Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us-Unit Review-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:21a8e).zip


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Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning Good Morning !Lead-in: Ask and AnswerLead-in: Ask and Answer 1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Who are you going to invite if you have a brithday party? 3. Why do you want to get a good education? 4. Are you good friends wherever you go?Lead-in: Ask and Answer 1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Who are you going to invite if you have a brithday party? 3. Why do you want to get a good education? 4. Are you good friends wherever you go? 什么是复合句? 什么是状语从句?Lead-in: Ask and Answer 1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Who are you going to invite if you have a brithday party? 3. Why do you want to get a good education? 4. Are you good friends wherever you go? 什么是复合句? 什么是状语从句? 状语从句:在句子中作状语,用来修饰主句中的谓语动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的从句。 Adverbial clause 1. I will go to bed I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while Adverbial clause 1. I will go to bed B I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while 2. I was singing Mary was dancing A. unitl B. when C. while Adverbial clause 1. I will go to bed B I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while 2. I was singing C Mary was dancing. A. unitl B. when C. while 3. He has worked here he graduated. A. as B. as soon as C. since Adverbial clause 1. I will go to bed B I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while 2. I was singing C Mary was dancing. A. unitl B. when C. while 3. He has worked here C he graduated. A. as B. as soon as C. since (1). 时间状语从句:when, while, as, after, before, until, till, as soon as, since (主将从现) 1. We stayed at home it rained A. because B. since C. so 1. We stayed at home A it rained A. because B. since C. so 2. everyone is here, lets start. A. Because B. Since C. So 1. We stayed at home A it rained A. because B. since C. so 2. B everyone is here, lets start. A. Because B. Since C. So (2) 原因状语从句 because, as, since 1. it doesnt rain, we will go swimming tomorrow. A. After B. When C. If 1. C it doesnt rain, we will go swimming tomorrow. A. After B. When C. If 2. I wont go to the party I am invited. A. if B. unless C. before 1. C it doesnt rain, we will go swimming tomorrow. A. After B. When C. If 2. I wont go to the party B I am invited. A. if B. unless C. before (3) 条件状语从句 :if, unless, as long as. (主将从现) 1. He studies hard he can go to college. A. so that B. in order to C. though 1. He studies hard A he can go to college. A. so that B. in order to C. though 2. I got up early I could catch the early bus. A. in order to B. in order that C. when 1. He studies hard A he can go to college. A. so that B. in order to C. though 2. I got up early B I could catch the early bus. A. in order to B. in order that C. when (4) 目的状语从句:so that, in order that 1. She was ill she didnt go to school. A. because B. as C. so 1. She was ill C she didnt go to school. A. because B. as C. so 2. Its a sunny day we want to go out. A. so that B. such.that C. so. that 1. She was ill C she didnt go to school. A. because B. as C. so 2. Its B a sunny day B we want to go out. A. so that B. such.that C. so. that (5) 结果状语从句:so , so.that, such. that 1. he was tired, he still worked hard. A. Though B. If C. As 1. A he was tired, he still worked hard. A. Though B. If C. As 2. Kate never feels lonely, she is an only child. A. if B. but C. even if 1. A he was tired, he still worked hard. A. Though B. If C. As 2. Kate never feels lonely, C she is an only child. A. if B. but C. even if 3. happens, I am always your friend. A. Whatever B. When C. As 1. A he was tired, he still worked hard. A. Though B. If C. As 2. Kate never feels lonely, C she is an only child. A. if B. but C. even if 3. A happens, I am always your friend. A. Whatever B. When C. As (6) 让步状语从句:though, although, even if/though, whatever/no matter what. 1. Tom is tall his brother. A. as.as B. so. as C. so. that 1. Tom is A tall A his brother. A. as.as B. so. as C. so. that 2. Planes are faster trains. A. as B. than C. then 1. Tom is A tall A his brother. A. as.as B. so. as C. so. that 2. Planes are faster B trains. A. as B. than C. then (7) 比较状语从句: as.as., not so.as., than 1. I will follow you you go. A. watever B. wherever C. whoever 1. I will follow you B you go. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever 2. They are having a meeting its quiet. A. where B. what C. which 1. I will follow you B you go. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever 2. They are having a meeting A its quiet. A. where B. what C. which (8) 地点状语从句:where, wherever 1. When in Rome, do the Roman do. A. as B. if C. so 1. When in Rome, do A the Roman do. A. as B. if C. so 2. She behaved she was a boss. A. if B. as if C. so 1. When in Rome, do A the Roman do. A. as B. if C. so 2. She behaved B she was a boss. A. if B. as if C. so (9) 方式状语从句: as, as if/though (好像)Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You get off the bus it stops. You cant get off the bus it stops. 2. They (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jenny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jenny didnt go to school her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party I invited.Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You can get off the bus after it stops. You cant get off the bus before it stops. 2. They (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jenny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jenny didnt go to school her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party I invited.Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You can get off the bus after it stops. You cant get off the bus before it stops. 2. They were playing (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jenny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jenny didnt go to school her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party I invited.Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You can get off the bus after it stops. You cant get off the bus before it stops. 2. They were playing (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I get (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jenny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jenny didnt go to school her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party I invited.Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You can get off the bus after it stops. You cant get off the bus before it stops. 2. They were playing (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I get (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jeny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jeny didnt go to school because of her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party I invited.Practice: 按要求完成下列句子 1. You cant get off the bus until it stops.(同义句) You can get off the bus after it stops. You cant get off the bus before it stops. 2. They were playing (play) games when I came in. 3. Ill tell you as soon as I get (get) to Shanghai. 4. Jenny didnt go to school because she was ill (同义句) . Jenny didnt go to school because of her illness. 5. I wont go to the party if I am not invited.(同义句) I wont go to the party unless I am invited. 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard we can get good jobs. We work hard get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was tired work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard we can get good jobs. We work hard get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on . (同义句) He was tired work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was tired work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard so as to get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was tired work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard so as to get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is easier than math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was tired work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard so as to get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is easier than math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was too tired to work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard so as to get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is easier than math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was too tired to work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt light enough for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, but it is too expensive.(改错) 6. Hurry up, or you will be late. (同义句) If you dont hurry up, you will be late. 7. We work hard so that we can get good jobs.(同义句) We work hard in order that we can get good jobs. We work hard so as to get good jobs. 8. English isnt so hard as math. (同义句) English is easier than math. 9. He was so tired that he couldnt work on. (同义句) He was too tired to work on. 10. The box is too heavy for her to carry. (同义句) The box isnt light enough for her to carry. 11. Although the dress is very buautiful, it is too expensive.(改错)Sumarry 状语从句的九种类型及其连接词。 (1). 时间状语从句:when, while, as, after, before, until, till, as soon as, since (主将从现) (2) 原因状语从句 because, as, since (3) 条件状语从句 :if, unless, as long as. (主将从现) (4) 目的状语从句:so that, in order that (5) 结果状语从句:so , so.that, such. that (6) 让步状语从句:though, although, even if/though, watever/no matter what.Sumarry 状语从句的九种类型及其连接词。 (7) 比较状语从句: as.as., not so.as., than (8) 地点状语从句:where, wherever (9) 方式状语从句: as, as if/though (好像) Thank you ! Good byeAdverbial ClauseTeacher : Grade : Nine Teaching aims :1.The students can use adverbial clause in their conversations.2.The students try summarizing the use of adverbial clause.3. The students can use adverbial clause in practice .Teaching key point: The conjunctions of adverbial clause.Teaching difficult points: 1.The tenses of adverbial clause. 2.Translation of the same sentence.Type of teaching : RevisionTeaching tools: PPTTeaching procedures:Step 1: leading in 1. Greeting.2. Ask the students to answer the following questions:(1)What are you going to be when you grow up?(2)Who are you going to invite if you have a birthday party?(3)Why do you want to get a good education?(4)Are you good friends whenever you go? 3.Ask the students to tell what type of sentences they are and what the complex setence is.4.Let the students tell what is adverbial clause and how many types of adverbial clause there are.Step 2: PresentationAfter choosing the correct answers, ask the students to summarize the use of adverbial clause.1. Adverbial clause of time:Conjunctions: when,while ,as, after, before, until, till, as soon as, since. (Pay attention to the tense)(1) I will go to bed _ I finish my homework. A. before B. when C. while(2) I was singing _ Mary was dancing. A. until B. when C. while(3) He has worked here _ he graduated. A. as B as soon as C. since2. Adverbial clause of reason:Conjunctions: because, as, since.(1) We stayed at home _ it rained. A. because B. since C. so(2) _ everyone is here ,lets start. A. Because B. Since C. So3. Adverbial clause of condition:Conjunctions: if, unless ,as long as. (Pay attention to the tense)(1) _ it doesnt rain, well go swimming tomorrow. A.After B. When C.If(2) I wont go to the party _ I am invited. A. if B. unless C. before4. Adverbial clause of purpose:Conjunctions: so that, in order that .(1) He studies hard_ he can go to college. A. so that B. in order to C. though(2) I got up early _ I could catch the early bus.A. in order to B. in order that C. When 5. Adverbial clause of result: Conjunctions: so, so that, such that. 1.She was ill_ she didnt go to school. A. because B. as C.so 2.Its _ a sunny day_ we want to go out. A.so that B. so that C. such that 6. Adverbial clause of concession: Conjunctions: though / although, even if / though, whatever / no matter what. 1._ he was tired, he still worked hard. A. Though B. If C. As 2.Kate never feels lonely, _ she is an only child. A. if B. but C. even if 3._ happens, I am always your friend. A. Whatever B. When C. As 7. Adverbial clause of comparison: Conjunctions: as as, not so as, than. 1.Tom is _ tall _ his brother. A. as as B. so as C. so that 2.Plans are faster _ trains. A. as as B. than C . then 8. Adverbial clause of place: Conjunctions: where, wherever . 1.I will follow you _ you go . A. wherever B. whatever C. whenever 2.Theyre have a meeting _ its quiet. A. where B. what C. while 9. Adverbial clause of manner:Conjunctions: as , as if / though, 1.When in Rome, do _ the Roman do. A. as B. if C. so2.She behaved _ she was a boss. A. if B. so C. as ifStep 3 : PracticeComplete the following setences as requested : (The students can work in groups, then we correct the answers together.)1. You cant
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Unit Culture Shapes Us_Unit Review_ppt课件_(含教案)_省级公开课_冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:21a8e) 冀教版 衔接 三年级 起点 出发点
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