentence patterns, and also express their gratitude to the teacher and form correct valuesHomework: Go on writing the graduation speech, and e-mail it to the teacher. Prepare for the next lesson.设计思路:拓宽作业方式,创新实践,把作业作为课堂学习的延伸,利用设计思路:拓宽作业方式,创新实践,把作业作为课堂学习的延伸,利用 E-mial 进行作业的收交和进行作业的收交和点评。点评。Blackboard Design
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Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future_Lesson 58 Ms. Liu’s Speech_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级公开课_冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:10d0c) 冀教版
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