Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us-Lesson 47 Good Manners-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:b1382).zip


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Good MannersObjects1.To learn some useful words and expressions.2.Let students know how to be a polite person.“Manners make the man.”观其待人而知其人!/ 举止见人品!ClassClass openingopeningWhoWho cancan telltell meme whatwhat “manners”“manners” are?are?What is difference between good manners and bad manners?Are they good manners? It is a bad manner to ask about womens age.It is a good manners to help the older people.It is a bad manner to pick up the flowers.It is a good manner to offer your seat to the older people.It is a bad manner to spit in public. Knocking at the door before entering a room is a good manner.Jumping over the fence is a bad manner.ItIt isis a a badbad mannermanner toto sleepsleep inin class.class.1.tidy v. 使整洁;使整齐;整理 adj. 整洁的;整齐的 2.Russian adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人;俄语3. noisy adj. 喧闹的;吵闹的1.tidy v. 使整洁;使整齐;整理 adj. 整洁的;整齐的 Eg. I spent all morning cleaning and tidying.The reading room is very tidy.Eg. 阅览室非常整齐。Eg. 我花了整个上午(的时间)清扫和整理。【学与练】【探究】tidy up 清理(干净);归置;收拾1.Tidy up your house before your guest arrives.【新知】Tidy up意为“整理,收拾,归置”,由“动词+副词”构成。接名词作宾语时,可位于up前,也可位于up 后,但接代词作宾语时,则只位于up之前。【比较】tidy away 收拾起来;清理走The desk is so dirty, so I must just tidy it up a bit.桌子太脏了,因此我必须稍微清理一下。 eg. The professor is a Russian and his major is Russian, so he is reading a Russian novel.2.Russian adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人;俄语 那个教授是俄罗斯人,而且他的专业是俄语,所以他正在读一本俄罗斯小说。【学与练】【联想】Russia n. 俄罗斯这里太吵闹以至于我不能听见你说了什么。Eg. Its so noisy here that I cant hear what you said.3. noisy adj. 喧闹的;吵闹的【学与练】【联想】 noise n. 噪声;噪音【反义词】quiet adj. 安静的ClassClass workworkThinkThink aboutabout it!it! HowHow dodo youyou usuallyusually treattreat a a guestguest in in youryour homehome ? ? HowHow areare youyou treatedtreated whenwhen youyou visitvisit youryour friendsfriends house?house?Be a good hostGoodGood mannersmanners areare veryvery importantimportant in in thethe communicationcommunication in in dailydaily life.life. EveryoneEveryone likeslikes a a personperson withwith goodgood manners.manners. Li Li MingsMings AustralianAustralian penpen palpal is is goinggoing toto visitvisit him,him, howhow cancan hehe bebe a a goodgood host?host? CanCan youyou givegive somesome advice?advice?Competition!Competition!Li Li MingMing turnsturns toto( (求助于求助于) ) Mr.Mr. MannersManners forfor help.help. Here are the tips from Mr. Manners. Can you help Li Ming make them in order so that he can be a good host? Work in groups. The fastest group will be the winner.Read the left part in Lesson 47 and fill in the form.What should he do?What shouldnt he do?1. Tidy up his house before his guest arrives.2. Dont turn on the television.Lets Do It! No.12. Open the door for his guest and hang up his coat.3. Offer his guest something to drink or eat.4. Make him feel at home and talk to him.1. Dont ask the guest to go to the kitchen and serve himself.Be a good guestDongDong FangFang is is goinggoing toto visitvisit a a RussianRussian house.house. WhatWhat shouldshould sheshe dodo toto bebe a a politepolite guest?guest?ListenListen toto Mr.Mr. MannersManners tipstips forfor herher andand anwseranwser thethe questions.questions.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1. Bring a small gift,_sweets or flowers.2. _ the rules of your hosts home. Do what your host asks you to do.3. Dont be _, especially at bedtime.4. Offer to help _ the dinner.5. Write a _ note after your visit.1.such as 2.Follow 3.noisy 4.prepare 5.thank-you More tips for Dong FangFrom Mr. Manners tips for Dong Fang, we get some suggestions to be a polite guest. Do you have other tips for Dong Fang? Work in groups and write down your advice.More advice about a visit to a friends house 1. Make an appointment(预约) before you go. 2. Be on time and greet members in the order of age. 3. Ask if you should take shoes off before you walk into the house.4. Dont seat yourself before the host tells you where to sit. Languages notes :1.Open the door for your guest and hang up his coat. hang v. 悬挂;绞死。 意为“悬挂”, 过去式和过去分词均为hung; 【注意】意为“绞死,吊死”时,其过去式和过去分词均为hanged。 hanging n. 绞刑【拓展】hang up意为悬挂,挂起,挂断。2.One of my classmates invited me to stay【复习】invite sb. to s.p 邀请某人去某处 invite sb .to do sth. 邀请某人做某事3. Make him feel at home. 让他感觉宾至如归。【新知】make sb. feel at home “使人感觉宾至如归”这个女孩的微笑使每个客人感觉宾至如归。翻译几句话,OK?1.我将邀请我的笔友来我的家乡。2.上周一,我们邀请那位教授给我们做个报告。Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1. I said sorry for being too (noisy/noise).2. The book I read was written in (Russian/Russia).3. Please (tidy up/divide up) your closet. Its a mess.4. Big lights (hung/hanged) from the ceiling. They looked beautiful.Lets Do It! No.2EXERCISES 用所给词的适当形式填空1.Here_ (be) some suggestions for you.2.I want something _(eat).3.Dont turn on the television when you have guests. Its _ (consider) rude in the U.S.4.Dont be _(noise), your father is sleeping.5.Its my _ (one) time to visit a Russian house.6.Mr.Zhang _(hang) up the painting on the wall.7.The murderer was caught and _(hang).areto eatconsiderednoisyfirsthunghangedHow polite are you?Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4 Task 1You are checking a very important email when a friend phones you.1. You should stop working at once as soon as the phone rings.2. Youd better answer the phone within it rang three times.3. You should answer the phone kindly and genially.Good mannersTask 2You are on a crowded bus when a pregnant(怀孕的) woman gets on.Good manners !1. You should offer your seat to the pregnant woman if you have a seat.2. If you are standing, you and others can try your best to give more room to the pregnant woman.Task 3You are watching a favourite show on TV when your little brother enters the room and changes the channel(频道).Good mannersAs an elder brother, making a concession is a good manner. After all he is younger than you.Task 4You are watching a movie in the movie theatre and the couple next to you wont stop talking during the climax (高潮,极点)of the film. However you should keep your head, dont be angry with them. Advising the couple to keep quiet in a timid whisper is a good manner.LetsLets share!share! Good manners are like a cup of tea which makes people feel comfortable and relaxed. Whatever you do and wherever you go, good manners are very important in our life. And they are also very useful. So try to be a person with good manners! Listen and sing along: so we can be friends.m4aHomework1. Make a poster about good manners.2.Write a short letter to your host. (lets do it 3)3. Preview next lesson.GOOD BYE THANK YOU第 1 页 共 5 页课题名Lesson47 Good Manners课时1 课时上课教师上课时间2017 年 6 月 5 日教学目标1. To learn some useful words and expressions.2. Let students know how to be a polite person.教学重点To realize the importance and necessity of good manners.教学难点To learn about how to give suggestions about being a good host and a polite guest教学步骤教学过程个性化、设计Lead-inClass opening Step1: Lead-in and warm upGreetings1. Show a proverb: Manners make the man. Explain it and tell the importance of manners.2. Ask two questions: what are “manners”? What is difference between good manners and bad manners?3. Show some pictures of good manners and bad manners. Ask the students to tell if it is good or bad.4. T: Li Ming invites his Australian pen pal for dinner at his home, but he doesnt know how to be a good host. Lets help himPresent the Learning Aims and Tasks一、Master the following new words and phrases:tidy, Russian, noisy tidy up, hang up1. tidy v. 使整洁;使整齐;整理 adj. 整洁的;整齐的【学与练】translate sentences!eg. I spent all morning cleaning and tidying.我花了整个上午(的时间)清扫和整理。eg. 阅览室非常整齐。 The reading room is very tidy.【探究】tidy up 清理(干净);归置;收拾1.Tidy up your house before your guest arrives.【新知】Tidy up 意为“整理,收拾,归置”,由“动词+副词”构成。接名词作宾语时,可位于 up 前,也可位于 up 后,但接代词作宾语时,则只位于 up 之前。The desk is so dirty, so I must just tidy it up a bit.桌子太脏了,因此我必须稍微清理一下。【比较】tidy away 的意思是“收拾起来”。第 2 页 共 5 页eg. Tidy away the toys if you dont play with them. 如果你不玩玩具就把它们收拾起来。2.Russian adj. 俄罗斯的 n. 俄罗斯人;俄语【学与练】那个教授是俄罗斯人,而且他的专业是俄语,所以他正在读一本俄罗斯小说。eg. The professor is a Russian and his major is Russian, so he is reading a Russian novel.【联想】Russia n. 俄罗斯3. noisy adj. 喧闹的;吵闹的【学与练】这里太吵闹以至于我不能听见你说了什么。Eg. Its so noisy here that I cant hear what you said.【联想】 noise n. 噪声;噪音【反义词】quiet adj. 安静的Self-learning & Group-workClass work : Step2: Reading (the left part: How to be a good host?)1. Have a discussion first and then share their ideas.2. Fast reading:(1) Read the tips from Mr. Manners.(2)Put all the tips in the right order in groups.(Have a competition)Ask the winner team to read the tips one by one. The fastest group will be the winner.3. Specific reading: Read the left part and fill in the form.Step3: Listening (the right part: How to be a polite guest?)1. Listen to Mr. Manners tips for Dong Fang and answer the following questions.(1) Bring a small gift, _sweets or flowers.(2) _ the rules of your hosts home. Do what your host asks you to do.(3) Dont be _, especially at bedtime.(4) Offer to help _ the dinner.(5) Write a _ note after your visit.2. Extensive thinking: More advice for being a polite guest.What should he do?What shouldnt he do?第 3 页 共 5 页More advice about paying a visit to a friends houseMake an appointment(预约) before you go.Be on time and greet members in the order of age.Ask if you should take shoes off before you walk into the house.Dont seat yourself before the host tells you where to sit.Presentation and Giving Directions精讲点拨Language Notes:1. Open the door for your guest and hang up his coat. hang v. 悬挂;绞死。 意为“悬挂”, 过去式和过去分词均为 hung; 【注意】意为“绞死,吊死”时,其过去式和过去分词均为hanged。 hanging n. 绞刑【拓展】hang up 意为悬挂,挂起,挂断。2. One of my classmates invited me to stay【复习】invite sb. to s.p 邀请某人去某处 invite sb .to do sth. 邀请某人做某事【翻译】1.我将邀请我的笔友来我的家乡。 I will invite my pen pal to my hometown.2.上周一,我们邀请那位教授给我们做个报告。We invited the professor to give us a report last week.3. Make him feel at home. 让他感觉宾至如归。【新知】make sb. feel at home “使人感觉宾至如归”【翻译】这个女孩的微笑使每个客人感觉宾至如归。 The girls smile made every guest feel at home.自主课堂自主课堂4. Offer your guest something to drink or eat like tea, fruit and snacks. 主动给客人拿些像茶、 水果、零食之类的东西来吃喝。offer 的意思是“( 主动 ) 给予;提供;出示”,其后可以跟宾语或双宾语,能用不定式作宾语,不能用动词 -ing 形式作宾语。例如:The company offered him a good job. 那家公司给了他一份好差事。He offered to lend me lots of money. 他欣然借给了我很多钱。I offered my passport at the gate. 我在大门口出示了我的护照。5. Dont ask your guest to go to the kitchen and serve himself! Serve your guest at the table. 不要让客人亲自进厨房端菜!你要在饭桌上照顾客人进餐。serve 在本句中的意思是“伺候进餐;为端上 ( 或摆出 ) 食物 ( 或饮料等 )”。例如:第 4 页 共 5 页The waiter served us well when we had dinner in the restaurant last Saturday. 上周六我们在餐馆吃饭时,那位服务员招待得很好。Serve tea, please! 请上茶!Consolidation and SummaryEXERCISESEXERCISES Lets Do It! No.2Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.1. I said sorry for being too (noisy/noise).2. The book I read was written in (Russian/Russia).3. Please (tidy up/divide up) your closet. Its a mess.4. Big lights (hung/hanged) from the ceiling. They looked beautiful.用所给词的适当形式填空1. Here_ (be) some suggestions for you.2. I want something _(eat).3. Dont turn on the television when you have guests. Its _ (consider) rude in the U.S.4. Dont be _(noise), your father is sleeping.5. Its my _ (one) time to visit a Russian house.6. Mr. Zhang _(hang) up the painting on the wall.7. The murderer was caught and _(hang).AfterAfter class:class:. 短语连线1.tidy up A.在桌子旁边 2.hang up B.打开 3. at the table C.例如 4.turn on D.挂起 5.such as E.分割;分配 6.have fun F.整理;收拾 7.divide up G.玩的开心II用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。1.We should always show our respect and speak to others _(polite).2.Li Ming likes playing ball games,_(especial) football.3.Our classroom is bigger than _(they).4.What a _(noise) street.5.She is the girl _(mention) in my letter.TaskTask1Task1Task2Task2Task3Task3Task4Task4HowHow politepolite areare you?you?Task1: You are checking a very important email when a friend phones you.Task2: You are on a crowded bus when a pregnant(怀孕的) woman gets on.Task3: You are watching a favorite show on TV when your little brother enters the room and changes the channel(频道).Task4: You are watching a movie in the movie theatre and the couple next to you wont stop talking during the climax (高潮,极点)of the film.Homework1. Make a poster about good manners.2. Write a short letter to your host. (lets do it 3)第 5 页 共 5 页3. Preview next lesson.
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