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Module 11 PhotosUnit 1 Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year听对话,选择最佳答案。Which subject does Daming suggest Tony should choose?A. Nature B. City and People C. Home and Away 听对话,选择最佳答案。1.Who was the winner last year? A. Tony B. Daming C.He Zhong 2. Where is Tonys real home town?A. Beijing B. Cambridge C. London3. What does Daming suggest Tony should do?A. Take some photos of Beijing. B. Fly kites with Chinese kids. C. Read a Chinese Menu.情景交际。请根据课文内容,在下列五个句子中,选择恰当的选项补全对话。Daming: Are you going to enter the photo competition?Tony : _.Daming : What subject do you want to choose?Tony : _.Daming : The thing is, the general standard of the competition is much higher.Tony : _. I will beat the boy who won the competition last year.Daming: Why dont you add some photos of your hometown that you took recently. Tony: _. How about these two photos?Daming: Nice photos! _. 请根据你的摄影作品编对话。A: Hi, are you going to enter the photo competition?B: You bet! A: What subject do you want to choose?B: _. A: Where When did you take it?B: It was taken in_ . The photo shows_.A: Nice photo! Why dont you call it _.B: Thats a good idea. Im sure Im in with a chance.A. The subject that Ive chosen is Home and Away.B. You bet.C. Im sure youre in with a chance!D. Thats a good idea.E. It doesnt matter.Unit1 Hes the boy who won the photo competition last year The photos were taken last year.I have some nice photos.RevisionI have some nice photos _ were taken last year.thatThe boy won the photo competition last year!Lead inHes the boy.Who took the nice photos ?Hes the boy_won the photo competition last year!whoLead in: Lets enjoy some wonderful photos taken by you.Photo display-Do you want to enter the photo competition? -_= Yes Of couseYou bet !Vocabularies and structures-Do you want to win?-_You bet !Vocabularies and structures Our task: Find some good ways to win the photo competition.任务:找到在摄影比赛中获胜的好办法。任务:找到在摄影比赛中获胜的好办法。subjectsNature Home and AwayCity and People Music Vocabularies and structures获胜第一步:选照片主题获胜第一步:选照片主题What subject do you want to choose?Subjects of the photosNature Home and AwayCity and People Music Animals FamilyFoodSchool Vocabularies and structuresWhat subject do you want to choose?获胜第一步:选照片主题获胜第一步:选照片主题The photo shows a lake_ is in Jiuzhaigou. Home and AwayThe photo shows a village _ has many traditional buildings.thatNaturethatThe photo shows a city _ I like most.City and PeoplethatVocabularies and structures获胜第二步:学会描述照片获胜第二步:学会描述照片Where / when did you take it ?Who / what is in it?Music The photo shows a girl _ is singing beautifully at the school party .whoThe photo shows the boy _ likes taking photos all the time. whoVocabularies and structures获胜第二步:学会描述照片获胜第二步:学会描述照片Where / when did you take it ?Who / what is in it?Schoolthatthat_, the _ _ of the competition is much higher this year.the whole levelgeneralstandardthe question is,Vocabularies and structures获胜第三步:知彼知己获胜第三步:知彼知己The thing isBut I have a _(感觉感觉 )that we can solve (解决解决 )this little_(困难困难) .difficulty-And I m sure you_(有机会有机会)!are in with a chance- _You bet.feeling Vocabularies and structures获胜第三步:知彼知己获胜第三步:知彼知己ListeningWhich subject does Daming suggest Tony should choose? A. Nature B. City and People C. Home and Away 获胜第四步:听建议获胜第四步:听建议Before listening, we should do a prediction. 听前预测听前预测Close your book.ListeningWhich subject does Daming suggest Tony should choose? A. Nature B. City and People C. Home and Away 获胜第四步:听建议获胜第四步:听建议Before listening, we should do a prediction. 听前预测听前预测表示建议的句型:表示建议的句型: Why dont you How / What about .Close your book.1. Who was the winner last year? A. Tony B. Daming C.He Zhong2. Where is Tonys real home town? A. Beijing B. Cambridge C. London3. What does Daming suggest Tony should do? A. Take some photos of Beijing B. Fly kites with Chinese kids. C. Read a Chinese Menu.ListeningListen and choose获胜第四步:听建议获胜第四步:听建议Before listening, we should do a prediction. 听前预测听前预测1. Who was the winner last year? A. Tony B. Daming C.He Zhong1. 2. Where is Tonys real home town? A. Beijing B. Cambridge C. London3. What does Daming suggest Tony should do?1. A. Take some photos of Beijing.2. B. Fly kites with Chinese kids. C. Read a Chinese Menu.ListeningListen and choose获胜第四步:听建议获胜第四步:听建议Before listening, we should do a prediction. 听前预测听前预测Read correctly 准确地准确地Read loudly 响亮地响亮地Read fluently 流利地流利地Read beautifully 优美地优美地ReadingHe Zhong1. Hes the boy _ won the photo competition last year.2. The one _ took photos at the school dance.3. _, hes really good.Damings advice1.I have a feeling _ we can solve these little_.2. _ choose the _ Home and Away?3. Take photos of Beijing and _ some photos of Cambridge.Tonysidea1. A photo of my cousin _ kites with the Chinese kids in the Summer Palace.2. And the one of him reading a Chinese _in Cambridge.The thing iswhowhothatsubjectaddmenudifficulties ConsolidationWhy dont you根据课文内容,完成句子。根据课文内容,完成句子。Close your book.flyingDaming: Are you going to enter the photo competition?Tony : _.Daming : What subject do you want to choose?Tony : _.Daming : The thing is, the general standard of the competition is much higher.Tony : _. I will beat the boy who won the competition last year.Daming: Why dont you add some photos of your hometown that you took recently. Tony: _. How about these two photos?Daming: Nice photos! _.A. The subject that Ive chosen is Home and Away.B. You bet.C. Im sure youre in with a chance!D. Thats a good idea.E. It doesnt matter.ConsolidationBAEDCDaming: Are you going to enter the photo competition?Tony : _.Daming : What subject do you want to choose?Tony : _.Daming : The thing is, the general standard of the competition is much higher.Tony : _. I will beat the boy who won the competition last year.Daming: Why dont you add some photos of your hometown that you took recently. Tony: _. How about these two photos?Daming: Nice photos! _.ConsolidationCan you recite the conversation? Lets have a try! A photo of his cousin flying kites with Chinese kids in the Summer PalaceA photo of his cousin reading the Chinese menu in Cambridge What can you learn from Tonys photos? Chinese people are very friendly and Chinese culture is very powerful !Expanding A powerful photo in our schoolExpanding A: Hi, are you going to enter the photo competition?B: You bet! A: What subject do you want to choose?B: _. A: Where When did you take it?B: It was taken in _ . The photo shows_.A: Nice photo! Why dont you call it _.B: Thats a good idea. Im sure Im in with a chance.Love in a bottleSpeaking获胜第五步:满怀信心获胜第五步:满怀信心show作品作品WhatWhereWhenWho What WhyCity and People our school in 2016a boy who helps a granny collect bottlesLove in a bottleSpeaking获胜第五步:满怀信心获胜第五步:满怀信心show作品作品A: Hi, are you going to enter the photo competition?B: You bet! A: What subject do you want to choose?B: _. A: Where When did you take it?B: It was taken in _ . The photo shows_.A: Nice photo! Why dont you call it _.B: Thats a good idea. Im sure Im in with a chanc Good ways to win a photo competition: Home and Away The photo shows a boy who . Hes the boy who won the photo competition. Why dont you You bet! Im sure youre in with a chance. Summary选主题选主题Subjects: 巧描述巧描述Descriptions: 知对手知对手Competitor: 听建议听建议Advice: 有信心有信心Confidence: 1. Write down the conversation about your photo. 2. Finish the exercise on P89.Homework 教学设计教学设计 ModuleModule 1111 PhotosPhotosUnitUnit 1 1 HeHe isis thethe boyboy whowho wonwon thethe photophoto competitioncompetition lastlast year.year.教材外研版英语九年级上册课题Module 11 Photos Unit 1 He is the boy who won the photo competition last year.课型听说课第一课时 Listening and speaking教材分析本模块以摄影比赛为话题,介绍了托尼参加摄影比赛拍照的经历和上届摄影比赛的结果。通过介绍和摄影相关的内容展示了定语从句 who 的用法,锻炼学生描述照片的语言表达方式,并由本单元展开的听说活动,给学生提供充足的体验和运用语言的机会。教学三维目标1.知识目标:掌握本课重点生词短语和句型;理解并能听懂 which 和 who 引导的定语从句。2.技能目标:能够用 that 和 who 引导的定语从句来描述自己所喜欢的东西。3.情感目标:培养学生善于观察生活中的美,健康的思想情操和爱家、爱国、爱学校的情感。教学内容1.生词短语:You bet, The thing is, general, standard, feeling, difficulty, subject, add, recently, be in with a chance, menu 2.句型: He is the boy who won the photo competition last year.教学重难点1.教学重点:掌握新授单词;学会使用由 who 引导的定语从句。2.教学难点:能够运用 that 和 who 引导的定语从句进行描述。学情分析1.本班学生的基础比较薄弱,但对英语还是保持较高热情,多数学生学习目的性明确,能主动加入讨论,听懂有关熟悉话题的语段,跟得上上课节奏。2.在上周学生已学过第十模块,基本掌握由 that 引导的定语从句,该课学习由who 引导的定语从句,与之前的课文内容承前启后,学生基本熟悉定语从句的用法。3.本课以摄影比赛为话题,介绍了托尼参加摄影比赛的决定以及摄影比赛的讨论过程。可能不是每个学生都参加过摄影比赛,但是几乎每个学生都会拍过照片。利用这一点激发学生学习的热情,让全班同学分享自己在日常生活中的照片。为了让学生能够学以致用,从学生角度出发,给学生印发了自己喜爱的相片,并设置了摄影比赛这个情景,他们将会积极投入到讨论中,让其真正学会在情境中描述自己的相片。授课方法任务型教学法,情境教学法。学法指导:个别提问,同桌对话,小组合作。教具准备多媒体教学设备,触屏白板,点读笔,学案教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图复习旧知,导入新课1.回顾旧知:模块十内容,由that 引导的定语从句。2.新课导读:图片,视频导入Show some beautiful photos.欣赏本班学生拍摄的相片视频合辑1.设置情景,引出本课主题(摄影比赛) 。2.激活背景知识。教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图新课讲授;听前活动 Pre-listening(导出任务,找到在摄影比赛中获胜的好办法。 )1.图文并茂,句中学词。(任务:选照片主题;学描述照片;知比赛对手)词汇:You bet, The thing is, general, standard, feeling, difficulty, subject, add, recently, be in with a chance, menu 句型: He is the boy who won the photo competition last year.学习并跟读新词与句型。1.重视基础,强化记忆。2.听前铺垫,做足准备。听力部分While-listening一听理解大意;二听捕捉细节。听对话,选择最佳答案。Which subject does Daming suggest Tony should choose?听对话,选择最佳答案。1.Who was the winner last year?2.Where is Tonys real home town?3.What does Daming suggest Tony should do? 引导学生听前学预测,选题抓技巧。听对话内容,选择最佳答案;举手个别提问。1.理解听力对话内容;2.学习策略指导:培养学生做听前预测,抓关键词。Reading aloud the dialogue带领学生欣赏文本,课文朗读。1.模仿跟读;2.全班齐读;3.角色扮演;朗读标准:正确、流利、大声、优美。Read and act out the dialogue大声朗读课文对话1.模仿课文朗读,培养学生英语语音语调;2.熟悉课文内容,为输出对话做好准备。Retell the dialogue复述对话,挖空训练。回忆朗读内容,读出挖空内容。1.回顾文本,复述课文。2.夯实基础,巧抓重点。听后巩固 Post-listeningConsolidation 精简内容,搭配中考五选五题型。独立练习,学习检测。1.自主探究,攻克难点。2.紧贴中考,精讲精练。Speaking对话输出;展示作品师生互动,生生交流。1.在课文人物中体验家乡和异乡的美丽;2.从熟悉背影中感悟四中 “聂广楷”榜样的力量;思考和感悟照片的魅力;分享自己喜爱的相片参加比赛。1.情感体验,主题升华。2.培养学生爱生活,爱校园,爱家乡的情感。3.学以致用,自信大胆show 作品。1.What subject 板书设计3.课堂生成,作品展示。Choose your favourite photo for the competition.A: Hi, are you going to enter the photo competition?B: You bet! A: What subject do you want to choose?B: A: Where When did you take it?B: It was taken in The photo shows.A: Nice photo! Why dont you call it B: Thats a good idea. Im sure Im in with a chance.Summary课后总结1.Home and Away 2.The photo shows a boy who . 3.Hes the boy who won the photo competition. 4.Why dont you 5.You bet! 6.Im sure youre in with a chance.回顾所学内容课堂小结Homework作业练习1. Write down the conversation about your photo. 2. Finish the exercise on P89.作业笔记巩固练习Module 11 Photos Unit 1 He is the boy who won the photo competition last year.Winner5.Im sure you are in with a chance4.Why dont you.3.Hes the boy who.2.Where When
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本文标题:Module 11 Photos-Unit 1 He’s the boy who won the photo competition last year!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:a0a58).zip

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