Unit 2 My Favourite School Subject-Lesson 8 E-mail Helps!-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-冀教版八年级上册英语(编号:b52c1).zip


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Unit2 My Favourite School SubjectLesson8 Email helps!(学案学案)Read again and answer the following questions.1. Does Danny like to have too much homework? How did you know that? 2.What did Danny do in PE class? runnersshoes for running 3. Who has helped Li Ming with his study? 4.How has Danny helped him with his Enlish? How is his English now?5.What does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?Match the statements with the results.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Zhao Fei is in Grade _ this year. Her favourite subject is _.She _ it a lot every day. The teacher says its the _way to learn a language well. She has a pen pal in _ named Lucy. They have_ each other many e-mails. Zhao Fei helps Lucy with her _ .They write to each other in both languages.Match the sentences with the results.Write the past participles of the verbs below. Then group them.study _ tell _ help _ write _ see _ know _ say _ smile _ put _ laugh _ play _ teach _ close _ talk _ listen _ walk _ run _ make _ have _ visit _regular verbs irregular verbs1. Tom has finished his homework already. ( )2. I havent had my breakfast yet. ( ) 3. My family havent been to HK Disneyland before. ( )4.We have just read the two emails. ( )A We know what Danny and Li Ming talk about.B This will be the first visit there.C Im a little hungry now.DHe can play games for fun. Work in groups to work out the results of the sentences.1. I have watched the TV show Voice of China. Result2. Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Result3. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet. Result4. The shop has closed already. Result Discuss and find out the similarity and differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense!1. I have watched the TV show Voice of China. I watched the TV show Voice of China yesterday.2. Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Susan went to the nearest hospital two days ago.3. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet. Mr Li didnt tell us the result of the soccer game just now. 4. The shop has closed already.The shop closed 5minutes ago. Please complete the conversation.A:Wheres Mike? B:He _ to Hong Kong Disneyland.A:When _ he_ there? B:Last week.A:How _ he_ there? B:By plane.A:When _ he _ back? B:Maybe next week.Quiz从方框中选择正确的介词填空(从方框中选择正确的介词填空( 每词限用一次)每词限用一次) 。in except for to with1.Im not good at maths. My brother often helps me _it.2. Time _ lunch! Lets go to the restaurant together.3. Wendy has written three letters_ her pen pal Tom.4. We all went to the zoo _Jenny because she was sick.5. Li Ming speaks English well, and he often talks with his friends _ English.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空.1.The best way (learn) English is to use it. 2.The boss makes the workers (work) ten hours a day. 3.I saw Jim (play) in class yesterday. 4. We _ (talk) about the problem already. So I dont want to say anything about it now.5. -_Mr. Smith ever_(try) Chinese food? - Yes! He likes dumplings very much.Unit 2My Favourite School Subject Lesson 8 E-mail Helps! 八年级英语上 新课标 冀教 Danny and Li Ming sent e-mails to each other to talk about _ and _. A. their favorite subjetsB. their teachersC. their friends Lesson8 E-mail helps!Skimming for the main ideaD. their ways of learningAD1. Danny likes P.E. best. ( )2. The teacher was very angry with Danny. ( )TFRead the e-mails and write true (T) or false (F).“P.E. ” is short for “physical education.” P.E. is about sports. see sb do3. Li Mings favourite subject is English. ( )4. Li Ming hates maths. ( )5. Wang Mei is better at maths thanLi Ming . ( )TFTQuestions 1. Does Danny like to have too much homework? How did you know that? 2.What did Danny do in PE class? make sb do sth runnersshoes for running be tired of sth 3. Who has helped Li Ming with his study? 4.How has Danny helped him with his Enlish? How is his English now? 5.What does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?How do you understand the title “Email helps”?What else “helps” for learning Enlish besides writing emails?S1:My favourite subject is English. I like English best. I listen to tapes every day. I study English by listening to tapes every day. I think listening to tapes every day really helps!S2:Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best. I practice writing twice a week. I think writing really helps! I think writing is a good way to learn Chinese.S3: S4: Groupwork:Talk about your own favourite subject and how you study it. Zhao Fei is in Grade _ this year. Her favourite subject is _.She _ it a lot every day. The teacher says its the _way to learn a language well. She has a pen pal in _ named Lucy. They have_ each other many e-mails. Zhao Fei helps Lucy with her _ .They write to each other in both languages.eightEnglishusesbestCanadasentChinese Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.1) I have written three e-mails in English today. 2)You have helped me a lot.3) She has helped me with my maths homework a lot. Discuss and experience the meaning of these sentences! I practice using English today. My English is improving with your help. My maths is much better with her help. The classroom is darker now.4) I have turned off the lights.result / effectMatch the statements with the results.1.Tom has finished his homework already. ( )2. I havent had my breakfast yet. ( )3. My family havent been to HK Disneyland before. ( )4. We have just read the two emails. ( )A. We know what Danny and Li Ming talk about.B. This will be our first visit there.C. Im a little hungry now.D. He can play games for fun. DCBAGroupwork Can you work out the results?1. I have watched the TV show Voice of China. Result2. Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Result3. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet. Result4. The shop has closed already. ResultDiscuss and find out the similarity and difference!I watched the TV show Voice of China yesterday.Susan went to the nearest hospital two days ago.Mr Li didnt tell us the result of the soccer game just now. The shop closed 5minutes ago.I have watched the TV show Voice of China.Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet.The shop has closed already.I have written three e-mails in English today.You have helped me a lot.She has helped me with my maths homework a lot.I have turned off the lights.Tom has finished his homework already.I havent had my breakfast yet.My family havent been to HK Disneyland before.We have just read the two emails.Discuss and find out the rules of the Present Perfect Tense!My family have never been to HK Disneyland.watch- watchedgo- gonetell- toldclose- closedfinish- finishedhave- hadbe- beenread- readwrite- writtenhelp- helpedturn- turnedHave you ever been to HK Disneyland?Write the past participles of the verbs below. Then group them.study tell help write see know say smile put laugh play teach close talk listen walk run makeregular verbsstudy-studied, help-helped, smile-smiled, laugh-laughed, play-played, close-closed, talk-talkedlisten-listenedwalk-walkedirregular verbstell-told, write-written, see-seen, know-known,say-said,put-put,teach-taught,run-run,make-made1.Danny _ (eat) Beijing roast duck. He thinks its the most delicious food.2. They _ (sing) two English songs, havent they?3. I _ (not read) the book, so I dont know what it is about.4. _ he _ (see) your new watch yet?5. We_ (study) the new grammar already, and now we can use it well. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。has eatenhave sunghavent readHas seenGrammar pratice 1have studied be_ you ever _ to Tianan men Square?Yes, I _ there last summer.No, never. But I _ it this summer.have never been toHave beenwentwill visitgovisitI _ Tianan men Square before. I hope to visit it some day.Grammar pratice 2A:Wheres Mike?B:He _ to Hong Kong Disneyland.A:When _ he_ there?B:Last week.A:How _ he_ there?B:By plane.A:When _ he _ back?B:Maybe next week.Please complete the conversation.has gonedid godid getwill come . 从方框中选择正确的介词填空 ( 每词限用一次)。in except for to with1. Im not good at maths. My brother often helps me _it.2. Time _ lunch! Lets go to the restaurant together.3. Wendy has written three letters_ her pen pal Tom.4. We all went to the zoo _Jenny because she was sick.5. Li Ming speaks English well, and he often talks with his friends _ English.withfortoexceptin.用所给词的适当形式填空.1.The best way (learn) English is to use it. 2.The boss makes the workers (work) ten hours a day. 3.I saw Jim (play) in class yesterday. 4. We _ (talk) about the problem already. So I dont want to say anything about it now.5.-_Mr. Smith ever_(try) Chinese food? - Yes! He likes dumplings very much.to learnworkplayhave talkedHas triedHomework1.Study the new grammar the Present Perfect Tense.2.Write an e-mail to a friend in English and tell him/her how you learn a subject well.教学设计教学设计冀教版八年级上册冀教版八年级上册 Unit 2 My favorite school subject.Lesson 8 Email helps!本节课是冀教版八年级上册英语第二单元的一节阅读课,主要内容是 Danny 和 Li Ming通过电子邮件谈论各自喜爱的科目及学习方法。文本本身并不难,但是由于其中涉及到新的语法-现在完成时,而且教材后面的读后任务中又出现了相关的语法练习,如归类规则动词和不规则动词的过去分词,这样一来,就加大了阅读教学的难度,如何从阅读教学转化到语法教学,这是本节课的难点。在教学中,我处理完文本阅读后,利用文中出现的 3个含有现在完成时态的句子,本着先体验、后模仿、再应用、归纳的原则,逐步帮助学生了解、熟悉和掌握这一新的语法规则。总之,这节课的设计思路是从阅读教学转化为语法教学,穿插听、说、读、写的相关训练,尤其是在语法教学过程中贯穿了新的语法教学理念,成为本节课的一个设计亮点。教学目标教学目标1. Language Skills 语言技能语言技能a. 会用一段话简短描述自己最喜欢的科目及其原因,以及用不同方式谈论自己的学习方式。b.能够在口头表达中初步运用现在完成时态,能将动词的过去分词按照变形是否规则归类。2. Language Knowledge 语言知识语言知识a. 掌握单词 except,tonight,认识词汇 physical,runner。b. 掌握本课中短语 make sb.do sth.,see sb.do sth.,the best way to do,helpwith 的用法。c.学习和理解现在完成时态的含义及形式。 3. Affective Attitude 情感态度情感态度a. 同学们在学习中互相帮助,体验合作学习,杜绝偏科现象。4. Learning strategies 学习策略学习策略a. 应用 Top-down 阅读方法,先整体感知,再到细节阅读。b. 学会在文本中找 supporting sentences 来支撑阅读观点。c. 在语法学习中掌握先体验感知、后归纳应用的方法。d. 学会合作学习,互相帮助。5. Cultural awareness 文化意识文化意识a. 用电子邮件交流在西方国家是非常普遍的,尤其是学生之间经常利用网络开展相互的学习或自主学习,而目前我们中学生在这一方面还比较滞后,学生们在学习这一课后,能更多地利用网络开展学习。教学重点、难点教学重点、难点2Important Points 教学重点教学重点1.两篇电子邮件的语篇阅读内容。2.本课语法重点是对现在完成时的理解及其结构、意义的强化。Difficult Points: 教学难点教学难点1. 如何从阅读教学过渡到语法教学。2. 如何辨析现在完成时态与一般过去时态的异同。Teaching Procedures: 教学过程教学过程/步骤步骤Pre-readingGreet and ask students something about emails to see how much they know about them. (from , to , subject, address,)While-reading1. Get the students to scan the emails looking for the information (who is the email from , who is the email to and what is the subject)2. Get the students to skim the emails to work out the main idea and find the supporting sentences. Main idea Danny and Li Ming sent e-mails to each other to talk about _ and _. A. their favorite subjets B. their teachers C. their friends D. their ways of learning3. Get the students to read more carefully and do T or F questions, meanwhile get them to give the reasons. Deal with the phrases ( see sb do, be good at)Read the e-mails and write true (T) or false (F).1. Danny likes P.E. best. ( ) 2. The teacher was very angry with Danny. ( ) see sb do3. Li Mings favourite subject is English. ( )4. Li Ming hates maths. ( )5. Wang Mei is better at maths than Li Ming . ( ) be good at4. Get the students to read again and answer the following questions, dealing with the usful expressions as well.31. Does Danny like to have too much homework? How did you know that?make sb do sth be tired of sth 2.What did Danny do in PE class? runnersshoes for running 3. Who has helped Li Ming with his study? 4.How has Danny helped him with his Enlish? How is his English now?5.What does Li Ming think is the best way to learn English?. Post-reading1. After finish reading , ask the students the following two questions and get them to think about more ways of learning.How do you understand the title “Email helps”?What else “helps” for learning Enlish besides writing emails?2. Groupwork Get the students to talk about theirown favourite subject and how they study for it.(Give examples)3.Finish the listening exercise in the book.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.Zhao Fei is in Grade _ this year. Her favourite subject is _.She _ it a lot every day. The teacher says its the _way to learn a language well. She has a pen pal in _ named Lucy. They have_ each other many e-mails. Zhao Fei helps Lucy with her _ .They write to each other in both languages. GrammarGrammar StudyStudy 1.Show the the three sentences in the emails and help the students to experience the new grammar.Discuss and experience the meaning of these sentences!1) I have written three e-mails in English today. I practice using English today.2)You have helped me a lot.My English is improving with your help.3)She has helped me with my maths homework a lot. My maths is much better with her help.4) I have turned off the lights. The classroom is darker now.2. Get the students to match the sentences with the results.1.Tom has finished his homework already. ( )2. I havent had my breakfast yet. ( )3. My family havent been to HK Disneyland before. ( )4. We have just read the two emails. ( )A. We know what Danny and Li Ming talk about.B. This will be our first visit there.C. Im a little hungry now.D. He can play games for fun. 3. Get the students to work in groups to work out the results of the sentences.41. I have watched the TV show Voice of China. Result2. Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Result3. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet. Result4. The shop has closed already. Result4. Ask the students to discuss and find out the similarity and differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Simple Past Tense!1. I have watched the TV show Voice of China. I watched the TV show Voice of China yesterday.2. Susan has gone to the nearest hospital. Susan went to the nearest hospital two days ago.3. Mr. Li hasnt told us the result of the soccer game yet. Mr Li didnt tell us the result of the soccer game just now. 4. The shop has closed already.The shop closed 5minutes ago.5.Show all the examples given in class and get the students to work in groups to work out the rules of the new gammar,including the structure, the regular/ irregular verbs and the usage of the six adverbs before just already yet ever never.6.Grammar exercises Grammar pratice 1用所给动词的适当形式填空。用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Danny _ (eat) Beijing roast duck. He thinks its the most delicious food.2. They _ (sing) two English songs, havent they?3. I _ (not read) the book, so I dont know what it is about.4. _ he _ (see) your new watch yet?5. We_ (study) the new grammar already, and now we can use it well. Grammar pratice2 1.I _ Tianan men Square before. I hope to visit it some day.2. -_ you ever _ to Tianan men Square?-Yes, I _ there last summer.-No, never. But I _ it this summer.Grammar pratice3Please complete the conversation.A:Wheres Mike? B:He _ to Hong Kong Disneyland. A:When _ he_ there?5B:Last week. A:How _ he_ there?B:By plane.A:When _ he _ back? B:Maybe next week.Quiz. 从方框中选择正确的介词填空从方框中选择正确的介词填空 ( 每词限用一次)每词限用一次) 。 1. Im not good at maths. My brother often helps me _it.2. Time _ lunch! Lets go to the restaurant together.3. Wendy has written three letters_ her pen pal Tom.4. We all went to the zoo _Jenny because she was sick.5. Li Ming speaks English well, and he often talks with h
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