Unit 5 My Future-Lesson 28 Rich or PoorIt Doesn’t Matter!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:80bb2).zip


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    • Lesson28
      • business.mp3
      • company.mp3
      • creative.mp3
      • crop.mp3
      • goal.mp3
      • Lesson_28.ppt--点击预览
      • manager.mp3
      • QQPlayer_Setup_38_897.1423809272.
      • 儿童歌曲-If Youre Happy 幸福拍手歌.mp3
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      • 判断正误题目.swf
      • 医生图片.jpg--点击预览
      • 单词填空.swf
      • 听力材料.swf
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      • 好听音乐.mp3
      • 工程师图片.jpg--点击预览
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    • Lesson28 Lets do it!听力材料.swf
    • Lesson28 课文录音及文本翻译材料.swf
    • Lesson28 课文录音视频.swf
    • Rich or Poor It Doesnt Matter.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案80bb2.doc--点击预览
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展开 冀教版衔接三年级起点八年级上册英语Unit5MyFuture_Lesson28RichorPoorItDoesntMatter_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级公开课_编号80bb2.zip冀教版衔接三年级起点八年级上册英语Unit5MyFuture_Lesson28RichorPoorItDoesntMatter_ppt课件_含教案视频素材_省级公开课_编号80bb2.zip
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Rich or Poor?It Doesnt Matter!温馨提示:如视频播放不出来,请安装QQ影音,在文件压缩包里有QQ影音,双击安装即可。Lesson 28Rich or Poor?It Doesnt Matter!学习目标1.Learn some new words:crop, manager, business, company, creative, goal. 2.Grasp some phrases and use them correctly: run a business, come true, lead a team.3.Use English to Express ones own future.Think about itDo you want to be a farmer when you grow up?Why or why not?Everyone needs food, and farmers grow many crops.庄稼庄稼Think about itDo you want to be a manager (经理;管人)when you grow up?Why or why not?create a company创建创建公司公司creative 创造性的创造性的run a business买卖,生意买卖,生意New Words crop manager business companycreativegoal manage(动词动词)管理管理busy(形容词形容词)忙碌的忙碌的create(动词动词) 创建创建庄稼庄稼经理经理,管理人管理人买卖买卖;生意生意公司公司创造性的创造性的目标目标Word exercisesFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.链接What is your biggest goal(目标)? What will you do to make it come true (实现)?Think about itHere are some jobs you may choose when you grow up:teacher(老师老师)、engineer(工程师工程师)、doctor()医生医生)、tailor(裁缝裁缝)、scentist(科学家科学家)、singer(歌唱家歌唱家)Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Then match the sentences with the pictures.Listening 听力材料链接Listening and ReadingListen and read the lesson, then write true (T) or false (F).问题链接课文录音链接hope to do sth 希望做某事I hpoe to go home.hope to be.希望成为.I hope to be a dancer. 原级 比较级 最高级good -better-best 好好 更好更好 最好最好 big-bigger-biggest 大大 更大更大 最大最大比较级 + and + 比较级(不同比较级)bigger and stronger比较级 + and + 比较级(同一个比较级)越来越more and more comfortable写作句型I would work hard and make . 比较级 and 比较级eg: I would work hard and make our school more and more beautiful. would(情态动词) + 动词原形 make sb/sth + 形容词 His dream is to be a doctor. 主语主语 系动词系动词 表语表语 Our biggest goal is to be happy. 不定式表将来,作表语不定式表将来,作表语My plan is _(visit) the Great Wall.to visitcome true = realizerun a business lead a team encourage sb to do sthkey phrases:实现实现经营一个生意经营一个生意领导一个团队领导一个团队鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事1.My dream is_(be) a scientist.2. His goal is_(improve) himself.3. I would_(help) many sick people.4. I would work hard make our country _(big) and_(strong).5. I hope _(have) a wonderful future.6. Lucy often encourages me_(be) confident.to beto improvehelpbiggerstrongerto haveExercises 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空to beer: teacher; worker; singer; engineer.or: doctor; inventor; actor.ist: scientist; artist; physicist.man/woman: policeman; businessman.其他:其他:pilot; clerk; nurse; solider.Writing (work in groups)My dream1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Why?3. What is your biggest goal?4. What will you do to make it come true?What have you learned today?学习目标1.Learn some new words:crop, manager, business, company, creative, goal. 2.Grasp some phrases and use tem correctly: run a business, come true, lead a team.3.Use English to Express ones own future.New Words crop manager business companycreativegoal manage(动词动词)管理管理busy(形容词形容词)忙碌的忙碌的create(动词动词)忙碌的忙碌的庄稼庄稼经理经理,管理人管理人买卖买卖;生意生意公司公司创造性的创造性的目标目标hope to do sth 希望做某事I hpoe to go home.hope to be.希望成为.I hope to be a dancer. 原级 比较级 最高级good -better-best 好好 更好更好 最好最好 big-bigger-biggest 大大 更大更大 最大最大比较级 + and + 比较级(不同比较级)bigger and stronger比较级 + and + 比较级(同一个比较级)越来越more and more comfortable His dream is to be a doctor. 主语主语 系动词系动词 表语表语 Our biggest goal is to be happy. 不定式表将来,作表语不定式表将来,作表语My plan is _(visit) the Great Wall.to visitcome true = realizerun a business lead a team encourage sb to do sthkey phrases:实现实现经营一个生意经营一个生意领导一个团队领导一个团队鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事er: teacher; worker; singer; engineer.or: doctor; inventor; actor.ist: scientist; artist; physicist.man/woman: policeman; businessman.其他:其他:pilot; clerk; nurse; solider.Writing (work in groups)My dream1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Why?3. What is your biggest goal?4. What will you do to make it come true?Thank you for listening! 课 题Lesson 28:Rich or Poor ? It Doesnt Matter.教学目 标A.知识与能力目标:(1)掌握新单词:manager, business, company, creative, goal. (2)掌握新短语:run a business, come true, lead a team.(3)能用英语表达自己的理想与抱负。B过程与方法目标:(1)培养学生在听录音时,有目的地获取所需关键信息的能力。(2)提高学生口语表达能力和阅读能力。(3)通过学生小组合作进行创作“My dream”,培养学生善于发现和总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以运用的能力,培养他们的自学能力,概括能力,迁移能力以及合作探究的能力。C.情感与德育目标:培养学生浓厚的学习兴趣,培养学生的学习自信心,使其有成功的体验,促使其积极主动参加活动,培养竞争与合作意识。帮助学生立足现在,树立远大理想,树立正确的职业观,人生观和价值观。重 点难 点重点:掌握本课新单词和短语(manager, business, company, creative, goal,run a business, come true, lead a team)并能正确运用。难点:能用英语表达自己的理想与抱负。即善于发现和总结所学语言材料中的语言规律并加以运用来进行写作。教法选择合作探究法和练习法 课 型New lesson课前准备Tape and flashcards 是否采用多媒体Yes教学时数 1 课时备课总数第 1 课时课 堂 教 学 过 程 设 计教学内容教师活动学生活动Step 1: Warming upEnjoy a short video and give a short free talk.Step 2: Show the learning aims(1)Learn some new words:manager, business, company, creative, goal. (2)Grasp some new phrases and use them correctly:run a business, come true, lead a team.(3)Use English to express ones own your future.Step 3: Learn the new words1.Think about it and learn new words.(1) Do you want to be a farmer when you grow up? ( new word: crop )(2) Do you want to be a manager when you grow up? ( new words: manager, creative, company, business ) 2.Learn the new words: manager business company creative goal 3.Play a game to recite the new words. 4.Word exercises. (Lets do it! Part 3)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.Step 4: Learn the new lesson.1.Think about it and lead in new lesson.(1)What is your biggest goal? Show a video and ask someQuestions.Show the aims to the students. Talk about something to lead in new words.Play the tape several times.Show some exercises and help students finish.Ask students Watch the video and answer the questionsRead the learning aims and know what to learn in this lesson.Think about it and guess the meaning of new words.Read the new words loudly.Play a game and finish exercises to recite new words.Think about it (2)What will you do to make it come true?2.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Then match the sentences with the pictures. (Lets do it! Part 2)3.Listen and read the lesson, then write true (T) or false (F). (Lets do it! Part 1)4.Learn some language points(1) hope to do sth / hope to be.(2) good-better-best big-bigger-biggest(3) make sb/sth + adjective(4) My biggest goal is to be.(5) run a business (6) lead a team(7) come true (8) encourage sb to do sth Step 5: Practice1.Translate this English into Ce true = realize_run a business_ lead a team_encourage sb to do sth_2.Use the correct form to fill in the blanks.(1)My dream is_(be) a scientist.(2)His goal is_(improve) himself.(3)I would_(help) many sick people.(4)I would work hard make our country _(big) and_(strong).(5)I hope _(have) a wonderful future.(6)My mother often encourage me_(be) confident.Step 6: Writing-My dream1.Make a list of jobs.2.Talk about and write in groups.the questions and lead in new lesson.Play the tape twice and help students understand the meaning of the text.Guide the students to use key pointsto make sentences.Show some exercises and help students complete them.Show some pictures of jobs to help students make a summary of carefully and answer these questions.Listen the text carefully and finish the tasks.Use these key points correctly and underline them on the book.Think about it carefully to finish the exercises and check the answers. Make a list of jobs and write down on your (1). What do you want to be when you grow up? (2). Why?(3). What is your biggest goal?(4). What will you do to make it come true?3.Writing presentationStep 7: Make a summaryWhat have you learned today?Step 8:Closing the classLets sing a happy song.words about jobs. Give studentswritings outline.Make a conclusion of this lesson.paper.Work in groups to discuss the writing and showthe result to the class.Review together.板书设计 Lesson 28 :Rich or Poor ? It Doesnt Matter1. New words: 3. Make a list of jobscrop, manager, business, company, er: teacher, writer, worker.creative, goal. or: inventor, actor.2. Language points: ist: scientist, artist.(1) hope to do sth / hope to be. man / woman: policeman(2) good-better-best businessman. big-bigger-biggest else: pilot, clerk. (3) make sb/sth + adjective(4) My biggest goal is to be.(5) run a business (6) lead a team(7) come true (8) encourage sb to do sth 作业设置1. Finish off the exercise books.2. Read and remember the new words and phrases3. Write a composition about my future教学反思本课着重对学生的口头和笔头进行训练。结合学生们所学内容,以及他们对生活的体验,根据学生实际和教材的特点,我认真备课,充分预设,顺利完成了教学任务。但也存在以下几点不足:1.本课缺少读课文的环节,导致写作完成后成果展示时学生读自己的作文时比较困难,应让学生跟着录音一句一句读课文。在以后的课堂中,应该更注重学生读的能力。留出给学生充分朗读的时间。2.在教授新的单词时,最好在教授单词的旁边注上音标,便于学生更好的进行单词发音练习,并且加深学生认知的印象。Lesson28 Rich or Poor? It doesnt matter!I. 英汉互译。英汉互译。1. 实现 2. 经营一个企业 3. 领导一个团队 4. 鼓励某人做某事 5. It doesnt matter!_ 6. grow the best crops_7. grow up 8. more and more beautiful _ II. 依据汉语意思用单词的正确形式填空。依据汉语意思用单词的正确形式填空。1. My biggest _(目标) is to be a teacher.2. My father was _(生病) yesterday.3. He is a_(富有创造性的) boy.4. Lucy is _(最好) student in our class.5. Running makes us very _(健康).III. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Everyone needs food _(live).2. His goal is_(help) others.3. Maybe I _(be) able to swim next year.4. Rich or poor, it _(not matter).5. I hope _(have) a wonderful future.6. My mother often encourages me_(be) confident.7. My dream is_(be) a scientist.8. His goal is_(improve) himself.9. I would_(help) many sick people.10. I would work hard make our country_(big) and_(strong).IV. 单项选择。单项选择。1.、His ambition is _ an actor. A、becoming B、become C、to become D、became2.、They encouraged the students _ as soon as possible. A、answered B、to reply C、answering D、replying3.、-Jenny did very well in maths exam. -Oh, yeah! She is _ maths. A、weak in B、angry with C、good at D、afraid of4.、I will wait for _ weeks. A、two more B、more two C、many twoD、two many5.、My cousin wants to be a doctor, _. A、so my sister is B、so is my sister C、so my sister does D、so does my sister6.、Have you heard _ about the accident? A、some news important B、important anything C、any important news D、something important7、Everybody _ a dream. A、have B、to have C、has D、had8、Beijing is _cities in the world. A、bigger B、biggest C、the biggest D、big瓜州县第二中学瓜州县第二中学 屈屈 燕燕Rich or Poor?It Doesnt Matter!温馨提示:如视频播放不出来,请安装QQ影音,在文件压缩包里有QQ影音,双击安装即可。Lesson 28Rich or Poor?It Doesnt Matter!学习目标1.Learn some new words:crop, manager, business, company, creative, goal. 2.Grasp some phrases and use them correctly: run a business, come true, lead a team.3.Use English to Express ones own future.Think about itDo you want to be a farmer when you grow up?Why or why not?Everyone needs food, and farmers grow many crops.庄稼庄稼Think about itDo you want to be a manager (经理;管人)when you grow up?Why or why not?create a company创建创建公司公司creative 创造性的创造性的run a business买卖,生意买卖,生意New Words crop manager business companycreativegoal manage(动词动词)管理管理busy(形容词形容词)忙碌的忙碌的create(动词动词) 创建创建庄稼庄稼经理经理,管理人管理人买卖买卖;生意生意公司公司创造性的创造性的目标目标Word exercisesFill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.链接What is your biggest goal(目标)? What will you do to make it come true (实现)?Think about itHere are some jobs you may choose when you grow up:teacher(老师老师)、engineer(工程师工程师)、doctor()医生医生)、tailor(裁缝裁缝)、scentist(科学家科学家)、singer(歌唱家歌唱家)Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. Then match the sentences with the pictures.Listening 听力材料链接Listening and ReadingListen and read the lesson, then write true (T) or false (F).问题链接课文录音链接hope to do sth 希望做某事I hpoe to go home.hope to be.希望成为.I hope to be a dancer. 原级 比较级 最高级good -better-best 好好 更好更好 最好最好 big-bigger-biggest 大大 更大更大 最大最大比较级 + and + 比较级(不同比较级)bigger and stronger比较级 + and + 比较级(同一个比较级)越来越more and more comfortable写作句型I would work hard and make . 比较级 and 比较级eg: I would work hard and make our school more and more beautiful. would(情态动词) + 动词原形 make sb/sth + 形容词 His dream is to be a doctor. 主语主语 系动词系动词 表语表语 Our biggest goal is to be happy. 不定式表将来,作表语不定式表将来,作表语My plan is _(visit) the Great Wall.to visitcome true = realizerun a business lead a team encourage sb to do sthkey phrases:实现实现经营一个生意经营一个生意领导一个团队领导一个团队鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事1. My dream is_(be) a scientist.2. His goal is_(improve) himself.3. I would_(help) many sick people.4. I would work hard make our country _(big) and_(strong).5. I hope _(have) a wonderful future.6. Lucy often encourages me_(be) confident.to beto improvehelpbiggerstrongerto haveExercises 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空to beer: teacher; worker; singer; engineer.or: doctor; inventor; actor.ist: scientist; artist; physicist.man/woman: policeman; businessman.其他:其他:pilot; clerk; nurse; solider.Writing (work in groups)My dream1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Why?3. What is your biggest goal?4. What will you do to make it come true?What have you learned today?学习目标1.Learn some new words:crop, manager, business, company, creative, goal. 2.Grasp some phrases and use tem correctly: run a business, come true, lead a team.3.Use English to Express ones own future.New Words crop manager business companycreativegoal manage(动词动词)管理管理busy(形容词形容词)忙碌的忙碌的create(动词动词)忙碌的忙碌的庄稼庄稼经理经理,管理人管理人买卖买卖;生意生意公司公司创造性的创造性的目标目标hope to do sth 希望做某事I hpoe to go home.hope to be.希望成为.I hope to be a dancer. 原级 比较级 最高级good -better-best 好好 更好更好 最好最好 big-bigger-biggest 大大 更大更大 最大最大比较级 + and + 比较级(不同比较级)bigger and stronger比较级 + and + 比较级(同一个比较级)越来越more and more comfortable His dream is to be a doctor. 主语主语 系动词系动词 表语表语 Our biggest goal is to be happy. 不定式表将来,作表语不定式表将来,作表语My plan is _(visit) the Great Wall.to visitcome true = realizerun a business lead a team encourage sb to do sthkey phrases:实现实现经营一个生意经营一个生意领导一个团队领导一个团队鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事er: teacher; worker; singer; engineer.or: doctor; inventor; actor.ist: scientist; artist; physicist.man/woman: policeman; businessman.其他:其他:pilot; clerk; nurse; solider.Writing (work in groups)My dream1. What do you want to be when you grow up?2. Why?3. What is your biggest goal?4. What will you do to make it come true?Thank you for listening!
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Unit My Future_Lesson 28 Rich or Poor It Doesn’t Matter!_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级公开课_冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:80bb2) 冀教版
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