Unit 4 My Neighbourhood-Lesson 20 No Stopping!-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:2063f).zip


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WelcomeWelcome! !Student Book Student Book 3 Learning English3 Learning EnglishUnit 4 Unit 4 My My NeighbourhoodNeighbourhood 1 1. Talking . Talking About About Shopping. Shopping. 2. Talking About Size. 2. Talking About Size. 3 3. Three . Three Autumn Autumn Festivals.Festivals. 4 4. Possessive . Possessive Case. Case. 1) What 1) What can I do for you? can I do for you? = = 2) May /Can I help you? 2) May /Can I help you? 3 3) Im looking for ) Im looking for sthsth. (something). (something). . 4) Do you have any other size /styles?4) Do you have any other size /styles?1)1) What What size is sb. (size is sb. (somebodysomebody)? )? 2)2) I I think sb. is think sb. is the samethe same size size asas sb. sb.3 3) Its too big /small) Its too big /small. .1) Mid-Autumn Festival 1) Mid-Autumn Festival ( (China)China)2) National Day 2) National Day (China)(China)3) Thanksgiving 3) Thanksgiving (North America)(North America) New New Words Words and and ExpressionsExpressions neighbourhood, cross, bakery, yummy, bookstore; on ones / the way (to), go past、walk past日喀则上海花园日喀则上海花园居民区居民区 neighboneighbo(u)(u)rhoodrhood neibhud n.n. 居民区居民区;邻近的;邻近的地区地区 crosscross krs v. v. 横穿横穿 bakerybakery beikri n. n. 面包店面包店 yummyyummy jmi adj. adj. 好吃的好吃的, , 美味的美味的 = delicious = delicious bookstorebookstore bukst: n. n. 书店书店 = bookshop = bookshop New New New New WordsWordsWordsWords street street streetstreetcrosscross on ones / the way (to) on ones / the way (to) 在在 去去 的路上的路上 past past pa:st prep. 经过经过 = = by (by (与动词连用与动词连用) ) go / walk past go / walk past = = go /walk by go /walk by 经过经过and Expressionsand Expressionsand Expressionsand ExpressionsTHINK ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT THINK ABOUT IT & HAVE A & HAVE A & HAVE A & HAVE A DISCUSSIONDISCUSSIONDISCUSSIONDISCUSSION See See the the FLVFLV again again and and look look at at the the pictures, pictures, then then answer answer the following questions. the following questions. 1 1. . WhatWhat are Jenny and Brian are Jenny and Brian doingdoing todaytoday? ? 2 2. . HowHow do they usually go to school? do they usually go to school? 3 3. . Why Why dondon t t they they take take the school the school bus bus today?today?4 4. . What What placesplaces do Jenny and do Jenny and Brian Brian passpass onon their their way to way to school?school?1. 1. WhatWhat are Jenny and Brian are Jenny and Brian doingdoing todaytoday? ? A. They are walking home. B. They are doing their homework. C. They are walking on their way to school.2 2. . HowHow do they usually go to school? do they usually go to school? A. Take a taxi. B. Take the school bus. C. Take a train.3 3. . Why dontWhy dont they take the school bus today they take the school bus today? ? A. Because they dont like school bus. B. Because it is raining. C. Because Jenny wants to show Brian the neighbourhood. Q&AQ&A (Questions & (Questions & (Questions & (Questions & Answers)Answers)Answers)Answers)4. 4. What What placesplaces do do Jenny Jenny and and Brian Brian passpass on on their their way to schoolway to school? ? A. They are a bakery and a bookshop. B. They are a bakery and a restaurant. C. They are a bookshop and a bank.Q&AQ&A (Questions & (Questions & (Questions & (Questions & Answers)Answers)Answers)Answers) 1. No Stopping 1. No Stopping! ! = Dont stop, go on! 不要停下来 (继续)! No No + n. / v+ n. / v- -inging (多(多用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示语语 e.g.: No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking! 禁止停车! No photos! 禁止拍照! No Admittance! 不准进入(闲人免进)!2 2. Jenny and Brian are . Jenny and Brian are on their way to on their way to schoolschool. . 詹妮和布莱恩在去学校的路上。 on ones / the way (to) on ones / the way (to) 在在 去去 的的路上路上 e.g.: on ones / the way + e.g.: on ones / the way + 地点副词地点副词 (home, there)(home, there) on ones / the way to + on ones / the way to + 地点名词地点名词(Beijing, Lhasa)(Beijing, Lhasa)e.g.: I met my old friend Ci Duo on my way home. 在我回家的路上,遇见了我的老朋友次多。3. We will go 3. We will go pastpast some of my favourite some of my favourite shops.shops. 我们将会经过我最喜欢的几家商店。 pastpast 用作用作介词介词(prep.)(prep.),和动词连用和动词连用, 表示表示“经过经过” = by = by e.g.: go/walk/past/by e.g.: go/walk/past/by 经过经过e.g.:Da Wa often walks past/by the grocery. 达瓦经常经过那个杂货店。( ) 1. Look!The girl is _ the road. A. cross B. crossing C. across( ) 2. Li Lei is walking. He is _ his way _ home. A. for, / B. on, to C. at, to D. on, / Choose the best answer.B BD DSummarySummaryneighbourhood, cross, bakery, yummy,bookstore;on ones / the way (to), go past、walk past1. No + n. / v1. No + n. / v- -inging (多用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示语(多用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示语2. on ones / the way (to) 2. on ones / the way (to) 在在 去去 的路上的路上3. past 3. past 用作介词用作介词(prep.)(prep.),和动词连用,表示,和动词连用,表示“经过经过” = by = by(go /walk past /bygo /walk past /by) Homework Homework 1. Why dont Jenny and Brian want to be late for school? 1. Why dont Jenny and Brian want to be late for school? How about you? ( How about you? (为什么詹妮和布莱恩不想上学迟到?你呢?为什么詹妮和布莱恩不想上学迟到?你呢?) )2. Talk with 2. Talk with your classmates what your classmates what places you places you pass pass on on your your way (to way (to) ) Make your own Make your own dialoguedialogue. . ( (用课文所学用课文所学语句语句 与与同学谈论同学谈论自己去自己去 , , 所经过的地点所经过的地点, , 练习练习对话对话) )Teaching Teaching ReflectionReflection( ( 教 学 反 思教 学 反 思教 学 反 思教 学 反 思 ) )_西西扎扎扎扎德德勒勒- 1 -Teaching PlanTeachingTeaching MaterialMaterial: Lesson 20: No Stopping! Unit 4 Book 3, Learning EnglishTeachingTeaching Objectives:Objectives:1.1. LanguageLanguage points:points:Words:Words: neighbourhood,cross,bakery,yummy,bookstore;Expressions:Expressions: on ones/the way(to).,go/walk past/by2.2. TrainTrain thethe SshearingSshearing、speakingspeaking andand readingreading ability.ability.TeachingTeaching ImportantImportant Points:Points:1.1. TrainTrain thethe SshearingSshearing、speakingspeaking andand readingreading abilities.abilities.2.2. AskAsk thethe SsSs toto mastermaster thethe newnew wordswords、expressionsexpressions andand keykey sentencessentences andand talktalk aboutabout theirtheir neighbourhood.neighbourhood.TeachingTeaching DifficultDifficult Points:Points:1.How1.How toto improveimprove thethe SsSs hearinghearing、speakingspeaking andand readingreading abilitiesabilities . .2.How2.How toto describedescribe ownown neighborhoodneighborhood inin English.English.TeachingTeaching Aids:Aids: Multi-mediaMulti-media (Multimedia Projector & PC)TeachingTeaching Methods:Methods:1.Looking1.Looking、listeninglistening andand answeringanswering activities.activities.2.Individual2.Individual pairpair oror groupgroup workwork toto makemake everyevery studentstudent workwork inin class.class.TeachingTeaching Procedures:Procedures:StepStep 1:1: GreetingsGreetings andand ChiefChief ReviewReview ofof UnitUnit 3 31.Greetings:.2.We studied in the Unit 3:Talking about shopping/size, three festivals & Possessive Case.StepStep 2:2: PresentationPresentationI.I. Lead inII.II. New words and expressions:neighbourhoodneighbourhood n.居民区,邻近的地区/crosscross v.横穿/bakerybakery n.面包店/yummyyummy adj.美味的,好吃的/bookstorebookstore n.书店;onon oneones s /thethe wayway (to)(to) 在去的路上,gogo/walkwalk pastpast/by 经过III.III. Think about it & have a discussion: Q&A (Questions & Answers)1.1. WhatWhat areare JennyJenny andand BrianBrian doingdoing today?today? A. They are walking home. B. They are doing their homework. C. They are walking on their way to school.2.2. HowHow dodo theythey usuallyusually gogo toto school?school? A. Take a taxi. B. Take the school bus. C. Take a train.3.3. WhyWhy dontdont theythey taketake thethe schoolschool busbus today?today? A. Because they dont like school bus. B. Because it is raining. C. Because Jenny wants to show Brian the neighbourhood. 4.4. WhatWhat placesplaces dodo JennyJenny andand BrianBrian passpass onon theirtheir wayway toto school?school?A.They are a bakery and a bookshop. B. They are a bakery and a restaurant. C. They are a bookshop and a bank.StepStep 3:3: PromotionPromotion( (提高提高) )I.I. Language notes: Deal with some key words and sentences.1. No Stopping! = Dont stop, go on! 不要停下来 (继续)! NoNo + + n.n. / / v-ingv-ing (多用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示语(多用于公共场所)表示禁止性的警示语 e.g.: No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No parking! 禁止停车! No photos! 禁止拍照! No Admittance! 不准进入(闲人免进)!2. Jenny and Brian are on their way to school. 詹妮和布莱恩在去学校的路上。 onon onesones / / thethe wayway (to)(to) 在在去去的路上的路上 e.g.:e.g.: onon onesones / / thethe wayway + + 地点副词地点副词 (e.g.:(e.g.: home,home, there)there) onon onesones / / thethe wayway toto + + 地点名词地点名词e.g.: I met my old friend Ci Duo on my way home. 在我回家的路上,遇见了我的老朋友次多。3. We will go past some of my favourite shops. 我们将会经过我最喜欢的几家商店。 pastpast 用作介词用作介词(prep.)(prep.),和动词连用,表示,和动词连用,表示“经过经过” = = byby e.g.: go/walk/past/bygo/walk/past/bye.g.:Da Wa ofen walks past/by the grocery. 达瓦经常经过那个杂货店。IIII. Exercises: Choose the best answer.( ) 1. Look!The girl is _ the road. A. cross B. crossing C. across( ) 2. Li Lei is walking. He is _ his way _ home. A. for, / B. on, to C. at, to D. on, / StepStep 4:4: SummarySummary & & HomeworkHomeworkSummary:Summary: WordsWords & & ExpressionsExpressions & & Q&AQ&AHomework:Homework: 1. Why dont they want to be late for school? How about you?2. Talk to your classmates what places you pass on your way (to) Make your own dialogue. StepStep 5:5: TeachingTeaching ReflectionReflection ( (教学反思教学反思) )_- 2 -_BlackboardBlackboard DesignDesign LessonLesson 25:25: NoNo Stopping!Stopping!Words & Expressionsneighbourhoodcrossbakeryyummybookstoreon ones/the way (to) go/walk past/by Q & A1. What are Jenny and Brian doing today? 2. How do they usually go to school? 3. Why dont they take the school bus today? 4. What places do Jenny and Brian pass on their way to school?Language Notes1. No + n./v-ing 表示禁止性的警示语2. on ones/the way (to) 在 去 的路上3. past prep.和动词连用,表示“经过” = by
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