Module 3 Heroes-Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-外研版九年级上册英语(编号:71bd0).zip


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Unit 2There were few doctores, so he had to work very hard on his own.他独自一人他独自一人 adj. 加拿大的加拿大的; 加拿大人的加拿大人的/knd/kneidin/Task 1 Dr Norman Bethune comes from _ , and he is_. CanadianCanadianCanadaCanadaDr Norman Bethune诺诺曼曼.白求恩白求恩beju:n sick soldierswar treat v. 医治医治; 治疗治疗 wound n. 伤伤; 伤口伤口do/have an operationoperate /p ,reit/He _ on the wounded soldier so that he could get better soon./,prein/did an operationv. 手术手术n.手术手术Name: Norman BethuneNationality: _Be born in: _Became a doctor in: _ Came to China in: _Canada189019161938ScanScan thethe passagepassage andand fillfill inin thethe blanks.blanks.Task 1PartPart one:one:PartPart two:two:PartPart three:three:ParagraphParagraph 1 1ParagraphParagraph 2,2, 3,43,4ParagraphParagraph 5 5What do we think of him?Task 2SkimSkim thethe passagepassage andand dividedivide it it intointo 3 3 he did Why do we remember him?1.Dr. Norman Bethune wasnt from_. He wasnt _. China ChineseCanadaCanadian2.He was from_. He was _. 3.He _ _ the Chinese people.died for为为而死而死Task 3lwhen lWhat to do lin 1890lin 1916lin 1936llaterbebe bornborn becomebecome a a doctordoctor 1. 1.developdevelop newnew waysways ofof takingtaking carecare ofof thethe sicksick2.2.inventinvent specialspecial medicalmedical toolstools gogo toto Spain;Spain; treattreat thethe woundedwounded soldierssoldiers 1.When1.When diddid NormanNorman BethuneBethune comecome toto ChinaChina ? ?A.A. InIn 1890.1890. B.B. InIn 19161916 C.C. InIn 19381938 2 2.He.He camecame toto ChinaChina toto treattreat thethe woundedwounded. .A.A. A.A. 对待,看待对待,看待 B.B. 款待款待 C.C.治疗治疗3 3.He.He wrotewrote booksbooks soso thatthat ? ? A.A.DoctorsDoctors couldcould learnlearn aboutabout hishis treatments.treatments.A.A. B.B.HeHe couldcould bebe a a famousfamous writerwriterB.B. 4.4. HisHis experienceexperience inin SpainSpain waswas _ inin China.China.C.C. A.A. usefuluseful B.B. uselessuseless A A表示目的表示目的B B表示结果表示结果( )1.He once worked for 69 hours without stopping and managed to save less than a hundred lives. ( )2. One day in 1939, he cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work after treating it. In the end,he died of his wound.ReadRead andand choosechoose TT oror F.F. If If it it is is false,false, pleaseplease correctcorrect thethe sentence.sentence. oveover rFwithoutwithoutF最后,终于最后,终于死于死于.(.(内部原因内部原因) ) DrDr BethunesBethunes workwork _ thethe ChineseChinese peoplepeople _him_him_ inin China,China, andand nownow hehe _still_still _in_in bothboth CanadaCanada andand China.China.a heromaderememberedis使他成为英雄使他成为英雄被记住被记住fora) came to Chinab) wrote books about ways of treating the sick in Chinac) was born in 1890d) invented medical tools to use outside hospitalse) diedf) treated the wounded soldiers in Spain351462NumberNumber thethe eventsevents aboutabout NormanNorman BethuneBethune inin thethe orderorder theythey happened.happened.Task 4 Norman Bethune was (1)_, but he is one of the most famous heroes in China. During the (2)_ in Spain, he treated the wounded soldiers there. He invented special (3)_ to use o u t s i d e h o s p i t a l s . H i s (4)_saved many lives. In China, he (5)_ to treat(6)_ and wounded soldiers. CanadianwartoolsinventionscontinuedsickTask 5He often worked without taking a rest and did not look after (7)_ . At one point, he (8)_ to save over one hundred lives in sixty-nine hours. During an operation, he cut his finger, and finally died of his (9)_ . He is still remembered in both China and Canada.himselfwoundmanagedRetellRetell thethe passagepassage inin timetime order.order.lI n 1890l be bornlI n 1916lbecome a doctorlI n 1936lgo to Spain, treat the wounded soldierslLaterldevelop new ways of., invent special medical tools that., lI n 1938lcome to China,ldevelop training courses for.lwrite books so thatlOncelwork for 69 hours without.lmanage to save over 100 liveslI n 1939lcut his finger.continue. die of.lAfter he diedlhard worka hero be rememberedkey words:l on his own,die for, die of, in the end. Write a passage about Yuan Longping according to the facts in Activity 5(P21) 1Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hardon his own. Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching methodCommunicative approach Teaching aims:从白求恩的阅读材料中学习对英雄人物的写作Key vocabulary:Canadian,operation, sick, soldier, die for, wounded, war, realize, care, take care of , tool, invention, at the timeUseful phrase: in the end 最后,take care of 照顾,stop to do sth 停下来去做某事,stop doing sth.继续做某事die for 死于. Continue to do sth/ continue doing sth 继续做某事 perform operation on sb 某人做手术 Teaching aids: Tape recorder, OHP, pictures, handouts Teaching StepsStep 1:Warming-up 1. Lead in the topic by a picture and show the teaching aims to the Ss.2. Talk about the pictures. Ask the students to look at the pictures about heroes in different fields.3. Learn some new words and try to remember them.Step 2:Listening and vocabulary 1. Ask the students to list some heroes they have known before, and say some thing about them, such as their age, born, occupation, personal features, etc.2. Play the tape and have them read and follow. And then choose the best answer.Step 3:Explain the important and difficult points 1. Norman Bethune is one of Chinas most famous heroes. 曼曼白求恩是中国最有名白求恩是中国最有名 2的英雄之一的英雄之一,(1) one of +名词复数 意思是“之一” 如:Heroes was one of the best films at that year.英雄是那一年最好看的电影之一(2) hero 的复数形式是在词尾加 -es.相类似的还有:potatoes, tomatoes ,但应注意 photo, radio, video, 的复数形式为 photos, radios, videos2. There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard.(那里的那里的)医生很少医生很少,所以他的工所以他的工作很辛苦作很辛苦.so 在句中引导一个结果状语从句.它可以和 because 引导的原因状语从句互换.如:Our teacher worked too hard so she fell ill again.(=Our teacher fell ill again, because she worked too hard.)我们的老师工作太辛苦了,所以她又病倒了.3. Dr Bethune worked very hard without stopping to have a rest. 白求恩大夫不停歇地白求恩大夫不停歇地努力工作努力工作(1) without sb/sth/doing sth.如:I cant see without glasses .我没戴眼镜,看不见。Fish cant live without water .鱼没有水就不能活。He went to school without having breakfast.他没吃早餐就去上学了.(2) stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”,stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做某事”.如:When the teacher came in, the students stopped talking.老师进来时,学生们停止了说话.She stopped to have a look.她停下来看了看.4. he cut his finger during an operation, but he continued his work.在做手术期间他割伤在做手术期间他割伤了他的手指,但他继续工作。了他的手指,但他继续工作。 continue to do sth.表示继续做另一件事(发生改变)continue doing sth.表示继续做这一件事(没有发生改变)例句:(假设“我”原来做作业) I continue to do my homework. 我继续去做家务。 I continue doing my schoolwork. 我继续做作业。5. In the end, he died of his wound. 他因伤口感染而死。他因伤口感染而死。 3(1) die 意为“死”,表示生命的结束,是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态;强调动作,是间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如: His father died five years ago. 他父亲去世五年了。(2) die 可以用于进行时态,表示“即将死去;奄奄一息”。例如 He is dying. 他快要死了(3) 常用短语1) from 意为“由于而死” 一般常用于由外伤、衰老引起的死亡。例如: The old man died from a car accident last year. 这个老人去年死于一场车祸。2) die of 意思同 die from, 它一般指由于疾病、情感等原因引起的死亡。例如:His grandfather died of liver cancer in 1992. 他的祖父 1992 年死于肝癌.3) die out 意为“(家族、物种等)灭绝;绝迹”。例如:Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. 恐龙在六千五百万年前灭绝了。6. Bethune developed new ways of taking care of the sick 白求恩发现了一种新的照顾白求恩发现了一种新的照顾病人的方法。病人的方法。take care of 意思是“照顾,照料”,相当于 look after. 但应注意,当表示“好好照顾”时,要分别用 take good care of 或 look afterwell. 如:你们一定要照看好这些老人.You must take care of the old men well.= You must look after the old men well.Step 4:Exercise一、单词拼写:1._(加拿大人) comes from _(加拿大)2. The doctor has _(治疗) the old man .3 Dr Zhang _(发明) a new _(治疗) for cancer.4 A dictionary is a useful _(工具) for study. 45 Its our duty to join the _(军队) to protect our motherland.6 Youd better have an _(手术) immediately.7 He was injured in the _(医学的) accident.二、单项选择( )1.My mother asked me to _ to do my homework. A. stop playing B. stop to play C. stopping playing D. stopping to play( )2. He ever helps his classmates, so he has _friends. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( )3. He didnt know what was_ outside.A. happen B. happens C. happening D. happened( )4. She trained hard _ she could be a favourite singer. A. so B. so that C. because D. and ( )5. M r Lee told us an interesting story yesterday. It made all of us_. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing三、完成句子:1 Dr. Norman Bethune 是中国最有名的英雄之一_.2、他们没有休息,继续工作。They continued working _.3、最后,他们发明了新的治疗方法。_, they _a new treatment.4、最后,他因伤感感染而去世。In the end, he _his wound.5. 由于没有几个医生,所以他不得不努力工作。_. 5练习题答案:一、单词拼写 1. Canadian, Canada 2. treated 3. invented; treatment 4. tool 5. army 6. operation二、单项选择1-5 ACCBA三、完成句子1. Dr. Norman Bethune is one of the most famous heroes in China.2. without having a rest3. In the end, they invented4. died for5. There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.
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