Unit 3 Safety-Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:70438).zip


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Lesson18 :Never Catch a Dinosaur你准备好你准备好了吗?了吗?请同学们准备好书本、导学请同学们准备好书本、导学案、双色笔和你饱满的热情案、双色笔和你饱满的热情ComeCome on!on!1.记住本课记住本课2个个重点单词和重点单词和10个个短语短语.2.朗读并理解课文,学会朗读并理解课文,学会“越来越越来越.”和和“建议建议.”等等知识点的知识点的的用法的用法. (重、难点重、难点). 3. 通过课文学习,树立安全意识。通过课文学习,树立安全意识。4.通过小组合作学习,提高团队意识。通过小组合作学习,提高团队意识。 1. try to do sth 尽力做某事尽力做某事 2. try doing sth. 试着做某事试着做某事 3. advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 4. higher and higher 越来越高越来越高 5. It takes/took sb.some time to do . 做做.花费某人一段时间花费某人一段时间 6. be careful=take care=look out 小心小心 7. There is something wrong with. .出问题了出问题了 8. listen to ones warnings 听从某人的劝告听从某人的劝告 9. by the way 顺便说顺便说/问一下问一下 10. write to sb. 给某人写信给某人写信 11. take. to. 带带.去去. 12. rule 规则,规章规则,规章 13. training 训练,培养训练,培养 1.We have many school _. (规则) 2.He couldnt attend ping-pong _.(训练) 3.Li Mings mother tried _ him last week. (stop) 4.It_(take)him three hours_ (do) his homework every day. 5.I always _ my mothers warnings about safety.(听从.) (交换批阅:A1-A6 ,A2-A5,A3-A4) 1.We have many school rules . (规则) 2.He couldnt attend ping-pong training.(训练) 3.Li Mings mother tried to stop him last week. (stop) 4.It takes (take)him three hours to do (do)his homework every day. 5.I always listen to my mothers warnings about safety.(听从.)Reading task: Read the text and answer the questions:1.How old was Li Ming when his mother took him to the park? 2.What happened to Li Ming when he climbed up the tree?3.Did he hurt his arm or his leg ?4.How long did it take him to recover? ( 要求:全体起立,大声朗读课文. 口头展示 ) He fell and hit the groundHis legThree monthsSeven years old.take. to. see , climb .Suddenly .breakfall and hit .There is something wrong with.It takes sb. some time to do sth.listen to sbs warnings 我能复述我能复述I.自主学习自主学习 认真阅读探究知识点,独立完成认真阅读探究知识点,独立完成 自己会做的题。(限时自己会做的题。(限时2分钟)II.小组合作小组合作 全体起立,组长组织由全体起立,组长组织由A5A6提出问题,提出问题, A3A4解决,解决,A1,A2总结,组内达成共识,组内达成共识, 准备展示点评准备展示点评。(限时1分钟)知识点探究知识点探究展展 示(示(A4或或A3)(限时(限时1分钟)分钟)点点 评评 1 2激情展示激情展示 精彩点评精彩点评Group 6 Group 9 提示提示:展示的同时,其余同学背诵知识点并互相提问,:展示的同时,其余同学背诵知识点并互相提问, 做好点评准备。做好点评准备。 Group 1 Group 2 Accidents Acting Work in groups,try pretending that someone has had an accident. I英汉互译:(英汉互译:(6分)分) (A1-A4全做,全做,A5A6第二题选做)第二题选做) 1. try to do sth _ 2. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 _ 3. 小心小心 _ 4. 给某人写信给某人写信 _ 5. 带带.去去. _ 6.listen to ones warnings _ II根据汉语意思完成句子。(根据汉语意思完成句子。(5分)分) 1.这个男孩越来越高。这个男孩越来越高。The boy is _. 2.Brian 建议建议Danny用梯子,但是他不听。用梯子,但是他不听。 Brian _ Danny _ a ladder, but he didnt listen. 3.不要带李明去公园。不要带李明去公园。 Dont _ Li Ming _ the park. 4.顺便说一下,刚才我的电脑出问题了。顺便说一下,刚才我的电脑出问题了。 _ ,there was _ with my computer just now. 5.我妈妈已经给丹尼写过信了我妈妈已经给丹尼写过信了.My mother _Danny already. I英汉互译:(英汉互译:(6分)分) 1. try to do sth 尽力做某事 2. 建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth. 3. 小心 be careful / take care / look out 4. 给某人写信 write to sb. 5. 带.去. take .to. 6.listen to ones warnings 听从某人的劝告 II根据汉语意思完成句子。(根据汉语意思完成句子。(5分)分) 1.这个男孩越来越高。The boy is taller and taller. 2.Brian 建议Danny用梯子,但是他不听。 Brian advised Danny to use a ladder, but he didnt listen. 3.不要带李明去公园。 Dont take Li Ming to the park. 4.顺便说一下,刚才我的电脑出问题了。 By the way ,there was something wrong with my computer just now. 5.我妈妈已经给丹尼写过信了. My mother has written to Danny already.你学会了吗?你学会了吗?Summary:提示:请对照本课学习目标,想一想提示:请对照本课学习目标,想一想1).掌握本课掌握本课2个单词和个单词和11个短语个短语 2).学会学会“越来越越来越.” 和和“建议建议.”的表达方式的表达方式.3).能根据提示词复述课文能根据提示词复述课文.4).通过学习课文通过学习课文,树立安全意识树立安全意识I.全体同学背诵本课单词、短语、全体同学背诵本课单词、短语、 知识点和重点句子。知识点和重点句子。II. 练习册练习册Lesson18 ( A1/2/3/4 全做,全做,A5/6做做I-III )- 1 -导导学学 补补充充【课课 题题】 (1 1 分钟)分钟) LessonLesson 1818 :NeverNever CatchCatch a a DinosaurDinosaur【学习目标学习目标】 (1 1 分钟)分钟)1.1.记住本课记住本课 2 2 个单词和个单词和 1010 个短语。个短语。( (重点重点) )2.2.朗读课文,理解课文朗读课文,理解课文, ,学会学会“越来越越来越.”.”和和“建议建议.”.”的表达方式的表达方式. . (重点、难点)(重点、难点)3.3.通过课文的学习通过课文的学习, ,树立安全意识。树立安全意识。4.4.通过小组合作学习,树立团队意识。通过小组合作学习,树立团队意识。【预习案预习案】 (1010 分钟)分钟)【自学导航自学导航】 1.1.大声朗读课文,理解课文大意,在文中划出生词和短语并背诵。大声朗读课文,理解课文大意,在文中划出生词和短语并背诵。2.2.独立完成预习自测题。独立完成预习自测题。【短语集锦短语集锦】1.1. trytry toto dodo sthsth 尽力做某事尽力做某事 2.2. take.take. to.to. 带带.去去.3.3. adviseadvise sb.sb. toto dodo sth.sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 4.4. higherhigher andand higherhigher 越来越高越来越高5.5. ItIt takes/tooktakes/took sb.somesb.some timetime toto dodo sth.sth. 做某事花费某人一段时间。做某事花费某人一段时间。6.6. bebe carefulcareful = = taketake carecare = = looklook outout 小心小心7.7. ThereThere isis somethingsomething wrongwrong with.with. .出问题了出问题了8.8. listenlisten toto onesones warningswarnings 听从某人的劝告听从某人的劝告 9.9. byby thethe wayway 顺便说顺便说/ /问一下问一下 10.10. writewrite toto sb.sb. 给某人写信给某人写信 11.rule11.rule 规则规则 12.training12.training 训练训练【预习自测预习自测】 根据汉语提示或用所给单词的适当形式完成句子根据汉语提示或用所给单词的适当形式完成句子1.We1.We havehave manymany schoolschool _ . . (规则)(规则)2.He2.He couldntcouldnt attendattend ping-pongping-pong _ .(.(训练训练) )3.Li3.Li MingsMings mothermother triedtried _ himhim lastlast week.week. (stopstop)4.It4.It _(take)him_(take)him threethree hourshours _ (do)his(do)his homeworkhomework everyevery day.day.5.I5.I alwaysalways _my_my mothersmothers warningswarnings aboutabout safety.(safety.(听从听从.).) 【探究案探究案】 (2020 分钟)分钟)【课文内容探究课文内容探究】 ReadRead thethe texttext andand answeranswer thethe questions:questions:1.How1.How oldold waswas LiLi MingMing whenwhen hishis mothermother tooktook himhim toto thethe park?park? HeHe waswas _ _ _._.2.What2.What happenedhappened toto LiLi MingMing whenwhen hehe climbedclimbed upup thethe tree?tree? HeHe _ _ thethe treetree andand _ thethe groundground veryvery hard.hard.3.Did3.Did hehe hurthurt hishis armarm oror hishis legleg ? ? HeHe hurthurt _ _ . .4.How4.How longlong diddid itit taketake himhim toto recover?recover? ItIt tooktook himhim _ _ toto recover.recover. 姚家巷中学导学案 20162017 (上)- 2 -【知识点探究知识点探究】1 1. . higherhigher andand higherhigher 越来越高越来越高 “越来越越来越.”.” 的表达方式有两种情的表达方式有两种情况:况:“比较级比较级+ + andand + +比较级比较级” ,适用于给词尾加,适用于给词尾加-er-er 构成比较级的词。构成比较级的词。如:越来越长如:越来越长-longer-longer andand longer,longer, 越来越热越来越热-hotter-hotter andand hotterhotter “more“more andand more+more+原级原级”,适用于加,适用于加 moremore 构成比较级的词。构成比较级的词。如:越来越好吃如:越来越好吃 moremore andand moremore deliciousdelicious 越来越有趣越来越有趣 moremore andand moremore interesting,interesting,【Have【Have a a try】try】请根据汉语完成下列句子请根据汉语完成下列句子:1)1). . 我们学校的早餐越来越美味。我们学校的早餐越来越美味。 TheThe breakfastbreakfast inin ourour schoolschool isis _._.2).2). 在我们班,学生们听讲越来越认真。在我们班,学生们听讲越来越认真。InIn ourour class,class, thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe teachersteachers _._.2.2.YouYou advisedadvised himhim toto useuse a a ladder,ladder, butbut hehe didntdidnt listen.listen. adviseadvise v.v. 建议建议 - adviseadvise sb.sb. toto dodo sth.sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 adviceadvice n.n. 建议建议 ( (不可数名词不可数名词) ) - a a piecepiece ofof adviceadvice 一条建议一条建议 somesome adviceadvice 一些建议一些建议HaveHave a a try:try: (1)The(1)The teacherteacher gavegave usus somesome goodgood _._. ( (建议建议) ) (2(2 ) )我的姐姐总是建议我努力学习。我的姐姐总是建议我努力学习。MyMy sistersister alwaysalways _me_me _ hardhard . .【拓展提升拓展提升】 (8 8 分钟)分钟) AccidentsAccidents ActingActingInIn groupsgroups youyou willwill bebe actorsactors .You.You willwill pretendpretend thatthat someonesomeone hashas hadhad anan accident.accident.【检测案检测案】(5 5 分钟)分钟)I I英汉互译:英汉互译:(6(6 分分) )1.try1.try toto dodo sthsth _ 2.2.建议某人做某事建议某人做某事 _3.3.带带.去去._._ 4.4.给某人写信给某人写信 _5.5.小心小心 _ 6.listen6.listen toto onesones warningswarnings _ IIII根据汉语意思完成句子。根据汉语意思完成句子。 (5 5 分)分)1.1. 这个男孩越来越高。这个男孩越来越高。TheThe boyboy isis _ _ _._.2.2. BrianBrian 建议建议 DannyDanny 用梯子,但是他不听。用梯子,但是他不听。 BrianBrian _ DannyDanny _a_a ladder,ladder, butbut hehe didntdidnt listen.listen. 3.3. 不要带李明去公园。不要带李明去公园。 DontDont _Li_Li MingMing _ thethe park.park.4.4. 顺便说一下,刚才我的电脑出问题了。顺便说一下,刚才我的电脑出问题了。- 3 - _ _ _ ,there,there waswas _ _ withwith mymy computercomputer justjust now.now.5.5. 我妈妈已经给丹尼写过信了我妈妈已经给丹尼写过信了.My.My mothermother _ _ _ DannyDanny already.already. 【训练案训练案】I.I. A1-A6A1-A6 背诵本课单词、短语。背诵本课单词、短语。II.II.练习册练习册 Lesson18Lesson18 (A1-4(A1-4 全做,全做,A5-6A5-6 做做I-III)I-III)“一师一优课一师一优课”高效课堂高效课堂课后反思课后反思姓名姓名时间时间2017.05.232017.05.23课题课题九年级英语九年级英语 Lesson18Lesson18 NeverNever CatchCatch a a DinosaurDinosaur本节课我讲的是 9 年级英语 Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur,本单元的主题是安全,本课是本单元最后一课,生词不多,但课文内容涉及到前面与安全相关的知识,概括性较强。本课目标:1、记住本课 2 个黑体单词和 10 个短语。2、朗读课文,理解课文,学会两个知识点的用法。(重点,难点) 3、通过课文学习,树立安全意识。4、通过小组合作学习,树立团队意识。回顾这节课,我觉得在以下方面的尝试较为觉得满意。一是课堂预习环节,检查学生对词汇短语的掌握情况以游戏“砸金蛋”的形式进行,学生积极性较高,并且以书面形式检测对短语的运用,预习效果良好。二是探究案环节对英语课文的处理,为了让学生在学习前对新课有一个初步完整的印象,我在黑板上画简笔画,用四幅图画概括描述了本课李明发生的事故,使学生一目了然。然后让学生带着问题朗读课文,进一步理解课文,问题的设计与中考任务型阅读题型一致,直击中考。三是拓展提升设计的是“事故表演”,等学生演完,集体唱与安全相关的歌曲“Please Take Care!”课堂气氛较好。此环节让学生进行小组活动,组内每个人都有自己的角色,其中一组,二组,和四组的表现尤为突出,二组演的是一名同学边走路边看手机,被另一名学生扮演的大石头绊倒,两名路人过来帮他,其余两人给大家讲述从中吸取到什么教训;而一组表演的是一名司机酒驾撞人,最后医生出现,交警也出现,让学生明确交规;四组演的是在家里切菜不小心用刀切伤了手,让学生明确在家里应注意的安全事项。他们不但设计的好,表演的到位,而且更重要的是能学以致用,英语口语流利,表达准确。通过此项活动,学生已完成了目标三和目标四,树立了安全意识,增强了团队意识。不足之处:一 、拓展提升环节,学生表演完后,让表演者直接提问下面听讲的同学,从这个事故中学到了什么,互动效果会更好。二 、课文内容探究环节的设计,有一点觉得应该改进的地方就是设计的问题应该增加一点难度。 静心反思整个课堂,虽然教学内容在规定时间内完成,但仍存在一定的问题,所有出现的问题及自己感到有遗憾的地方,我觉得都是因为备课还不够到位,今后对教材的处理,课堂每个环节的安排,每项活动的设计,及学生会有什么样地表现,都应该在备课时考虑到,所有的教学内容及活动的安排都要以学生感兴趣的方式呈现,让他们积极主动参与。今后要做到: 一、灵活处理教材,创新教材。课前更加精心备课,认真钻研教材,考虑学情,合理设计双边活动。 一切课堂活动以学生为中心。创设真实的语言环境,通过学生表演、使用多媒体来组织课堂活动,创造性地使用教材,适当地增加补充、调整改编教学内容,使其符合自己学生的水平和接受能力。相信学生的能力,使他们的创新能力和探究能力得到提高。 二 、提高自身素质。 进行课堂教学时要充满激情,要能激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生积极主动地参与到课堂活动中来。在他们进行每个环节的活动时,要细心观察,善于发现他们身上的闪光点,并运用恰当的语言表扬他们,使他们产生愉悦的心理,乐于学习,积极主动地学习。三、了解学生,要发挥学生的主体作用。 要了解学生的思想动态、兴趣爱好及英语基础等。针对不同的教学内容和学生特点来选择教法。在课堂教学中发挥学生的主体作用,做到以学生的实践活动,小组活动为主要活动方式,面向全体学生。在活动中由组长组织,要求人人认真准备,出谋划策,互帮互学,共同提高。使他们都处于积极思维的状态之中,保持良好的学习兴趣,更好的完成学习目标。教教 学学 设设 计计课课 题:题:冀教版九年级英语冀教版九年级英语 Unit 3 Safety! Lesson18:Never Catch a Dinosaur!设计者:设计者:Teaching aims(about 1min):):1.Knowledge aims: try to do sth , take. to. , advise sb. to do sth. ,higher and higher ,It takes/took sb.some time to do sth. ,be careful = take care = look out , There is something wrong with. ,listen to ones warnings,by the way,write to sb.,rule , training 2.Skill aims:To improve students spoken English. 3.Moral aims:To know about the importance of safety.Teaching important points:To use the words and phrases freely.Teaching difficult points: To impove the students skills of retelling.Teaching methods: listening ,reading,speaking and writingTeaching aids: tape,PPT,recorder.Teaching procedures:Greeting(about 1min) : Greet the class and introduce the topic of todays lesson.Teacher:Hello,class, Today we are going to talk about the lessons we learn from accidents that happen or mistakes we make. And we have learned Lesson 13, now lets review what happened to Danny in Lesson 13.Step 1 Lead in (about 2min)Show some pictures about Danny and Brian and ask students to answer some questions about the pictures.Step2 Words and phrases : (about 5 min)Show words and phrases in this lesson .Get the students to understand the meanings and recite them. After that check them by playing a game Step 3 Text learning(about 10 min)1.Tell students a story about Li Ming by drawing four pictures on the blackboard. Through this step , students will learn about the main idea of this lesson. 2.Students read the text and find out the answers to the following questions:(1).How old was Li Ming when his mother took him to the park? He was _ _ _.(2).What happened to Li Ming when he climbed up the tree? He _ _ the tree and _ the ground very hard.(3).Did he hurt his arm or his leg ? He hurt _ _ .(4).How long did it take him to recover? It took him _ _ to recover.Check the answers . Make sure that the students can understand. 3. Reading and retelling Get the students to read the text freely and try to retell it according to the following key phrases and sentences: take. to. , see , climb .,Suddenly .break,fall and hit .,There is something wrong with.It takes sb. some time to do sth.listen to sbs warnings Step 4 Cooperation and disscussion ( about 8 min )First, students read and understand the language points,then finish off the exercises about it independently.Second, discuss the problems with the other members of their group. Third, show themselves and check the answers.Step 5 Dig in ( about 10 min )“Accidents Acting” : Work in groups,try pretending that someone has had an accident.Step 6 Test in class ( about 5min )Step 7 Sing a song about safety.Step 8 Summary ( about 2 min )(1) Knowledge Summary:the new words,phrases and structures.(2) Emotional Education:We should know about the importance of safety.No matter what you do ,no matter where you go ,Please be careful! Safety must come first!Step9 Homework: ( about 1min )1.Get the students to recite the new words,phrases and structures.2.Exercises in Lesson18: A1/2/3/4 do all of them,A5/6 do I-III Blackboard Design Lesson 18 Never Catch a Dinosaur!take. to. , see , climb .,Suddenly .,break, fall and hit .,There is something wrong with. It takes sb. some time to do sth. listen to sbs warnings
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