Module 12 Save our world-Unit 2 Repeat these three words dailyreduce, reuse and recycle.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:20dbe).zip


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九年级上册九年级上册 M12U2 学案设计学案设计Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.一、学习目标一、学习目标1. 学会使用句型提建议:1)We should/ shouldnt,because(原因)/so that (目的/结果)2)Dont do 2. 能深刻理解 reuse, recycle, reduce 并能分析案例,利用所学环保知识解决生活中的问题; 3能用所学句型写出有关环境保护,节约能源的文章。二、学习重难点:二、学习重难点:利用所学知识写出环保建议和与环保相关的文章三、学生课堂练习:三、学生课堂练习:(一)学生活动:课前看视频,讨论问题,为上课做准备(一)学生活动:课前看视频,讨论问题,为上课做准备(二)(二)Fast reading ( ) 1. The passage may come from _. A. a menu B. a dictionary C. a storybook D. a magazine ( ) 2. What is the passage talking about? A. We produce waste every day. B. We should reduce、reuse and recycle to make our world green. C. We can hope for the rapid change to save the world D. Divide rubbish into different groups.(3) Careful reading(1)Discussion: Which ways are good for the environment? Why or why not? (2). Discussion: Suppose (假如) you have a mobile phone, it is old but works well. Will you buy a new one? Why or why not? (3). We should divide the rubbish into _ _ _ _ (4).What does the word it refer to in the sentence “it is better than throwing things away or burning.”? (5). Whats the purpose of the writer? A. To introduce different kinds of pollution. B. To ask people to fight against pollution. C. To ask people to take actions to save the world.(四四) Post-readingSituation 1: Mrs Li likes shopping and she never brings her own bag. She buys new clothes every week, but when she gets home, she finds some are not beautiful, so she never wears them. Advice: _Situation2: Yesterday, Li Wei had dinner with his friends in the restaurant. They thought the china cups were dirty, so they used paper cups. And they ordered a lot of food, but they couldnt finish and then went home. Advice:_Situation3: Wang Ling is in Class 3. Every day, her classmates throw a lot of plastic bottles and paper into the dustbin(垃圾桶). She advises them to collect the waste and sell it to make money. But they dont listen to her. What should her do?Advice: _ Homework1. Finish the writingChoose one of the situations and write an e-mail to give advice to him or her. Dear .Hello, I am .I dont think you are green in your daily life. Here is some of my advice to help you. _If everyone can do something to our environment, we can save the world. I hope you can take my advice.2. Make a mind-map of how to be green. Discussion: What did they do? And what do you think of their behaviors?10 pointsThe result of the survey on Cloud Class (云课堂云课堂)How to be green in our daily life?12 Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.( ) 1. The passage may come from _. A. a menu B. a dictionary C. a storybook D. a magazine( ) 2. What is the passage talking about ? A. We produce waste everyday. B. We should reduce、reuse and recycle to make our world green C. We can hope for the rapid change to save the world D. Divide rubbish into different groups .5 pointsHow to be green? Repeat these three words daily: use againchange things into something else to be reusedmeans10 pointsHowto be green reducereuserecycle use less 1. Which ways are good for the environment? Why or why not?Reduce & Reuse Discussion: 1220 points34 2. Suppose (假如) you have a mobile phone, it is old but works well. Will you buy a new one? Why or why not ? Discussion: 20 pointsReduce & Reuse Recycle1. We should divide the rubbish into 2. What does the word it refer to in the sentence “it is better than throwing things away or burning.”? A. Use less B. Repair things C. Throw tons of rubbish away D. Change things into something elseplasticglasspaperrubber20 pointsThe writers opinion We cannot hope for rapid change, but lets take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.1. Whats the purpose of the writer? A. To introduce different kinds of pollution. B. To ask people to fight against pollution. C. To ask people to take actions to save the world.10 points Advice: _ Advice:_ Advice: _ Situation 1: Mrs. Li . Situation 2: Li Wei . Situation 3: Amy .Li WeiYou should bring your cloth bag when shopping because it can save energy.30 pointsAmyMrs LiHow to be green ReduceReuseRecycle Do not order . so that we can .Summary We should divide the rubbish into It is better to use because they can be Turn off theHow can we deal with the old things in our life?(生活魔法师生活魔法师) Show us your works and choose which one is the most creative, beautiful or useful. Everyone can do something to make our environment more beautiful. Writing Choose one of the situations and write an e-mail to give advice to him or her. Dear, Hello, I am. I dont think you are green in your daily life. Here is some of my advice to help you. _ If everyone can do something to our environment, we can save the world. I hope you can take my advice. .First of all, . Whats more, . Finally, .Homework reducereuserecycleHomework Howto be green 1) Finish the writing .2) Make a mind-map of other ways about how to be green.Homework Situation 1 Mrs. Li likes shopping and she never brings her own bag. She buys new clothes every week, but when she gets home, she finds some are not beautiful, so she never wears them. Advice: _ Situation 2 Yesterday, Li Wei had dinner with his friends in the restaurant. They thought the china cups were dirty, so they used paper cups. And they ordered a lot of food, but they couldnt finish and then went home. Advice:_ Situation 3 Wang Ling is in Class 3. Every day, her classmates throw a lot of plastic bottles and paper into the dustbin(垃圾桶). She advises them to collect the waste and sell it to make money. But they dont listen to her. What should her do? Advice:_ Module 12 Save the world Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. (Reading)一、教学目标一、教学目标语言知识目标语言知识目标: 1. 学会使用句型提建议:1)We should/ shouldnt,because(原因)/so that (目的/结果) 2)Dont do网】能力目标:能力目标:1. 能深刻理解 reuse, recycle, reduce 并能分析案例,利用所学环保知识解决生活中的问题; 2. 能用所学句型写出有关环境保护,节约能源的文章。情感态度:情感态度:通过阅读本文,增强学生的环保意识,并呼吁学生从身边小事做起,为保护环境尽自己的责任和义务。二、教学重难点:二、教学重难点: 1.深刻理解 reuse, recycle, reduce 并能分析案例,利用所学环保知识给人们提建议。 2运用所学知识写出有关环境保护,节约能源的文章。三、学情分析:、学情分析: 笔者所任教班级的学生是属于初三巩固班的,英语基础比较好,因此,本节课我主要是通过设置一些概括中心大意,推断作者意图及案件讨论等任务,来训练学生的深层阅读能力。另外,还通过设计一个读写结合的任务,来训练学生知识的运用能力。四、教学过程四、教学过程 教师课堂活动设计教师课堂活动设计【课前预习课前预习】1.课前熟读词汇,掌握发音 2. 查阅有关环保的文章, 为上课做准备。 3. 完成布置在云课堂上面的 Survey-“How green are you”。【课内探究课内探究】(一一) Pre-readingStep1: 播放以学生自己生活为题材的视频, 讨论问题, 导出“green”。Step2: 展示学生在云课堂上完成的 Survey“How green are you”的结果数据,引出“how can we be green”。Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.【设计意图:视频贴近学生生活,吸引学生兴趣;让学生讨论视频中不环保的现象,引出本节课话题-生活中的环保】 (二二) While-reading1Fast readingStep1: (1).The passage may come from _. (2). What is the passage talking about ?Step2: 教师引导学生初步了解本课三个重点单词:reduce,reuse, recycle 的意思。(引导学生关注文本中黑体字标题, 次标题及相应段落首句)2.Careful-readingStep 1: Read Paragraphs- Reduce & Reuse carefully and discuss(1)Discussion: Which ways are good for the environment? Why or why not? (2). Discussion: Suppose (假如) you have a mobile phone, it is old but works well. Will you buy a new one? Why or why not?(引导学生回归原文相应段落找答案)Step2: Read Paragraph- Recycle carefully and discuss(1). We should divide the rubbish into _ _ _ _(2). What does the word it refer to in the sentence “it is better than throwing things away or burn them?Step3: Read Paragraph- Recycle carefully and discuss the purpose of the writer(1). Whats the purpose of the writer?【设计意图:通过设置一些概括中心大意,推断作者意图及案件讨论等任务,来训练学生的深层阅读能力, 积累环保的建议和做法, 为分析案例和写作做准备】21 教育网教育网(三三) Post-readingStep 1: To discuss the situations in groups and help people be greenSituation 1: Mrs Li likes shopping and she never brings her own bag. She buys new clothes every week, but when she gets home, she finds some are not beautiful, so she never wears them. Advice: _1. ._Situation2: Yesterday, Li Wei had dinner with his friends in the restaurant. They thought the china cups were dirty ,so they used paper cups. And they ordered a lot of food, but they couldnt finish and then went home. Advice:_Situation3: Wang Ling is in Class 3. Every day, her classmates throw a lot of plastic bottles and paper into the dustbin(垃圾桶). She advises them to collect the waste and sell it to make money. But they dont listen to her. What should her do?Advice: _【设计意图:通过设置案件讨论任务,来训练学生环保知识的运用,为下文写作做准备】21(四四) Summary1Topic 2. Three suggestions 3. Sentences to give advice on how to be green(五五) Moral education 1. Show Time: to show your works made of old things in our life.2. Everyone can be a life magician to make our life more beautiful.【设计意图: 通过情感提升,呼吁学生从身边小事做起,为保护环境尽自己的责任和义务。】【课后提升课后提升】Homework1. Finish the writingChoose one of the situations and write an e-mail to give advice to him or her. Dear .,Hello, I am .I dont think you are green in your daily life. Here is some of my advice to help you. _If everyone can do something to our environment, we can save the world. I hope you can take my advice. 2. Make a mind-map of how to be green.板书设计板书设计M12U2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.Self-assessment 自我测评自我测评(1Worst; 5-Best)(课后完成并上交) Questions123451. I learned some new words: reduce, reuse , recycle, plastic, bottle and so on2. I learned how to be green in our daily life: reduce, reuse and recycle.3. I understood the main idea of the passage.4. I could discuss the cases with my partners and gave advice about how to be green.5. I could write a short passage about how to be green in our daily life.6. I could share my work with my group mates and showed it to the whole class. 7. I begin to enjoy reading.8. I was active in group work.教学反思教学反思本节阅读课以学生小组合作及自主探究学习为主,采用多种教学方法,并通过男女小组竞赛的方式来激发学生的积极性。另外,本节课的亮点在于阅读任务的巧妙设计。教师通过设计一些推断作者意图及案件讨论等任务,来训练学生的深层阅读能力。另外,从知识的输入到输出,教师在Post-reading 部分设计一个 Writing 及“变废为宝”的 Speaking 任务,来训练学生知识的运用能力。本节课学生的参与度及阅读兴趣都比较高,能初步理解“reuse, recycle, reduce” 的意思并能分析案例,利用所学环保知识解决生活中的问题,基本达到了教学目标。以下谈谈本人在教学中的一些感受:1. “循序渐进,分类归纳,化繁为简”。在阅读教学中,教师设计的阅读任务应该从易到难,素材应尽量贴近学生的生活,考虑学生的“最近发展区”, 因材施教,切莫“满堂灌”。2. “化枯燥为生动”。教师可通过采用多元化的教学方法来进行阅读教学,例如思维导图,案例分析及口头秀等。本节课学生对“案例分析”及“变废为宝的手工展示” 很感兴趣, 因此气氛很活跃,学习效率提高了。3. “培养学生阅读素养”让阅读成为学生的一个习惯。在阅读教学过程中,教师可以添加一些课外阅读,拓展学生的视野。另外,在课后活动设计中,可以安排一年一度的 “英文阅读节”; 每月进行一次“英文绘本大分享”以及鼓励学生每人带 23 本英文杂志或绘本回班里形成“班级英文图书角”, 达到资源共享。4. “让阅读动起来”。阅读的学习最终回归于语言的运用,因此在教学过程中,教师应注重学生语言运用能力的培养,安排“以读促写”及“以读促说”等任务让学生运用目标语言。例如,本节课教师安排了“案例分析”、“小绿人”及“生活魔术师”等活动。这样不仅激发了学生的阅读兴趣,还锻炼了学生知识的运用能力。5. “双评”。 师生共评,不仅能让学生清楚地了解自己的学习情况,而且方便教师更全面地检测课堂教学效果,根据学生的反馈及时调整教学计划。教学是一门不完美的艺术,本节阅读课虽然设计新颖,基本达到教学目标,但本人觉得自己在课堂调控能力及课堂指令方面还有待加强,希望在以后教学过程中能不断成熟及进步!
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Module 12 Save our world_Unit Repeat these three words daily reduce reuse and recycle._ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_省级公开课_外研版九年级上册英语(编号:20dbe) 外研版
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本文标题:Module 12 Save our world-Unit 2 Repeat these three words dailyreduce, reuse and recycle.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:20dbe).zip

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